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posted by johncenaw85oi
I left my uggs at the front door and ran upstairs into his bedroom.
"Sooo... uh what did you want to talk to me about?" i asked.
"Jess, you may not know this but im a VERY jealous person and seeing you so close to Louis just made me jealous. I admire your friendship but i think my jealousy went over the top and im just so sorry about that. I knew me and Louis had an argument and i accidently hit you so you werent talking to me, so i went and sat by Harry and told everyone what happened. Tracy seemed upset so i gave her a hug and told her that i bet by tomorrow everything would be fine again. Then we got home and tracy phoned me saying she needed to speak to me. So i invited her around and she just basically snogged my face off. I told her to get off because she was with Louis but she said if you two were going to cheat, us two should too. I told her to leave so she did then i wanted to explain to Eloise what had happened so i phoned her.We were on the phone for a while then she just hung up on me. Then about 10 minutes later her and maryanne turned up on my doorstep having a go at me!! they actually made me cry and everything. So then i saw Maryanne's fb status saying that you were all with Louis and stuff and i just lost it and im really sorry! I know you wont forgive me but im truely sorry and i really mean it!" Niall pleaded.

I didnt say anything. I just leaned in and gave him a kiss. Not just on the cheek but on the lips.

When we pulled apart i noticed tears in Niall's eyes.

"Babe im so sorry" he said, hugging me.
"So am i. Promise no cheating ever again" i smiled.
"I promise" he grinned.

I spent all morning and all afternoon over Niall's house. We didn't even realise the time until Niall's dad came into his bedroom asking if we wanted supper.
After that i said i'd see Niall tomorrow and i walked home.
My front door was open so i didnt even have to knock.

"Im homee!!!" i called.
My mum came out to see me from in the living room.
"Jess go and get ready, im taking you and Maryanne out for dinner tonight!" she smiled.
"YAY!" I grinned.

I ran upstairs and rummaged through my wardrobe.
I pulled out a floral skirt, a light pink strap top and a matching cardigan.
I slipped into some skin colour tights and put on some baby pink pumps.
I skipped into my bathroom and squirted a few pumps of my favourite perfume on.
I peered into my mirror and took a quick glance at me then went into Maryanne's room to see if she was ready.

"Jess help!" she sighed.
"yes?" i asked.
"I really dont know what to wear!" she moaned.
"we are only going out for a meal" i laughed.
"ino but i still want to look nice" maryanne giggled.
"what about these?" i asked.
I pulled out a pair of denim high waisted shorts and a 'i heart california' jumper.
"are you sure you think it looks ok?" maryanne asked, holding the clothes against her body.
"you look beautiful" i laughed.
"aww thanks jess" she smiled.
I left Maryanne to get changed in her bedroom, and i went back into my bedroom and checked my facebook.

I had (1) notification off Niall. He had posted on my wall. I clicked onto my profile and saw a post off him:
Oh i'd catcha grenade for ya, throw my hand on a blade for ya,i'd jump infront of a train for ya, you know i'd do anything for yaa!<3<3<3

Omg that was SOOO cheesy but sweet at the same time.
I really didnt know what to comment so i just "liked" it.

"Jess what do you think?" Maryanne said, walking into my room.
She looked REALLY pretty.
"wow you look stunning!" i smiled.
"aw thanks jess, you too!" she giggled.

I closed my laptop and me+Maryanne ran downstairs to tell mum we were ready.

"Ok then girls lets go!" my mum smiled.
I grabbed my bag and put my phone in.

We all got into the car and drove off.
We were going to have a meal in the harvester.
It seriously is a matter of minutes away in the car, so i dont know why we didnt walk.

Maryanne hadn't been to this particular harvester before but we had passed it many of times.
Niall had taken me here a few weeks ago for a meal, so i'd obviously been here before.

"Omg there so many cars!" my mum moaned.
We'd taken about 10 minutes driving around a tiny carpark, waiting for a car to leave.
We finally found a car parking space and my mum parked the car.

We all got out of the car and made our way inside.
There was a woman standing there by a stand.

"Table for 3 please" my mum smiled.
"right this way" the woman replied.
The woman picked up 3 menu's and led us to our table.
We were right next to the salad bar which was a good thing because here you could have unlimited amount of trips to the salad bars.

The table was a 4 seater so i sat on one side next to maryanne, whilst my mum sat the other side of us.
"here are your menu's" the woman smiled.
"thanks" we all said, politely.
"someone will be around to take your order soon" the woman said.
She then walked off.

I picked up a menu and had a look.
I didnt know what to have so i just said that i'd have the same as Maryanne.

After we had all decided on what we were having, a waitress came around and took our orders and gave us a bowl each for the salad bar.

"Girls, you go up first whilst i keep the table" my mum smiled.
"ok thanks mum" me and maryanne said.

We got up and huddled around the salad bar.

I was in akwardness because these two people were kissing and i couldnt get passed them.
"exuse me" i said.
"exuse me!!" i said, a little louder.
In the end i had to scream at them to be heard and they finally stopped kissing.
They both stared at me.
I was so embarressed because it was Niall's dad.
I turned to look at who he was kissing.
The only trouble was, he werent kissing Niall's mother!
As soon as Niall's dad realised it was me, he turned the other way, trying not to have any eye contact with me.
I knew it was him and he knew it was me.

Niall's mum and dad were marrid for years and still are.
I now know where Niall gets his cheating skills from....

I never said anything to Anthony(Niall's dad). I just pushed past him and the girl he was kissing, and went and joined Maryanne in the line for the salad bar.

Maryanne didnt realise that it was Nialls dad until i told her.

"no them people that were just kissing" i said.
"yeaaa" she replied.
"well the man was nialls dad" i said.

With a shocked expression on her face, she stared at the man.

"shit it is nialls dad!" maryanne shouted.

We quickly put some salad in our bowls, then went and sat back down at our table.

"Can i go up now girls?" my mum smiled.
"yea" we said, sitting down.

my mum got up with her bowl and left maryanne and me on the table.
I werent a huge fan of salad, so i only had a couple of cucumbers and a few breadsticks.

"Maryanne im just going to ring Niall, ok?" i asked.
"sure" maryanne replied.

I got my phone out of my bag and rang niall.
"hey beautiful" he said softly.
"Hi babe" i said. "uhh could you meet me at the park tonight because i need to tell you something".
"why the park?" niall laughed.
"i dont know, thought it would be different" i giggled.
"alright alright see you there babe" he said.
The phone line went dead.

I made out on the phone that i needed to tell Niall something happy, but really it was something life changing!


8:45 pm....

We finally got home from the restraunt. The meal was amazing!! It was really really nice. I was quite full so i shared a cheese cake with Maryanne for desert.
It was just really nice for the 3 of us, to go out for a meal together.

As soon as i got through the door, i ran upstairs and slipped into a pair of skinny jeans and put on Nialls jack wills hoody he had left at mine.
I grabbed my white daps from in my wardrobe and slipped them on.

i text Niall:

Heyy im gonna leave now. ill see you in a bit xxxx

i had a txt back straight away:

already here, see you in a bit bbz xxxxxxx

I slipped my phone into my jean pocket and ran down the stairs.

"mum im going to go and see niall for a bit!" i said.
"dont be out too long because its getting dark" she called.
"i wontttt!" i said.

Omg im 16 not 6! Does it matter if its dark. Im nearly an adult and i wish she would stop treating me like a little kid.

The park was right at the bottom of our street, so i walked there.
As i came to the park gate, i could see Niall sitting there on the park swing.
I opened the park gate and ran over to him and gave him a huge hug.
"Hi babe" he grinned.
"Is that my hoody you have on?" he laughed.
"haha yea sorry niall" i giggled.
"dont worry. you keep it. especially from me" he winked.

All of a sudden i thought to myself; how am i going to tell him that i'd seem his dad kiss another woman??!?!

"Ok uhh Niall. Im going to tell you what i needed to speak to you about but im just letting you no that i'll always be here for you if you need me" i said.
"ino babe" he said, kissing me on the cheek.
"Niall ive just came back from the harvester and me and maryanne saw your dad kissing another woman" i said.
There was silence.
"Niall im sooo sorry!" i said breaking the silence.
I looked at him and he had a huge frown on his face.
"what am i supposed to do" Niall said.
"well your going to have to tell your mum" i said, holding his hand.
"i need you to be there with me" niall said.
"wow niall uhh dont you think its a little personal?" i asked.
"jess your my girlfriend AND a whitness!" he said.
"ok...." i replied.

We got to Niall's front door and he tapped on it.
I was shaking. i was so scared. If his mum and dad had an argument it would be all my fault.

"Hey guys, your dad still hasnt came home from work yet" his mum said.
"Yes mum about dad, i need to tell you something" Niall said, looking at me.
"yes?" his mum asked.
"well uhh jess seen dad kiss another woman today in the restraunt down the road"niall said.
I looked at Niall's mum.
She wasnt shocked or anything. She just looked as if nothing had happened.
"did he really kiss another woman jess?" niall's mum asked.
"yes sarah" i said.
"Ok Niall you know this isnt the first time this has happened so im afraid to say this but we're moving back to ireland!" his mum said.

I felt a tight not in my stomach.
Niall's mum wanted Niall to move with her back to Ireland! I could not let this happen.
"WHAT! Niall shouted.
"Niall it will be for the best" his mum said.
"NO" He shouted, pulling away from him mum.
"Niall look, i know it will be hard for you but i'd rather me and you have a happy life and be no where near your father" his mum said.
"Mum i know i dont want to be near dad if she goes off with other women, but ive got the bestest friends i could ever ask for and my whole world" niall said, putting his arm around my waist.
Aww im his whole world. I felt like crying but that would be akward infront of his mum.
"Niall your 16 and you will have to live under my rooms until your 18, so like i said we are moving!" his mum shouted.
"fine, whatever!" Niall said in an upset voice.
"NIALL YOU CANT!!!!!!!!!" I shouted.
I know that i shouldnt of said that infront of his mother but i couldnt help myself.
"exuse me!" his mother said in a shocked tone.
"Niall cant go!" i cried.
Niall started crying and the both of us stood there hugging eachother infront of his mum.
"Niall as much as it hurts, nothing will change my desicion" his mum said, walking away.

When Nialls mum had gone, i could finally talk to him alone.

"Niall i dont want you to go!" i sobbed.
"jess i dont either!" he said, tears rolling down his face.
"Stay with your dad!" i pleaded.
"Ok ill ask" he said.

His dad came through the front door and placed his bag on the floor.

"ahh what a hard day of work" niall's dad lied.
"ANTHONY WE ARE HAVING A DIVORCE!" Nialls mum screamed.
"what? why?" he shouted back.
"FINE LEAVE! SEE HOW I CARE" Niall's dad shouted.
"Yes me and niall are moving back to Ireland!" nialls mum said.
"go on then but how am i going to see Niall" Nialls dad said.
"As its a long way away you'll only be able to see him once a year but you will have to pay for the plane!" naills mum said.
"fine see how i care!" Nialls dad said.

"umm dad could i stay with you?" Niall said in a quiet voice.
"NIALL YOUR COMING WITH ME!" Nialls mum shouted.
"Just listen to your mother son. She knows what will work" niall dad said.

I looked at Niall and his eyes were all red.

"Atleast i'll see you once a year" i sobbed.
"Jess about that. If Nialls mum and him move back to Ireland, ill have to sell this house for a smaller one!" Nialls dad said.
"WHERE!"I shouted.
"well it wont be near here" nialls dad replied.

I burst into tears and couldnt stop crying.

"see anthony, you caused all this!" Niall's mum shouted.
"yes i know and im sorry!" he said.
"as you should be!" Nialls mum said.
"mum when are we moving?" Niall cried.
"Ive just came off the phone to aunty Sue and she said we could live with her until i can afford a house" nialls mum said.
"OMG NOT HER!" Niall shouted.
"Niall dont be so rude" his mum said.
"So when!??" niall asked.
"She said next monday night!" nialls mum said.

"WHAT!" I screamed.
"Jess im sorry but your going to have to deal with it" Nialls mum said.

"Jess it would be best if you headed home now and we could sort some things out!" Nialls dad said.
"ok" i said, in a quiet upset voice.
"Dad can she stay the night??!!" Niall asked.
"Niall, it would be best if she didnt so we could sort some things out" Nialls mum said.
"Oh for goodness sake sara! Jess is Nialls girlfriend and they dont even have a week left together so dont you think you could be a good sport and let him spend the night with his own girlfriend?!!?"Niall dad shouted.
"Go and get your bags" Nialls dad smiled.
"Thanks" i said, pulling a fake smile.
"Ill come and help you pack" Niall said.

Both of us walked over to my house looking awful. I had mascara all down my face and Niall had red splotchy eyes.

My door was locked so i knocked it. Unfortunatly, my mum answered instead of Maryanne.

"Oh my gosh! Guys whats wrong?" my mum asked.
"Nialls moving back to Ireland!" i sobbed.
Me and Niall started to cry again.
"What? why?" my mum said.
"My parents are having a divorce! Niall said, tears streaming down his eyes.
"ohh no!" my mum said. "Niall come here sweetheart".
My mum gave Niall a big hug.
"Your always welcome to stay with us sweetie" My mum said.
All of a sudden, a rush of exitment struck me.
"well i would love to but my parents wouldnt let me!" niall said.
"You know i will try and help you with anything dont you" my mum said.
"I know, thank you so much" Niall said.
"Its ok. Now what are you to here for? Does Niall want to stay over?" my mum smiled.

"Well we were going to stay over Niall's but it would be easier if we stayed here because of the divorce situation" i said.
"Ok Jess come in and let Niall go and get his stuff" my mum said.
"Thank you, ill be back now" niall said.

I left the front door open a tad and went into the living room with my mum.

I let out a huge sigh just as i sat down.

"Jess im ever so sorry to hear about Niall" my mum said.
Tears started to form in my eyes.
"Mum please can we not talk about it. Hes leaving on monday and every time i think about it, it makes me very emotional" i said.
"MONDAY!" my mum shouted.
"yes" i cried.
"Oh my. im here if you need me hun" my mum said.
"thanks mum" i sobbed.

"Maryanne is staying over Hannah's house tonight" my mum said.
"Alright" i replied.

The front door opened and Niall came in with his bag.
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