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posted by TeamOMGGirlz
Lakye POV
I was laying in my bed trying to hold my tears back ... then Chres came in my room UGH
C: baby girl
Me: what -gettin ready to cry-
C: Lakye sweetie I'm sorry
Me: -sniffles-
C: -sits by me-
Me: go away!
C: honey please
Me: don't call me Honey or sweetie or anything else because you f-cking put your hands on me !! I'm done Chres!!
C: Lakye listen
Me: No Chres I'm done -walks away-
C: -grabs my arm tightly and pulls me back-
Me: -wincing in pain-
Let me go

Isaac POV
So Unique has been stressed so I decided to take her out and we have some fun!
[ listen to Do it like you by Diggy]

Me: Unique come on
U: -walks downstairs-
How do I look
Me: you look like a beautiful Unique
U: -blushes-
Come on let's go

// Fair //
Me: Unique come on let's go on that ride
U: okay come on
U: -screaming-
Me: -laughing-
U: never again Isaac
-we get off the ride-
Me: -buys a funnel cake with strawberries and whipped cream-
Me: want some?
U: yeah -eats some-
Me: Unique come on
U: ohh can you get me a bear?
Me: sure -wins a bear-
Me: -give it to her-
U: thank you thank you -hugs me and pecked my lips-
Me: come on -grabs her hand-
U: -drags me into the house of mirrors-
Me: Unique where'd you go
U: -laughs-
Right here
Me: -ran into the mirror-
U: -Ctfu-
Me: -grabs her hand and we go to the back-
U: Isaac this was fun
Me: yeah I know -smiles-
U: -kisses my nose-
Me: -puts my forehead on hers-
U: -grabs both of my hands and intertwined our fingers-
Me: -kisses her softly-
U: come on let's go through the haunted house
Me: alright -still holding hands-

Haunted House
U: Isaac where are you
I: -doesn't answer-
U: Isaac stop playing
I: -runs behind her and picks her up and spins her around-
U: Isaac put me down -giggling-
I: -puts her down-
U: Isaac you almost gave me a heart attack
I: -giggles- Come on let's go on the giant drop
U: okay come on

U: Isaac where are we going
I: come on
U: I'm coming
We reach these tea cups ride
Me: let's get on em
U: -turning the tea cup faster-
Me: hey stop !!
U: -giggling- okay
I: come on let's go
U: okay

Chres POV
Me: when I try to tell you something you don't walk away from me am I understood? -shaking Lakye as I speak-
L: Chres let me go
Me: -pushes her against the door-
I said am I understood
L: *sighs and nods her head*
Me: good now .. you need to catch up on some rest
L: I'm not tired
Me: did I ask you if you were tired or not no so get in the bed and go to sleep!!
L: -mumbling under her breath-
Me: -goes in my room-
D: Chres we need to talk
Me: what do you want?
D: why in the hell are you beating up my child?
Me: because she was being a smart ass so I punished her

Lakye POV
So I creeped out of my bed and listened to my mom and " dad" conversation
D: Okay but I understand that you punishing her but beating her up is child abuse all you had to do was give her a whooping maybe then take away her phone
C- silent -
Okay .. I'll do that next time
D: it ain't gon be no next time because we're through ... over
C: Excuse me bitch?

Jacob POV
I was still pretty pist about the whole me and Nazii situation so I called Unique ... I was just a little bit drunk
U: hello
Me: I said f-ck that nigga that you love so bad
I know you still think about the times we had
I said f-ck that nigga that you think you found
and since you picked up I know he's not around

I'm just saying you can do better
Tell me
U: Jacob f-ck you!! -hangs up-
Me: hello hhhello

Unique POV
Yeah I hung up on his ass .. talking about I can do better
Me: -walks downstairs-
B: hey midget
Me: not in the mood
B: what's wrong
Me: this nigga callin my damn phone talking about f-ck Isaac and I could do better .. man got me f-cked up
B: Unique calm down will you
Me: whatever man where's Isaac
B: downstairs with some girl
Me: -ran downstairs-
B: Unique I was just playing

Me: Isaac what is your damn problem!!
I: what are you talking about?
Me: so yo ass is cheating ? I knew it I knew it was to good to be true!!
I: wait who said that
Me: Blake
I: Blake!
B: yeah
Me: so that was a lie
I: duh ding dong!
Me: that wasn't funny
B: actually it was hilarious
Me: No it wasn't .. okay I'm not going to argue

Nazii POV
I was too pist
[ listen to Kim Morrell marvins room ]

Jacob: Nazii why are you so upset
Me: you f-cked another girl how can you act like nothing happened!!
J: Nazii
Me: you LIAR.. I knew it .. you went to her house and you came back with a puppy so I would that you were at work!
J: please Nazii I don't want that other bitch
Me: oh.. now she's a bitch .. you didn't say that when you were f-cking her..
J: please
Me: Jacob ... you gave me this ring.. and you told me that you loved me..
J: cause I do love you
Me: Jacob take this ring and hold on to it until you really mean you love me...
J: -grabs my waist-
Please Nazii don't do this
Me: -pushes him off-
I'm sorry Jacob but it's not going to work .. bye
J: okay.. okay.. bye

// Unique house //
Me: -rings doorbell-
U: you again.. leave
I: -wraps his arms around her waist-
Who's this hun?
U: this is an ex friend of mine what do you want?
Me: please talk to Nazii
U: Jacob if she doesn't want to go back out with you then I can't make her can't go out with you..
Me: whatever man....
U: -closes door-

Unique POV
So I was getting ready to go back upstairs when Isaac grabbed me
Me: yeah?
I: who was that
Me: that was the dude who told me what I told you earlier about the phone call
I: oh okay -gets red-
Me: so Isaac what do you want to do
I: Uhh
B: get a room
Me: -throws a pillow at his head-
Shut up!
I: we can go get something to eat
Me: ummm you can I don't feel like doing anything
I: but you just said that you wanted to go somewhere
Me: fine I'll go

// In the Car //
Me: Isaac stop the car
I: why
Me: just stop the car
-stops the car-
Me: don't think they know about you
Don't any different yeah yeah yeah
they don't about us they don't know about it
I: man you made me stop the damn car so you could sing what you think this is The Voice
Me: -smiles- yes papi
I: -raises eyebrows-
I love you
Me: love you too.. now can we hurry up

// Home //
B: took y'all so long what was y'all f-cking or something
Me: nah Blake .. Hey GIVE IT BACK
B: -takes my fruit parfait-
Give it back
B: get it
Me: you know damn well I can't reach that
B: oh well -walks away-
Me: -chases after him-
B: -splattered the parfait all over my face-
Me: BLAKE!!!!!!
B: -Ctfu-
Food Fight!!
I: -laughing-
Me: -wipes some yogurt off my face-
Hey Isaac
I: huh?
Me: -rubs yogurt on his face -
B: -Ctfu-
Me: -sprays whipped cream over him-
B&I: -look at each other-
Me: No DON'T please !!
B&I: we're going to count to 5
Me: No I'm serious don't do it!! -giggles-
B&I: 1... 2... 5!!! -throws me in the pool-
Me: -pops head from under the water-
They both ran inside

Leah POV
I met this guy Justin and he's a nice guy
Me: so Justin you are really nice
J: I try to be
Me: -giggles-
What is that supposed to mean
J: oh nothing -smiled- just a joke
Me: oh that's cool
J: so how are you single you're beautiful you shouldn't be alone
Me: well going through rough times ..
J: oh... I hope you get through
Me: I'll make it I'm a toughie
J: -laughs-
Me: it's true...
J: -leans in to kiss me-
Me: -looks away-
Uhh wanna go get some ice cream?
J: sure
-we go get ice cream-

Unique POV
Me: -screaming-
Isaac stop playing!!
I: I'm not
B: aye Unique!!
Me: what? -turns around-
B: -sprays me with silly string-
They run
// CUT //
Hope you enjoyed this episode
added by kaliyah143
added by alysiamaemouton
Source: hot
posted by Skittlez143fan
Recap:*Y'all walk away holding hands*

Yn:What's wrong?
Ray;It's just,*mumbles something you can't hear*
Yn:What did you say?Sorry but I can't hear you!
Ray:UGH!*pulls you into a kiss*
Yn:*widens your eyes and kisses back while closing them slowly*
Ray:*pulls away to see who it is*
Yn:*widens eyes and screams*
I look at YN and I expect for her to tell e who he is.Instead,her eyes fill with tears QUICK.She gets behind me and he runs up to her and I block his way to her.
Me:Um,what do you think you're doing?
continue reading...
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can't wait until 23rd of july i made this video guys.. hope you guys like and comments on it thanks if you did XD :)
mindless behavior
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