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Ok so I have heard a lot of conversation over the topic of Flynn and Rapunzel's relationship...now you either like them or you don't I guess is how it goes and I must admit that when I was watching the movie the first time I went "Wow...they fell in love when?!" but the thing is literally if you blink at an exact moment you could miss what really pointed it out in the first place. Here's an analysis of their relationship throughout the movie.

1. In The Beginning:

Flynn was a thief...and self-centered and pretty much just a selfish really cute animated character. All he cared about was his satchel correct? Ok so when he crawls into the tower...gets hit in the head with a frying pan...multiple times, Rapunzel tells him her dream. Ok so Flynn just finds this girl to be a real annoyance and only agrees after she expresses that he will never find his beloved satchel. Rapunzel is just curious of this new person she's really too naive to realize that she likes him...don't get me wrong though because Rapunzel actually seems very smart and well-read.

2. The Moment:

Ok so there is a scene after the "Snuggly Duckling" number where they are in the tunnel and Rapunzel has just basically distracted a bunch of thugs...something Flynn Rider couldn't do. He compliments her...now remember how selfish Flynn was in the beginning? Hmmm...he's complimenting someone...something very VERY out of character for him. Then she ask him about his backstory and he explains how he simply doesn't talk about it...well I don't remember if it's before or after she ask him that...but all of a sudden Flynn looks back at her and just...smiles. That's when all of a sudden I went "OHHHHH! He likes her!"...or he's getting there! Rapunzel is intrigued by him...ofcourse his selfishness is lost on her but still he isn't just her guide anymore...for some reason the two of them have a connection and slowly they are beginning to see this. When the guards show up Flynn pushes Rapunzel in front of him and actually lets her run out first...I also thought that was unselfish.

3. Real Name:

So after escaping the guards and the stabbington brothers Flynn and Rapunzel are stuck in a small incavement and it's filling up with water quickly. After many failed attempts at trying to escape Flynn gives up and he tells Rapunzel that it's hopeless. She tells "Flynn" that she's sorry and suddenly he just goes "It's Eugene" and he spills that his name is Eugene Fitzherbert...and tells her his dislike for it. Not much "Romance" blooming whatever you call it happened in this scene just the fact that Flynn opened up to her...even though they were just about to "die"

4. Doubt:

They sit around the campfire and she shows Flynn her glowing hair to which he "Doesn't freak out" about...he tells her how he grew up in an orphanage and how he read a story about a guy named Flynnegan Rider...she tells him that she actually likes "Eugene Fitzherbert" a lot more...he scoffs but you can tell that makes him happy by the small smile on his face...Flynn goes off to get firewood while Rapunzel smiles and thinks about what he just told her...then Mother Gothel shows up giving her the satchel...Rapunzel tells her that she thinks he likes her to which her mother will have none of. She tells her that if she returns what he original wanted he will leave her. Flynn comes back after Mother Gothel dissapears and ask Rapunzel what's wrong...to which she said she was just caught up in her thoughts.

5. The Kingdom:

When Flynn wakes up he sees Maximus and even though they are enemies Flynn is ready to put up with Maximus if it will make Raunzel happy...another unselfish deed. They go into the kingdom and theres a montage of them reading and buying things and Rapunzel starts a dance in the village square...Flynn smiles at her from the side watching her twirl...when Maximus begins to see that the famous thief Flynn Rider is falling for the girl with the long golden hair...pushing him into the dancing him and Rapunzel reach fro eachother a few times trying to get a dance with eachother and in the end they end up hand in hand...both happy yet embarassed and quickly let go.

6. I See The Light:

Flynn decides to be romantic and take Rapunzel on a boat to get a good view of the lights...her dream. She expresses to him how she's terrified of what will happen when she sees them and what she will do after...and with a small smile he tells her that she will have to find another dream. The first lantern is sent up and Rapunzel's face lights up and as more are realeased Flynn watches her face and smiles at her from his seat in the boat. Rapunzel turns to Flynn suddenly and he's holding to lanterns for them to send up, they do. Rapunzel returns his stachel and tells him that she isn't scared anymore and if he knows what that's like...lowering the stachel he smiles and says he's starting to. Looking into eachothers eyes they finally realize something that has been developing over the last two days...they like eachother...not love but like. Singing to eachother Flynn grabs her hand and fixes her hair...about to kiss her he looks at the shore and the stabbington brothers are there.

7. A Trade:

They go tot he shore and Flynn takes his satchel with him as he goes off into the woods telling Rapunzel he will be right back. When he reaches the Stabbington brothers he throws the satchel at them not even caring about the treasure inside anymore...but then they say they want the girl with the magical hair...and he definalty not giving them that...well long story short he's tied to a boat and it looks like he's betrayed Rapunzel. Mother Gothel was behind it all.

8. The End:

So how can someone who has known you for two days willingly give their life for you? Well if that person believes he is nothing more than a common thief he might look at the girl that has interest him more than anyone else and go "Hey she has much more to live for than me" and she's probably thinking "As long as he's happy...I will be too"
So you know the end he ends up "dying" for Rapunzel...he cuts her hair so that she can be free and happy...but her tear saves him.
They kiss...their first kiss and return to the kingdom.
When they are on the balcony and she's walking towards her mom he is quietly watching from behind and when the family hug he simply smiles down at her for he knows she is happy...then he is pulled into the hug himself.
The way the story ended was nice...we saw the couple kiss once more...and you can tell...that really they are made for eachother. Rapunzel rolls her eyes at his playfulness and Flynn Rider is now a hero more than a thief.
Oh and you got to rememeber they didn't get married until years after...so really it took years for them to REALLY fall in love.

So yeah just thought I would right that out...this is all opinion based so don't take it too seriously!
The Moment Of Realization.
The Moment Of Realization.
posted by PrincessAyeka12
Cinderella's Playlist
Cinderella's Playlist
Previous Playlists:
Snow White: link

I like making playlists on my ipod for all of my favourite characters from all kinds of media. Sometimes the songs don't fit the characters and are just there to capture the symbolism from objects, animals or magic used in the film. I've made a playlist for a few of the Princesses and it's time I shared them with you. I'll add lyrics that I think relates to them the most.

Symbolism: Attic, Miracles, Sparkles, Dancing, Glass Slippers, alternate universe - shattered dreams

The Attic from A Little Princess by Patrick Doyle

- We don't know when Cinderella became...
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Everyone was speechless. The guests stared at the open door, the one Elsa had fled through and the blizzard that was already raging out there.

"But.... but it's summer..." One dignitary mumbled.

Anna started to feel really cold. Either Elsa's curse was actually coming true, or it's just the wind from the blizzard. But if the curse does come true, Anna needs to reverse it. She ran over to the broken pieces of the crown and gathered them in her skirt. She counted the pieces. Eight. The crown was in 8 pieces.

Anna knew there was only one solution. She had to travel to the magical trolls that she...
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Decided to do an article like this too, I've actually been wanting to do this for a long time, but I thought it was hard to do, well it was hard even now to do this list because I think Snow White is the type of princess that would get along well with the other princesses, but anyway hope you'll like this article :)

10. Merida

If we're basing it on Merida's personality in the end of the movie she would be placed slightly higher on this list since she's more like Snow White at that point, but now I based it on her personality during most of the time in the movie and that is what puts her...
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55. Merida with white cap
54. Mulan Soldier Updo
53. Ariel with hat
52. Moana bun
51. Rapunzel hair: short and brown
50. Snow White with blue bow
49. Tiana childhood hairstyle
48. Jasmine with scarf
47. Aurora with scarf
46. Rapunzel hair brainded
45. Pocahontas brainds
44. Rapunzel short and loose with tiara
43. Mulan bun
42. Tiana ponytail
41. Tiana mascarade updo
1. Belle-Enchanted Rose
2. Ariel-Seashell
3. Glass slipper-Cinderella
4. Sun-Rapunzel
5. Red apple-Snow White
6. Magic lamp-Jasmine
7. Bow and arrows-Merida
8. Te Fiti heart-Moana
9. Spinning wheel-Aurora
10. Dragon-Mulan
11. Compass-Pocahontas
12. Frog-Tiana
A Dingglehopper!
A Dingglehopper!
Hi everyone, it's been ages since I had written my last review! Anyway, today I am going to be writing the Little Mermaid review and what my younger brother name Prasert and I felt about this 2023 live action reboot!

The Storyline

While the majority of the story is the same, however there are a number of changes I felt that it filled the plot hole of the 1989 film to which we all grew up with. Like we get to see the backstory of Triton and Ursula relationship as siblings, which was the original idea for the 1989 animated film.
Prasert and I were surprised to see Eric's mother for the fist time...
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added by Fredericko007
Source: jiéjilé
posted by sweetie-buttons
I started doing Jasmine's test in my head and noticed she fit a lot of the traits (including ones I left out because I thought they applied to all princesses). So I decided to write it down.

Unique traits without contacts or hair dye- No, she has black hair and brown eyes.
An odd name- No. 'Jasmine' is probably the most common name out of the DPs (and Anna, but the pronunciation is unique).
Looks constantly commented on- Yes. By Aladdin and the suitors, and like Esmeralda, she uses it as a weapon. 1.
Always the hero- No. She's almost as much of a damsel in distress as the classic princesses.
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posted by sweetie-buttons
The tenth Mary Sue test. This one is for Mulan, who's called a Mary Sue sometimes (mostly by people who are bitter about her popularity, but they kind of have a point, especially with how she's always portrayed as superior to all the other princesses).

Unique traits without contacts or hair dye- Nope, she has black hair and brown eyes, common Chinese features.
An odd name- No. Actually, I'm not sure, but I'll just assume 'Mulan' is a common Chinese name.
Looks constantly commented on- No, at least not about how beautiful she is.
Always the hero- Definitely. It's kind of a given considering her...
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posted by sweetie-buttons
Welcome to the last of the classic Mary Sue tests. This one is going to be difficult, since Aurora has so little screentime and personality. But I'll try my best.

Unique traits without contacts or hair dye- Yes. It's hard to gauge Aurora's exact eye color, but she seems to have violet eyes, which is definitely unique (and not even natural). Since it's not a natural trait in real people, it's getting a full point. 1.
An odd name- No. 'Aurora' is probably the most normal name of the classic princesses, and not that out there. Even Briar Rose isn't that unusual.
Looks constantly commented on-...
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posted by sweetie-buttons
This is another Mary Sue test. I decided to do Elsa after Anna. I think she's accused of being a Mary Sue more (though neither of them are accused much).

Unique traits without contacts or hair dye- Platinum blonde hair isn't super common, though it can be explained by her ice powers (but it isn't made clear that's the explanation like with Rapunzel). .5
An odd name- No. 'Elsa' isn't that odd of a name.
Looks constantly commented on- No. I can't remember Elsa's looks being commented on much.
Always the hero- No. I can't remember her saving anyone aside from herself.
Multiple characters falling...
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posted by elsafan1010
You can find the lyrics of all the songs Elsa sings here..

For The First Time İn Forever Lyrics

Anna: The window is open, so's that door
I didn't know they did that anymore
Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates?

For years I've roamed these empty halls
Why have a ballroom with no balls?
Finally, they're opening up the gates

There'll be actual, real live people
It'll be totally strange
But wow am I so ready for this change!

'Cause for the first time in forever
There'll be music, there'll be light
For the first time in forever
I'll be dancing through the night

Don't know if I'm elated or gassy
But I'm somewhere...
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Really thank you whatsupbugs. I really had no idea, but you came to my rescue! Your idea is really good. I'm going to rank all the characters in Frozen from worst to best. ___ By the way, if you like Elsa, you can reach the "Elsa Image Gallery" article I published an hour ago:


Anyway, I'm starting.

12- Hans
I really hate Hans. Hans thinks he's very smart. _ But he's a fool_ When I was little, when I was watching Frozen with my sister, we would always throw a pillow at Hans. Even though Anna loves him, Hans is cheating on him. And I really don't like people who go behind my back. Moreover,...
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The original tales of Disney Princesses are TREASURES we know as fairy tales. The princesses are the same but their tales and personalities are different. Some of their tales don't get the happy ending that Disney did. But life doesn't always have a happy ending anyway. Let's take a look at the original fairy tales of these Disney princesses.

1- Ariel
Let's start with Ariel, the most famous princess in fanpop. In the Disney version, Ariel was finally getting the prince she wanted to be with. But in the original and Disney-inspired tale written by Hans Christian Andersen, the ending was bad. Ariel...
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She is just amazing! Appearence, Characteristics and Voice <3!!
She is just amazing! Appearence, Characteristics and Voice <3!!
I actually wrote an article similar to this one for Elsa the snow queen club. But Elsa is forgotten here so I decided to write this article. (Normally I used to write an article every day, but yesterday I couldn't because I was suffering from cutting my foot with blackberry thorns.) This article explains why I love Elsa so much.

1- Relationship with Anna
Elsa's relationship with Anna is so sweet! Elsa reminds me of myself and Anna reminds me of my cheerful and impatient sister who wants me to be happy. I love Elsa's older sister's love for Anna.

2- Romance = zero
Hahaha! I know you're going to...
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Snow White has never been pretty to me. Princesses like Elsa, Anna, Aurora and Belle have always been beautiful to me. Snow White was the ugliest to me, the ugliest. Even uglier than princesses like Merida, Mulan, and Kida. I don't understand how they call Snow White "the fairest of all people" in the movie.

Things that make Snow White ugly:

Snow White's neck looks combined with her head.

The shape of Snow White's hair is so ugly, it's like a cotton candy that doesn't look realistic at all.

Snow White's nose is sometimes not visible

These princess eyes are scary and the pupils don't fit in her eyes.

His eyebrows are thin


Oh my god, she's so ugly except for her crimson lips and rosy cheeks! In the movie, either the mirror was broken or the movie was. Snow White is so ugly! Duh should make it to the list of the ugliest in the world!
I believe in love at first sight, but it sounds ridiculous and isn't exactly love. Love at first sight often happens with classic princesses:
1- Snow White
2- Cinderella
3- Ariel

These princesses fall in love the first time they see it, but that's ridiculous because you can't fall in love with someone you've just seen. Actually, that might be it, but it just depends on the prince being handsome. Snow White fell in love with her prince the moment she saw him, and that was just for the prince's appearance. That's why I don't like love at first sight in DP movies.

In Frozen, one of my favorite Disney...
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posted by elsafan1010
I've always loved Rapunzel, she's number four on my favorite princess list. But some people don't agree with me so I'll explain that.

Why people dislike Rapunzel:

1- They see Rapunzel as someone who can do anything, they look for flaws
I cant believe! Why do people see Rapunzel as a completed character? Hobbies and resourcefulness don't make her a do-it-all. For example, I swim, write stories, play the piano, take singing lessons, take a software course, but that doesn't mean I'm perfect or boring. On the contrary, it makes me an influential person and a colorful personality.

2- People hate Rapunzel's...
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posted by elsafan1010
Almost every Aurora fan hates Princess Audrey. I will explain to you why:
"Because it looks like Aurora raised Audrey to be a bad person"
No, neither Aurora nor Audrey had any fault in this. Audrey was choosing to be bad just because her heart broke. If Ben had chosen Audrey over Mal, then Audrey would still be good.

Seriously, don't you pity Audrey, heartless? Wouldn't your heart break if your boyfriend suddenly left you and started dating someone else?

Moreover, there was a small detail in the song "Queen of Mean". In one of the many pictures in Audrey's room, the childhood photos of Ben and...
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posted by elsafan1010
All Disney Princesses:
1- Princess Elsa
2- Princess Anna
3- Princess Ariel
4- Princess Snow White
5- Princess Moana
6- Princess Rapunzel
7- Princess Kida
8- Princess Belle
9- Princess Giselle
10- Princess Tiana
11- Princess Aurora
12- Princess Cinderella
13- Princess Megara
14- Princess Esmeralda
15- Princess Elionwy
16- Princess Odette
17- Princess Mal
18- Princess Evie
19- Princess Audrey
20- Princess Jasmine
21- Princess Pocahantas
22- Princess Mulan
23- Princess Merida

PS: I wrote all the princesses, tell your favorite in the comments. My favorites are Anna and Elsa. But I love Ariel and Rapunzel too.