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posted by GabriellaAdams
Louie's POV:
I woke up alone.I checked the clock to see it was only three a.m.
Startled by the absence of Amber,I sat up in bed.
Before my feet hit the floor,She walked in.
"Go back sleep,I'm coming laid down."
I rose my feet back on the bed and scooted over.
She laid down on the bed and laid next to me,she kissed me on the fore head then put her head down.
"Where'd did you go?I was disappointed not to wake up next to you."
"I had went down stairs for a snack,but Niall was awake to.So we watched tv."she explained.
"Oh..okay."I said then wrapping my arm around her waist.
When she said she was with Niall is when my paranoia began.
Niall was best known for his relationships after Carter.
Through he was my friend and I loved him,I couldn't have him hanging around Amber.I didn't like having to be greedy,but I couldn't even imagine what it would be like seeing her with some one else.

Ambers POV:
I thought about the conversation I had with Niall and how it was the first time I had seen him smile.It was so wired and bit fishy,it turned on my curiosities.
I looked at Louie through,and found myself distracted from the other things in my head.His hair was swooped down and it looked as if a smile was on him as he slept.He had his bare arms around me since he forgot to put on a shirt earlier as usual.I wondered how I ended up with someone like him,it was like dream.Suddenly,my phone buzzed twice meaning I had a text,then it played a cute ringtone I had set for Drew.
I instantly grabbed the phone off the night stand,it was the first time I had heard from him in months.We cut off connection,soon after Anna and him broke up.Now im just a stranger to him,and he wouldnt leave my mind,it was every day i thought about him but let it go.I go to school and see him but I try not to stare,and i just walk away.
I clicked through to the text,it said: I need to speak with you ASAP.And in person.
I looked at the text for a moment and gasped as I let the gears roll.I slammed my phone into the bed.
Louie woke and worried about me.
"What's wrong?"he asked sitting up and holding me.
"I can't tell you."I said.
"Of course you can."he hugged me.
I nodded no and I continued to cry.
He held me tight and gave his sympathy.

On a rainy Monday morning,I left my apartment for school knowing my fate.
Louie kept asking me why I had cried that night,but he just didn't know at all.I had never told anyone about Drew and what had happen,it stayed between me,Anna,Drew,and Courtney(Anna's younger step)
On the school bus,I waited in the back of the bus with Courtney.
She was a real friend,trying to help me through it through she couldn't do anything.I didn't know why he wanted to talk to me,I thought we were doing pretty good at ignoring each other.
I tried to hold back my tears through as we arrive at the school.
I jumped off the bus to see that Drew was waiting for me.
It was sprinkling.He was leaning up against,his pick up truck in the middle of the parking lot with an umbrella up.
"Should I go?"I asked Courtney.
"Unless you try,you'll never know."she whispered then left me.
The bus took off leaving me in the open.
I started to walk toward him,but there was a bulge in the concrete and I tripped on it making me fall on to the hard wet ground.
He ran over to me and grabbed my hand,I started to cry as I rose from the ground.
"Amber,are you okay?"
Susprise,he knew my name.I pulled away from him,and glared at the ground.I could tell he was staring at me.
Suddenly I felt him touch my shoulder.
"Don't touch me!"I screamed.
He instantly pulled away.This moment couldn't possibly get worse,I thought till he said something.
"Amber please..."
"Shut up!"I yelled looking him in the eye."Just who do you think you are!Who do you think you are thinking you could just walk away from all your probelms,Like you can magically say a few words and make it all better?"i rose my voice louder not caring if any one neard."That didnt stop the tears at night,that didn't stop the pain and make me fake a smile ror so long."I was now closer to him and in his face.
"If it was like that I would have changed a long time ago."I said then stepping away from him starting to walk away.He grabbed my hand but I turned around and slapped him and started to run off.He chased me closer to the building.
"I know I can't change anything!Im so sorry for it,I was scared."he yelled.
How dare he raise his voice at me.
I turned around look and looked at him.
"You should be!"I yelled back.
"I couldnt bare it!Seeing you that day on the street,I can remember my heart dropped and I have felt guilty ever since."he said to me stepping closer."I'm leaving for the military in a week,and wanna spend it with you."he said.
It began to rain hard,on us.I didn't really care.
I stared at him for a while.
"Why?Why me out of 7 billion people.Me?Cause I have moved on,and I be damn if you try and talk to talk to Anna."I said in mumble.
"Because your all I have left,so please Amber."he said and looking down.It took me a moment to realize he was crying.
Some how this touched me,it proved he did care.I walked down from the steps and out into the rain and hugged him.
"I was so stupid...."he sobbed as I hugged him.

He dropped the his keys on a table near the door when we walked in his apartment.
"So this is it.My place ever since my mom put me out the house."he walked in and sat on the couch.
It was a bit dark but I could tell it was pretty decent.
"Really?She put you out?"
"Yea,so now it's just me and Abby."he said.
"A girlfriend?"
"No,I haven't dated ever since me and Anna broke up."he said then going to the bedroom,I followed him.He bent down and opened a dog kennel allowing a dog out.
"This is Abby."he smiled as he petted her.
"Hey there."I giggled as she walked up to me.
"She's a golden retriever,I saved her from the streets,she's a secret through because the land lord doesnt allow dogs."
"Aww,That's to bad."I said.
"Yea I know."he said then walking to the kitchen."Would you like something to drink?"he asked.
"No thanks."I said then walking to the living room having the dog follow me.I sat on the couch and petted the dog.
"Are you sure,I have grape soda.Your favorite."
"No,I'm good."I told him.
I loved grape soda because it was so under estimated but I didn't want to bother him.I also had forgotten how well he knew me,and my feelings for him had no effect on me now.
"For one thing,When you say no you mean yes."
Or did it?
"You know me so well."I said.
"How couldn't I?"he chuckled and sat down next me handing me the soda.He turned on the TV and gave me the remote.
It felt like yesterday that I had fell in love with him,but also felt as if it were ages ago.He change a lot in appearance,he grew a mustache and cut his hair,no longer he had wavey dreamy locks but a styled shorten version.If I hadn't known better,I'd say he were a stranger,and evidently I didn't know.
He was a stranger now.
"Were you sad that you had to cut your hair?"I asked.
"I almost cried."he put on a cheeky smile."I had to cut it for the military."
I didn't know what to think about him leaving.Would it be the same,Probably but I'd have that unfilled hole in my heart.I'd miss him.Before I knew it I was back in tears,Drew looked at me.
He got up went to the bathroom and returned with some tissue.
I took it from him and wiped my tears.He put his arm around me and hugged me tight.
"I'll miss you,Don't leave."I sniffed.
"I have to go it my duty."
When he said that I began to laugh.
"You said duty."I snickered.
"You never changed,You always ruin the serious moment with a laugh."He smiled.He said it like he liked that about me.
"ok...Should I try again?"
"It's pointless but okay."
"Sniff Sniff don't leave..."I joked.
"Bravo."he said then playfully elbowing me.
I pushed him back.
"Stop.."I mumbled.
But he continue elbowing me,and poking me.I tried to ignore him but I couldn't bare it,I grabbed the pillow from behind me and stood up and whacked him with it.he complained but was quick for revenge,he grabbed the pillow from behind him and stroke me with it.
"So your going to hit a girl!"I complained.
"That never stopped you from hitting me after calling me a girl!"he laughed the hitting me again with the pillow.
"You got me twice,No fair."
"Yes it is!"he said as he scurried to his bed room.
I chased him with the pillow,He hit me once through and angered me.I suddenly felt like I could be on dragon ball Z and gather all my strength into the pillow.I grunted as I swung the pillow at him.I hit him repeatly as he crouched down yelling his mercy.
"Okay okay!You win!"he yelled.
"Good then."I said then sitting on the edge of the bed to catch my breath.We were a bit tried from out mini pillow war,that gadly won.He got up from the floor,he unexpectedly picked me up.
"What!No,Put me down!"I yelled,I realized that he was going to slam me into the bed.He laughed so cunningly knowing that I hated to be picked up since I was so short.
"Don't you dare."I told him as he walked toward the bed.
"To late."he said then dropping me on the bed,but I had a grip on his neck causing him to land on top of me.
He grinned for some reason,As my smile froze.He was looking at me with a so cheeky grin,with his green eyes pierced on me.
Suddenly I heard him fart,My eyes opened wide as he laughed.I kicked him off the bed as I gagged.But to my luck,Abby was there to lick him fully the face.
"Good dog,Abby."I said witha smile.
She got off of Drew and jumped up on the bed,she sat on me.
"Abby knows who she loves."he said as he stood to his feet.
She was a very fat dog,but also lovable.
"Ah!Abby!"I yelled as she licked the side of my face
He called Abby by her name.
She jumped up off of me and went by him.
He turned around and dug in his drawer.He gave me some clothes,They were girl pajamas.
"I just remembered I had these,althrough theyre Annas.It's better then you muddy clothes."he said handing me the clothes.
His attitude suddenly changed through,It was like he didn't want to get to close to me.I understood through,I was dating Louie.
He left and closed the door.Once again we were back to strangers when were having fun,but it didn't matter anymore.
I shimmed out of my clothes and into the others.I went into the kitchen,where he was sitting on a stool.By the way he sat,slunched over and eyes at the ground,I could tell he was frustrated.I took a deep breath in,knowing probably what he was thinking.It would take a lot of will if we ever wanted to be friends again.
"Amber..."he said then looking at me,He stood up.
"What?Did I do something?"I murrmurred.
He shook his head no,He then walked up to me.
"No not at all,You always think,you did something when you were the one who was treated badly."he was right through,I wasn't strong enough of a person to do to stand up for my self.
He paused for a minute,and took a breath out.
"Do you remember eighth grade,and the night of the valentines dance?I had promised to take you..."
I remembered but I didn't want to think about it.
"No...What are you talking about?"I said softly.
He walked away from me,and started walking in circles.
"I know you,remember.Think!Its in the back of your mind.How I told you I'd be there with you but I wasn't."he spoke quickly,and he walked back up to me.He grabbed my hand placed his hand on my cheek,forcing me to look at him.
"Amber,I know you,inch by inch.The way you whisper when you lie,the way you snort when you laugh loudly,the way you smile with four dimples,the way you would sacrifice yourself for someone like me."
"I remember that night."I whispered then allowing the years to stream.
"I don't know why it just took me so long to realize your feelings for me.And ever since that night,it's been in the back of my mind telling to say sorry,but I really can't breath with out you."
It was an old bad memory but it brought me down to my knees,when exposed.The flash back starts,I was in his arms like today,but I could hear screams.I felt cold,Freezing actaully.I was wet from my own blood.People watching staring as I doze off.Drew was crying as I laid my head on his shoulder.He whispered things in my ear,that now I couldn't remember.He kissed me as laid there dieing.I snapped back to the present as I realized he was pouring out his heart.
"I'm so sorry.."he said trying to holding back his tears.
He wrapped his arms around me and held me.
"You don't know how long I've waited to hear that."i said with my face muffled on his chest.
"And I wanna make it up to you before I leave,because theres a possibility I won't come back.I need you to for give me for everything."
"No,Don't say that,you have to come back."
I did know he was leaving for the military,but I couldn't bring myself to think if he was hurt.Which was better having him as a stranger or him being gone?Or worse dead?
These questions were tricky I couldnt anwser them.
Always when I was with Louie,I was thinking of Drew.That was why it was so easy for me to fall in love with Louie.Althrough he has no clue who I really was.He didn't know about Drew.He didn't know about the tears and blood shed.He didn't know anything,and I didnt plan on him finding out but....
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