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I copy and pasted the information from link by clicking on the princesses names and copying the plot text in parts which were related to the couples whether referenced or physically in same scene.

Shang and Mulan's Translated Love Story

Snow flew over the hill. Facebook Facebook logo Sign up for Facebook to connect with Maurya Shanka Celebrating a win-win, Chinese football. Milla was like rain. They fled the storm as a result of the army firing on them. I want to escape. Schenck called the doctor.

Milo's condition was described during treatment. Shane said Milan could be separated. But I kept my (new) army. Milo and his army left the big city and continued the incident. The housekeeper returned to get Mura, but John pushed her away from the snow. He opposed the team captain, who wanted to teach the audience. In fact, when the prince appeared before the people and quietly drove him away from his name, he joined the royal family in a protest song.

That evening, Chang and his army came to the gate and ran unscathed. Many famous men in law try to climb the wall while measuring the queen. Just as he refuses to face the world, as do his military counterparts, the “female election” is imminent. In the case of a military officer, you want to pay Yield. Prior to the separation, it was the palace of Beauchang, where Shinka Wang Shen came to settle. However, Chang and Barkoni separated Milan Shan and Yu. Holly Chang watches Milon kick the shoe. He knew he was fighting in the city.

The king of Milan was named king in front of many centuries (the first walls of the Far East), a symbol of high honor. Above) and agree to the king of Milanese (in place of an officer). If you are unhappy and do not want to go back to Morana. The king and his family killed him with the sword.

I hope Milo is responsible for his return, but only after being accepted. When Shank starts talking to Milan, he encourages her to share her inner knowledge in large numbers.

Naveen and Tiana's Translated Love Story

We returned to Orlando culture in 1919 to see Diana's work around the world. To help with the project, he invited his friends to the biggest event in town. Her joy is in the feathers of seeing a girl and constant sadness over the next dreams.

Michael, the good news was secretly communicated to him. Moldova is Prague, New Orleans. According to Paul, a remote part of Marty, Lee is actually my son, the only hope of my parents and father. According to the People's Prince, those who marry the 'prince' may be better people. ...

Marcus is for New Le Reliance. That's why I like Le Reliance music (and women). That's true, his life. We knew from the beginning that his parents' financial power, whether he was their own king, husband or wife, was not one of them and they decided to work. Nabin also dreamed of Paul's dream ship.

But there are evenings and celebrations and you will not return to the market immediately. He defeated Paul Lane. Queen of Poland. Now Dina knows that someone has left the old woman's house. If you do not get it within three days: destroy your career and I am the father of your dreams. Diana stared at the other stars in her ear. He was hungry under the sky, thinking of balloons. The reason for this, of course, is the new leadership.

Navina got Run's appetite (in her clothes) and told if she was happy and tried. ... Diana and Kiss Naveen think of a great restaurant and do a clever trick to turn Kotka into a neighborhood. The party guests from the porch got angry about this. The walls confuse them with poles, conductors and unwanted pieces of strangers.

Diana goes out on the street at night and eats fish (secrets) in the trees of a hidden structure. Growing up is new because they want to make mistakes. The next day he erected a ruin, Diana built a small house, dr. Fowler, and he knew he was back in the new dependence on disaster.

Navina tells Diana to dance and she's sure she's in love.

Navina knew she knew Diana.

"Two or three activities," Tiana said. In the dark world of war, Diana's sad decision ends today in Mardi Gras.

Lighting shows that the best food (for example, in the best desert candles) is not just fear. The old ship came to a halt before he could speak. He thinks of the Tiananmen restaurant, talks about his dreams and takes a good look at the restaurant. Paul Lane was obviously happy to find out that his estate had left Paul and returned to his plans. I miss you, Diana's dream has come true.

Tiana, Carl talked about her and her unknown love and she loves us. But the man does not really have a problem and knows that Diana is talking to him in public.

Lawrence was arrested and jailed, he chatted with the new Paul Le Tiana and after kissing him, he talked to Paul in the middle of the night (soon). I promised to give it to Diana Nabin at the married restaurant Paul. And he said, "He's a teacher." I traveled a few times and toured through Tiananmen to make sure I liked the ice cream and that they were with me. There is nothing to eat in the restaurant. He loved himself and Nabin was there every time.

She was so upset that she could smell it when a friend told her last dream. They can get married.

Naveen stares intently at his neck, but it's slow. At midnight he did not kiss. Paul stayed

Lena bursts into tears as she sits down in bed and the young Diana says it's easy. Thank you so much Ray, I love him and say he is very happy about Avaglin. Close your eyes and the fire is not too hot.

New Raw and Diana Funerals have traveled Kakagatherek around the world. She is a favorite among those who call her 'mother of the wall' every time. Mavi smiles behind wife Diana as husband. Magic is a new adventure.

And in New Orleans, where they live, I bought an old building, an arch, and another place to fix it, with Louis' help, and got Tiananmen. I can make it a very good movie. We saw Diana Joy and Lewis on stage and welcomed the guests. The female star acted as soon as she acted and kissed Tiana. "Dreams come true in New Orleans," Diana sang. The night sky shone, the sky was above Rio and Evajeline Duis.

Eugene and Rapunzel's Translated Love Story

And this is the most important thing in history: hiding in a cave, making a small cave and finally standing in the Robinsal Museum. The house in this area is a measurable ruby ​​flower that needs to be hidden. He took the ring that led to the crown ... Robbins shot him in the back and head and threw a hole.

Rap Rapel from the movie "Gotham" which I have never seen before, it seemed like a great peace and happiness. Happy mother told him to stay in front of the tower. When he saw both, he hid the words of the messenger. In short, he was told to do what he had to do to himself and because he was surprised at the reception and probably saw the crown. I did and someone kissed the tenant to start the business with the push of a button. He was taken to Taji and Town Hall.

Gina Flynn wanted to show Repensel that she was not home or not home, but she said I played and I did not go out. He can lose his strange heart because you do not succeed when the Goths have to say goodbye, you are not from the world and every birthday is for him. Shell decides not to allow Jesus to leave Gothel and allows Robin to travel for three days.

They went to Gotham, but the Balkan rabbi (invisible) left the house with his hair tied in a chair. Pascal pulls his tongue to his ear and is startled that Flynn did not see the podcast at first glance. Cement, but when she goes to him, she looks good and I start kissing her kisses, starting on a day when she stole from him, but she does not know what to do. Robinsall knew he was telling the truth (after hard work), and decided to do as he pleased with Flynn and the animals. The next day the ship went home at night and noticed the light from the tower. In return, he promised never to return to the crown. Frank does not have to know what it is and he may not either. Hence the crown journey.

When Torrell Robinel asks this, the wall tower is a nuisance. The saw marked the pin and pulled the hair using the gun. My mother was very happy to be free from the fear of death and the onslaught of the sea. The Balkans were angry with God and tried to persuade him to trust the neighbor's wife. Do not look at the tower of the house. However, the blister pack may not disappear. The idea is to call you to cancel the program. He said.

Rubinassal Hall and Reason and Flynn have said that his real name is Eugene's secret code and that he wants a title. I know that hair color, water can be used to stop the flow of life from your hair, so it's great for Robbins to increase your efforts to help your hair. I waited until the child's suitcase was thrown from the cave into the sea and with a torn head under the water. They sang a magic song and were afraid to get close.

FYYN / Eugene does not like her hair, but she looks at the sidewalk and sees him walking through the hole. He went through the roads and the Mekong River. When Flynn arrives at the beach with the ribbon, her hair is surprised.

But Eugenius was angry because Robin Sul had hair, and it was understandable that he was tied to his head and without holding his hand. I swear I hurt someone. He sings to Eugene about the fight against a strange man. Rubinassel said he is the son of Guatemala and told of his flight, magic and hair. She showed him the gray hair on her neck. Black in childhood. He said he did not lose his strength and cut his hair. He stole the confidence to hold the meeting.

Then, after talking to Eugene, when he wanted to meet him, Eugene said, "We don't talk much." This is against the name of the owner of the boat, which is not like the name of the thief. Some books ... A fire broke out ... and Caitlin's mother told her to come back to Robinsell Tower. With Rebensel, Eugene tells her what she wants, and she thinks he feels the same way, that he likes her, that's all. And, "I saw that they were both really good in love. Kothal was angry and couldn't help Eugene." He likes it when we say to him, "This is not a bag," and if the crown does not fall on Jesus, we should be alone. She talked to him, and Robinsell decided that if the boy didn't stick out, he wouldn't care when he woke up. Rapunzel, I've already stopped the bag and started hiding from you, this is not the last day to blackmail them.

When he woke up the next morning, he saw something very big coming out. Big engine applications but she told him she wanted to see the bright candles of the day. When he heard her voice, he said it was wise to know her birthday, but he didn't like it and Eugene cheated on her. All fragrances are stored at the island's Rapunzel Palace. Orbit e Torba and Eugenius de Rebenzel de Regenzel are not captains of ambulances. I'm on the bus today, I'm not alone. Rapunzel does not study biology and does not dance to her liking. To commemorate, Eugene Purple was recently sold and bred. As soon as it got dark, he made the right choice and turned it down, and even photographed Eugene's boat.

These basins, lamps and cities were ready to become kings and emperors. Robinzol and Eugene swam in the water for just 100 points. Cicero then lost his voice on the affected deck. He then handed over the rebel crown to Zebain, who proved to be the worst in history. When he hit the floor, neck and throat. She stopped in her chair, looked at him, and kissed him. He could not go to Reponzel, but was told that the room would be vacated as soon as Taj asked.

Like a standing tower called Eugene Repansala, as she approached the flower, Reponsel's hair fell out and her hair fell out. He eventually arrested Robinsol and stabbed Goodlip. From there, the secret of his path, Gottell's skin began to shake when he attacked Robinsol, and no one was looking for him except where the attack took place. During the cycle of irony and life between answers, gothic tricks and conflicts, however, when Eugene protected his hair, Godlip followed suit. At the time, Eugene's response was no different. It has been his favorite for a long time.

Wanting to please himself, Eugene acknowledged the struggle and Gothel agreed a second time. Robinsell said he could not stop his life by cutting his hair. Then he went to the last fly and kept his hair with the broken glass before setting it on fire. His head turned "brown", and the line called out to remove what was left of his head. Everyone is lost here. He grew faster, and the young man could not see his lips. But he said he did not know where the house was going and was blind. Broken hair, Rapunzel and Pascal came out and shook the dusty window.

Yupin, meanwhile, tried to save Rubensel, but her hair was not white, and she ran away. It was a dream come true, Eugene said it was a career. When he died, Rapunzel named him "Rand Hills." Why, when a song changes words, they sing with their secret thoughts and threaten to turn it around. Pressing in front of Eugene, he said. Press with your heel. When the repairs were successful, most of the photos were taken from the lab. Then we will all be beautiful.

Domestic soldiers were never seen in the Queen's Palace. Finally, thanks to Thomas Robbins, a hairdresser and saloner, he is waiting for you. "When Eugene saw them, he broke down," said his mother, Robinsall.

Eugene spoke to Robinsall about being a parent and he knew the country had been politically active for many years. Glad she got married. His voice echoed and Eugene created it. Some homework was done in the palace and the game was over.
I wrote this article years ago for the first ten princesses but now with Beyonce's recent contribution to the Disney family in the 2019 Lion King, I figured it was a good time as any to do an updated list with the twelve current official princesses. I decided to add Esmeralda, Megara, Anna, and Elsa too! We just take a look through the Queen Bee's singles and see which one fits each princess based on the title, lyrics, music video and general feel of the song.

Do you know what's funny? Even though she's all about female empowerment and women being independent, Beyonce's just like virtually every...
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posted by AdelitaI
I doubt if this article belongs here but since we have similiar lists for Esmeralda and Meg, I decided to publish it here. Here is favorite DP list I believe princess Mei from Mulan II would have. Mei highly values romance and also admires people with brave and rebellious personality.
P.S. I am planning to do the same lists for Ting-Ting and Su but these are going to be more difficult to make.

11. Tiana

I am sure that Tiana would be Mei's absolute least favorite DP. Mei would see Tiana as boring, narrow-minded, unromantic, overly rational, materalistic, unadventurous and pig-headed workacholic....
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by JaDangerz
Source: Disney
I have seen other people post their own ranking of the Disney Princesses, and since I'm new here, I thought it would be fun to do my own ranking.

I would love to hear your comments about your own ranking and thoughts about my ranking of the Disney Princesses.

Thank you so much for creating a welcoming community where I feel comfortable enough to post my personal opinions.

My ranking of the Disney Princesses has changed a lot over the years, but this is my current ranking for 2019.
14. Merida: I really wanted to like Merida as I have a Scottish heritage and family still living in Scotland, but she harmed her mother and didn't seem to care.
14. Merida: I really wanted to like Merida as I have a Scottish heritage and family still living in Scotland, but she harmed her mother and didn't seem to care.
I like that she mended her relationship with her mother later, but I wish she had thought about the possible consequences of her actions.
I like that she mended her relationship with her mother later, but I wish she had thought about the possible consequences of her actions.
13. Tiana:  I like how Tiana works hard for what she wants in life, but I also feel like she works too hard at times. She doesn't take a step back from her life and realize that sometimes things happen for a reason.
13. Tiana: I like how Tiana works hard for what she wants in life, but I also feel like she works too hard at times. She doesn't take a step back from her life and realize that sometimes things happen for a reason.
12. Belle: I like how Belle doesn’t judge others by how they look, and that she is willing to stand up to the Beast when he is being mean to her. She truly sees the beauty within the Beast.
12. Belle: I like how Belle doesn’t judge others by how they look, and that she is willing to stand up to the Beast when he is being mean to her. She truly sees the beauty within the Beast.
Belle can have a temper at times and not really find the happiness in her situation at the beginning of the movie, so I don’t relate to those parts of her as much, but she is still a great character.
Belle can have a temper at times and not really find the happiness in her situation at the beginning of the movie, so I don’t relate to those parts of her as much, but she is still a great character.
11. Cinderella: I feel sorry for placing Cinderella so low on this list. She is the princess that shares my personality. We are both ISFJ personalities, and I relate to her so much.
11. Cinderella: I feel sorry for placing Cinderella so low on this list. She is the princess that shares my personality. We are both ISFJ personalities, and I relate to her so much.
I preferred the live action version of Cinderella more as she was willing to stay optimistic and tried to keep the deer safe from the prince as I am an animal lover.
I preferred the live action version of Cinderella more as she was willing to stay optimistic and tried to keep the deer safe from the prince as I am an animal lover.
10. Mulan: I really appreciate Mulan’s courage to stand up and fight for her family. She showed that she was willing to die to keep her father safe.
10. Mulan: I really appreciate Mulan’s courage to stand up and fight for her family. She showed that she was willing to die to keep her father safe.
Family is very important to me, and I would do anything to keep them safe, but I am not even close to being as brave as she is, which is why I don’t relate to her as much as others on my list.
Family is very important to me, and I would do anything to keep them safe, but I am not even close to being as brave as she is, which is why I don’t relate to her as much as others on my list.
9. Moana: I love the relationship Moana has with her grandmother as my grandmother is a lot like Tala. Moana was hesitant to follow her dreams as I was when I decided I wanted to become an elementary school teacher.
9. Moana: I love the relationship Moana has with her grandmother as my grandmother is a lot like Tala. Moana was hesitant to follow her dreams as I was when I decided I wanted to become an elementary school teacher.
My mother wanted me to become a doctor, and I actually started college to become one, but my dream of being a teacher kept calling to me just as the sea called Moana.
My mother wanted me to become a doctor, and I actually started college to become one, but my dream of being a teacher kept calling to me just as the sea called Moana.
8. Elsa: I relate a lot to Elsa as I have struggled with anxiety for a long time. I like that she overcame that anxiety as I am learning to in my own life. I don’t like how she shut her sister out, though.
8. Elsa: I relate a lot to Elsa as I have struggled with anxiety for a long time. I like that she overcame that anxiety as I am learning to in my own life. I don’t like how she shut her sister out, though.
Even though she was scared of hurting Anna, I feel like she should have at least spoken to her rather than being too afraid to leave her room. Family is really important to me, and I can’t imagine shutting them out the way Elsa did.
Even though she was scared of hurting Anna, I feel like she should have at least spoken to her rather than being too afraid to leave her room. Family is really important to me, and I can’t imagine shutting them out the way Elsa did.
7. Ariel: I like Ariel’s curiosity and that she pursued her dream, but she did not go about things in a logical way and put her entire kingdom in danger. I love her carefree and happy personality, though.
7. Ariel: I like Ariel’s curiosity and that she pursued her dream, but she did not go about things in a logical way and put her entire kingdom in danger. I love her carefree and happy personality, though.
6. Jasmine: I like how Jasmine sought to fight against the injustices in her country. She saw that there was a problem with the rule that she must marry a prince, and that the circumstances Aladdin found himself in were unfair.
6. Jasmine: I like how Jasmine sought to fight against the injustices in her country. She saw that there was a problem with the rule that she must marry a prince, and that the circumstances Aladdin found himself in were unfair.
She stood up for what she felt was right while looking on the inside rather than on appearances. I think that she was a little rude to the suitors, and she could have just said that she wasn’t interested in them rather than embarrassing them.
She stood up for what she felt was right while looking on the inside rather than on appearances. I think that she was a little rude to the suitors, and she could have just said that she wasn’t interested in them rather than embarrassing them.
She was my favorite princess growing up, and I still love how strong she is as a character.
She was my favorite princess growing up, and I still love how strong she is as a character.
5. Snow White: I have recently come to appreciate Snow White’s kindness and optimism.
5. Snow White: I have recently come to appreciate Snow White’s kindness and optimism.
She prayed for those who disliked her and continued to dream about being with her prince all while working and staying strong during her horrible circumstance.
She prayed for those who disliked her and continued to dream about being with her prince all while working and staying strong during her horrible circumstance.
I also try to be kind to those who may have wronged me in my life, and people may see me as naïve or gullible as I do tend to give people many second chances, so I relate to Snow White in that way.
I also try to be kind to those who may have wronged me in my life, and people may see me as naïve or gullible as I do tend to give people many second chances, so I relate to Snow White in that way.
4. Aurora: I love how she is shy, sweet, and kind. She is also so nice to the forest creatures, and she accepts her responsibility as a princess despite being upset that her dream to be with Phillip would not come true... or so she thought.
4. Aurora: I love how she is shy, sweet, and kind. She is also so nice to the forest creatures, and she accepts her responsibility as a princess despite being upset that her dream to be with Phillip would not come true... or so she thought.
She didn't run away, and she faced the life that was meant for her head on. I am also a little shy and can relate to Aurora having to accept what life throws at you.
She didn't run away, and she faced the life that was meant for her head on. I am also a little shy and can relate to Aurora having to accept what life throws at you.
3. Pocahontas: I love how Pocahontas protects animals and nature. She is very mature as she tries to make difficult decisions in her life. I have faced similar choices in my life.
3. Pocahontas: I love how Pocahontas protects animals and nature. She is very mature as she tries to make difficult decisions in her life. I have faced similar choices in my life.
I had to decide if I should choose the path that would please my family by becoming a doctor, or if I would follow my dream of becoming a teacher. Pocahontas is truly inspiring how she doesn’t waver in her beliefs and follows her dreams.
I had to decide if I should choose the path that would please my family by becoming a doctor, or if I would follow my dream of becoming a teacher. Pocahontas is truly inspiring how she doesn’t waver in her beliefs and follows her dreams.
2. Anna: I relate so much to Anna and her relationship with her sister as I have an older sister who has a lot of anxiety and shut me out for years. I also like Anna’s optimism and hope that things will work out in the end.
2. Anna: I relate so much to Anna and her relationship with her sister as I have an older sister who has a lot of anxiety and shut me out for years. I also like Anna’s optimism and hope that things will work out in the end.
I relate to her because I have been sheltered most of my life and want to find my prince someday, but hopefully I will be able to discern his character better than she did. I am also a little awkward.
I relate to her because I have been sheltered most of my life and want to find my prince someday, but hopefully I will be able to discern his character better than she did. I am also a little awkward.
1. Rapunzel: Rapunzel is so optimistic, kind, and curious. I relate to not knowing when my life will begin and trying to stay positive and hopeful despite having been sheltered growing up.
1. Rapunzel: Rapunzel is so optimistic, kind, and curious. I relate to not knowing when my life will begin and trying to stay positive and hopeful despite having been sheltered growing up.
I also relate to Rapunzel as I try to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher. I hesitated to pursue my dream because of not wanting to make my mother upset, just like Rapunzel felt conflicted about leaving the tower because of Gothel.
I also relate to Rapunzel as I try to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher. I hesitated to pursue my dream because of not wanting to make my mother upset, just like Rapunzel felt conflicted about leaving the tower because of Gothel.
Also, I wonder if it will be all that I dream it will be, just like Rapunzel wondered if the lanterns would meet her expectations. She is realistic as she realizes that sometimes reality is different from our dreams.
Also, I wonder if it will be all that I dream it will be, just like Rapunzel wondered if the lanterns would meet her expectations. She is realistic as she realizes that sometimes reality is different from our dreams.
She makes the best of her situation and finds joy in the little things in life. She is so inspiring as she made her dreams a reality.
She makes the best of her situation and finds joy in the little things in life. She is so inspiring as she made her dreams a reality.
posted by deedragongirl
Part of your World
Part of your World
Hi guys, I am currently watching a scene from The Swan Lake ballet. I actually notice a number of similarities between the popular ballet and Disney's retelling of The Little Mermaid. Since some Ballet Company has tragic endings, I will also cover on the original Hans Christian Anderson's novel in this article!

The Story

Both stories revolve around 2 young heroines and how they meet their fate, Odette is actually a young girl who was suddenly turn into a swan upon meeting Rothbart, the evil sorcerer.
Now upon seeing this, it reminded me of when Ursula turns Ariel a human after she storms out...
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added by LunaNoctis
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Wreck it Ralph 2 trailer
Here we go, from least favorite to favorite, here's the Mother's Day countdown results! I know mother's day was two days ago but I'm not waiting a whole year to put up the article so here we go :)

13. Evil Queen
So it's pretty obvious why she was taken out first; She forced her stepdaughter to be a scullery maid and tried to have her killed (twice) just because she was jealous of how beautiful Snow White was.

12. Lady Tremaine
Again, pretty obvious why she was taken out early. Like Snow White, Cinderella's stepmother forced her to be a maid. But unlike Snow White at least Tremaine...
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The three classic princesses
The three classic princesses
Okay, I am writing an article after a long time. I suffered from the lack of ideas and imagination for more than 12 days ago. So, I am not in a mood to start a new series, either, Damn! So, I decided to do one short article, duh! Sorry, I am gonna do a series! I mean, duh, some princesses were horribly out of place. I mean, we think every princess is beautiful, but some are a little historically inaccurate and drawn in a wrong way.

Snow White
Snow White
Snow White

It is kinda easy to figure out where this classic took place. The dwarfs’ house is decorated with carved wooden instruments and furniture....
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added by KataraLover
posted by SarahCorine
Voted over a month ago, the results are in. Keep reading to find out what holiday each princess represents. I had fun do this and was thinking it would be fun to redo this with princes, and maybe villains. Comment down below and let me know what you think about that idea.

Mother’s Day is an easy choice for Snow White as she is so motherly. She takes care of the dwarfs. She cooks. She cleans. I know that sounds cliché. But beyond those traits, she cares about people the way a mother would. Unconditionally. But she still has her limits much like a mother would. She bonds with her dwarf...
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posted by MaidofOrleans
Hey everyone! This was my first countdown in quite a while, and I really enjoyed organizing it. I've always adored the dance scenes in the DP films, so I thought this countdown would be a good way to do homage to them. Big thanks to everyone who voted and commented! Without further ado, here are the results.

10. Snow White's dance with the dwarfs

This is the only dance in a DP film that isn't romantic, and that unfortunately made it the least liked out of all the dances. It is fun and unique, but fans missed the classic romance associated with a dance between a princess and her prince. Ultimately,...
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added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Disney Japan at eBay, link submitted by OnceUponASptmbr in the wall
added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://thenamelessdoll.tumblr.com/post/163681619551/my-contribution-to-myhollie1911s-mermaid-collab
The only thing I still come on this club to do. Let's begin.

This can get kind of hard to read sometimes and we're sorry, but we're also lazy. And lots of language. Oops. We're pretty immature, sorry about that! I hope you enjoy!

11. Snow White

LanaQueen: I knew Snow would place here. But she's a precious little snowflake so I feel bad..
LanaQueen: ....Except I also placed her last. Heh, heh...
darby: wow bringing out the italics someones mad
Hajirah: Oh, is that how we're doing it?
BelleOlive: I loved it that...
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Walt Disney Walt Disney Walt Disney
I want to meet Walt Walt Disney Walt Disney Walt Disney
I want to meet Walt Disney
I want to meet that guy
I want to meet Walt Disney
I want to meet him before I die

You say Snow I say white
You say Doc He’s all right
You say Scar I say kill him
Jafar was ever so mean
But I do like Iago

You say Mickey I say mouse
Donald Duck in the house
You say Buzz I say Woody
do believe in Peter Pan
Tinkerbell in Neverland

Cause all I wanna meet is
Walt Disney Walt Disney Walt Disney
I want to meet Walt, Walt Disney Walt Disney Walt Disney
I want to meet Walt Disney
I want to meet that...
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added by KataraLover