Mindless Behavior Club
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posted by TeamOMGGirlz
Lakye POV
I was laying in my bed trying to hold my tears back ... then Chres came in my room UGH
C: baby girl
Me: what -gettin ready to cry-
C: Lakye sweetie I'm sorry
Me: -sniffles-
C: -sits by me-
Me: go away!
C: honey please
Me: don't call me Honey or sweetie or anything else because you f-cking put your hands on me !! I'm done Chres!!
C: Lakye listen
Me: No Chres I'm done -walks away-
C: -grabs my arm tightly and pulls me back-
Me: -wincing in pain-
Let me go

Isaac POV
So Unique has been stressed so I decided to take her out and we have some fun!
[ listen to Do it like you by Diggy]

Me: Unique come on
U: -walks downstairs-
How do I look
Me: you look like a beautiful Unique
U: -blushes-
Come on let's go

// Fair //
Me: Unique come on let's go on that ride
U: okay come on
U: -screaming-
Me: -laughing-
U: never again Isaac
-we get off the ride-
Me: -buys a funnel cake with strawberries and whipped cream-
Me: want some?
U: yeah -eats some-
Me: Unique come on
U: ohh can you get me a bear?
Me: sure -wins a bear-
Me: -give it to her-
U: thank you thank you -hugs me and pecked my lips-
Me: come on -grabs her hand-
U: -drags me into the house of mirrors-
Me: Unique where'd you go
U: -laughs-
Right here
Me: -ran into the mirror-
U: -Ctfu-
Me: -grabs her hand and we go to the back-
U: Isaac this was fun
Me: yeah I know -smiles-
U: -kisses my nose-
Me: -puts my forehead on hers-
U: -grabs both of my hands and intertwined our fingers-
Me: -kisses her softly-
U: come on let's go through the haunted house
Me: alright -still holding hands-

Haunted House
U: Isaac where are you
I: -doesn't answer-
U: Isaac stop playing
I: -runs behind her and picks her up and spins her around-
U: Isaac put me down -giggling-
I: -puts her down-
U: Isaac you almost gave me a heart attack
I: -giggles- Come on let's go on the giant drop
U: okay come on

U: Isaac where are we going
I: come on
U: I'm coming
We reach these tea cups ride
Me: let's get on em
U: -turning the tea cup faster-
Me: hey stop !!
U: -giggling- okay
I: come on let's go
U: okay

Chres POV
Me: when I try to tell you something you don't walk away from me am I understood? -shaking Lakye as I speak-
L: Chres let me go
Me: -pushes her against the door-
I said am I understood
L: *sighs and nods her head*
Me: good now .. you need to catch up on some rest
L: I'm not tired
Me: did I ask you if you were tired or not no so get in the bed and go to sleep!!
L: -mumbling under her breath-
Me: -goes in my room-
D: Chres we need to talk
Me: what do you want?
D: why in the hell are you beating up my child?
Me: because she was being a smart ass so I punished her

Lakye POV
So I creeped out of my bed and listened to my mom and " dad" conversation
D: Okay but I understand that you punishing her but beating her up is child abuse all you had to do was give her a whooping maybe then take away her phone
C- silent -
Okay .. I'll do that next time
D: it ain't gon be no next time because we're through ... over
C: Excuse me bitch?

Jacob POV
I was still pretty pist about the whole me and Nazii situation so I called Unique ... I was just a little bit drunk
U: hello
Me: I said f-ck that nigga that you love so bad
I know you still think about the times we had
I said f-ck that nigga that you think you found
and since you picked up I know he's not around

I'm just saying you can do better
Tell me
U: Jacob f-ck you!! -hangs up-
Me: hello hhhello

Unique POV
Yeah I hung up on his ass .. talking about I can do better
Me: -walks downstairs-
B: hey midget
Me: not in the mood
B: what's wrong
Me: this nigga callin my damn phone talking about f-ck Isaac and I could do better .. man got me f-cked up
B: Unique calm down will you
Me: whatever man where's Isaac
B: downstairs with some girl
Me: -ran downstairs-
B: Unique I was just playing

Me: Isaac what is your damn problem!!
I: what are you talking about?
Me: so yo ass is cheating ? I knew it I knew it was to good to be true!!
I: wait who said that
Me: Blake
I: Blake!
B: yeah
Me: so that was a lie
I: duh ding dong!
Me: that wasn't funny
B: actually it was hilarious
Me: No it wasn't .. okay I'm not going to argue

Nazii POV
I was too pist
[ listen to Kim Morrell marvins room ]

Jacob: Nazii why are you so upset
Me: you f-cked another girl how can you act like nothing happened!!
J: Nazii
Me: you LIAR.. I knew it .. you went to her house and you came back with a puppy so I would that you were at work!
J: please Nazii I don't want that other bitch
Me: oh.. now she's a bitch .. you didn't say that when you were f-cking her..
J: please
Me: Jacob ... you gave me this ring.. and you told me that you loved me..
J: cause I do love you
Me: Jacob take this ring and hold on to it until you really mean you love me...
J: -grabs my waist-
Please Nazii don't do this
Me: -pushes him off-
I'm sorry Jacob but it's not going to work .. bye
J: okay.. okay.. bye

// Unique house //
Me: -rings doorbell-
U: you again.. leave
I: -wraps his arms around her waist-
Who's this hun?
U: this is an ex friend of mine what do you want?
Me: please talk to Nazii
U: Jacob if she doesn't want to go back out with you then I can't make her can't go out with you..
Me: whatever man....
U: -closes door-

Unique POV
So I was getting ready to go back upstairs when Isaac grabbed me
Me: yeah?
I: who was that
Me: that was the dude who told me what I told you earlier about the phone call
I: oh okay -gets red-
Me: so Isaac what do you want to do
I: Uhh
B: get a room
Me: -throws a pillow at his head-
Shut up!
I: we can go get something to eat
Me: ummm you can I don't feel like doing anything
I: but you just said that you wanted to go somewhere
Me: fine I'll go

// In the Car //
Me: Isaac stop the car
I: why
Me: just stop the car
-stops the car-
Me: don't think they know about you
Don't any different yeah yeah yeah
they don't about us they don't know about it
I: man you made me stop the damn car so you could sing what you think this is The Voice
Me: -smiles- yes papi
I: -raises eyebrows-
I love you
Me: love you too.. now can we hurry up

// Home //
B: took y'all so long what was y'all f-cking or something
Me: nah Blake .. Hey GIVE IT BACK
B: -takes my fruit parfait-
Give it back
B: get it
Me: you know damn well I can't reach that
B: oh well -walks away-
Me: -chases after him-
B: -splattered the parfait all over my face-
Me: BLAKE!!!!!!
B: -Ctfu-
Food Fight!!
I: -laughing-
Me: -wipes some yogurt off my face-
Hey Isaac
I: huh?
Me: -rubs yogurt on his face -
B: -Ctfu-
Me: -sprays whipped cream over him-
B&I: -look at each other-
Me: No DON'T please !!
B&I: we're going to count to 5
Me: No I'm serious don't do it!! -giggles-
B&I: 1... 2... 5!!! -throws me in the pool-
Me: -pops head from under the water-
They both ran inside

Leah POV
I met this guy Justin and he's a nice guy
Me: so Justin you are really nice
J: I try to be
Me: -giggles-
What is that supposed to mean
J: oh nothing -smiled- just a joke
Me: oh that's cool
J: so how are you single you're beautiful you shouldn't be alone
Me: well going through rough times ..
J: oh... I hope you get through
Me: I'll make it I'm a toughie
J: -laughs-
Me: it's true...
J: -leans in to kiss me-
Me: -looks away-
Uhh wanna go get some ice cream?
J: sure
-we go get ice cream-

Unique POV
Me: -screaming-
Isaac stop playing!!
I: I'm not
B: aye Unique!!
Me: what? -turns around-
B: -sprays me with silly string-
They run
// CUT //
Hope you enjoyed this episode
added by Roc-royalsbaby4
posted by Skittlez143fan
Lmfao I go from a funny and stupid song to a romantic and sad song
Nobody's POV
Ray:Yeah YN?
YN:If you ever see Star again,what will you do?
Ray:Yell at her,cuss her out.,flip her off,and let you beat her ass.
YN:*smiles a little*
Ray:You're shy.
YN:*blushes*No I'm not.
Ray:Aw you blushed.Why are you so shy?
YN:I'm not shy.
Ray:Then why are you blushing?
Yn:*blushes more*
Ray:Aw YN.It's okay to be shy *lifts your chin up*Now,why are you shy?
Ray:*looks into your eyes*
Yn:*looks away*
Ray:Chillax girl.I don't bite.
Ray:*laughs*what's wrong?
Yn:It's just that....I don't...
continue reading...
posted by TeamOMGGirlz
Me: aye driver can you drop me off at Michael house
??: sure
-drops me off-

Me: banging on the door
M: wh-(gco) hey
Me: -steps into his house-
You know I actually thought about it.. you are one dirty motherf-king cold-blooded killer... kill my mom .. in the middle of day.. are you crazy or insane.. you don't understand how much pain you cost me do you.. I can't believe my mom actually dated you..
M: -chuckles- you think I give two flying f--ks.. I don't
Me: YOU BITCH!! -slaps him with all the energy in my body-
M:-looks at me and laughed-
I'm the bitch... no you are .. you are my bitch I control you...
continue reading...
Well , I'm not really liking A Dream Come True . Sorry , but I'm writing a new story . Here's episode 1.

// Nevaeh POV
So I wake up this morning with my mom screaming my name like she crazy or something . I really wish this day didn't come so fast because my parents, me, and my stupid little brother , Adyn , are moving to Los Angeles . My mom thinks it's a good opportunity , but I say it sucks . Whatever !
// End POV //

Adyn: L.A here I come !!! *dances*
Nevaeh: Shut up you brat .
Mom: Stop sweetie . I am positive that you are going to love Los Angeles . Lets just enjoy this family time on...
continue reading...
posted by yahnnadaboss
This is just to see who should i add in my new series love+hate juss inboxx mii yhur name n ill give yhu a part but only three will get in soo ill be sure to choose wisley lol but this story will be about girls 4 girls who meet mb n they start to date them n they fall madly in love with them but then the love gets out of hand n then there ove turns into hate n then alot of epic things happen mb turns on each other the 4 girls dumb the boys alot will go on in this new series so remember to inboxx mii yhur name if yhu want the part of
princeton's girl
prodigy's girl
roc royal's girl
i play as ray ray girl so this will be based on a mb series tootles n dnt forget to inboxx mii yhur name
me n ray
me-omg its lik 2:00 and we're still doing this!!!
me-and nothng! im just saying!!
ray-lol! *keeps on going in*
*doorbell rings*
ray-*gets off of me n answers door*
???-where tha h3ll iz my daughter?!
mom-who iz this boy?!
me-my...uh..a friend
ray-*looks at me lik wth?!*
me-*looks at him lik go with it!!!! or u dead!*
ray-um yeah i waz helping her study 4 our sat's
mom-mmhhmm sweetheart come here! i missed u so much!!!
me-um...im pretty sure u did!!!
mom-*hugs me n whispers*just w8 until he leaves!!!
me-*whispers*um...heheh...uh...he lives here...
mom-oh...ur dead seetheart *talks...
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added by rayraynicki
mindless behavior tie me down credit goes to emilie54321 thx
added by minime23
Recap-Alana&Prince were talking freaky 2 eachother and they finally headed 2 the ca

Still Princeton's P.o.v
i was looking at Alana while she was fixing her bra&shirti was getting so horny right now i tried 2 pay attention 2 the rode but i couldn't so i pulled over 2 an alley

Alana:why did you do dat
Me:i need you right now
Me:i'm getting horny so bad and i cannot help it
Alana:can't you just like play with your balls or something cause i want 2 wait in duh club
Alana:get in the back
Me:*frowns*fine*sits in back
Alana:*she unbuckles her seat belt and sits on top of him and...
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added by rayraynicki
added by im4evrmindless
added by Mrzright
added by Princetonmb1435
added by rayraynicki
added by rayraynicki
added by rayraynicki
added by rayraynicki
posted by MindlessGirl145
Nyah: Yess
Roc: I got u somethin
Nyah: Wat
Roc: *Unwraps the blanket* This
Nyah: OMG
Roc: I know how much u like animals more than me so i got u a puppy
Nyah: Is it a boy or a girl
Roc: Its a girl
Nyah: Im gonna name it Brownie
Roc: Me and u were thinkin the samthing then, o and shes 3 years old and her birthday is August 4th
Prince: Keyanna
Key: Yes
Prince: I WUV U
Key: I WUV U 2
Key: Lets go 2 the mall
When I got 2 the mall I saw the cutest thing 4 Prince
-Key&Prince at home-
Prince: Watz in the bag
Key: Something 4 u *Handz him the bag*
Prince: Thanks...
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added by minime23