Fear The Elephant Cab Co. Club
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"You mean... they're together?" said Mohinder slowly.

Molly nodded. "Yup, they are."

"Well, that makes thing's easier for me." said Dorian as she stood. She made her way to her bedroom door. "Be back soon." she said as she closed the door.

-----Peter's Apartment-----

"You're sure about this, Claire?" asked Peter, looking at her from across the table.

"I know what I heard, Peter. Nathan is behind this all. He's collecting us."

Peter ran his hands through his hair as a knock came at the door.

"You don't think it's Nathan, do you?" whispered Claire.

Peter held a hand up to her. "Who's there?" he asked as he stepped towards the door of his apartment.

"My name is Dorian Gray. I'm a friend of Mohinder Suresh. May I come in?"

"Mohinder?" said Peter. "Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes." said Dorian from behind the door. "It's rather imperative you let me in. I can get in any way, I'm just being polite."

Peter looked at Claire, who shrugged. "May as well. But be on your guard."

Peter nodded as he opened the door for her. "Can I help you?"

"You can come with me." she said, looking at him. "The both of you."

"How did you even know were were both here?" asked Claire.

"Molly Walker." replied Dorian. "All of us are being tracked down. Some of us have already been captured." she added, looking at Peter. "And your brother is at the reigns of it all." she poked him gently in the chest as she said this. "He's orchestrating the whole thing."

"I told you." said Claire.

"Why should we come with you?" asked Peter, trying to ignore Claire's comment.

"Because I have a place where you'll be safe. And, maybe you can even help." said Dorian.

"How do I know that I can trust you?"

"You don't." said Dorian. "But what other choice have you got?"

.....to be continued....
Character Name: James Robinson
Power: Controls Animals

He has known he has powers for a long time and can use them perfectly. When he is hunted down by Nathan he escapes by getting some stray dogs to attack them attacking. He uses his powers to evade capture and finds himself in chicago.

Character Name: Steve Anderson
Power: To create/manipulate water and turn into water

Working in New york he discovers he has powers and ends up drowning his parents. On the run from the police he flees to chicago.

Character Name: Scott Peterson
Power: Laser Eyes

A new...
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Chapter Two: Taken

"I'm right here" Joseph assured the elderly woman as he leant closer over her hospital bed to hold her hand.

"You're a good boy" she told him "and a good son.". Her eyes slowly closed and her grip relaxed slightly, giving Joseph a moment's panic before she suddenly sat up and sneezed.

"Bless you" he said, with a half laugh and a relieved smile. His mother looked up and smiled at him as if the mere presence of having her only son with her made her final days worthwhile. She lifted...
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Chapter Five
"Where No Man Has Gone"

Alexis - Unknown Location

"What do you want from me?" Alexis asked the man, who was now staring at her, his arms folded in front of him.

"I hear you've manifested." he stated, with apparent interest. "Care to demonstrate?" As he said this, the two armed guards made an obvious movement as they aimed squarely into Alexis' face.

"I don't know what you mean..." she said evasively, looking at her feet.

"No? Then let me jog your memory" he pulled a mobile phone from the inside of his lab coat and held it up, to show a recording of her impaling one of the men sent to...
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Chapter Three

Maya Herrera and Mohinder Suresh, Somewhere In India

"Calm down" Mohinder advised, in quiet, controlled voice, looking the woman in the face as she lay in the backseat, bleeding and hysterical. She continued to scream as the strange growths pulsated and throbbed on her fingers. "You have to calm down" Mohinder pressed.

She swallowed and closed her eyes, taking some calming breaths, before opening them again to see the green bubbles shrink slightly on her hands. "W-what is this?" she asked Mohinder, trying to inject some calm and composure into her voice.

"I'm not certain"...
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Chapter Two
"No Turning Back"

Mohinder Suresh and Maya Herrera - Bangalore, India

"Why, Mohinder?" Maya burst out suddenly as they sat around a table in silence. She was extremely frustrated with the situation, coupled with worry for the woman now lying in their spare bedroom. Mohinder merely gave Maya a pleading look, as if asking for forgiveness - they knew there was no going back now. "I've been wondering..." she mused, leaning across the table "how did you know to send Ando that note?".

"Simple" Mohinder told her, looking pleased with himself. "I found a boy named Sanjog Lyer - his ability...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Tarun's Hideout

Adam was in his room in Tarun's hideout, sitting on the bed and jotting something down in a little notebook. Then someone knocked at his door. "Come in." said Adam.

In came Santino who walked up to him and said "Adam. I've got a bad feeling that my dad sent Sol to kill you..."

Adam got up from his bed and asked "What gave you this bad feeling?"

Santino answered "I know things, things that not hardly anyone knows. My ability allows me to learn things very quickly and remember things. I know what my dad is like and I can sense something bad with that Sol..."

Adam then said "You know,...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Adam & Mohinder, In a barn in an unknown location

Adam had opened a crate the would lead them underground. Mohinder asked "So, we are going go down there?"

Adam: "No I just wanted you to look at it" he said sarcastically.

Mohinder replied sarcastically back "Oh Ha! Ha! Very funny!"

Then Adam got into the crate and started to go down the ladder. Mohinder followed...


Faustin, Sol, Craig & Tony, Nearby a lake, Unknown Location

Faustin banged on the car as to wake up the rest of them "Come on we are here!"

Tony: "Oh cool! I wanna camp out here!" he said looking out the window seeing the lake...
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posted by want2watcheroes
Mohinder & Adam, backyard of an abandoned house, New York

Adam had told Mohinder that they were going to go India. He then said "We have to meet someone, he can get us to India."

Mohinder: "Who?"

Adam: "You'll see..."


FTE Cab Company, New York

Peter, Claire & West had just got out of the cells section of FTE. There were no Government agents in sight. Claire went towards Mohinders office. Peter said "Where are you going?"

Claire: "I need to get our files. The government will get them otherwise!" she said as she went into Mohinder's office. West and Peter followed.

West said "How are we going...
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Chapter Eight
"What Is And What Should Never Be (Part Two)"

Maya Herrerra - Manhattan, New York

"Who sent you?" Maya demanded as they sat in the van, her gun pointed at his face - she knew she had to think fast as someone would have undoubtedly called the police by now.

"He owed money!" the man said pathetically. This wasn't going to work, Maya thought, so she shot him in both feet and started to drive - sparks flying from the two tireless front wheels.

A few minutes later and they pulled into an alleyway near Mohinder and Eden's apartment block. Maya got out and flung the back doors to the van...
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Chapter Seven
"Judgement's Prelude"

------------------------------------------Present Day-----------------------------------------------
Peter Petrelli - Manhattan, New York

A door burst from it's hinges as Peter Petrelli forced his way into Maya's empty apartment. "Maya?" he called, worried. She had not been seen in weeks since disappearing from the Petrelli Mansion and the Shanti Virus had spread worldwide, to devastating effect. Almost everyone with abilities had caught it in a matter of two weeks. Emergency quarantines had been put in place, but it didn't seem to be working, no one knew how...
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Chapter Six
"What Is And What Should Never Be (Part One)"

Maya Herrera and Eden McCain - Manhattan, New York

"Wait," Maya said, suddenly struck by an idea "what's the date?"

After giving her a quizzical look, Eden flung her a newspaper. It was October the 2nd... 2006. That means...

"Do you know a man named Mohinder Suresh?" Maya suddenly asked, looking up from the newspaper.

"Not y- how do you know about Mohinder Suresh?" Eden asked, the note of suspicion rising once again in her voice. "He just moved in across the hall."

"What? Then this is the day he gets attacked - you must be the one who helps...
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Mira Shenoy looking at Maya at Mohinder's funeral.
Mira Shenoy looking at Maya at Mohinder's funeral.
Chapter Two

Maya Herrera - Kanyakumari, India

"Peter!?" Maya exclaimed, disbelief and dissapointment mingling sickeningly in the pit of her stomach. For a moment she'd thought...

"Sorry Maya, you weren't supposed to see me here" Peter Petrelli told her, getting to his feet.

Maya simply turned away, ashamed.

"I didn't mean to scare you, it's just, I thought I should pay my respects and..." Peter trailed off.

"It's fine, it's good to see you again." she told him half-heartedly. She turned to face him, but he had gone.

Returning to the beach, Maya wiped the dirt off the long shite sari she...
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Name: Eamon Tullidge
Age: 30
Born: Denver, Colorado
Location: Denver, Colorado
Power: Aerokinesis

Eamon has a high level of control over his ability, having mastered the ability to create and manipulate wind. His ability has developed to allow him to actually extract the breath from a person's lungs and create vacuum's.
He is considered highly dangerous and homicidal - not to be approached at any cost.

Eamon Tullidge's Prologue:

"C'mon Cass!" Cameron yelled to his girlfriend, who was lagging a way behind, panting slightly from walking a mile up a steep incline.

"Let's have a little break"...
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Walking away from the carnage and sirens Kevlar pulled out two obejects. One was a GPS tracjer with several dots on but Kevlar was only interested in 4 that he saw before him. They were at the park just two blocks away. Smiling he put that away and turned over the second object being a phone. He dialed a number and after a hushed conversation hung up. He walked towards the park. Unbeknowst to Kevlar he was speedily followed by the figure in black.

Stood in a pavillion on the park were four people. Lee and Catherine were standing hand in hand whilst Scott was leaning against a wall. In front...
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THE VILLAINS STORY CONTINUED: Lee awoke to a silent house, he was still on the upstairs floor and it seemed as if nothing has happened. However he noticed straight away that Catherine wasn't by his side which she had been since he met her. Darting up he ran downstairs and found Scott, James, Steve and Catherine tied up. Standing near them was a haitian man who just stared at Lee. Suddenly as if from nowhere men with full swat gear on stormed the apatment and surrounded Lee on all sides. Lee tried to use his powers but he couldn't. For some reason he knew it was the haitian that was doing it....
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When Lee arrives at he police station he finds himself in a cell next to an attractive woman. He walks over and starts talking to her. He finds out that her name is catherine and they get to know each other well. They get on to the sunject of how they ended up here and Lee shares with Catherine that he has a power. She then tells him that she does too duplicating herself and then back again. They talk some more and he realises that with this woman they could do anything they wanted. However they realise that there could be more people out there like them. They make...
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Chapter Seven

Alexis - Unknown Location

Red in the face, Alexis was desperately trying to force something to happen. "Argh!" she screamed, punching at the air.

Suddenly the lights went out and were replaced by dim red backup lights, as a siren blared all around. "All units. Code red. Operation: Apocalypse has escaped. All units. Code Red."

She suddenly noticed the walls had changed - they had gone from the clean white, to a dark metal - and there were double doors at either end of the large hall... Must have been an electrically generated illusion. Grabbing the chance, she ran for...
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"How To Be Dead"

Manhattan - New York

Screams filled the street as a deafening boom sent debris flying from an apartment high above the bustiling New York street.

People ran in all directions as what seemed like an entire floor of a nearby apartment building suddenly exploded with tremendous force.

Kaushal Sorabhjee - Somewhere in India

Kaushal sat alone in his spacious living room, watching the news. "After a month it has been confirmed that the mysterious virus that swept the world has been successfully eradicated. Little is known as to what caused it, but it is said that a private company...
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The doctor answering his page ran down the corridor knocking people out of the way. Running round the corner he entered the room of pandemonium. “What happened?” he asked taking control. “We have a 15 year old boy” the nurse responded “He was brought in about 5 minutes ago severe burns to his back and shortened breath sounds.” The doctor looked over at the boy and saw the burns “What’s his name?” he asked whilst hurrying over. “We don’t know he was found lying in the emergency bay alone.” BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!! “He’s flat lining”...
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“Consider it done” And with that he was gone. Mohinder carried on “Right as a last note underneath this ware house we have a tunnel impossible to locate unless you know it’s there which me and Peter have been working on. It leads to a massive compound underneath the destroyed quarter of New York. This is where the people we collect and ourselves will live. And trust me there is enough room and facilities to accommodate us long enough to abolish the governments plan and return to our normal lives.”
With that Mohinder stood up and led them out of the office, down the stairs and onto...
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