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My favorite princess list has been change in some placement since I wrote link several months ago. I was inspired with link, so I would include Anna, Elsa, and Moana too in my list. Although they aren't official, but the more the merrier!
Okay, here's my latest favorite Disney Princess list:

Bottom 5

14. Jasmine

She’s still on my least favorite, ever. I don’t get what’s so special about her, all other Princesses at least have their own uniqueness, except for her. She’s nothing more than a princess who was forced to marry, and again it’s really common. She shown sassiness but just that, she’s just way unmemorable rather than Aladdin, Genie, Jafar, Iago, or even Abu. She doesn’t really have a personality at all. Also, during the movie all she shown is just wrath and anger. Nothing much interesting from her. I feel like she’s just being added into the Disney Princess lineup as Aladdin was being successful and one of most popular Disney movies.

13. Tiana

My second least favorite Princess, I didn’t mean to be racist or something like that but I just think that Tiana isn’t my type of favorite Princess. She’s hardworking and realistic, that’s the only thing that I like from her. She can be used as role model to inspiring little girls with that hardworking thing, but based from personality, Tiana can be seems rude, unfriendly, judgemental, too self-centered and overworking. It’s good that she has strong motivation to achieve your dreams, but sometimes she seems really greed, yeah you can see when she later kiss the frog Naveen for money, as in fact she hates and felt disgusting to kiss a frog. And she almost forgot about her healthy, her family and her social life with her works. Life isn’t only for works, she just have to learn to take a break for a while and enjoy her life more.

12. Anna

Other peoples might be found her to be likeable, but I’m not. I’m trying to like her more but I can’t. She’s getting more annoying and irritating every time I rewatch Frozen. She’s like a mix of Rapunzel and Ariel (with mostly Ariel) but getting dumber. I understand that she was really lonely after her parents died and her sister ignores her a lot, but it can’t be a reason to trust the person you just met easily (and even she want to marry him!). Anna makes a horrible decision with leave the kingdom and trust the stranger prince to keeps the kingdom, that is too risky. She seems to always act first, think later, which makes me really can’t stand her. Also, she is like the human version of Olaf, her clumsiness are forced to be funny but I don’t find her funny at all. What I like from her is only her selfless ‘heroic’ act to save Elsa, nothing more.

11. Aurora

Aurora…it’s hard to find what I like about her, well it’s not her fault as she has lack screentimes on her movie and the original fairytale also only gave her a few roles. During the movie all she does was playing in the forest, singing, dancing, and sleeps. That’s it. So it’s hard to getting know about her more, I don’t denying if peoples said Aurora is boring and have no personality at all. But from her conversation with the three fairies, I conclude her as graceful, elegant, regal, and shown responsibilites, you can see she still obey the fairies’ order to marry her fiancee Prince, although she know that she’s in love with the prince that she met in the forest. If she was given more screentimes or at least shown her role as a protagonist maybe I would like her more than now.

10. Snow White

She is somewhat similar with Aurora in some moments, but at least she has more personality that shown more in her movie than her. She is pure, innocent, caring, helpful, but she can be a bit bossy. Her optimists and her positive thinking in every time even in the bad situation are the things that I respect from her. She is really the type of classical females. But I kind of disagree with her naively act, she was too kind with everyone even for the one who dislike her so much. Well, I don't dislike her, but I felt sorry to put her low because some other princesses are more interesting to me rather than her.

Middle 4

9. Ariel

When I was little, I used to be love Ariel, but later I don’t love her anymore like in my childhood time. She is actually similar with Anna, they dreams about love and shown to be awkward and goofy. Unless I put Ariel higher than Anna as I found Ariel to be more funny with her awkward acts, rather than Anna’s that I found to be really forced to be funny. I laughed when Ariel mistakenly use the human things, like a fork (dinglehopper) as a comb. Also she has strong motivation to make her dreams come true, she is open-minded with strange world and she wants to explore the world that she never know before. Yet from her personality I can’t understand her. I honestly don’t really like when she against her father and easily trust the evil sea witch to make a deal without think about the consequence. But in other side I can tolerance it because she’s just an immature teenage girl, when she grown up she would change her attitude.

8. Pocahontas

I don't remember much about Pocahontas, I hardly ever seen her movie, maybe only once or twice. But so far I found her as free-spirited, adventurous, selfless, respectful, and have a special connection with natures. Like Ariel, Pocahontas is also open-minded and not being too conservative and prejudice with peoples from other nation that come to her place. She didn't like fight and argues and love peaces instead. She really respect the peacefulness and justice. I can consider her as one of the most mature Disney Princess as well. But she can't be higher than this as I like the others more.

7. Cinderella

Cinderella is independent, strong-willed, and kind-hearted even after she was emotionally abused with her stepfamily for a long time. She may seems obedient and act nicely with them, but she always wish to escape from them and she quips them how they are really lazy and over-dependence with her. She is emotionally strong and she can controlled her emotion well. That's why she never seen so upset or mad, although I'm sure she is actually dislike her stepfamily much. She is also optimistic, she always believe in dreams that she wish would be come true. Cinderella is the best out of all three classic Disney princesses, after all.

6. Merida

Peoples seems to complain Merida didn’t fit at all with the Disney Princess lineup, but I don’t think so. In my view, Merida is one of the most realistic, natural, and relatable Princess as well. At first yes, peoples really have reasons to dislike her, as she shown to be selfish, stubborn, and rebellious as well, really reminds me with Jasmine and Ariel as well. But unlike those two, Merida’s reason to get mad is understandable and her characterizations are more developed. Who won’t be mad if anyone rudely forced you to be marry with someone else that you don't even know? Also she finally realize that her attitudes are so wrong after saw the consequence of her decision and she learn it, she apologize with her mother and changed to be a better person.

Top 5

5. Moana

She's really likeable, it's easy for peoples to love her. She have almost all good traits that other Princesses have. She's determined, fearless, adventurous, selfless, caring, good-hearted, heroic, and spirited. Unless she's less unique, she is only a mix of the previous princesses like Ariel, Pocahontas, Mulan, and Rapunzel. She's almost equally heroic like Pocahontas and Mulan does, and she can be goofy like Rapunzel, too. But she has better development than Ariel, she's way more mature and responsible than her. Moana also have great leadership, she's quick-thinking and she know what to do to rule her subjects. She would be a great chief.

4. Elsa

I felt that I really relate with Elsa out of all the princesses. She is introvert, concerned, insecure, pessimistic, and misunderstood. Watch her in Frozen feels like I watch myself in a Disney character. I never felt deeply relate with any of the character like her before. That's the personal reason why I attracted with Elsa. She is totally like me, except that I am not as regal and elegant as her. Peoples often think she's coward but she's not. She is just making a bad decision with run away and it's natural as she is full of fear and depressing. She just teached by her parents to conceal her power and make sure that nobody knows about it, she never told with them how to controlled her power, or how to solve her problem.
She is also shown to be caring and selfless in different ways. She cares about Anna and she didn't want her to be injured, so she stay away from her with locked herself. Compared with her sister, she is way better than Anna. She is think before act, and she is more mature.

3. Belle

I adore Belle so much and I find her to be most different from other original six Princesses. She loves to read and she proves that a beautiful girl isn’t always dumb but can be smart too. With her hobby the villagers found her to be weird but she just don’t care and she ignores them instead. She just want to be herself without hear any people’s judges. I disagree if she’s snob, she is just really loathe with the conservative and narrow-minded villagers, I think if she was met peoples who can respect her she would likely to be more kind with them. But the villagers aren’t, especially Gaston and those three blonde girls. She didn’t easily impress with other people’s looks but what she seen from a person is the goodness from the heart (Don’t judge a book from its cover, okay!). Also, she is loyal, selfless, she really cares with her father, and she can change the Beast to be better with her goodness. I can relate with her for the most.

2. Mulan

Mulan is a total badass! She is well-known for her significant changing during her movie. At first she is seems to be irresponsible, lazy, and cheating for the test. Later her journey to the army replacing her father immediately change her. She was grown up with her experience, at first she was weak but later with her efforts she finally being strong and fearless. This is one of the proves that experience is your best teacher after all. Outside from her strength, she is really loyal with her family and she want to give the best for them. And she made it, from a shame dishonor to be proud with her honor that she got. Yeah! You deserve the greatest honor for your family, Mulan!

1. Rapunzel

I love Rapunzel! She's passionate, creative, talented, friendly, and funny! Sometimes I was kinda jealous with her, as she have many talents and she learns fast. She have many friends and improve her social skills although she's trapped in an isolated tower for almost 18 years and it's her first experience to go outside. She trying to doing fun activities to spend her time so she would never felt alone and lonely. She also shown her intelligent, she is quick-thinking, she looking the best chance and takes matters into her own hands, like when she have a deal with Flynn to bring her to the lantern. Also she's smart enough to realize she's a long lost princess with looking at the kingdom's symbol and the portrait of royal family. She's such a great princess out of all, which makes she's my favorite!
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
posted by Swanpride
On the eighth day of Princess Walt Disney gave to me

Eight mice a-sewing

seven dwarves dancing
six sisters singing
five cursed friend

four braiding girls
three fairy spells
two lucky pals
and the wisdom of an old tree.

I guess I have to apologize...I did my best to create pages featuring the princesses as the sole centre of attraction, but with Jasmine that is a little bit difficult because she is usually featured with Aladdin, rarely alone. I could have either found or created a picture of Jasmine if I really wanted to, but I really liked this one and it just seemed to fit her the best. So I made...
continue reading...
posted by Swanpride
On the Third Day of Princess Walt Disney gave to me,

Three fairy spells,
Two lucky pals,
and the wisdom of an old tree.

Another day, another page for the calendar. And unlike the last one, this one was kind of a headache for me. Remember a while back when I asked you which princess fits which months? Most of you felt that Merida belongs into autumn because of her red hair. Thing is: I already had three princesses for autumn. In addition, I don't think that Brave is actually set in fall, I think it is either spring or summer during the movie. So I hope that you are not too disappointed that I ended...
continue reading...
posted by Swanpride
On the Second Day of Princess Walt Disney gave to me,
Two Lucky pals,
and the Wisdom of an old Tree

So as promised the second day of goodies with a new page for the calendar. I will, btw, upload all the calendar pages separately in the image section of the spot once my 12 days of princesses are done, and all of them have been revealed. I am pondering if I should also create a version which has all pages on one big sheet. If there is any interest in this, please comment. Also, if someone wants a different seize for the wallpapers then the three I am already offering, I am open for request. Speaking...
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Out of the entire princess lineup, only three of them were the biggest part of my childhood. Cinderella was sorta part of my childhood but mainly the Brandi Norwood version because I preferred that one over the animated version. And I’m not counting Rapunzel because her movie came out when I was almost an adult.

3. Mulan

A lot of you might know that Mulan is my favorite princess and she’s been number 1 on my list for years. I was 5 years old when I watched her movie on tape and I remember being so in love with her and the movie immediately. Mulan was one of the biggest feminist icons in my...
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posted by BB2010
This is a movie I'm really not looking forward to watching. I don't mind watching sequels because I used to love them so much when I was a kid but Mulan is one of my all-time favorite movies ever and this sequel is like on a Maleficent level of ruining original characters.

Tonight's rewatch: Mulan 2
Last time watched: 2005-2006

How much did I like this movie as a kid?
I saw the commercial for this movie when I was 11 and I was excited because, again, Mulan is one of my all-time favorite movies. I didn't actually watch the movie until I was 13 or 14 because I was starting middle school when this...
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posted by BB2010
I'm really looking forward to watching this one. Mulan was one of my favorite movies growing up!

Tonight's rewatch: Mulan
Last time watched: 2015

How much did I like this movie as a kid?
I loved this movie when I was a kid! Mulan, both the movie and the character, was actually one of the reasons I became a feminist and why I love badass women (kinda why I don't 100% blame the revival era for people hating princesses who find love or aren't "kickass"). I used to sing the songs all the time when I was a kid and I loved any merch I could get (which wasn't a lot). I still have my stuffed Cri-Kee that...
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Hello everyone! This is the first of many articles soon to come and I hope you enjoy reading this just as much as I did writing it :)

For each article I will write about;

1. How much I enjoyed/disliked the movie as a child

2. How much I have forgotten

3. Princess (will she be higher on my list or lower?)

4. Movie (will the movie be higher on my list or lower?)

5. Rating

6. How much has my opinion changed?

7. Would I watch it again?

Tonight's rewatch: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Last time watched: 2001 (seriously, how can I consider myself a Disney Princess fan if I waited THIS LONG to watch this...
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added by Lanalamprouge
animated film
Clay! Your eyes!
Clay! Your eyes!
Hi guys, I absolutely love Clay Aiken's voice and here are my choices for the princesses themselves.

The Way

Snow White, Cinderella, Aurora and Pocahontas will fit the song, especially when the respective love ones see them for the first time.

Without You

Taken from his 'A Thousand Different Ways' album, originally sung by Mariah Carey. Eric would sing this when he rescues Ariel and vice versa.

This is the Night

From the Beast's perspective, he reassures himself that this is the night to admit his love for Belle. Including Rapunzel/ Flynn, Aladdin/ Jasmine and Anna/ Kristoff.

Here You Come Again

Mulan and Shang will sing in the finale of the film, they could not hide feelings to each other.

Clay Aiken Fan, Anyone?

Do you like Clay Aiken and do you all agree with the choices?
Shaggy hairstyle??
Shaggy hairstyle??
Anna, how's the Middle East?
Anna, how's the Middle East?
Hi guys, now let's go to the Middle East to see our Anna there.

Hebrew (Einat Azulay)

Okay, She sounds relatively fresh and young. However, she sounds a bit heavy and stiff at certain parts, especially the first part of the chorus. (Ratings: 8.5/10

Arabic (Shorouq Salah)

I absolutely love Arabic music and their voices, unlike her Hebrew counterpart. She sounds smooth and it makes the audience relax and get along with Anna easily, especially in For the First Time in Forever! (Ratings:10/10)

For the First Time in Forever!

So, only 2 were feature because I'm not really sure who is the Persian actress for Anna sadly to say. Our final destination is the Americas!
I'm happy for it!
I'm happy for it!
added by mhs1025
Source: disney screencaps
posted by deedragongirl
Moana and Maui
Moana and Maui
Hi guys, I finally watched Moana with 2 of my classmates before one of them is going back to the UK to complete her houseman-ship. So, here is my review on the Polynesian movie.

The Story Plot

When I watched the film, I absolutely love how the film opens. I felt that it was trying to be a bit like Frozen where we hear Scandinavian music at the beginning of the film, so to keep that same tradition. Disney used Polynesian music at the beginning of the film, I love how the prologue is very Polynesian-oriented and I adored the artwork!
The film reminds me of a few films, Treasure Planet, Ferngully...
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added by tiffany88
added by Bumbl_ee
Source: punziella on Tumblr
Hi everyone! This article will order the Disney princesses from lowest to highest in my opinion, and more importantly, explain why each DP is ranked where it is. Hope you like it!

13. Elsa

Pros: Let me first say: AWESOME SINGER!!
Ok. She's obedient, staying in her room with her gloves as ordered by her parents so as to prevent anybody from being harmed by her ice powers. She's also caring towards her sister Anna, and doesn't mean or want for her to get hurt. She's also sensible regarding Anna and Hans - she knows that one has to know a person for much longer than just one day to get a definite...
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