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Hello sweeties! So, I was sitting at my computer, looking at gorgeous gifs of the princesses on tumblr, when I had an idea. What better way to procrastinate essays that are due tomorrow than by writing an article! So, that's exactly what I'm going to do. And the article I'm going to be writing, you lovely reader you, is a prettiest princess article! Yeah, it's probably one of the most over done articles on this spot, but it's like a right of passage that you have to complete to be a "true fan". Just a heads up, all of the princesses are beautiful, so don't scream at me for having *insert princess here* really low. So, I'm going to dive right in, and cut the chatter, because you're probably really bored with my ramblings anyway. Let's get started! XD

13. Snow White
Snow White is most people's choice for their least pretty princess, and honestly I can see why. She's cute, I'll give her that, but there isn't much else I can say in favor of her beauty without saying the word cute over and over. Because all she is to me is cute. Nothing more nothing less. I like the contrast with her colours, what with pale skin, black hair, and red lips, and those colours would look gorgeous on another character, but with Snowy, her facial features just put me off. Plus, I really don't like her hair style. It's just... weird. But, I do like her smile! It's probably my favorite thing about her, appearance-wise. I love how it just lights up the room, and makes you want to smile! Overall, Snow is cute(see I did again), but a bit too young to be thought of as "beautiful".
Best shot of Snow- bottom middle, running from huntsman.
Best shot of Snow- bottom middle, running from huntsman.

12. Mulan
I feel horrible for having Mulan this low, because she's so underrated when it comes to looks, but I do feel that it's the best place for her. I love her hair, she has a rocking body, and I LOVE how she looks in the matchmaker scene (best scene for her looks, by FAR), but I don't really like her smile or eyes, and wish that she wasn't dressed up as a man for the amount of time she was in the movie. Of course, if she didn't, then we wouldn't have a movie, but still. Again, though, I love how she looks in the matchmaker scene, there isn't a single second that she isn't beautiful then, but in the rest of the movie, I don't really see her beauty.
Best shot of Mulan- Top right, matchmaker dress.
Best shot of Mulan- Top right, matchmaker dress.

11. Belle
I know, I know, I'm absolutely insane, but put down your pitchforks and torches and hear me out. I find Belle to be really, really plain when it comes to looks. Barely anything about her stands out to me (besides her eyes, which I'll get to later), and the inconsistent animation doesn't help much either. She has awful hair, a weird nose, and I know that like everyone adores her lips, but I never got the big whoop about them. The thing that stops her from the bottom spot are her eyes. I love, no, I ADORE Belle's eyes. They're perfectly shaped, always look lovely, have nice lashes, and have one of the best eye colors ever, hazel! So overall, I find her to be plain, but I love her eyes, which are her saving grace on my list.
Best shot of Belle- Top left, mocking Gaston
Best shot of Belle- Top left, mocking Gaston

10. Ariel
So, apparently, back in the days of ancient Fanpop, besides being the fan favorite, Ariel was Fanpop's beauty queen. And in all honesty, I don't see it. She has some great scenes (when she first meets Eric, Part of Your World) but most of the time she looks really childish. I also don't like her eyes and bangs, and think her forehead is way too big. But, I can't be all negative! I love her smile and lips, they're way better than Belle's imo, and just light up a room. I also love her hair, it's an odd shade of red, but I can't help loving it! It just looks so soft and silky, and I want to run my hands through it. Overall, Ariel is very pretty, but certain things about her makes me put her lower.
Best shot of Ariel- Bottom left.
Best shot of Ariel- Bottom left.

These are the princesses I think are absolutely stunning.

9. Pocahontas
Poca! What happened?! Well, even though Pocahontas was once in my top 5, it seems her beauty has worn off on me. Even though she has a perfect body, fantastic hair, and soulful eyes, she's still at ninth. The reason she's down so low is because she has some really bad shots. Her nose looks off in a lot of them, and sometimes it even looks like Voldemort! Her eyes also look odd sometimes, and they have an odd shapes. She also has fish lips, I'm not gonna lie. But, the shots that she does look good in look so darn good that she just has to be up here.
Best shot of Poca- Top middle, smiling at Flit
Best shot of Poca- Top middle, smiling at Flit

8. Rapunzel
Rapunzel is really underrated on Fanpop when it comes to her looks, and honestly, I just don't see why. "She's just cute", is the main reason people have her low, and I'm just like excuse me? But, anyway, I think she's stunning. The light always falls on her perfectly, her eyes may be big, but they're so detailed, and green! :D Her face is always so full of emotion, I just love how expressive she is. However, I do not like her blonde hair, at least when it's loose. It just looks flat and lifeless (funny, because it brings life. :P). But her brown hair, oh my gosh, I love it! Maybe it's because I love short hair, or spiky hair, but this is one of my favorite hairstyles!
Best shot of Rapunzel- Bottom middle, smirking at Flynn
Best shot of Rapunzel- Bottom middle, smirking at Flynn

7. Tiana
Ahh, Tiana. The rigging you get on polls has given you a bad name, but many still love your beauty, myself included. She probably has the best body of the princesses after Poca, plus an amazing smile. I mean, she has dimples. DIMPLES! XD This doesn't mean she isn't without flaws, though. For one, her hair. It is so boring! They could have let it out at least once, maybe at the end of the movie, to show that she's changed and is able to let her hair down, physically and metaphorically, but nope. It's just buns and ponytails. I feel a bit hypocritical saying this though, seeing as I wear ponytails and buns all the time. But I digress. Also, I'm not a fan of her eyes. I always thought they were a weird colour. Her nose is also really wide, but that's expected, of course, plus she can rock it.
Best shot of Tia- top right, masquerade costume
Best shot of Tia- top right, masquerade costume

6. Elsa
With all the hate Elsa's been getting recently, I'd like to talk about something positive: her beauty! I used to think that Elsa was the prettiest DP, and though she's dropped, I still stand by the fact that she's absolutely gorgeous. Her hair is silky and a gorgeous shade of white blonde, her skin is a beautiful pale and lightly dusted with freckles, and she has a serene smile. She also has deep, beautiful eyes, with a vibrant shade of blue. She wears makeup, but that doesn't make her fake or unnatural, because she is still a natural beauty. Plus, she rocks the eyeshadow. I actually have no complaints about her, I just find my top 5 to be more beautiful.
Best shot of Elsa- Very middle, smiling at Anna
Best shot of Elsa- Very middle, smiling at Anna

5. Cinderella
So, she and Elsa are constantly switching, but for right now, she's my number five. So, what do I like about Cindy? She's basically perfect. She has a sweet smile, a cute nose, creamy skin, and *gasp* beautiful hair. That's right, I love Cindy's hair! It looks so soft and manageable, with a really nice burnt orange colour (It isn't blonde, marketers!) The only thing I dislike is her eyes, which is why I'm thinking of moving her to 6th. As I said in my favorite DP eyes article, "Her eyes are a really pretty color. They are an amazing shade of blue, and... well, that's about all I like about them. The shape of them is really weird, and in a lot of shots, they are just plain creepy. In the third movie they are quite pretty, but for the first movie, they are just weird. " So, yeah. Cindy is a classic beauty, who deserves a high spot.
Best shot of Cindy- Bottom middle, "music" lesson
Best shot of Cindy- Bottom middle, "music" lesson

4. Jasmine
It's basically a fact that Jasmine is the sexiest of the Disney Princesses, and I wouldn't disagree. With her flowing black hair, large eyes, and sensual body, she's certainly a sight to be seen. Her smile and lips are to die for, as well. Plus, she has an awesome nose. Why does no one talk about her nose? It's beautiful! Plus she has an amazing skintone, seriously, so beautiful. Jasmine reminds me of a goddess actually, and a lot of people might agree.
Best shot of Jasmine- top right
Best shot of Jasmine- top right

3. Anna
*sounds of people screaming at my bias* No, I am not bias for putting her this high, I actually think she deserves this high a spot. Many people say that she's the cute one out of her and Elsa, but she is gorgeous. She has beautiful cerulean eyes, a sweet smile, the most adorable nose, and the best freckles on any animated character! She looks especially beautiful in her coronation gown, because it perfectly compliments her skin tone and shows off her freckles. Unlike most people, I really like her hair, I think it's a really nice shade and I love the white streak. In my opinion, though, it looks best when it's white. It just compliments her beautifully and makes her look almost magical.
Best shot of Anna- Top Right, trying to get out of palace.
Best shot of Anna- Top Right, trying to get out of palace.

2. Aurora
Okay, just going to say, they ruined her looks in the redesigns. Like no. But, that isn't what we're talking about, so let's go to the actual movie. Mmkay, she is basically what I imagine Aphrodite looking like in a human form. Her hair is so freaking pretty, like oh my god, who is her stylist? I just want to touch it and brush it, it's so perfectly curled and ugh. I just can't. I also really like her chin and jawline, it's so pointy but she works it. Ooh, and her smile is really sexy and gorgeous, like all of the classic princess's are. She's absolutely gorgeous, but there's just one more princess I find prettier...
Best shot of Aurora- Top left
Best shot of Aurora- Top left

And our number 1 is....

1. Merida
*Crowd gasps* *babies cry and mothers scream* Yup, you heard it here folks, I think Merida is prettier than the likes of Aurora, Elsa, and Jasmine. Combined. Well, maybe not combined. But before you begin your hate filled rant comments of horror, here me out. I used to think Merida wasn't very attractive. I mean, I loved her hair, of course, but other than that...? I didn't see it. But after rewatching (and rewatching and rewatching) Brave, I started seeing it in her eyes, and her smile. And now, I think she is perfection. Her eyes are my favorite out of the princesses, they're such a striking color and shape, and her hair, of course, is amazingly animated. Another thing I love about her that not many people talk about is her smile. It's just so freaking cute! A lot of people think that she has a weird facial shape, but I like it, it suits her.
Best shot of Merida- All!
Best shot of Merida- All!

Thank you for reading! I hoped you enjoyed reading this, and leave a comment if you agree with anything! Or if you don't, that's good too lol.
Cinderella rushed downstairs to show her ballgown to her stepmother and stepsisters and the stepmother was impressed, but the stepsisters wheren't impressed, they tore the dress to pieces until the stepmother called them to her and so they left without Cinderella. Alexandra and Etica had seen what had happened so they went out to the garden where Cinderella was and she was heartbroken, but Alexandra tried to make her happier.
"We can make a new and better ballgown for you and we can fix a new hairstyle so that the stepmother and stepsisters won't notice you", she told Cinderella.
"That sounds...
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posted by starlight77
Lizzie was making great time. Ben's horse had been galloping the whole way back to Bayern. The only time they had slowed down was when they ran into a very old woman with a black cloak. Now it was almost daybreak and they were getting close to the parts of the woods that Lizzie was familiar with. Soon they were at the fence by the practice field and Lizzie was back on the palace grounds. She rode onto the practice field and jumped off the horse when she saw a stable hand and gave him the horse. The stable hand looked confused but Lizzie didn't have time. She ran towards the palace and took...
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*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
Dear Diary,
  Life couldn't be sweeter. I'm five months pregnant now. I don't feel sick anymore. My stomach grows a little bigger each day, and the child in it grows stronger. Auguste swears it's a boy, but he doesn't know anything! My heart tells me it's a girl. A sweet little daughter. I have always longed to have a little girl to read my favorite stories to, and share secrets with. She will be my best friend. I cannot wait to meet her. To hold her in my arms. To take in her sweet smell. To kiss her precious face. I can't wait to love her. Auguste makes fun of me, but lately I have started...
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posted by starlight77
Lizzie wondered how she hadn't thought of this before. Sure it was a bit of a leap of faith but she had no where else to go. She had read the books and been up and down the ladder about a hundred times and still had not found much of a clue. She climbed up the ladder and picked up the last book. It was her last hope that she had. Then it was there!

"The tale that I had always thought was simply a child's tale is true. Last week I went on a hunting trip with several of my closest friends near the kingdom of Corona. I went off on my own for a moment to find a drink of water. When I got off of...
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posted by LisaForde2
Tangled rocks
Tangled rocks
First name: Lisa
Country of Orgin:Ireland(im a Galway girl)

Favourite Movie: OMG I am in love with Tangled I have the dolls and posters of that movie. I dunno why I love it so much but I love the story and the characters. It’s a real love story and its got a very powerful message to girls which is never trust strangers and you may have to give up something.

Education: I went to primary school and secondary school. But im doing nothing now im so bored.

Music: I love RnB,Pop. I love Carrie Underwood, Mandy Moore,JoJo,Rihanna,Christina Aguilera.

Books: None I am a serious movie nerd

Movies: I love...
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Scene 26- The Rejectin Roads... Or Revolution(Or was it the other way around)?

Narrator: *Whispers* And so, we here have our heroes(And nonheroes), going through these dangerous... *Normal tone* Oh forget this I'm tired of doing this crap!

Kid 1: Okay everyone, line up in a single... uh, line, and don't stay behind or shove other people.

Kid 2: Yea, you could make someone fall into 'The holes of...' of...

Kid 1: '...Hell'

Kid 2: Oh yea, 'The holes of hell'. Now where was I? Oh yea, otherwise U would-

*Rodney raises his hand*

Kid 1 + 2: *Whisper yells* WHAT?

Rodney: Where's the closest bathroom in the...
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Facebook
12. Snow White- Dwarfs
11.Mulan- Mushu
10.Tiana -Charlotte/Animals
7.Pocahontas-Meeko and Flin
6. Cinderella-Mice
5. Moana-HeiHei and Pua
4. Aurora-3 fairies
3. Ariel-Flounder and Sebastian
2. Belle-Magic items
1. Jasmine-Genie, Carpet, Abu and Iago (in sequel, prequel and TV series)
added by VanillaSonata
added by VanillaSonata
added by jlhfan624
Source: everythingwaltdisney @ tumblr
added by jlhfan624
Source: capped by me
added by jlhfan624
Source: capped by me
1. Congrats on winning Fan of the Month! How does it feel?
I am genuinely shocked. This proves that other Disney Princess Fans actually enjoy my polls, and I'm happy in general when someone enjoys my work.

2. One of the biggest reasons you won was because of your Wardrobe Countdowns, what gave you the idea to start it?
This idea is actually from MaidofOrleans, and I just wanted to give it a little update, since we got Moana and Frozen 2 and I also wanted to include heroines like Esmeralda and Meg.

3. How did you find this spot and what made you want to join?
I enjoy participating in polls and I...
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1. Congratulations on winning Fan of the Month How does it feel?

I was kind of surprised that I got it now and not in one of the months in which I was way more active, but I feel very honored. Thanks to everyone who voted for me.

2. Who was your favorite princess when you were a child? Why?

When I was a child, the Disney Princess franchise wasn't a thing yet, so that's not really something I asked myself, but in hindsight, it was most likely Cinderella.

3. Who is your favorite princess now? Why?

Rapunzel, though I feel particularly protective about Mulan, too. What I like is their inner strength....
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Princesses love to sing! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re looking at the best songs performed by Disney princesses. For this list, we’ll be including both official and unofficial princesses, as well as extending our criteria…
top 30
disney princess
added by IsisRain
Source: disney.co.jp
added by PiiXiiE
Source: Dina Goldstein
added by IsisRain
Source: disney.com.br.