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It's been about two months since I wrote one of these articles, but seeing as only two spots have remained the same, I thought it would be a good time to update it! Well, I hope you guys enjoy reading :)

13. Ariel
Previously: 12

Ariel is a great princess, no doubt, but when I think about it, nothing about her entices me. I can't really list a single thing I love about her. She's cute, yes, she's passionate, yes, she's adventurous and driven, yes, but I don't really care about those qualities. I suppose her naivety to the human world is endearing, but her irresponsible, rash, forgetful, reckless behavior leaves her at thirteenth.

12. Belle
Previously: 13

Despite moving up one spot my opinion of Belle is still pretty lukewarm. I think she's a nice princess, compassionate for sure, and she's definitely got a lot of redeeming, interesting qualities, but it doesn't come all together for me. To be honest, it seems they were trying to construct the perfect princess with Belle; loves to read, is kind, yet sassy, compassionate, yet stubborn, beautiful, yet doesn't realize she's beautiful, an outcast, and so on. I can see why people would love Belle, but she just isn't my cup of tea.

11. Rapunzel
Previously: 6

Rapunzel was my favorite princess not too long ago, but all she's done is drop. I've realized that I don't actually like too much of Rapunzel's character. I love her character development, and I wish they focused more on her insecurity. I find her enjoyable to watch, but a tad too constructed and, like Belle, a bit too perfect. She just seems less natural than the other princesses sadly.

10. Mulan
Previously: 7

Unlike my bottom three, I have little to no complaints about Mulan. I actually really love Mulan, she's the princess I most relate to! I love her wanting to please her parents, her flaws, and everything about her. Sadly, as the movie goes on, I lose interest in her. Maybe it's the fact that she's in an intense setting, war, but I just lose that attachment that I felt towards her at the beginning of the movie.

9. Tiana
Previously: 5

At the moment Tiana and Mulan are tied on my list, but I put Tiana one spot higher due to the diversity she brings to the line up (and I don't mean skin color). She's just a breath of fresh air compared to the other princesses. She's so real, so different, but to be honest, that might be why she's so low. She's a bit too realistic for me, too hard working, too much of a party pooper. I love her development, but she just falls flat.

8. Jasmine
Previously: 8

Jasmine is amazing. I love how multilayered Jasmine is and how she's so much more than the eye first see. I love how forgiving she is to Aladdin, how kind she is to the boy in the marketplace, how she tries to be helpful, but can fail at times. I love her flaws, how they ground her and make her very well rounded. I really have no complaints about Jasmine, none whatsoever, but she simply isn't higher because I slightly prefer those above her.

7. Cinderella
Previously: 11

Cinderella has spent the majority of her time at the bottom of my list, for a long time being my least favorite in fact, but I have a feeling she's here to stay. I love Cinderella's dreaminess, her optimism, yet moments of weakness in her faith of her dreams, her bitterness, which I wish we saw more of. I do have some problems with Cinderella's character, but each time I watch her movie I love her more and more.

6. Elsa
Previously: 2

Deciding sixth place was tough, but at the moment it belongs to Elsa. I really love how Elsa is poised, regal, elegant, but there's more to her than that. I love how Elsa has a tough time dealing with her emotions, always bottling them up, and has a tough time confronting problems. I can really relate to Elsa in that sense. I do have some problem's with Elsa, namely that her powers shaped her personality, and we don't know if she was outgoing outside of her powers, but the princess we do see is a princess I really love and enjoy.

5. Merida
Previously: 10

The fact that Merida is now in my top five is pretty insane to me. I always thought that she'd be low on my list, but somehow she crept her way up here. I really love Merida's character development, it's just so touching and beautiful and really leaves a huge impact on me. I find her to be such an organic, interesting character who I always enjoy while she's on screen. She's a bit too rash and irresponsible for my liking, but I just really have fell in love with her.

4. Anna
Previously: 9

Anna! Anna is such an amazing character to me, her insecurity , her selflessness, her wanting to be loved, her awkwardness, her failing at things, all of it just makes her a really organic character who I can really relate to and love. I love how Anna is a very admirable, loving princess, yet her quirks and flaws ground her from seeming too over the top and perfect.

3. Pocahontas
Previously: 4

It saddens me I can't move Pocahontas even higher, but she can't beat my top two. Pocahontas is such an amazing character and I have a feeling my top three is locked down for a long time. I really can relate to Pocahontas's indecisiveness and I find the journey that she goes on within herself is very beautiful. I love how she's a good balance of mature and childish, and how she is wise, yet struggles to see things staring her directly in the face.

2. Snow White
Previously: 3

A month or so ago I went on a Snow White craze and ever since she's been locked into my top two. I love Snow's optimism, a trait I seriously lack, I love her mocking and playful relationship she has with Grumpy, I love her motherly, caring nature she has with the dwarfs, I love how a part of her wants everyone to love her since she's insecure about never being loved by anyone all her life. I just love everything about her and seeing her immediately puts a smile on my face.

1. Aurora
Previously: 1

At least this spot didn't change! Aurora is the princess closest to my heart, and I have a feeling it'll always be that way. I love how Aurora is very mature, selfless, and strong, but also playful, tricky, and imaginative. She has a very sneaky nature and sense of mysteriousness that I'm just drawn to, and although we don't spend much time with her, the time we do is amazing. I love how she's so comfortable with the animals, and how she plays around with them, but around Phillip she's shy and awkward. I love how she's indecisive, which I can relate to, and how she doesn't want to be treated like a child, another thing I can relate to. I love how she has a tough time telling her aunt's how she really feels, and how she can be slightly pessimistic. All in all, Aurora is amazing; she's got a great personality in the little time we see it, and I relate to her a lot.

Well, that's it! Thanks for reading my article and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it! :)
posted by disneyfan500
Someone told me this was a good place to start when it came to writing articles. Thankyou PPGBELLE4. I hope to get more creative later on.

#10: Mulan: I love how she is kind, self-reliant, and stong-hearted. I love that she is clumsy and a complete tomboy. I can relate to her that way. I myself am very clumsy and somewhat of a tomboy. I think she is fairly pretty. I love the color of her black hair but I find it a tad plain. I love the shape of Mulans eyes and I think her eyes are one of the prettiest physical features Mulan has. I find her lips a little blah. I wish they had a little color...
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Here they are! My top favorite Disney Princess Couples!!

10) Mulan and Shang
I know I seem like I'm sipping Mulan-Flavored Haterade, but I genuinely don't dislike the movie. It's entertaining and hearing the music puts me in ninja-mode, but the romance is not only unnecessary, it's also unconvincing. Mulan and Shang both seem infinitely lovable (after all, lots of guys like women who can kick their asses,) but I just don't buy it. Is it funny? Sort of. Is it convincing? Definitely not.

9) Snow White and the Prince
You can't get some things right immediately, I suppose. The prince's song is...
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(FYI: If you're wondering, which your probably not but I'm gonna say this anyway, I'm gonna pretend that Beast's name is "Beast" cause I'm lazy and I don't want to give him a name.)

Chapter 2: Unlocking the Mystery

The first to arrive was Prince. Once he materialized from his cross dimension state, he slowly stood up from a kneeling position. Although highly suspicious and confused, he calmly surveyed the area. He was in a dimmly lit room half the size of a standard ball room. The walls were made of stainless steel and there were no windows, only a ten foot door.
Prince hesitated to move closer...
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I feel that Sleeping Beauty is overlooked on this website. It is not the best Disney movie in my opinion but one of the best Disney movies from the Walt era. There a def some flaws in the movie, like Aurora doesn't talk much for most of the movie and there is a reason, the backgrounds interfered w/ the characters so that's why there is no talking during parts of the movie. I do love the backgrounds tho. This movie was ahead of its time. Considering how the technology wasn't as good back then there were still able to make these gorgeous backgrounds. Maleficent is another reason why this is one of the best Dinsey movies from the Walt era. Overall Sleeping Beauty is not the greatest Disney movie but its not the worst.
I LOVE the Disney Princess. And, like the nerd I am, I did a little research on thier true stories. And i've got to say...


Freaky stuff people! Maybe i'm just cursed for being a modern teenage girl, but I find some of the stuff in the tales unbelievable! Here's just a sampler. I get most of the info from Wikipedia. Not really a reliable resource, I know. But it's all i'm going on right now!

1. The Little Mermaid
SOURCE: link

*The Mermaid does take the potion from the sea witch, but it says that her feet will ache and bleed every time she dances.

*Her sisters trade thier hair to the...
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posted by deathchick9
(Pics at the bottom)

9.Cinderella. This movie I'm not to fond of yes it's magical and shit but I found(even when i was little) It didn't have enough action or comedy to suit my movie pallet.

8.Snow White. I do like this movie however Snow white is too innocent and doesn't do much other then cook and clean.

7.Sleeping Beauty. This movie had a lot of action and magic but I found it slightly boring not to say it is but Aurora dosn't do much except sleep.

6.Pocahontas. This one had more action then the others and comedy but was lacking the perfect happy ending you'd like to see in a princess movie....
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I figured everyone else is doing it, so...here are mine! Sorry about the pictures. :(

9. Pocahontas

I just have no connection to her. She's a little dull, she's a hypocrite, and I have no special connection to her movie. I don't even find her that pretty.

8. Cinderella

I love her! she's fabulous, but I like the others slightly better

7. Aurora

I've always really liked Aurora. Most people on this site claim she has no personality, mostly because of the amount of screentime she was given, but I think she has a fabulous personality! She's a dreamy, romantic-type girl, and I love her. :)

6. Belle

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Remember those picks I made about food a couple weeks ago? If not then click on the link at the bottom.

I've just decided to display the results.

The Top 9 movies with the yummiest selection of food
1.Beauty and the Beast
2.Cinderella 1 & 2
3.Princess and the Frog
5.Snow White
7.Sleeping Beauty
9.The Little Mermaid
The yummiest from Beauty and the Beast is...... French Bread
The yummiest from Beauty and the Beast is...... French Bread
The Yummiest from Cinderella 1 & 2 is... Chocolate Pudding
The Yummiest from Cinderella 1 & 2 is... Chocolate Pudding
The yummiest from Princess and the Frog is... Fried Sough with Honey
The yummiest from Princess and the Frog is... Fried Sough with Honey
The yummiest from Mulan is... Watermelon
The yummiest from Mulan is... Watermelon
The yummiest from Snow White is... Apple pie
The yummiest from Snow White is... Apple pie
The yummiest from Aladdin is... French Fries
The yummiest from Aladdin is... French Fries
The yummiest from Slerpping Beauty... Cake
The yummiest from Slerpping Beauty... Cake
The yummiest from Pocahontas is... Turkey Legs
The yummiest from Pocahontas is... Turkey Legs
Apparently most fanpoppers don't like seafood. But anyways the Yummiest food from the Little Mermaid is... Wedding cake
Apparently most fanpoppers don't like seafood. But anyways the Yummiest food from the Little Mermaid is... Wedding cake
posted by KataraLover
The princesses have finally arived to the castle of darkness what will happen lets find out. "Oh my this castle is creepy more scary than the forbidden mountains" said Aurora. "Oh I'm scared" said Snow White. "I know your scared we're all scared but we have to go and save our princes" said Ariel. "Well how are we gonna find a way in other than useing the front door" said Mulan. "Well maybe there's a way under" said Belle. "Or maybe a secret path" said Tiana. "Or maybe a magic lever" said Jasmine. "Or maybe we could climb" said Pocahontas. "Or we could go threw the front entrance and sneak past...
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posted by TotallyMe105
Have you ever noticed how careful everything in a Disney movie was drawn and crafted?
Ever notice how even things in the background look beautiful even if they werent the main focus...Disney strive to make them...

I realized this one day while watching my copy of "Beauty and The Beast" (Which I have seen 10000 times) But when you see a movie so much you pay attention more...and even if some of us agree Belle changes throughout the movie look behind her.

All the scenary all the talking of the townspeople was all drawn....think about that every single second of that movie was a seperate...
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posted by moulan
Grimm's Fairy Tale version - translated by Margaret Hunt - language modernized a bit by Leanne Guenther

Long ago there lived a King and Queen who said every day, "If only we had a child!" But for a long time they had none.

One day, as the Queen was bathing in a spring and dreaming of a child, a frog crept out of the water and said to her, "Your wish shall be fulfilled. Before a year has passed you shall bring a daughter into the world."

And since frogs are such magical creatures, it was no surprise that before a year had passed the Queen had a baby girl. The child was so beautiful and sweet that...
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added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
Source: SorceressDream/deviantart
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
posted by madisonsavanna
Yeah, it has been switched around a lot, again lol. Sorry this article isn't that good, and it's short.

What I love most about rivers is you can't step in the same river twice
What I love most about rivers is you can't step in the same river twice

She's stayed the same, IDK, there's nothing wrong with her really except she kind of bores me

People down here think I'm crazy, but I don't care
People down here think I'm crazy, but I don't care

No where else to put her, really

7)Snow White
Life flows along with a smile and a song
Life flows along with a smile and a song


Now I'm not gonna write anything, sorry, I'm tired :P

Somehow I cannot hide who I am, though I've tried
Somehow I cannot hide who I am, though I've tried

I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, I want it more than I can tell
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, I want it more than I can tell

I can't go back to where I used to be
I can't go back to where I used to be

Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come shining through
Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come shining through

I'm ready to stand
I'm ready to stand

I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
added by kelseyjayne25
added by disneyprince
Source: Disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by purplevampire