One Direction Club
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posted by harry_ginny33
Note: o.k everyone..this chapter came really really late but i have been too busy to write it..and got a lot of things to do..but anyway here is the new chapter..i hope you guys will like it though its not gonna be very exciting..anyway enjoy <3
After Lucy and her two best friends entered the school, they were amazed at how big the school was.

It had three floors and two playgrounds, on the first floor there were classrooms and lockers of course and it also contained the library and the cafeteria and the music room too.

On the second floor there were two labs across the hall and classrooms and you also find the gym and the stage which was hugely wide.

And on the last floor you find the headteacher's office in front of you as you reach the top of the stairs and a few classes half of them are empty and the art room in the end of the hallway.

They were all impressed and felt that this school is gonna be the beginning of something great.

After they were done exploring the school, Lucy went to the headteacher to take their locker numbers, all three of them were on the second floor, next to their classroom, Kathy's locker was number '602' and Rebeka's was '605' but Lucy's locker was a bit far, its number was '598'.

After they placed their books and stuff in their lockers, they went to receive their schedules and they hoped they would have many classes in common.

And they did have many classes in common.
their first class was English, Lucy stepped in in confidence though she was nervous but didn't want to show it, Kathy followed Lucy but Rebeka hesitated a little before entering cos she is not confident and she is very worried that others might not treat them in a good way but they only stood waiting for the teacher to introduce them, cos it would be rude if they just sit straight away.

the teacher's name was Mrs.Wright, she didn't look so old, like 25 or older, and she was kinda pretty with that silky hair on her shoulder and her eyes that could look very sweet and kind but can suddenly turn into eagle eyes if you make her angry.

"Everyone take your seats" she said loudly after taking out her books and notebooks and all her tools.

"Today, we have three new students that just joined the school.." she said looking at them in a way saying 'introduce yourselves'.

Lucy looked at her and understood what she meant, she blinked a little and took a deep breath then started to introduce herself in the shortest way possible.

"Hi everyone, i am Lucy" she said smiling and trying not to look too nervous.

Kathy decided to talk fast or else she would do something stupid like embarrassing herself.

"I am Kathy..umm..nice to meeting you all" she said fast.

Rebeka didn't quite understand what Mrs. Wright meant with her look so she stayed quiet a little then realized she has to introduce herself.

" name is Rebeka" she said in complete hesitation.

Mrs. Wright waited cos she thought Rebeka was can say more, but then she realized Rebeka is too nervous.

"Well, i am sure you will all be nice to the new girls and treat them well" she said talking to the students. "did you girls explore the school before class started?" she asked them.

"Yes Mrs. Wright..we did and we are quite impressed" said Lucy as politely as possible.

"Great! now we have three desks empty for you girls, so go and take your seats" she said smiling.

Then without saying another word, the girls moved towards the desks she pointed to and sat down and put out their books.

"Now, open your book on page 5 and start reading the first chapter while I write on the blackboard" she said.

And then all the students started to open their books and do as she said. but Lucy was quite in her own world.

She was thinking at how great and amazing the school was and kept telling herself that the beginning of their day is good so far, then she started to wonder what will happen later and that made her worried though a big part of her told her there's nothing to worry about.

"Lucy!" whispered Kathy whose desk was on Lucy's right.

"What?" asked Lucy after she woke up from her thoughts.

"Focus please, Mrs. Wright said to open chapter 1 and start reading till she is done writing, please focus" said Kathy.

"o.k" said Lucy and then opened her book.

The English class went well, and nothing bad happened to the girls, and on their way out they were stopped by a red haired girl.

"Hey!" she said in a wide smile.

"Hi.." said Lucy.

"um..I am Michele..nice to meet you guys" she replied.

"Nice to meet you too, Michele..i am Lucy and this is Rebeka and Kathy" she said smiling and pointing at her friends who were still too nervous to talk.

"Nice to meet you" said Kathy after she finally found her voice.

"So, after the Math class, do you mind if we hang out? it would be great..uh...and you seem like nice girls so i wanna get to know you better" said Michele.

The girl looked like she doesn't have many friends so Lucy felt petty on her and decided to agree.

"Sure, it would be very nice" said Lucy.

"Yay!" cheered Michele

After they finished most of their classes and got to meet some of their teachers, it was lunch time.

The girls meet each other in front of the cafeteria and walked inside to look for a table to sit on, they saw a table with a group of beautiful girls wearing the latest outfits and having the latest haircuts and they were giggling and it looked like they had meals that are fancier than the rest of the students.

Lucy didn't feel comfortable for those girls but Rebeka and Kathy were amazed.

When the three of them walked near those girls' table, they expected a wide smile and a 'welcome to our school' but instead the girls looked disgustingly at them and Lucy looked at them in the same exact way cos she hated it when someone treated like scum but Rebeka and Kathy frowned and walked away. Lucy noticed them walking away so she followed them still angry at the way those girls treated them. They found an empty table and sat on it.

"I knew it, we will never fit in here" said Rebeka staring at her plate.

"Come on, Rebeka don't be stupid. those are just some bitches who consider themselves better than everyone else..yeah they have the latest outfits and stuff but they don't deserve that admiration you guys showed" said Lucy as if she was blaming them.

"Lucy, come on! they look like the most famous girls in the whole school..imagine if they accepted us, we could have had an amazing start here".

"Shut up Kathy! there is nothing amazing about those girls, they are mean and selfish and if you wanna be accepted by them, then leave me out of it" said Lucy who got angry at Kathy for such a comment.

"Guys, please! don't fight about it! i kinda expected that we won't be loved by everyone. and i agree with Lucy..they might be stylish and everything but from the way they looked at us then yes they are bitches" said Rebeka who finally agreed with Lucy on something.

" both wanna be against me? i just want us to fit in, i don't actually care" said Kathy angrily.

"its not like that..its just.."said Lucy but before she continued, Michele joined them on the table.

"Hey guys!..what's wrong? were you fighting?" said Michele with a smile in the beginning then a frown after she saw their angry/depressed faces.

"Its nothing, Michele..just a normal friends fight" replied Kathy still avoiding Lucy and Rebeka's looks.

"No..its not nothing! Michele..what do you know about that group of mean girls who are sitting in that table at the back?" asked Lucy.

"Who? oh now i get it..we call them the meanies pack..they think they are the queens of the school and that no one is better than them and they consider all newbies as scum so if they look at you meanly then just ignore them cos they are not worth it" replied Michele.

"See what i was talking about?" said Lucy looking angrily at Kathy.

Kathy heard Lucy but didn't reply.

And they didn't talk until the day was over.

Lucy and Rebeka waited for the school bus in front of school, they were chatting till Kathy appeared, then Lucy frowned and looked away.

"I am sorry, Lucy" said Kathy in a sad face. " i feel really guilty about our fight cos you were right but i was too stubborn to admit it"

"Its o.k, Kathy..i am sorry for making such a big deal out of it anyway, but you made me upset cos you were talking about them as if they really DID role the school" replied Lucy.

"I know i know..and i am very sorry..forgive me?" asked Kathy, then they had a nice hug.

The bus arrived and they jumped in..they didn't talk about anything during the ride home except about homework and the teachers and what they like the most about the school.

After Kathy and Rebeka went home and Lucy went out of the bus, she walked tiredly towards her house.

"Hey mom, hey dad" she said and waved her hand towards her parents after she walked inside, she had a house key so she didn't have to knock.

"Hey honey, how was your first day? did you guys meet any friends?" asked her mom cheerfully.

"Yeah mom, we met this nice girl Michele, she showed us the place and that stuff but you know not everyone was nice" she replied remembering those girls.
"aw honey. its o.k..its normal, you surely didn't expect everyone to be nice" said her mom cheerfully. "what matters is that you liked it there and that you had fun"

"Yeah..i guess you are right" replied Lucy. "where is dad anyway?"

"He is at work, why you are asking?" said her mom/

"No reason, its just the first time i don't find him home..i thought he ignored me or something" said Lucy.

"Aw, Lucy..your dad maybe is a solid man and doesn't like to show his feelings..but he loves you and you know it" said her mom.

"Yeah..anyway i am gonna go upstairs and do my homework" she replied.

"O.k honey" said her mom.

Then Lucy walked upstairs and she felt tired as hell, she walked into her room and threw her backpack on her bed then started to take off her uniform.

After she got dressed, she put out her books on the desk and decided to study though her head was filled with thoughts. her first day wasn't as bad as she thought but she hoped that the upcoming days will bring new stuff and adventures.
==>this was the second chapter, long and boring i know but trust me the excitement starts soon..i hope you enjoyed reading it, and i hope it will receive many likes and comments <3 :)
the story cover <3
the story cover <3
posted by fiestagirl12345
Madision's P.O.V

i was in the car with my family well friends blasting Titanium by david guettta feuturing sia. "hey Ally pay attention ALLY LOOK OU--" i got cut off by smashing the tree.


i woke up the next day in the hospital with burn marks on my arm and fore-head. i dont remember anthing that happened all that i remeber is that i am in the hospital ith burn markes on me. the doctor comes in with shots i sigh and hold out my arm."well since youre real parents died and youre friends died also in the crash you are going with another family"she says looking...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Saphire's P.O.V

I went in the shower and washed the whip-cream and chocalote off. when i was washing i heard the door open i checked nobody i continued.when the curtain's slowly open "HARRY GET OUT" I yell covering up with the curtain he just stands their laughing. "get out harry please" i say he nods and gets out i blush and continue. when i get done i see my clothes gone. "harry" i think in my head i wrap myself with the towel and run downstairs beet red. "HARRY GIVE THEM BACK" I yell at him i see him in the room laughing i snatch them and smile and change in my pj's.
posted by fiestagirl12345
Alex's P.O.V

I was at work when my ex comes in he comes yanks me from the hair. Pulls me from the counter "HARRY HARRY HELP!!!!". I wake up sweaty and in tears. I hear Harry running in almost falling. "what happened you alright babe" he says snuggling close to me. "yeah just a dream about my ex hurting me again" I say shaking still in sweat and tears. "you know I won't let that jerk come near you ever again you are my sweetheart and nobody will lay a hand on you ever you are mine and you always will be I love you now go to bed" he says looking at me with those eyes that I loved I smile and go back to bed feeling his arms wrapped around me.
Chapter 3-Niall's P.O.V.
Niall was staring off into space as he was staring into Raven's violet eyes. Niall was too dazed out by her eyes that he couldn't here what she was saying. It looked like she was moving her lips, but Niall just kept staring into Raven's deep violet eyes. He loooked down at her pale pink lips and he just wanted to kiss them.
I can't pull a move like that, Niall thought, second guessing himself.
A strand of violet and black hair fell in front of her face. Niall, without thinking, pushed it back. Raven stopped talking and was trying to hide her blush, but was failing,...
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Chapter 2-Niall's P.O.V.
I saw Eleanor and Louis walk in with a beauitful girl in the middle of them. My eyes almost popped out of my head. Oh my God, Niall thought.
The girl had black silky hair with purple streaks and really cool violet eyes. Her skin tone matched her all of her features perfectly. Niall stared at her in amazement as she sat down. She looked over at him and her expression didn't change. Niall froze an continued to stare and she looked back down.
Why doesn't she smile, Niall wondered.
Then the teacher came in and wrote her name on the board. Harry, being the major flirt he...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Ally's P.O.V

I woke up the next day remembering last night. I get dressed and head to work. I worked at the bakery. I put on my apron and take the orders. I was working when I see Harry walk in I smile but then head back to work so I don't get fired. "hey I have to go to a party and I was wondering if you could go with me?" I nodded and took the day off I get ready and we head off. We were talking and laughing when a smile sweeps across Harry's face. "BOOBEAR!!!!" he yells and runs over to someone with suspenders I laugh the whole time. "ally this is Louis Louis this is ally" I shake Louis's hand and we walk in. I sit down and I see Louis and harry laughing. Oh the magic of. Bromances. I was eating so e snacks when Harry asks me to dance I blush and I get up. We were slow dancing when Harry freezes. "what's wrong wait that sounds just like you YOU LIED TO ME HARRY HOW COULD YOU I TRUSTED YOU" I yell. "wait ally let me explain" he says with tears. I smack him and run out with tears.
Lillian's P.O.V's

Once everybody was up we went down stairs to the kitchen to make our breakfast. We decided to make Pancakes. (hotcakes whatever you call them in U.S)
" mix batter until lumps are gone." "I don't get it." Semra said.
"oh my gosh Semra! Just mix it then when you think it's ready call me over." erica said. Erica loves cooking. She knows lot sbout cooking. That the one thing I don't really like about Erica, she takes over the cooking and then she'll tell you what to do. It's annoying!

Once we poorest the batter in the frypan and ate the pancakes we decided to go out shopping at...
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posted by Mikaela-Styles
Our silly boys! <3
Our silly boys! <3
Katie's Pov:
If the plane crashed right now I wouldn't care. I tryed to stay calm but on the inside I was fangirling. "So what's your name?" Niall asked looking over the seat. "Katie. Katie Carson." I smile. "Cool" Niall mumbles around a mouthfull of chips. "What brings you to London?" Harry asks. "I'm spending the summer with my Grandma" I say. "We will be landing in about ten mintutes" The pilot annouces over the intercom. "Do you have any paper?" Liam asks. "I think so let me see" I start to dig around in my bag. "Aha!" I smile and pull out a notebook with my favorite gitter pen and hand...
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posted by SapphireCat22
I jammed my hands into the pockets of my jeans and slowed to a walk. So now I had no job. I would have to go job hunting. "Isabelle?" I stopped and turned around. Louis and the other boys had followed me. Shocked gasps rippled through the crowded sidewalk. "What?" I asked. "It's One Direction!" screamed a girl. A wave of girls started running towards them. Louis mumbled under his breath and looked at the guys. "Bail and meet back at the place." he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a run.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked as we ran. "Because you were so nice to us." I sigh....
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posted by MadisonFontenot
I walked home with the others. When I got there I took a shower and changed.


I sat on my bed read The Lucky One. I heard a knock on my door and it opened. I looked up.
"Oh sorry I was looking for the bathroom..." Niall..I think.
"It's down the hall to the right.." He was about to shut the door.
"Hey...Um...I'm sorry for yesterday."
"Forgive and forget!" He smiled and shut the door. I closed the book, slipped off my shoes and laid down under the covers. I fell asleep but woke up an hour later. My mouth was really dry so I went down stairs and got me a glass of water. When I got down stairs...
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Deniesse's POV

This is Gemma: link
Oh.. my.. god.. The boys are already there. Harry and I stood up from the couch, Harry holding my hand. I saw Gemma and hugged her very tight.
Deniesse: Gemma, I missed you.
Gemma: I missed you, too.
She pulled away very happy.
Gemma: It's been a long time.
I just smiled. Gemma looks at our hands. I realized that harry didn't let go of my hands even though I hugged Gemma.
Gemma: So... What's that?

Harry quickly lets go of my hand.
Harry: Errrmmm hey, sis.

Gemma glares at him. Then I thought about what Harry told me before the boys and Gemma showed up. I think we really...
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Ronnie's POV:
Rebecca and I were watching the boys tryout from under the bleachers of the foot ball field.I was thrilled with excitement because at any moment we could have been caught.
Rebecca was rather chilled out,as she watched them through a pair of binoculars.The boys were running around the field.
"Wheres Derek?"I asked.
"He's the last one."
Derek dragged behind the other guys,then he past one....then another,and another.
"Wait a second,He's not last he's overlapping them."
"Woah!Go..."I yelled.
"Shh are you trying to get us expelled?"
"Oh,go derek."I wispered
"He'd be a good runner."she told...
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A sneak preview was just released for One Direction's performance at the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards! The 1D guys are looking forward to performing, but they're also a little nervous! Liam Payne dished, "It's quite nerve-racking, because obviously there have been so many historical moments and stuff that have happened at the VMAs. I think performing at the VMAs is such a huge occasion." Aw! With two nominations and a performance, it's such a big night for the boys! I know they'll be totally amazing though! Check out the video below!
posted by weebot_1d
**REALLY busy with school! sorry i take so long**

**Kiara's POV

I cant believe it's already Friday!! The week just flew by. Me and Payton were studying when she suddenly asked me something.

"Who do you like?"

"I don't know. I haven't found anyone yet"

"Come on there has to be someone and dont think i dont see the way you look at Niall!"

"I do not look at him a certain way and you know it I laughed"

"Sure. I'll get it out of you"

We both collapsed in a fit of giggles before deciding it was to late to study so we watched A Cinderella Story. I slept over that night. It felt so good to have a friend. I...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
Me and Louis order lunch from room service. We got tea, coke, mac-n-cheese, carrots, carrots, and carrots! We laid on the bed wondering what to do while eating.

"Well let's think of this as... a adventure!" Louis said taking a bit of a carrot.
"Yeah like....." I had to think. "Like the land before time animals!!" I said laughing.
"Yeah like them! But how are we suppose to get a car?" I shrugged my shoulder and put my head on his lap. He pushed some of my hair out of my face.
"Let's make the best out of this 'adventure'...if you know what I mean...." I laughed and he smiled. "Are you ready to...
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Zayn's POV
What's the matter with her? Gosh. I have to admit I love to hear her voice. Emilia Eduque and Via has the same voice. Oh god. I really miss Via. I really want to see her badly.. God, give me a sign please.
I look at my window and glances at Emilia Eduque's house. I saw her at her window. I need to see her face because I can only see her hair. When she was about to close her window, at last! I saw her face and she is so beaut- VIA! No Zayn. You're just imagining. No.
No. It is really Via. The girl I really love.

continue reading...
The day my life was changed forever started out normal. I was sitting on my couch, eating kettle corn, watching TV, home alone. I was just about to grab another handful of kettle corn when the phone rang. I quickly jumped off of the couch and picked it up.

"Yellow?" I said carelessly. "Hello, is this Lilah Nilmot?" a fancy-sounding voice asked. "Yes..." I said, wondering why this fancy person knows my name. "You posted a video of you and your friends singing a song on YouTube, right?" the person asked. "Um, yeah, I did." I said, probably sounding surprised. "Well, I work for the band known...
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Lillian's P.O.V

After I woke up this morning I had my breakfast then headed off to House for the sleepover.
I was the first one there. I knock on the door, then waited a little for the door to open. Erica's little sister Sophie answer the door.

"LLLIIILLLIIIAAANNN!!"she said while giving me a huge up and making me fall over. She had running start! Then I saw Patrick in the hallway looking at me and laughing while I was trying to get sophie off me.

"you right there?" Pat said while laughing. I finally got Sophie off me and answered Patrick's question.
"yep." I said.
The reason why Pat was there...
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Zayn's PO.V.

Niall, Liam and I woke up and we thought that Louis and Harry woke up aswell.
"So Harry, I hear you like Shannon" I said. There was no answer.
"Louis does Harry like Shannon?" Niall asked.
There was still no answer.
"Alright lets wake them up" Liam said grabbing his pillow.
We went to Harry Louis's Beds and started hitting them.
"Stop it" Harry said. We didn't hear him so we just kept hitting them.
"Stop it" Louis said. We didn't hear Louis either so we kept hitting them,
"WE SAID STOP IT" They screamed grabbing their pillows.
They had started a pillow fight that lasted foe ten minutes....
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Liam: hey, how did you know the song? I was the one who composed it.

Liam's POV
Oh, so she's stalking me or something.. God, how I wish she would love me back..


Via: Well, a few days ago I went here and played the piano. I saw this music sheet and started to sing it. (pause) Sorry.
Liam: No. it's okay. I love the way you sing.

Via: Did you know that you are my only friend who heard me sing?
Liam: Woah. I feel lucky. (chuckles) But your voice is like... velvet. I love your voice.
Via: Oh uhmm thanks? Haha. (chuckles)
Liam: (smiles and stares in her eyes)
Via: Oh errr so I gotta go to bed, Liam....
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