One Direction Club
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posted by harry_ginny33
Note: o.k everyone..this chapter came really really late but i have been too busy to write it..and got a lot of things to do..but anyway here is the new chapter..i hope you guys will like it though its not gonna be very exciting..anyway enjoy <3
After Lucy and her two best friends entered the school, they were amazed at how big the school was.

It had three floors and two playgrounds, on the first floor there were classrooms and lockers of course and it also contained the library and the cafeteria and the music room too.

On the second floor there were two labs across the hall and classrooms and you also find the gym and the stage which was hugely wide.

And on the last floor you find the headteacher's office in front of you as you reach the top of the stairs and a few classes half of them are empty and the art room in the end of the hallway.

They were all impressed and felt that this school is gonna be the beginning of something great.

After they were done exploring the school, Lucy went to the headteacher to take their locker numbers, all three of them were on the second floor, next to their classroom, Kathy's locker was number '602' and Rebeka's was '605' but Lucy's locker was a bit far, its number was '598'.

After they placed their books and stuff in their lockers, they went to receive their schedules and they hoped they would have many classes in common.

And they did have many classes in common.
their first class was English, Lucy stepped in in confidence though she was nervous but didn't want to show it, Kathy followed Lucy but Rebeka hesitated a little before entering cos she is not confident and she is very worried that others might not treat them in a good way but they only stood waiting for the teacher to introduce them, cos it would be rude if they just sit straight away.

the teacher's name was Mrs.Wright, she didn't look so old, like 25 or older, and she was kinda pretty with that silky hair on her shoulder and her eyes that could look very sweet and kind but can suddenly turn into eagle eyes if you make her angry.

"Everyone take your seats" she said loudly after taking out her books and notebooks and all her tools.

"Today, we have three new students that just joined the school.." she said looking at them in a way saying 'introduce yourselves'.

Lucy looked at her and understood what she meant, she blinked a little and took a deep breath then started to introduce herself in the shortest way possible.

"Hi everyone, i am Lucy" she said smiling and trying not to look too nervous.

Kathy decided to talk fast or else she would do something stupid like embarrassing herself.

"I am Kathy..umm..nice to meeting you all" she said fast.

Rebeka didn't quite understand what Mrs. Wright meant with her look so she stayed quiet a little then realized she has to introduce herself.

" name is Rebeka" she said in complete hesitation.

Mrs. Wright waited cos she thought Rebeka was can say more, but then she realized Rebeka is too nervous.

"Well, i am sure you will all be nice to the new girls and treat them well" she said talking to the students. "did you girls explore the school before class started?" she asked them.

"Yes Mrs. Wright..we did and we are quite impressed" said Lucy as politely as possible.

"Great! now we have three desks empty for you girls, so go and take your seats" she said smiling.

Then without saying another word, the girls moved towards the desks she pointed to and sat down and put out their books.

"Now, open your book on page 5 and start reading the first chapter while I write on the blackboard" she said.

And then all the students started to open their books and do as she said. but Lucy was quite in her own world.

She was thinking at how great and amazing the school was and kept telling herself that the beginning of their day is good so far, then she started to wonder what will happen later and that made her worried though a big part of her told her there's nothing to worry about.

"Lucy!" whispered Kathy whose desk was on Lucy's right.

"What?" asked Lucy after she woke up from her thoughts.

"Focus please, Mrs. Wright said to open chapter 1 and start reading till she is done writing, please focus" said Kathy.

"o.k" said Lucy and then opened her book.

The English class went well, and nothing bad happened to the girls, and on their way out they were stopped by a red haired girl.

"Hey!" she said in a wide smile.

"Hi.." said Lucy.

"um..I am Michele..nice to meet you guys" she replied.

"Nice to meet you too, Michele..i am Lucy and this is Rebeka and Kathy" she said smiling and pointing at her friends who were still too nervous to talk.

"Nice to meet you" said Kathy after she finally found her voice.

"So, after the Math class, do you mind if we hang out? it would be great..uh...and you seem like nice girls so i wanna get to know you better" said Michele.

The girl looked like she doesn't have many friends so Lucy felt petty on her and decided to agree.

"Sure, it would be very nice" said Lucy.

"Yay!" cheered Michele

After they finished most of their classes and got to meet some of their teachers, it was lunch time.

The girls meet each other in front of the cafeteria and walked inside to look for a table to sit on, they saw a table with a group of beautiful girls wearing the latest outfits and having the latest haircuts and they were giggling and it looked like they had meals that are fancier than the rest of the students.

Lucy didn't feel comfortable for those girls but Rebeka and Kathy were amazed.

When the three of them walked near those girls' table, they expected a wide smile and a 'welcome to our school' but instead the girls looked disgustingly at them and Lucy looked at them in the same exact way cos she hated it when someone treated like scum but Rebeka and Kathy frowned and walked away. Lucy noticed them walking away so she followed them still angry at the way those girls treated them. They found an empty table and sat on it.

"I knew it, we will never fit in here" said Rebeka staring at her plate.

"Come on, Rebeka don't be stupid. those are just some bitches who consider themselves better than everyone else..yeah they have the latest outfits and stuff but they don't deserve that admiration you guys showed" said Lucy as if she was blaming them.

"Lucy, come on! they look like the most famous girls in the whole school..imagine if they accepted us, we could have had an amazing start here".

"Shut up Kathy! there is nothing amazing about those girls, they are mean and selfish and if you wanna be accepted by them, then leave me out of it" said Lucy who got angry at Kathy for such a comment.

"Guys, please! don't fight about it! i kinda expected that we won't be loved by everyone. and i agree with Lucy..they might be stylish and everything but from the way they looked at us then yes they are bitches" said Rebeka who finally agreed with Lucy on something.

" both wanna be against me? i just want us to fit in, i don't actually care" said Kathy angrily.

"its not like that..its just.."said Lucy but before she continued, Michele joined them on the table.

"Hey guys!..what's wrong? were you fighting?" said Michele with a smile in the beginning then a frown after she saw their angry/depressed faces.

"Its nothing, Michele..just a normal friends fight" replied Kathy still avoiding Lucy and Rebeka's looks.

"No..its not nothing! Michele..what do you know about that group of mean girls who are sitting in that table at the back?" asked Lucy.

"Who? oh now i get it..we call them the meanies pack..they think they are the queens of the school and that no one is better than them and they consider all newbies as scum so if they look at you meanly then just ignore them cos they are not worth it" replied Michele.

"See what i was talking about?" said Lucy looking angrily at Kathy.

Kathy heard Lucy but didn't reply.

And they didn't talk until the day was over.

Lucy and Rebeka waited for the school bus in front of school, they were chatting till Kathy appeared, then Lucy frowned and looked away.

"I am sorry, Lucy" said Kathy in a sad face. " i feel really guilty about our fight cos you were right but i was too stubborn to admit it"

"Its o.k, Kathy..i am sorry for making such a big deal out of it anyway, but you made me upset cos you were talking about them as if they really DID role the school" replied Lucy.

"I know i know..and i am very sorry..forgive me?" asked Kathy, then they had a nice hug.

The bus arrived and they jumped in..they didn't talk about anything during the ride home except about homework and the teachers and what they like the most about the school.

After Kathy and Rebeka went home and Lucy went out of the bus, she walked tiredly towards her house.

"Hey mom, hey dad" she said and waved her hand towards her parents after she walked inside, she had a house key so she didn't have to knock.

"Hey honey, how was your first day? did you guys meet any friends?" asked her mom cheerfully.

"Yeah mom, we met this nice girl Michele, she showed us the place and that stuff but you know not everyone was nice" she replied remembering those girls.
"aw honey. its o.k..its normal, you surely didn't expect everyone to be nice" said her mom cheerfully. "what matters is that you liked it there and that you had fun"

"Yeah..i guess you are right" replied Lucy. "where is dad anyway?"

"He is at work, why you are asking?" said her mom/

"No reason, its just the first time i don't find him home..i thought he ignored me or something" said Lucy.

"Aw, Lucy..your dad maybe is a solid man and doesn't like to show his feelings..but he loves you and you know it" said her mom.

"Yeah..anyway i am gonna go upstairs and do my homework" she replied.

"O.k honey" said her mom.

Then Lucy walked upstairs and she felt tired as hell, she walked into her room and threw her backpack on her bed then started to take off her uniform.

After she got dressed, she put out her books on the desk and decided to study though her head was filled with thoughts. her first day wasn't as bad as she thought but she hoped that the upcoming days will bring new stuff and adventures.
==>this was the second chapter, long and boring i know but trust me the excitement starts soon..i hope you enjoyed reading it, and i hope it will receive many likes and comments <3 :)
the story cover <3
the story cover <3
posted by GabriellaAdams
Sooner or later mom had found out about my suicide thoughts,and Ofcourse she freaked out.It had been a few weeks before she found out.I sat with her on the couch,She just stared at me with tears in her eyes,Til she broke the silence.
"I think you should go back."She Told me.
"Mom,I can't...I"
"It would be best,I can tell,You miss them don't you."
"I just can't right now,I think I should wait a bit more."
"Well,I've talked to Ronnie,And I can assure you it's been hell the last few weeks with out you for her."She said fiercely."Now,Think about your children,Don't you miss those sweet smiles?Its...
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Preview: What makes for a beautiful day? Spending it with Liam Payne, 18, Louis Tomlinson, 20, Niall Horan, 18, Harry Styles, 18, and Zayn Malik, 19. Already a hit overseas, rowdy British-Irish boy band One Direction is dropping it's debut album Up All Night stateside March 20. And you'd better brace yourselves, babes, 'cause their star is going in only one direction-up.

GL: Up All Night is finally hitting the U.S., and we're do excited. Which is your favorite track?

Zayn: "One Thing." There is always someone in your life who has that one thing that you don't really know what it is, but you find...
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Chap 7: Niall and Zayn

Part 1: It’s not One direction without you, Zayn

Zayn’s POV:

When I opened my eyes, all I could see was white.
“Where am I, now? Heaven?” I asked myself
Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice. It was Liam’s:
“Oh, Zayn! He has been conscious!”
Four boys of One direction ran to my bed. They all looked so tired and worried, especially Niall.
“Where am I?” I asked them.

Harry said quietly:
“You are in hospital, Zayn. We are so worried about you!”
Niall looked so angry and disappointed. He was even about to punch me but luckily Liam prevented him in time. He gave me...
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A few days had passed since then, and, as Carter had requested, things went back to normal. Harry was much more aggressive towards her and her beatings had become daily again, although Harry seemed reluctant to hit her. She listened to everything he said and went where he wanted to go. They had also gone back to school, where Lucy made Carter’s life even more of a misery. Carter wasn’t herself at all; she was more like a ghost. She barely ate, she never spoke and she didn’t sleep much at night.

The only brightness left in her eyes was Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis. She talked to them every...
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posted by johncenaw85oi
A is for: AUDITIONS.
One direction never thought for one second that they were going to be in a group. They all auditioned as soloists. These boys didn’t even know each other until bootcamp! They all came from different parts of England and Ireland. They all got high praises from the judges in their auditions and you can watch them here:
Niall’s: link
Harry’s: link
Louis’s: link
Zayn’s: link
Liam’s: link

One direction sang all you need is love by the Beatles in week 7. It was an amazing performance as usual! Very lively, upbeat and it puts a big smile on...
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One Direction have announced the first date of a UK book signing tour.

The X Factor boyband will be signing copies of their biography 'Forever Young' at the Union Street branch of WH Smiths in Birmingham on Thursday Feb 17th.

Posting a message on Facebook, the boys said: "One Direction will be signing copies of their new book, ‘One Direction, Forever Young’. This is strictly a ticketed event with limited availability."

Tickets will be available at the store from 4.30pm on Monday 14th February. Those without a ticket will not be admitted into the signing area unless they are a parent or guardian of a person under the age of 16.

The signing is due to take place at 7 - 10pm.

We have no official word but expect more signings to be announced shortly.
ONE Direction star Niall Horan isn't looking for a girlfriend -- unless Cheryl Cole is on the market.

The Mullingar teen (17) was recently linked to I'm a Celebrity contestant Gillian McKeith's daughter Skylar, but the up-and-coming singer doesn't have time for anyone but Cole.

While Niall has never been shy about voicing his crush on the X Factor judge, he is still harbouring some feelings for her.

Speaking to the Herald, his brother Greg said: "I saw that alright, and I asked him was that true at all? He said it's nowhere near true, she's a nice girl, but there's nothing going on. I knew there...
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Go Girl magazine

1. CRAZY COSTUMES! The boys love silly costumes! Louis was spotted leaving the studio in a hospital gown and the lads have all in one outfits that they wear way too often!

2. MUMMY'S BOY! Harry confessed that even though he loved living in the x factor house, "I miss my mum a little bit."

3. SHY GUY! Liam was really shy about performing when he was younger! His old teacher said 'He needed to be pushed into the spotlight!'

4. WHAT'S COOKING! They may sizzle on stage, but the boys aren't so hot in the kitchen!
Niall said 'Harry almost burnt the house down the other day! He burnt...
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Weeks passed, and everything was going swell. Harry came over every day to hang out with the boys and Carter. Will called over every so often also, and got on very well with the boys, especially Louis.

Carter’s memory was slowly coming back. She remembered more and more early memories each day with the help of the boys. She confided in them quite often and also remained closest to Zayn. Liam was taken aback by Harry’s persistence with Carter. He never wanted to leave her side. It was like they were joined at the hip. Any time Carter was feeling slightly down, it was Harry she would call...
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Harry groaned as he got out of bed the next morning. He dragged himself down the stairs and into the kitchen. He had a bad hangover as a result of the amount of alcohol he had consumed last night and a pounding headache to top it all off. He opened the drawer and took out two painkillers. He threw them back his throat and forced them down with a glass of water.

He re-heated some left-over pizza from last night and brought it into the sitting room. He flopped onto the couch and switched the channel on the TV, wrapping a duvet around him afterwards.

Not only did Harry have a horrendous headache,...
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posted by BrilLiam
1. The five members of One Direction are Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik.

2. To hire One Direction out for one night, it would cost over £21,000!

3. Each member of One Direction applied as solo contestants on X-Factor, but failed to qualify for the Boys category. They were then put together as a group.

4. One Direction starred in a series of TV ads and events for Pokémon Black and White.

5. Liam Payne Appeared on The X-Factor in 2008. He made it through to the judges houses.

6. Harry's full name is Harry Edward Styles. His Twitter is @Harry_Styles.

7. One Direction...
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‘Dear Carter,

If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you’ve read the rest of your diary and know now what I did to you. I can completely understand if you never want to see me again. I just want to explain myself. I never really meant to hurt you. It was never supposed to go this far. I never actually knew how bad it was affecting you. Especially with the cutting, that surprised me the most. I always wondered why you never told anyone, but now I guess I know why.

I always regretted that day you know, when I first hit you. If I could turn back time and change all of this, trust me, I would....
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The next morning, Carter shot up from her bed and stood up. She journeyed into her en-suite bathroom and looked in the mirror. Dark bags hung under her eyes and she looked very pale. Sticky blood marks clung on her arm and she wiped them carefully with a cloth, wincing as she did so. She tied her hair into a messy bun and threw on a hoodie.

She couldn’t seem to stop sneezing and had a horrible headache. She felt so un-well and didn’t feel up to anything today. She dragged her body down the stairs and ventured into the sitting room. Harry smiled warmly at her when he saw her, which made her...
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added by Miraaa
Source: miraaa
18 year-old One Direction member Harry Styles just dropped £3,000,000 on his new bachelor pad in North London's Hampstead Heath area.The 2,300 square foot house has 4 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms and is the perfect party house. It's a big step up from his previous £575,000 flat! Harry and the boys will be even richer once One Direction's second album, Take Me Home, releases on November 12. Girls, you better start buying your plane tickets to peep Harry from the bushes of his house in London now!
-I don't own any of this, all credit to Seventeen magazine.-

Niall will say he's totally carefree about dating, gossip, and being in the biggest boy band in the world. But ask the 19-year-old about a certain girl and it's clear there's a secret seriousness under his mellow Irish exterior!

17: There's so much gossip written about all the guys in the band. What's the biggest misconception about you?

Niall Horan: That I have a girlfriend - I don't have a girlfriend. People also say I'm boxy, like it looks like I haven't been to the gym. There's always something going around. It doesn't bother me....
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The end of the night
We should say goodbye
But we carry on
While everyone’s gone

Never felt like this before-ore
Are we friends or are we more?
As I’m walking towards the door
I’m not sure

But baby if you say you want me to stay
I’ll change my mind
Cause I don’t wanna know I’m walking away
If you’ll be mine
Won’t go, won’t go
So baby if you say you’ll want me to stay, stay for the night
I’ll change my mind.

Lean in when you laugh,
We take photographs
There’s no music on
But we dance along

Never felt like this before-ore
Are we friends or are we more?
As I’m...
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added by Blacklillium
Source: 1dedus
One Direction and the letter U
One Direction and the letter U
Liam-This letter's U,you know it's true.It starts some words there are more than a few-ew-ew

Louis-U starts uh, and ugh up.U starts uden there's some in this cu-u-up.

Harry-Twenty-six letters are in the alphabet but we're here to sing about U.

All-U you begin the word ukulele,U there's a UFO flying by me.U and you're gone I feel so unhappy I love U, Ooh-ooh
U,you know you're so useful,U for unique that's a unique gown,U check it out Elmo's upside-down.U,there's a unicorn dressed as a clown,letter U-u-u that's what makes you so useful,Ooh-ooh
Harry-That's what makes you so useful.

Zayn-Don't get...
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posted by Directioner3300
Now maybe some of you directioners saw One Direction's "Between Us" perfume.Maybe some of you didn't.But I know it'll be a great perfume!!
The commercial is really cute.
First we have Harry and he's dressed up as a mountain climber and his ingredient for the perfume was a type of flower that was on a mountain.
Liam was dressed as a scuba diver and he had to get amber from under the ocean.
Louis was dressed as an astronaut so he got an (organic) apricot from a supermarket that was in space.
And when Niall came out he was dressed up as nothing lol.He was was his good old self.
And his ingredient was an onion but instead of putting the onion inside of the tube for the ingredients,Niall opened the onion in half and pt it near his face.And a tear came out of his eye and landed in the tube.
Watch the commercial on YouTube!! :)