One Direction Club
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posted by harry_ginny33
Note: Alright, I hope this chapter didn't come late, I saw MANY people were excited for this one so I decided to write it fast cos I might not have spare time again, Its gonna be exciting too, LOTS of things will happen, Read and enjoy ♥
The girls were walking home after a long day at school, The principle's last words couldn't stop echoing in their ears.
The contest is officially open and the school will be accepting entries for 3 days straight..They could easily grab a Pen and write their names on the board but what they are afraid of is what might come next after they write their articles.
If they write it, They will have a chance, Maybe one in a million but a chance.

Lucy and Rebeka walked with Kathy till they reached her home, She walked insider with no words, Not something she does everyday but they understood what her mind was busy with.
Then Rebeka went home and then Lucy.

Lucy didn't even notice her parents and went straight upstairs, She didn't even take off her uniform but just threw herself on her bed straight away and closed her eyes.

She started to think..and say to herself "Think deeply, Lucy! This is not just any decision..This could change your life!" and she imagined herself with Kathy and Rebeka after their articles won, While they were heading to the airport to meet the boys, She screamed when she did cos it felt so good..she decided to ask her mom, but in an indirect way.

She saw her mom in the kitchen cooking dinner, Then she started to think how to ask her mom the question she needs without sounding weird?

"Hey mom!" She said a little nervous.

"Hi Sweetie!" her mom replied in her usual smile "How was school?"

"Uh..School was good..But I gotta ask you something and I just couldn't wait till dinner, you know..Its better if I tell you while dad is not around.." Lucy said getting more nervous.

Her mom looked weirdly at her then she said "Alright, Dear! Tell me what you want, I hope its worth it."
Her mom was used to "silly" conversations with Lucy, They were mostly about One Direction so her mom didn't really think it would be important.

"You see, um..they have this kinda contest at school and of course I am not entering but this contest is about writing, You know..Uh..You write an article and if your article is....Creative and well written, You would get to travel to the UK..Lets just imagine, IMAGINE..that I entered that contest..Would you encourage me or tell me its a bad idea?" asked Lucy thinking that she might have confused her mom.

Her mom thought for a while and collected herself then she said "Its depends..If you would go to the UK to learn or to do some teenagers silliness."

"Mom..Come on! Like the school would arrange such a trip so that you can go shopping..Of course its about....Learning" She said thinking that she didn't literally lie, If she won, she would meet the boys and LEARN more about them.

"Hm..Well in that case, I would encourage you of course and even help you to win the contest." Her mom replied then smiled.

".......Great...Uh..Then you wouldn't mind if I join the contest?" Asked Lucy.

"Well..I.." her mom was gonna talk then her dad yelled.

"WHAT CONTEST?!" Her dad asked angrily thinking that Lucy was hiding something from him.

"Honey, Please calm down..Its just a contest arranged by Lucy's school" Her mom explained.

"And what's that contest about?" asked her dad in a suspicious way.

"Well..Its kind of like creative writing, She is supposed to write some essay.."

"article" Lucy corrected.

"Yeah, Article! and if she writes it good enough, She will win a trip to England." Her mom was done explaining.

"A TRIP TO WHERE?!" Her dad was more angry now.

"Dad..Please! Don't get mad..I will go to learn, IF I win..I might not win anyway, I have really small chances BUT..The point is its all about learning, I won't go to hang out with foreigners or something!" She quickly tried to calm her dad down before he explodes.

"YOU..ARE...NOT..ENTERING..THAT..CONTEST!!" He yelled at Lucy.

"WHAT?! WHY NOT?! Why are you being so unfair to me? Its always been my dream to go there and now I finally have a chance to make my dream come true and you want me to blow it?" Lucy yelled back and she felt like she was gonna cry.

"Enough said, Lucy! You are not going to another country to learn or whatsoever..If you wanna learn, Learn here! In your country!...Since when and you care about education anyway?" Her dad talked as if the conversation is over.


She locked the door behind her and started crying so hard, Just letting her feelings out.
But somehow, Weirdly! Her dad's words made her think more about entering the contest and writing the required article! He didn't put her hopes down, He made her more stubborn.
Then she wiped off her tears and put a look of deep determination on her face and she was like I am gonna do it no matter what my dad says.

Then she decided to call Rebeka and tell her about her crazy decision.

"Hello?" said Rebeka.

"Rebeka...I have made my decision" Said Lucy sounding determined, She didn't even ask Rebeka how she was doing.

"....About the contest?" Rebeka immediately read Lucy's mind.

"Yeah..I am entering" Lucy said.

"First why do you sound like you were crying or something? And what?!"

"You heard me! I am entering! I have had enough feeling miserable every second cos I haven't met the boys yet! I have hope that I will win! I will enter! and I am not crying.. Don't worry" Lucy yelled.

"We just got back from school, Are you sure you thought deeply enough? This is a big deal, Lucy! You heard the principle, As soon as your name is written, There is NO turning back!"

"I know! I remember what she said but I am sure..I am gonna do this.."

"......You fought with your dad?" Rebeka suddenly asked.

".........How did you know?" said Lucy who started crying again.

"I don't know..I felt it, you are never this determined on something, Unless somebody tells you you can't do it, And in this case I guessed its your dad cos your mom is not like him at all."

"...........Well yeah its him..We had a big fight..He heard me telling mom about the contest and then he just decided I can't go even though he knows how much its important to me!" Said Lucy after she wiped off her tears again.

"You told your mom?! And yeah..Well its your dad..What can you do about it.."

"Yeah I did but I didn't exactly tell her about the contest.."

"You lied?"

"Not really! I told her we would travel to UK to learn..That's not a lie, I mean if we go we would meet the boys and LEARN more about them! You get it? Its not technically a lie"

"Of course..And I felt weird that she agreed when you told her..Anyway I haven't told my parents..I am too scared, They would agree over ANYTHING except me traveling alone to another country..Just think about it, NO parents would agree"

".........Alright but still, I WILL enter the contest! Tomorrow I will write my name on that board and nothing will get in my way! Not dad, Not mom, No one!"

"Whatever you say..I am still gonna think more deeply about it.."

"Alright..See ya tomorrow"


Lucy hung up and felt like she kinda scared Rebeka from her determination but she is not turning back! never!
She will do this, She has to..If she and Kathy are ready to give on their biggest dream just cos their parents are not encouraging them so be it, But she will never give up.

She slept for a few hours and woke up in her usual timing today..She thought and thought all night long about the contest and realized that its the right decision and that this is one chance she can NEVER waste.

She went downstairs and her eyes were red cos she cried for hours the other night so her mom was shocked.

"Oh God..Dear..What's wrong with your eyes?" she said looking worried.

Lucy looked angrily at her dad and said "Nothing."

"Nothing? Were you crying last night? Is it cos if your father?" she asked the last question in a whisper.

"Mom..Please! I gotta go to school..Bye!" Lucy said and got into the bus.

The trip was silent and when they reached the school and walked inside, Lucy imagined herself writing her name on that board and what will happen after that..Lucy and Kathy were gonna walk towards their Chemistry class but Lucy left them and walked into the cafeteria.

"Where are you going?" Asked Kathy.

"You know where I am going..Don't pretend to be stupid" Replied Lucy.

Lucy walked towards the board and held the pen tight..She waited for seconds.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" asked Rebeka.

"Yeah!" then She written her name..It was probably one of the most tense moments of her life but she was determined to prove to her dad that she CAN make her dreams come true no matter how impossible they are.

Suddenly Rebeka written her name too and then Lucy turned out in shock.

"What......what did you just do?" asked Lucy.

"Don't pretend to be stupid..You know!" Replied Rebeka. "I am not gonna let you do this on your own, Its my dream as well".

Then they hugged each other and stared at Kathy.

"We took our decision and we are ready to face all the results if its gonna turn out badly" Said Lucy proudly. "What are YOU gonna do now?"

Kathy didn't reply and written her name as well.

Then all three of them hugged and secretly prayed that everything will turn out well.

They saw the names of all the girls in the meanies pack written on the board and the board was almost complete..When it does, They will have to write their articles. They were worried about the Meanies of course cos they will surely cheat and do anything possible to win but they didn't care. They made their decision and they will do this no matter what it takes.
==>Sorry for any mistakes and I hope you enjoyed the chapter..Its exciting I know..But wait for what's coming ;) xx
New story cover <3
New story cover <3
posted by DiamondYJ
Tammy's P.O.V:

I flopped on a bed that had been made out for me. "So girls." I say smiling. "The guys seem pretty chill." Rosie looks at me and nods. "Yeah, they're alright." Bianca and I exchange a lot. "Rosie, are you okay?" asks Crystal, coming over to her. "Yeah, I'm fine." she answered. Leah shook her head. "What's up?" Rosie sighed. "Nothing. It's just... awkward between me and Niall. And I don't know why." I smile really big and say, "WELL. You are obviously into him, and he is into you. So therefore, you both are denying your feelings to yourself!" Rosie glares at me. "I don't like him."...
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On Friday, everyone met up at Hailey's house for an "emergency meeting" as Hailey called it. We all sat down in her room as she said, "I've called this meeting today for a very important reason." We all shrugged. "And the reason is...?" Mary said, playing with her long, curly brown hair.

Hailey sighed. "What are we gong to WEAR when we meet One Direction?!" I laughed. Typical Hailey, wondering what to wear for a boy. Or in this case, boys.

Bethany shrugged. "Just wear what you'd usually wear." Hailey gave her THE LOOK. "Oh my God, Beth, you don't just wear what you'd usually wear. This is ONE...
continue reading...
Part 3: Forever.

Bella’s POV:

1 year later
“You're insecure, don't know what for
You're turning heads when you walk through the door
Don't need make up to cover up
Being the way that you are is enough.”

I turned off my alarm clock and woke up in the sunshine. I opened my computer and checked mail as usual. One message from Zayn:

“Dear Bella,

I’m so sorry for replying you so late. Everything is still fine. Mihrap and I had just kissed a minute ago and she is hitting me now as I am writing this to you. LOL. Mihrap is a good stylist as you can see the way the band wear on TV recently. Hannah...
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Part 2: What makes you beautiful.

Bella’s POV:

I was sitting in the corner of my room, crying my eyes out. I love him too much that I couldn’t let him go. Niall, why was you not a normal boy?
“I am sorry. I am sorry. I love you!” I cried.
I realized that I was too selfish to him. I couldn’t prevent him from making his dream come true. But what could I do now? Let him go and lost him forever? No, I couldn’t. I loved him too much to do that.

Suddenly I heard a voice:
“I’m so sorry.”
It was Mihrap. She walked to sit next to me, saying:
“I’m sorry, Bella. I should have told you.”...
continue reading...
----- Zayn is going to the hospital to visit Janine as a favor for Harry-----

(they walk in)

Zayn- Janine Janine.
Janine- Oh hey Zayn.
Zayn- Janine you have to go back to the sheriff and bail out Harry.
Danica- yea Janine
Janine- Why should I? I'm only in this place because of him.
Zayn- No Janine. Harry didn't do anything to you. You got into an accident.
Danica- yea.
Janine- But he has bullied me and its what he deserves.
Zayn- Janine. listen to me. Harry loves. you with all of his heart and he adores you Janine. Give him a chance. Bail him out. please Janine.
Janine- Fine. But you have to sign...
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posted by GabriellaAdams
Anna's POV:
6 months had pasted,Time was just flying by.
Nothing had changed much but Amber was pregnant.I quit working out so I could be with her after class.She didn't have a huge tummy like I did.It was round but it didn't make her look like a plum.It kind of made me jealous.Ronnie learns how to crawl.I was so proud,It was like a fairy tale and Ronnie was our little princess.And soon we have a little prince.
They were going to name him James.Harry wants to name him Kingsley.Thinking about the twos future gave me butterflies.What would happen if they grew up and got married?!?I could see it...
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The boys and Cher
The boys and Cher
(A/N Hey,loves! Hope you enjoys this part and if you all could do me a favor and join One Direction and Cher Lloyd club? That's what its called. Thanks,enjoys)

"Harry,if you don't mind,I'll be going to-" I began,poking his arm

"Claire's with me. Let's go,Hanna" Cher interuppted,taking my hand and dragged me to Claire's

"Ohmigosh,have you heard about that Hanna Lloyd girl? They say she's Cher's sister,but I think she's a slut" A girl said out loud

Cher walked over,"Hi,I'm Cher. And don't you ever call my sister a slut. Thanks,Brat"

"Brat?" I asked

"Those are what I call my fans" Cher nudged me,walking...
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posted by superman_saveme
    It was hard to believe I was now hanging out with One Direction. I even pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I was definitely awake, and I was definitely with the boys.
    Harry had gotten my number at the meet and greet a few days ago but I never thought he'd actually want to hang out with me. Or all of the boys much less. Or that they'd actually fly me to England to spend time with them. It was a lot to take in. I was a nervous wreck. I had no clue how to act. After a bit of joking around, I finally warmed up to them and was acting like...
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posted by ZoeyMalik28
So apparently Nialler likes Justin Bieber. Uh.okay. Well,someone just had to buy Nialler what he wanted,which was Justin Bieber tickets. ARGH! Doesn't anyone understand? He's an adorable kid. Well,he's hot. But.....I don't like going to concerts! Like what if something happens at the concert?! What if a fans catches his clothes on fire? What if I'm just making excuses so I can't go?! What if I'm going crazy since I keep asking myself questions? Okay,I feel crazy so I have to stop asking myself questions. Well,we're going to a concert. Front row. Security guards will be all around the boys and...
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posted by randomgirl3000
Girl, I see it in your tweets, your a directioner,
Cause your the 11 year old who sells cookiesssss,
Your tweets tear you apartttt,
And girl, what a mess you made upon your cyber lifee,
No parent in the world deserves this,
Yet here you areee,
Selling girlscout cookiesss,

Can you fallll,
One more timeeee,
Stop the videoooo,
And rewinddddd,

And if you delete your twitter,
I know we’ll celebrate,
Cause there is nobody elseeee,
As screwed up as youuuuu
As youuuuuuuuuuuuuu,
As screwed up as youuuuuuu,
Ohh as youuuuuuuuuuu,

Now girl I hear it in your cries and how it trembles,
When you scream for your...
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posted by randomgirl3000
keep playing inside my head, all that you said to me
I lie awake just to convince myself this wasn't just a dream
'Cause you were right here and I should have taken the chance
But I got so scared and I lost the moment again

It's all that I can think about, oh, you're all that I can think about

Is your heart taken? Is there somebody else on your mind?
I'm so sorry, I'm so confused
Just tell me, am I out of time?

Is your heart breaking? How do you feel about me now?
I can't believe I let you walk away when
When I should have kissed you

I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you (x4)

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~ Broken Hearts ~
Stephanie ‘ s P . O . V
    Violet was leaving soon . For the next two weeks I would be hanging out with her . The first time that she is leaving me … I knew she had to go .. She needs an education . Violet is a very smart girl she was lucky that she got a scholarship to go to Harvard .
    This afternoon Violet and I will go to One Direction ‘ s house . She told me that she will tell Harry that she is leaving … We all know that it will kill him so much . Violet then picked me up and we went to their house . We knocked on the door...
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Dear diary,today zayn has gotten worse but the doctor said he has some kind of medicine that can get his memory back so now we only have to worry about it for another week but he can't go to his big concert because the doctor said he can't perform on stage till he gets the medicine so I was just about to call Harry and tell him when I thought wait Harry kissed me yesterday right after we got away from the boys so Harry always kisses on the first date now were dating so how am I going to tell my boy friend to cancel a huge sold out concert so the boys can blame zayn but to think about I don't...
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posted by MadisonFontenot

Liam POV:

"hey!" I heard a voice behind me and it was Sofia
"Hey!" I said walking over to her.
"Are they still mad at you for running away?"
"no but I didn't run away.....I was taking a really long walk!"
"yeah what ever you say!"
'What? I really was!"
"If you keep walking you would end up in America!"
we laughed a little and joked about the fans that where chasing me then we went into the house.

"Wanna go swimming?"
"I don't have a bathing suit"
"We can go by your house and get one!"
"No!......I mean I don't have one"
"What? Your a dancer you have to have on!"
"I....I don't........I...
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Anna's POV:
It took me a a few days to comprehend that Matthew is my step-brother and it took me a week to convince my dad to let Zayn spend the night over at my house.
The door bell rang.I ran down stairs.
It was Drew and Amber.
"We thought we should spend some time together."
"Well you could have called."
"Yea but I'm out of minutes and Drew broke his Phone."she said as she walked in.
"Daddy!Drew and Amber are here!!"I yelled.
"I'm Gonna kill him!!"courtney yelled as she ran down stairs.
She grabbed him and pushed him down.She choke him.
"Choke day hoe!"laughed amber.
Courtney let go.
"Im sorry...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Alexis's P.O.V
When i get done talking me and Harry sit down and start talking about random things. "so do you have any other siblings execpt for Niall? asks Harry. When Harry gets done talking the memory of the car-accident comes back. 'my mom and dad anToby,Lilly were on their way back from the theater's when a truck hit them from the side and the car flipped over until it stopped we didnt know until the police called us. that night me and Niall ran to the hospital. But the time we got their it was already to late." i say trying to...
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Zayn and Perrie may have only been dating for a few months but it seems their relationship is getting pretty serious!

Zayn has publicly declared his love for the Little Mix singer, saying the three big words over Twitter.
"A very special happy birthday to my baby Perrie," Zayn tweeted. "Love you."

Perrie celebrated her birthday by going on a shopping spree with Zayn and her mother.

"They make a lovely couple," Perrie's mum recently revealed. "I really hope they make a go of it.

"I've been to his house and met the two of them with his mum and his three sisters, and I think they're really good for each other."
posted by fiestagirl12345
Harry P.O.V

The next morning i wake up and see darcy sleeping like usual. I quietly get up and prepare Darcys breakfast. chocalote milk and panckakes with a smily face on it with beeries and whip cream on top.
"morning daddy" says Darcy. "mornig sweetie youre breakfast is ready" i say. "thank you daddy" says darcy. "mornig" says the boys. "Hey Harry we got a interview today what are we going to do?" says niall. I sigh then think"we can take her to the interview and she can play with Baby Lux. "alright well we got to get ready i pick...
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posted by GabriellaAdams
Anna's POV:
After walking for about an hour in the midst of no where,I was exausted.I seen a old pick up truck.
It was Drew.He rolled down the window.
"Ya lost."
I opened the door and got in.
I started to cry.He hugged me.
"I know now how you felt."
"Its okay,Everything's gonna be alright.Tell me what happened."
I told him the whole thing From the day at the beach to the second Niall ran away.
"Look at me,At anytime you can call me and be there for you."he consuled me.
He took me back to the mansion.
I hugged him.
I got out the truck.
Harry and Louie came outside.
"Hey meet my.."I looked behind...
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Glimmers of light peer in my bedroom. I wake up to this amazing day. This is the day I will be going to my first ever One Direction concert! I hop out of my bed and take a burning hot shower. I change into my Hollister sweater and I run downstairs. My best friend, Emily was going to pick me up at 2:00 PM, that was only a couple of hours more til I see the handsome faces of One Direction. I log on to my twitter account and I tweet
"In less than 2 hours I will see the faces of my favorite band"

I log off twitter. To pass time, I watch television. Finally it's 2:00! My friend picks me up and...
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