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Recently, I saw a poll on this club about which House Rapunzel would be in at Hogwarts, which got me thinking about that question in relation to all the princesses. I’m an avid Harry Potter fan, so I figured I would lend my unique insights on the matter to all of you lovely people.

But before I begin my analyses, it’s time for some disclaimers!

1. About the Houses. Here’s how I tend to think of the Houses of Hogwarts. (Note: I will be saying the most about Slytherin, since Slytherin is most often distorted.)

Gryffindor: values bravery, daring, bold decision-making, rule-breaking, following one’s dreams, standing up for one’s friends, and being overall “fun”/pleasant/courageous.

Slytherin: NOT the Evil House of Evil. Misrepresented, even in canon (going off of the damage control post-DH and in Pottermore and so on). Not essentially racist. Values cunning, quick thinking, elegance and sophistication, ambition, big ideas, slight rule-breaking, and wit. Also known for a great sense of duty to anyone they consider family.

Ravenclaw: values intelligence, intellectual curiosity, bookishness, and cleverness. Often perceived as stuck-up or otherwise “odd”.

Hufflepuff: values loyalty, hard work, adherence to rules, and kindness. Produces very nice people, even if they are seen as lacking backbones from time to time.

Another thing to keep in mind is that these traits are not mutually exclusive. You can, for example, have smart Gryffindors, ambitious Hufflepuffs, brave Slytherins, and kind Ravenclaws. Remember that!

2. I will have unpopular opinions, I can guarantee it. Feel free to disagree with me! These are just my unique interpretations of the characters. I tend to approach things from a different angle than most people, so keep an open mind!

3. I did not make any of the pictures found in this article. I just went on Google and poked around until I saw images that would fit my unique House interpretations for the DPs.

4. The pictures' captions will come from cute slogans that I think fit the Houses' values (and the princesses).

Now, onto the article!

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."


It isn't hard to see why Snow White belongs in Hufflepuff. Sweet, hard-working, patient, and relentlessly optimistic, she is pretty much the ideal Hufflepuff.

Cleaning the dwarfs' cottage wasn't easy work, but Snow White did it anyway without being ordered to and without a complaint. Helga Hufflepuff would be proud to teach a nice girl like Snow.

Besides being hard-working, Snow White is also loyal to and patient with the dwarfs. She charges in like a mother, and makes them adhere to social norms--and Hufflepuffs are all about upholding social norms.

And earlier in the movie, after she learns that her stepmother is trying to kill her, Snow White has a panic attack (as anyone would). But then she recovers by thinking about nice things, and delivers one of the most iconically Hufflepuff lines I've ever heard: "There's no use in grumbling when raindrops come tumbling. Remember, you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine."

Other possible Houses: None really. Snow is just that much of a Hufflepuff to me!

"Be faithful in small things, because it is in them that your strength lies."
"Be faithful in small things, because it is in them that your strength lies."


We have another Hufflepuff! While not as obvious as Snow White, I think Hufflepuff is actually a good match for Cinderella.

Despite being forced to work around the clock for her step-family, Cinderella keeps a pleasant attitude about everything and soldiers through the work anyway. And she gets the work done, too, which is impressive when one considers how much they expect her to do.

Also, Cinderella maintains a composed, polite demeanor when around her stepmother and stepsisters, even though she could easily rebel openly and be rude to them. Hufflepuffs are known for their kindness, and Cinderella's actions with the animals lends credence to this part of her personality as well.

Another thing to consider is that when Cinderella has an opportunity to go to the ball, she accomplishes all the chores that her stepmother assigned her--which shows that she believes in the power of diligence and hard work.

Other possible Houses: Slytherin, maybe, because of her latent ambitious streak and want for the finer things in life.

"Dissatisfaction is a symptom of ambition. It's the coal that fuels the fire."
"Dissatisfaction is a symptom of ambition. It's the coal that fuels the fire."


I know that this is going to go over like a lead balloon ("Aurora's totally a Ravenclaw!"/"Aurora's totally a Hufflepuff!") but I think I'm onto something.

Slytherins are not all Death Eaters. We're told that they're elegant, a little show-offy, and dutiful, and that they have big ideas. In my opinion, all of that applies to Aurora.

When we first see Aurora, she is cleaning the house until her "aunts" tell her to pick some berries. Aurora, thinking quickly, realizes that something is up and smiles slyly when they aren't looking. Shortly after that, she has a moment with the animals in the forest, rife with clever dialogue and showiness. Her friends, the animals, are watching, so she puts on a show for them while describing her romantic dream. All of this demonstrates that she is clever, quick-thinking, and attention-loving... all of which are iconic Slytherin.

The fast decision-making comes back later as well, when she is talking with Phillip. She rapidly assesses the situation and decides that he should come over to her house later. A Ravenclaw would take longer to think it over, a Hufflepuff might let Phillip make the decisions, and a Gryffindor would probably just run off with him then and there.

Slytherins also have a strong sense of duty to their families, which Aurora exhibits in spades. Why else would she agree to fulfill her destiny as princess?

"But what about the Slytherin ambition?" you ask. Well, Aurora is ambitious, but not in a way that most people think of. She desperately wants to meet people and fall in love, and isn't above disobeying her aunts in order to dance with a handsome stranger. Ambition + breaking the rules to follow through on it = Slytherin.

On a lesser note, Slytherins acknowledge the importance of presenting oneself well--just look at the impeccably dressed Malfoys. Aurora clearly pays attention to her appearance (look at her "peasant outfit"! How many peasants do you see that dress like that?), and she also has an undeniably regal demeanor. So, while this alone doesn't make her definitively Slytherin, it still supports the idea.

Other possible Houses: You could also make a convincing argument for Ravenclaw, due to her philosophical nature. However, I don't believe that Aurora is defined by it, just that it's an important part of how she sees the world. I prefer to think of her as a girl who desperately wants interaction with others and will fulfill that in whatever way she can.

"Act as though you were to live forever, and live as though you were to die tomorrow."
"Act as though you were to live forever, and live as though you were to die tomorrow."


One of the most common complaints about Ariel that I've seen is her reckless nature. And is there anything more "Gryffindor" than that?

Ariel risks her life to follow through on her dream, boldly pursuing it in the face of mounting odds. And while some may label that as stupidity, Gryffindors are known for that, too!

On top of that, Ariel doesn't appreciate being told what to do and blatantly disobeys orders on several occasions. She jumps to a risky decision and goes for it time and time again, without really weighing the consequences.

Needless to say, Ariel would be right at home in a red and gold scarf, curled up in the Gryffindor common room and slacking on her homework (another favorite Gryffindor pastime).

Other possible Houses: Ravenclaw, because she loves learning new things. And maybe Slytherin, because she's so adamant on chasing her dream.

"Knowledge is a weapon. I intend to be formidably armed."
"Knowledge is a weapon. I intend to be formidably armed."


Is anyone surprised by this? No? I didn't think so.

According to Pottermore (the definitive online-Hogwarts site, championed by J.K. Rowling herself), Ravenclaws are the outsiders of Hogwarts, and they can appear stuck-up. Does that sound like anyone to you? (Hint: Rewatch the opening scene of Beauty and the Beast and get back to me.)

Belle is also curious to a fault, as shown in the notorious "West Wing Incident". And I believe that her curiosity stems from the intellectual stimulation it can provide, which is a very Ravenclaw motivation.

There isn't much else to say here, because Belle is so Ravenclaw that it almost feels too much like stating the obvious.

So I'll just sum it up as such: Belle loves reading, learning new things, and dreams of adventure but never goes after it. She is obviously a Ravenclaw.

Other possible Houses: Gryffindor, because she and Hermione have a lot in common. And if Hermione could get into Gryffindor, so could Belle. (Also, I think Belle would probably want to be in Gryffindor because of her yearning for adventure, which could sway the Sorting Hat's decision.)

"A person who deserves my loyalty receives it."
"A person who deserves my loyalty receives it."


Jasmine is unusually outspoken for a Disney princess, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. While some may trace this back to Gryffindor, it can also apply to Slytherin very well, I think. "What else would put her in Slytherin, though?" I can hear you all asking.

Well, Slytherins are incredibly resourceful, and are willing to do almost anything to "achieve their ends". In terms of Jasmine, this makes me think of when she tricked Jafar. Jasmine wasn't above sexualizing herself, just to buy Aladdin a few more minutes. Doing that would be very uncomfortable for most people, but Jasmine assessed the situation and decided that it had to be done. (Remember that quick-thinking quality I discussed in regards to Aurora?)

And despite how sheltered Jasmine was, she still managed to catch onto what Aladdin was doing at the marketplace and play along as his mentally challenged sister, all of this happening very rapidly. (More of the quick-thinking!)

One of the things that lands some Slytherins in hot water in the Harry Potter books is their tendency to dismiss entire groups of people as being beneath them. And Jasmine absolutely does that, with all of the suitors that have the misfortune of knocking at the Sultan's door. She dismisses them outright because of how they want to "win" her, which lets us know that she's judgmental. So, although this is one of the least flattering Slytherin qualities, Jasmine still exhibits it.

Other possible Houses: Gryffindor, because of her outspokenness. There's a fine line between Gryffindor and Slytherin, and Jasmine is right near it.

"Throw me to the wolves, and I'll be back leading the pack."
"Throw me to the wolves, and I'll be back leading the pack."


Like Ariel, Pocahontas is rather bold and risk-taking. Everyone's familiar with her cliff-diving scene, shortly followed by her flipping Nakoma's canoe. Pocahontas partially represents a Gryffindor stereotype: the merry trickster. She doesn't want to marry Kocoum because "he's so... serious." She's an adventurous free spirit.

Another reason I put her in Gryffindor is that she's brave. Instead of being confused about the settlers and moving on with life, she went exploring. Need I mention how she threw herself in the way of her father's club? That's pretty brave.

I often see people putting Pocahontas in Ravenclaw, which I can understand. After all, she's curious about everything and unusually wise for her age. Still, I think her defining characteristics stem from her lack of inhibitions, which is classically Gryffindor.

Other possible Houses: Ravenclaw, as I just mentioned.

"A true man does what he will, not what he must."
"A true man does what he will, not what he must."


Disguising oneself as a man and running off to join the army in the place of an elderly father is pretty daring, no?

Moreover, Mulan never really stops to think things over. She just does them, which I've already mentioned is a typical Gryffindor way of approaching problems.

She acts impulsively time and time again, to great effect (thankfully), thus demonstrating a wealth of pluckiness and moral fiber--two things Gryffindors stand for.

I also brought up with Ariel how Gryffindors tend to procrastinate. Remember the first few scenes of Mulan, which show the slacker in all her glory? Once again, it all (thankfully) works out for her, but there's also the potential for things to go horribly wrong. I direct you to the Harry Potter books, if you want to see Gryffindors getting themselves into tight situations all the time.

Other possible Houses: Slytherin, because of her cunning and quick decision-making.

"My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the best."
"My tastes are simple: I am easily satisfied with the best."


Just like how I see Ariel being criticized for her Gryffindor traits, I often see Tiana being criticized for her Slytherin trait: her overwhelming ambition.

Tiana's pretty hard to place in a single House, actually, since her tenacity could be applied to Hufflepuff as well as Slytherin. But I went with Slytherin because Tiana can come across as too cold, which is a common problem with Slytherins.

She definitely isn't as "warm" as, say, Snow White, instead opting to openly criticize things and even manipulating Naveen into helping her. That manipulation is key here, because Slytherins will do anything to achieve their goals. With Aurora, that means disobeying her aunts; with Jasmine, sexualizing herself; with Tiana, almost letting Naveen die until he agreed to help her.

Tiana's only goal in life is to own a restaurant, and she pursues that with an impressive single-mindedness (so maybe she could also be a Hufflepuff...) until she has it. Thankfully, she learns to loosen up along the way from someone else I would also put in Slytherin (for different reasons), Naveen.

Other possible Houses: Hufflepuff and maybe Ravenclaw, since she values knowledge and practicality.

"It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit."
"It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit."


"But she's in Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw!" Yeah, yeah, hear me out.

Rapunzel does, indeed, have traits that are typically associated with Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw: she's sweet, loyal, friendly, and hardworking like a Hufflepuff, and smart, bookish, and curious like a Ravenclaw.

Then why Gryffindor? Well, she's a Gryffindor to me for a few reasons. One: she is pretty much a combination of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, which fits pretty well into Gryffindor (Gryffindors are known for their loyalty and curiosity, for example). Two: the way the creators of Tangled envisioned her fits the best into Gryffindor.

I'm talking specifically about her magical sun-powers. Rapunzel is an embodiment of the sun, with all of its life and happiness and ability to change people. And one of the reasons a lot of heroes come from Gryffindor is because of their ability to inspire and change people for the better. Rapunzel, just like Harry, can do that. She inspires an entire group of thugs! She affects a change in Flynn Rider, a notorious criminal! The girl is pretty incredible.

Also, Rapunzel is fun and outgoing, which is the way Ms. Rowling prefers to portray Gryffindors. And she isn't afraid to stand up to Mother Gothel when the time comes, thus demonstrating her bravery.

But beyond all of that, Rapunzel's choice to leave everything she knew behind just to follow through on her dream to see the floating lanterns is what makes me Sort her into Gryffindor.

Other possible Houses: Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

"Until you find something to fight for, you settle for something to fight against."
"Until you find something to fight for, you settle for something to fight against."


Her movie is called "Brave" (even if I take issue with that, it's still relevant!).

But beyond the obvious, Merida has all of the bold, daring nerve that strong Gryffindors exhibit. She doesn't entirely think through her decisions, instead opting to just go for them, such as going to the witch.

Another thing is that Merida doesn't want anyone to decide her future for her, something echoed in Gryffindors such as the Weasley twins. Merida wants to cut her own path in life, and if that means going around and practicing archery all day, then so be it. She isn't going to get married just because her mother wants her to, she's going to decide her own destiny.

More Gryffindor traits that Merida has include recklessness, short-sightedness, slight arrogance, and a relentless drive to do only what she wants, when she wants it.

Other possible Houses: I don't think that any of them would suit Merida as well as Gryffindor.

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."
"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."


Elsa is typically considered one of the most elegant Disney Princesses, right next to Aurora. And like Aurora, I would put Elsa in Slytherin. Coincidence? I think not.

Besides the elegant factor, I would put Elsa in Slytherin partially because of her selfishness. Not all Slytherins are selfish, but it can easily go hand-in-hand with single-mindedness and ambition.

And is Elsa ever selfish! She puts Arendelle under eternal winter and runs away from her problems, just so she can indulge her fantasies of "letting go". She decides that she doesn't care about what anyone thinks and starts to only consider herself. "The cold never bothered me anyway."

But through all of that, she still cares deeply for Anna, her beloved sister. And one thing we're told about Slytherins is they really look out for their own: if they decide that you're "family", they will defend you and stick by your side forever.

The biggest reason to put Elsa in Slytherin, though, is that all potential villains have to be in Slytherin. Right?! /sarcasm

Other possible Houses: Ravenclaw, probably.

"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, courage is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'"
"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes, courage is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'"


For the first time in forever, we have a Hufflepuff DP! And I think it's pretty clear as to why.

Anna is one of the sweetest girls in the lineups, kind and loyal to a fault. All of that is closely associated with Hufflepuffs. She would fit right in!

Also, Anna is almost ridiculously patient, seeing as she never gave up on asking Elsa if she wanted to build a snowman. She kept at it, despite constant rejection and increasingly hard times. That's diligence, right there.

Another thing that isn't explicitly canon but commonly attributed to Hufflepuffs is Anna's naivete and gullibility. But through all of the difficulties she faces, Anna perseveres and never loses her positive attitude. That's a Hufflepuff to me!

Other possible Houses: You could argue that her brave streak would land her in Gryffindor.

Well, that's that! I hope you all enjoyed this article and that my insights proved valuable/coherent/interesting/well-written. Thanks for reading!
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Yes, THESE designs.
When it comes to the DP lineup, fans have come to expect that the merchandise designs of our favorite characters aren't always going to match their looks in the movie. Sometimes you give the benefit of the doubt, because there may be some difficulty in translating to the new lineup art style, or changes may be done on purpose for marketing reasons. But other times, there is no exception. And for years we have dealt with some shameless representations of these heroines. Let it be said, though; some are fairly close to the source material. Today I'll be counting down which of the above character...
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As Long As You Love Me!
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1. I'll Never Break Your Heart

The 3 classical princesses and their respective princes will sing this song as duet.

2. Drowning

When Prince Eric drowns on his birthday, Ariel will sing this to him when they are ashore.

3. As Long As You Love Me

The lyric says it all! This song is from Belle's point of view about the beast/ Prince Adam.

4. The Call

This song fits Aladdin because he could not bring himself to tell Jasmine that he is just Pauper.

5. Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely

This is the moment...
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Source: facebook.com/DisneyPrincessScans
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Princess Anna came into the living room with excitement. Anna screamed "Elsa! Elsa!"

Queen Elsa said "What's up Anna?"

Anna said "I have big news. Gotham City's 2 most dangerous villains have come to our city."

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Source: Me
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14. Elsa

Honestly, she was sixth on my Disney Princess list for a while, but I think that was the only length of time I actually liked Elsa. Other than that length of time, I've never really liked Elsa. I mean, I guess I like seeing so many girls relate to her, but I really don't like much about her.

She has a horrible personality, she blames everyone else for her problems,...
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Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
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Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
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Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: http://www.facebook.com/DPrincessScans
posted by deedragongirl
Hello Lily!!
Hello Lily!!
Hi guys, again I'm neither being prejudice nor am I putting down Emma Watson in any form of way, especially her acting skills. So are my thoughts on what would really happen if Lily James played Belle instead.

Interesting Idea

In a recent interview with Lily, she doesn't mind being typecast in periodical costumes since she was previously from Downton Abbey.
Secondly, Lily can actually sing as we all heard her at the 2015 Cinderella reboot ending credits with her rendition of A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes, so playing Belle would be a challenge for her.

Not So Good Idea

I personally think...
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Princesses with their voice actress!
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Hi guys, I would like to write down my favourite Disney Princess Signature Songs and the reason why I love them!

1) How Far Shall I'll Go

Since watching Moana on the big screen, I could not get this song out of my head despite that I don't have the soundtrack yet.

2) Let It Go

Same reason as How Far Shall I'll Go, I also could not let it go! For the past few days, my brother have been listening it on his iPod and it is his favourite movie and song!

3) Beauty and the Beast

Another Disney Princess that I grew up with, it is one of the most popular songs in Disney history.

4) Part of Your World

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