Merlin on BBC Club
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posted by knight_princess
22. Follow him around saying, "Bother, bother, bother, bother, bother," until he tells you to go away.
22. Follow him around saying, "Bother, bother, bother, bother, bother," until he tells you to go away.
1. Before he heads out to the training grounds, tell him his armour looks kind of big.

2. Then mention how it looks quite dull.

3. Ask him if he's made his daily quota for yelling at people yet.

4. After number 3, tell Arthur that he count you in his daily quota.

5. Ask him to pout for you.

6. Go up to Morgana when Arthur's within earshot and say, "Doesn't Lancelot have nice hair? He's so much cuter than Arthur!"

7. For added effect on number 6, add "Lancelot isn't a prat, either!"

8. And if you want to be REALLY mean, add "No wonder Merlin likes Lancelot better!"

9. During a conversation with Arthur, continue mentioning how great someone else is.

10. Suggest that Arthur is a little too old for the "Prince Valiant" hair cut.

11. Dye all of his clothes pink just before a meeting with the knights.

12. Infiltrate the kitchen and make rat soup for Arthur's dinner.

13. For added effect on number 13, tell Arthur (after he's had a few bites) that Merlin caught more rats in his room.

14. And for more added effect on number 14, ask if he thinks the rat tails look like noodles.

15. Ask him how Morgana used to beat him in spar matches.

16. Tell him he's drop dead gorgeous.

17. Remind him of the time Morgana hid the druid boy right under his nose!

18. Beat him in everything he's good at in front of everyone.

19. Poke him the head until he starts asking what you are doing then tell him :"Oh, I wanted to check if its gotten bigger...Oh look it has!" Then run.

20. Get the entire castle to keep asking him when he's planning to elope with another random 'thing' he met on a hunting trip!

21. Stare at him hintingly/expectantly whenever he mentions another female.

22. Follow him around saying, "Bother, bother, bother, bother, bother," until he tells you to go away.

23. For added effect on the previous one, come back ten minutes later and start doing the same thing.

24. Get Merlin to cast a spell so that their roles are reversed and Arthur has to be servant to Merlin.

25. Put a sign on his back that says "Prince Prat"

26. Talk about his and Merlin's "abusive relationship".

27. Say that blue is a much better colour than red.

28. Constantly ask if he'll sell Merlin to you.

29. Avoid him for about a week. When he corners you and asks why, say "Merlin told me that pratness is contagious".

30. Ask him if he's so great, how come Gwen's gonna end up cheating on him with Lancelot.

31. Say "Being king is a big responsibility. Are you sure someone like you can do it?".

32. Ask him to help with your Algebra II homework. If he can't do it, say "I thought princes were supposed to be intelligent. Oh well, I'll just go ask Merlin. Now he's smart".

33. Hide a tape recorder in his room that plays annoying songs over and over again (i.e. the llama song, the badger song, Charlie the Unicorn, If You Were Gay)

34. No.35, except play Michael Jackson and/or Jackson 5 songs.

35. Attach a walkie-talkie to the back of a chair or somewhere he won't look. When he comes near, say through the other walkie-talkie, "Arthur, I am your master, Ronald McDonald! You must obey my commands!". Watch his reaction.

36. Insist on calling him "Artie".

37. Spray Lysol on everything he touches.

38. Make a random day Merlin/Lancelot/Gaius/and anyone except Arthur Appreciation Day.

39. Start playing "I Don't Care" by Fall Out Boy and then ask him if it's his theme song.

40. No. 39 , except play "Prima Donna" from Phantom of the Opera.

41. Make a list of all the slashy things that Arthur has said to Merlin and give the list to Morgana and Uther.

42. Tell "Do you know who Bradley James is?? He is your twin!!!" Keep poking him for the whole day and asking him for his autograph.

43. Tell him that purple dresses suit him too, since he said that to Merlin. (2.09)
then go and raid Morgana's closet, and force him to wear it for the whole with the help of Merlin so it gets stuck to him and he can't take it off without Arthur's help.

44. Tell him that Merlin and him are so sweet together, and that they should both wear purple and hold hands and go on programs like “Project Runway”

45. Every time you see him pout, pop up and sing "maybe he's born with it. Maybe its Maybelline"

46. Tell him Gwen likes guys with a feminine side, and the only way he'll beat Lancelot in THAT race is to wear a dress. Wait and see what happens.

47. Throw him in the stocks and get Merlin, Gwen, Morgana, Gaius and Uther, (and yourself!!) and throw potatoes at him, and shout “PRINCE PRAT!!!

48. Tell him he really wanted that hug from Merlin and there is NO denying of it!!!
5. Ask him to pout for you.
5. Ask him to pout for you.
48. Tell him he really wanted that hug from Merlin and there is NO denying of it!!!
48. Tell him he really wanted that hug from Merlin and there is NO denying of it!!!
26. Talk about his and Merlin's "abusive relationship".
26. Talk about his and Merlin's "abusive relationship".
added by DW_girl
added by LLheart
Credit to link
added by kseide14
added by Ocean-star
added by peteandco
added by louvreangel
added by fantasyluva123
added by amourcervuss
Source: farfaraway
added by Setsuna
added by amourcervuss
posted by Lunaste
I did this before and if I've even helped one person find some new fic, it's worth it :)

Like last time: no NC-17 (which makes me sad, because I can't rec the Two Weeks Notice fic which is amazing, but yeah, I thought no NC-17 was Fanpop's policy), lots of Arthur/Merlin, but that's how I roll.
This time it's divided in two bits: the normal Merlin fic, and the RPF section. Now I know that RPF isn't everyone's cup of tea, so it's easy to skip over that section ;)


Gwen/Morgana, background Arthur/Merlin.
The original fic was so-so, but this remix is amazingly witty and very cute. Gwen and...
continue reading...
added by Melissa666
added by heartmerlin2
season 4
colin morgan
bradley james
added by alessiamonari
added by justliveitlive
Source: tumblr
added by Ajaxranstone
Source: From the DVS's special features
added by peteandco