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i was created this magic thing
i love to created things*
ok cool so....blanket starts to mess withthis thing we have
and we all walk in the room from ( paris,prince u and me )
and we say all together NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
and we go into the 80"S
ok then we say blanket what are u doing ?
and then i said "Where are we" then prince and paris saids "How should we know its your thinng thing"
nd u said "I know this house ive seen it be4"
and we step back and yell and screm and say THIS IS THE KING OF POP HOUSE!!!
and mj opens the door looking likw WTH!!
then blanket says hey who are you
thats soooo cute
then he says im micheal jackson and who are you
sooooo kool
and we both yell "MICHAEL JACKSON OMG"
then prince says waint a min aint you dead!!!!!!
and we look at him like yeah u are dead
than he say dead what do you mean then we all say will your our daddy
and he looking at us like "what yall doing here"
and then we say we don't know
lol and he will look at ppb like im your dad what the world
THEN he'll be like i'm your what?? then we'll say yeah your our dad
lol and THEN u and me be like "U didnt know that"
lol then he;ll be like no i dint know no that im your dady all five of yall then we'll say yes
and he will say well...if what u guys say ok then"
then we'll be like yes lets go daddy !!!
,lmao and then he will b like these are the rules up in here
No talking back
No running in the Kings house
and then i wisper to u "He anint no king"
and then u gasp and say " YES HE IS A KING "
and then he say NUMBER 3
No talking when im talking
and then prince say this anint school
your kidding right )) then blanket says WE RUN THIS HOUSE
lmao!! and he looks at him and saids "U DONT RUN ANYTHING OK U RUN YOUR SELF" "NOT THE HOUSE OK!"
ans then he said "ok"
SO do we get the rules around this house??"
thats what mj saids
oh yeah right then mj says i'm gonna have some pomebles with yall all ready
then me and u say "Yep u are "
cause were older and badder
what the???
and then he said "Well im 26 u cant beat that canu "
then i sad will im 20 n dont care
lol and ill say im 18 so i can beat that and then u slap me in the back of my head
and mj saids " thats not nice "
andwe all say "YES IT IS!! "
and he say "well in my house we dont do that"
then prince says YEAH RIGHT DONT DO WHAT !!!!!! comeing from the kitchen with a sandwich then mj says GET OUT OF THE KITCHEN
lmao this is funny
and then prince saids "NO in eating an sandwich do u have a problem with that???"
and then mj saids "Boy go throw that away" and prince saids "NO i love sandwiches and i dont like u i like sandwich"
then prais comes from up stirs saying the baithrooms flooded!!!!!!!!!!!!! then mj says WHAT did you DO??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then blanket has mj thriller albem and throws it then brakes it!!
and then mj saids "WHAT THE F*CK"
and we all stop what we doing
and u say "Dad what did u say???!!!" and then he saids "LISTEN IN NOT YOUR DAD OK I DONT KNOW U CHILDENS!!!"
and we all look ppb and me an u
and we got out the house
and mj saids "where are yall going?"
and we didnt answer
we just keep on walking
then he say waint if i'm ur father prove it then
we all look at blanket
so we all begin to moonwalk the he's like wow yall are good!!!
blanket is all thee poof we need
he's you
im him???
duh ya'll are twins
then mj saids"well...i cant say anything else but WOW!"
then i said yep ya'll do look alike
so how are we going to end part 1 of our story and what r we going to call it
lol um..we are going to end it with a peter pan bed time story
and we will call it...
i have nothing
we can end like that
ok when are we going to start part 2
how about sunday eveing
its friday now i knnow that right?
u know that right*
i now
lets get back to the rest of the story
so u said yeah he look just loike u
than he looks at blanket and say omg he dose look just like me all of yall do
then we say "DUH!!"
we are your f*cking kids dumb a%% then he says wach your mounth !!!!!!!
ok who sad that u did
than i pull out a copy of his will i so happen to have
so he begin reading it and belive every word that we said and said we are moe than welcome to stay with him but plz call my daddy he said
lol ok so...we say "YAY"
give him a hug n a kiss
ok so we enter the house and say we need to get redy to clen up prince put up the bread,tomatos,onuins,etc
i will meet u upstaris to see whats worng
and u 3 stay there DONT MOVE
HUH what did we do??
blanket said
"Yall did nothing just stay there ok"
mj said
yeah right lets move i said when mikey back was turned
"ok" me and blanket said
so we went into michael's bed room and said "WOW look at all this stuff" then blanket pick up mikey glitter glove and we said "PUT THAT BACK" then we heard foot steps it was michael "WHAT ARE YALL DOING IN HERE?, I TOLD YALL TO STAY DOWN STAIRS" mj said
um daddy you know we kids dont listen to a thing you tell us to do
i said
So we went
boy was he madx-( it all of us
ok so we allflowed him he said "Why are yall following us"
i began loling out lound he looked i just kept on lol
ok so i said "WHAT ARE U LOOKING AT" to mj
he said
so prince walking up srairs say "IM DONE"
and mj say "Ok!"
and paris saids "When are u comeing to do this????"
"Ill be there in a min" mj said
meanwhile me and regina were downstris with blanket making a ice cream sunday boy the kithen was already a mess this time it just got
even messer
mj walked down stairs "WHAT THE F*CK!! HAPPEN TO MY KICHEN"!!!!!!!!!
Wayneshia said
*we all burst out lmaoing"
blanket what all on the floor me and wayneshia was on the floor as well
lmaoing out butts off
it was wipped cream and hot fauge allllllll on the walls and th floor we just stond there lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*and then mj toke out a BELT *" SOOOOOOOOOO U THINK ITS FUNNY???" mj said we all stop laughing
me and wayneshia look both of us a said ( wayneshia ) "What are u going to do with that lol" <<< still lmaoing RUN FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *they all run though the house mj caught blanket* Nooooooooooooooooo we 2 said DONT WOPE BLANKET!!
Wope me!!!!! i said
to late he's got him its every man for him safe
*Prince walks in* OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! HEEHEE!! *moonwalks*
boy what are u doing i say "what does it look like im doing DUH!!" prince said then prais throws mj glove down the stairs prince runs ands gets it trows it to u then we strat throing it around
and then i said "DAD IS THE MONKEY IN THE MIDDLE!!!"
and the we all look and him and then blanket we look like he was going to throw up with all that ice cream he had awwwwwwwwww do we have to -o
"Yes u have to" mj said
so we all went up stairs but we looked back blanket was crying "blanket whats worng" prince said were r all 5 ganna sleep HUH !!!!! "I hope yall do" mj saidits2 boys and 3 girls i said "ITS 2 BOYS AND 3 GIRLS LIKE I CARE!!!" mj said
and then we all got to cry even prince and blanket
"U DONT CARE ABOUT USSSSSS!!!!!!!!! WHY WHY DONT U CARE!!" wayneshis said
"UGH GET OVER IT" mj said and then wayneshia looked at mj like she was going to mudder him "I CANT GET OVER IT CUZ YOUR MY DAD" she said
i said
*mj did not say a word*
i just look at him with this sad face and he said i love guys too.
and i said "I DONT LOVE U"
then he said get ready for your bath and then bed NOW GET!
"ok" we all said
SAID "ugh whatever" i said Fanlliy were all out of the tub n in our pjs now mj want to get his shower one of us began faushing the toilet he was pissed off
"WHO DID THAT???" mj said
uh Blanket did we all said running down the hall
to our rooms HAHAHAHAHHAHAH" we all said
i'm NOT lol YALL Are R IN BIG trouble
"SO WHO CARES" i said
he went to his room put on his pjs and came back to find us listen to thriller
with our ipods
" GIVE our IPODS!!" we said
he said NO and he toke them and hide them from us
"U KNOW WE ARE GOING TO FIND THEM" we all said at he same time
no ur not he gose and puts them in his room and locks the door and keeps the key around his neck
prais said we getta get that key but how?
he never takes it off regina said
"I HATE U DAD" U SUCK" she runs to the room
"nothing" paris sai i came pissed off in regina and paris room i said im ticked off at dad he want give me that key for nothing!! no matter how much i asked
"Dad u cant take back what u said" paris
*pairs starts to cry*
IM* blanket put a mouse trip in mj bed eralyer to day and we forgot all about it till he went to his room and layed down we heard this lound scream we all said uh oh
"WHAT THE WORLD" mj said "WE GOT RUN" blankent said"IM GOING TO GET YALL" mj said "NO U NOT" i said our rooms were acrooss from each other and mj was all the way down the hall
*mj packs all the chiderns things* "YALL ARE GETTING THE HELL OUT OF HERE!! NOW" mj said huh we all said WHAT THE HELL DID WE DO we all said a once "I HAD ENOUGH WITH U ALL GET THE HELL OUT" mj saidlol WANT A MIN WE HAVE NO WERE ESLE TO GO?? prince said "U CAN SLEEP OUT SIDE!!" mj said HEY THATS CHILD ABOUSE!! I SAID"..." *mj didnt say anything* he just went back up stairs
"WHAT DID U SAY" i said to wayneshia
THAN WE SONG HEAL THE WORLD MAKE IT A BETTER PLACE FOR U AND FOR ME *but mj didnt get out of bed he just lad there and cryed * then ppb went to his room and asked daddy r you ok? but he said nothing "Ugh he really need to get over it" i said
so true i said he dose *michael looked and both of us and shook his head* and gave ppb there ipods back yeah they were so happy to get there ipods back "Dad" i said "what" mj said in a low voice "are u mad at us " i said "no" he sad said* then we let him listen to heal the world and he became to cry begin
"AWWWWWWWWWWWW look at them ppb and daddy we say
hesaid"come yall im so sorry for what i said or for what i did to yall i love yall so much"mj said
"we know u do" we both said and have him a hug
we know we are your life
oh blanket locked himseafe in his room!!!!!!!!
blanket heard mike yell it us and locked himsefe in his room you heard me
huh WHAT DID I DO NOW said mj
"YES U DUMMY" wayneshia said i dont get it yall are some bad kids mj said *we all looked at one another* "Yeah we know" all of them
then they start lmaoing
"whats sooo funny" mj said
"YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!" i said then the room got quiet
( in my mind ) "what did i just say" whats that sopes to mean
mj said
"um........ 4GET ABOUT IT " i said whatever i said "UGH SHUT UP!!" i said y don't yall both shhhh mj said
mj said haveant yall forget the rules i put down yesterday
"YES" i said
yes we all said
posted by mrsmj2011
She tries to run away from him. But he pulls her back in. He mesmerizes and bewitches her with his eyes. She is putty in his hands and he knows it. He does not have to say anything to her. All he has to do is look at her and her knees get weak and she melts. She tries to fight her feelings for him, but she can't resist him. To see him smile again, she would fulfill his every desire. She feels like she is going crazy because she can't stop thinking about him. Every night he is the star of her dreams. She wants to be the lady in his life for all time. She knows now that she will never escape him because she has fallen in love with Michael Jackson.
Don't try to fight it. You know that you want me, girl
Don't try to fight it. You know that you want me, girl
posted by NikkiLovesMJ
John Landis It was amazing working with Michael at the time because it was at the height – it was like working with The Beatles at the height of Beatlemania or something, it was extraordinary being with him, because he was just ridiculously famous. It was like being with Jesus I used to say, because people used to see him and go into hysterics. Also, Michael’s friends – it was so nuts. It used to be like, ‘Michael, William [son of Walt] Disney’s on the phone,’ or Fred Astaire, who Michael had known very well since he was a kid. ‘Mike, Henry Kissinger’s on the phone’; ‘Mike,...
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posted by numba1MJfan
Jen-whats going on
michael-they are done planning the new tour for BAD and i leave in 2 days
jen-but we just barley told each other we lov one another
michael-i no in oand im so sorry ill make it up to u i promise
michael-i got it how bout we spend thee next 24 hours together
jen- i love it
michael-great ill have someone pick ur things soon
jen-okay great
they wate so much cookie dough and cookies n cream ice cream ,nexican,japanese,and chinese food.
they wacthed scary movie 2 over and over again and all though jen knew wat was going to happen she would get scared anyways and hold on...
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posted by koolkat-1104
Michael my heart,

last night I dream of you,
you were embracing me from my back.
I heard your heartbeat and it beats so fast,
like our promise that our love will never end.

We had so much fun together,
that I wished to go on forever.
Talks and laugh ,kissing and cuddling,
like no other people existing.

Holding each others hands while we walked,
all your attention was just for us.
I can't think of anything when you talked,
but I love you more and more, you see.

We stopped walking and you looked at me sweetly,
then you leaned over and kissed me.
My heart popped out and I saw butterflies,
you said you love me truly. oh sorry and then, I awake up and my dream was to end.
It was still a memory to reminisce, your kiss was so tender and sweet.

Love and miss you !! ♥
Ryan White, symbol of justice
Or child of innocence, messenger of love
Where are you now, where have you gone?

Ryan White, I miss your sunny days
We carelessly frolicked in extended plays

I miss you, Ryan White
I miss your smile, innocent and bright
I miss your glory, I miss your light

Ryan White, symbol of contradiction
Child of Irony, or child of fiction?

I think of your shattered life
Of your struggle, of your strife

While ladies dance in the moonlit night
Champage parties on charted cruises
I see your wasted form, your ghostly sight
I feel your festering wounds, your battered bruises

Ryan White, symbol of agony and pain
Of ignorant fear gone insane
In a hysterical society
With free-floating anxiety
And feigned piety

I miss you, Ryan White
You showed us how to stand and fight
In the rain you were the cloudburst joy
The sparkle of hope in every girl and boy

In the depths of your anguished sorrow
Was the dream of another tomorrow

Back to poem site
posted by koolkat-1104
People ask me how I make music. I tell them I
just step into it.It's like stepping into a river and
joining the flow. Every moment in the river has
it's song. So I stay in the moment and listen.
What I hear is never the same. A walk
through the woods brings a light, crackling
song:Leaves rustle in the wind, birds chatter and
Squirrels scold, twigs crunch underfoot, and
the beat of my heart holds it all together. When
you join the flow, the music is inside and outside,
and both are the same. As long as I can listen to
the moment, I'll always have music.
posted by koolkat-1104
Live and sin
Ten years ago on this day, my heart was yearning
I promised I would never ever be returning
Where my baby broke my heart and left me yearning

As we walked into the room, there were faces
Saring, glaring, tearing through me
Someone said welcome to your doom
Then they smiled with eyes that looked as if they knew me
This is scaring me

We walked up the stairs still concealing gloom
There were two girls sitting in My room
She walked up to my face
And said this is the place
You said meet you right here at noon

Heartbreak hotel
Heartbreak hotel
Heartbreak hotel
Heartbreak hotel

Hope is dead
She thought...
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posted by mccalamccool
~~~Hey everyone! I haven't written this an like forever!!! I just didn't have any ideas. Anyway,I hope you enjoy the chapter. And sorry for any mistakes and a little bit of messing up on puntuation! I'm not the sharpest knife in the drower! So LETS BEGIN!!~~~
Mccala and Michael have been going out for about 8 months...They loved each other dearly and almost everyone believed they would get married and live happily ever after. But,Like I said...ALMOST everyone. Because Maria had just got out of prison and was ready to get him back. She would do anything! (Ok lets get to the actual story!) I had...
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Michael Jackson's children definitely have the bug -- the one that makes you give away large sums of money -- because they just helped make a $10,000 donation to one of MJ's favorite charities.

Earlier this week, Prince, Paris, and Blanket presented a check for $10K to the L.A. Housing Corporation -- a group that provides shelter for homeless families. Sources tell us Michael used to take his kids to volunteer with the group.

We're told the massive chunk o' change came from grandma Katherine Jackson's memorabilia biz.

MJ's heirs made the donation on behalf of his Heal the World Foundation. All three of them joined the group's Youth Board of Advisors last year.
posted by zombiestars
I was surf the Internet and I saw a link said ironic couples: Elvis & Priscilla. And Priscilla talked about Elvis and their first date.Shy though she was, Priscilla made a big impression on the singer – he would later tell her he knew from that first meeting she was his 'twin soul'.

Elvis was keen to see Priscilla again and she began visiting him regularly at the house he rented as a GI – this went on for six months during which time the couple were 'inseparable'.

"People have said, 'Oh my gosh, I can't believe your parents let you go with this stranger. But it was a very innocent time,"...
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posted by paloma97ppb
I gave you joy, your best of joy
I am the moon light, you are the spring, our life's a sacred thing
You know I always will love you, I am forever

I am the one who came when you fell down
I was the only one around (the only one around)
When things will hurt you
I am forever.

Wasn't it I who said that you are free?
Wonder if it seems so hard to be, and things would hurt you
I am forever, I am forever
We are forever, we are forever

I am a friend through thick and thin
We need each other,
We'll never part,
Our love is from the heart
We never say, "I don't need you"
We are forever

I am the one who said that you...
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posted by paloma97ppb
She's lookin for a job and a finer place to stay,
She's lookin for the hope in the empty promising,
She's workin two jobs, keepin alive,
She works in a restaurant night and day
She waits her life away
She wipes the tears away

She cries inside every time she feels this way,
And she’s dying inside every time her baby cries, no

Keepin your head up to the sky,
Keepin your mind just stay alive,
Keepin your wings so we can fly,
(Keep your head up tonight)

Keepin your head up to the sky,
And we can just rise up tell me now,
Gimme your wings so we can fly,

Giving up the life of the birds in the trees
And we’re...
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posted by michael58
We all know that Michael Jackson was known as much for his humanitarian work as he was for his amazing musical talent. Now, MJFC is highlighting Michael's philanthropic efforts with a new section called Stories of Michael's Love.

In this new section, you will find examples and first hand accounts of Michael's generosity and love. And, we want to hear from you! If you have been blessed by one of Michael's many acts of kindness, or you know someone who was; or if you just happen to come across a story you think we should include here, please let us know. You can send your stories to Love@mjfanclub.net and be sure to put Stories of Love in the subject line of your email. And don't forget to include your source!

The MJFC Team
Lauren and Michael are just sitting in the waiting room at the hospital. Suddenly a nurse walks in the room. "Hello you two." She says. "Hi" Lauren and Michael reply in a depressed and worried tone. "Is she going to be ok???!!?" Michael suddenly asks. "I'm sorry Michael I don't know yet." "She lost alot of blood." She said softly. "Oh.." He says. "Anyway it would be better if you two leave for a little while." The nurse said. "Oh um ok." Replies Lauren. Michael didn't say anything. "Michael why don't we go get something to eat?" Asks Lauren. "Um ok." He replies. They walk out of the hospital...
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The prosecutor in the Michael Jackson manslaughter preliminary hearing -- which begins tomorrow -- will not call Michael's eldest son, Prince Michael, to testify about what he saw the day his dad died ... sources tell TMZ.

Dr. Conrad Murray has said after administering CPR he ran downstairs and asked the chef to send up Prince Michael, who saw his dad's lifeless body lying in the bed.

In fact, we're told no one from MJ's family will be called to the stand during the prelim.

As TMZ first reported, prosecutors plan to call 30 witnesses during the 2-week prelim ... many of whom will be medical professionals offering opinions about the standard of care administered by Dr. Murray.

There will be no "star witness" in the prelim. Sources tell us the various witnesses will form building blocks, making the case that Dr. Murray acted recklessly by administering Propofol and other drugs to Jackson the day he died.
TMZ has learned ... Michael Jackson's weakened state during various concert tours throughout his life -- as well as preparations for the London concerts that never took place -- could become powerful evidence in the defense of Dr. Conrad Murray.

Sources connected with the criminal case tell TMZ ... there's "compelling evidence" that MJ was in weakened health whenever he went on tour. Specifically, people who went on various tours -- including the "Bad" and "Dangerous" concerts -- say Jackson was frequently "dehydrated, medicated, and sleep-deprived."

Just like with Dr. Murray, Jackson had a...
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posted by brianna250601
Michael Jackson. Words cant describe Michael Jackson. His music describes him. Michael J. will always be the king of pop to everybody. Even if you love him or you don't he will still be the king of pop. And no one will be able to take his place.

Michael Jackson is the king of Pop. Michael Jackson is one of the best musical genius ever alive. Michael Jackson is a inspiration to all and we are glad that we still have his music. Michael will always be remembered for what he accomplished and we are thankful for him. The song I love most is HOLD MY HAND featuring Akon,I really think that song was inspirational and that song had a meaning. Stick together and be strong.

Michael Jackson had a wondeful carrer with his brothers in the Jackson Five and a show stopping career as a solo artist,but he never forgot his lost childhood and spent his free time turning his home into a children fantacy land.
He named his home Neverland after the movie Peter Pan the little boy who never wanted to grow up.
Michael Jackson was called "Wierd and strange" because of the way he lived his life but when he was out of the spotlight he just wanted to do the childhood things he missed out on.
He just wanted to play.
Growing up with an abusive father he was forced to grow up way too...
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I come here today to speak to you about an extrodinary man.
A man whose talents have spanned several decades,and whose vision changed the way we listened to music,danced,and the way we saw the world around us.
This one man sang and danced his way into the hearts of millions and taught us that one great idea can heal the world.
I am talking of course about the late,the great,Michael Jackson.
He was a star at five yeas old and he lived a very tortured life because of his position.
And of course there was is music.
A life time of 1# hits that each delivered a message.
Messages like "We are the world"...
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Sources connected with the Michael Jackson/Sony deal tell TMZ ... among the 10 albums in the works is a remaster of "Off the Wall" -- with the help of none other than Quincy Jones.

We're told the plan is for Quincy to take charge of the project, which will include some never-before-heard outtakes.

Another album will feature the soundtrack to the upcoming Jackson-themed Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas.

There are reports circulating that Sony will release 10 original albums, but that's not true. In addition to the release of "MICHAEL" on Tuesday, we're told there will be at least one other album with original songs and at most two.