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The city of San Francisco is asking Kulbir Dhaliwal, who was attacked by a tiger at the San Francisco Zoo on Christmas Day 2007, to reimburse them over $75,000 for the city-funded medical care he received after the mauling.
Cold viruses can survive on objects like telephones and railings for up to three hours.
More suicides occur in the Grand Canyon than in any other national park.
There are more bacteria in the ice machines at fast food restaurants than in toilet bowl water.
Alcohol-related traffic fatalities are more than twice as common on New Year's Eve as other midweek winter evenings.
Two men posed as New York City police officers and broke into a couple's home in order to steal their Christmas gifts on Christmas eve.
There are more McDonalds in the world than hospitals.
The average bed houses over 6 billion dust mites.
A New Zealand man was tired of receiving moving violations for not wearing his seat belt, so he made a fake seatbelt to fool police into thinking he was wearing a real one. While wearing the fake seatbelt, he got into a car crash, was thrown into his steering wheel, and killed.
In India, an image of the Virgin Mary supposedly appeared in the sun. Fifty people were blinded while staring at the sun trying to see it.
A Spanish businessman crashed into a teenage cyclist at high speed and killed him. Since the cyclist wasn't wearing a helmet, the court found both parties at fault and didn't issue criminal charges ... but the businessman then proceeded to sue the cyclist's parents for damages to his vehicle.
​Fireworks have been involved in over 9,200 injuries treated in the U.S. since 2006.
According to experts, canned tomatoes contain potentially dangerous levels of Bisphenol-A, a chemical that has been linked to reproductive problems, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
Recovering just five percent of the food that Americans waste could feed four million hungry people a day.
According to a 2002 study, more than half of all people who make New Year's resolutions are unable to keep their resolutions for even six months.
For every open job in the U.S. right now, six people are actively looking for work.
Young people who graduate from college during a recession end up earning, on average, about $100,000 less over a lifetime than their counterparts who graduated during better financial times.
25 percent of Los Angeles high school students say they could obtain a handgun for less than $50.
A recent study found that most people report no increase in happiness after taking a vacation, and even those who do return to their normal levels of unhappiness after only two weeks.
A large tub of movie theater popcorn contains 1200 calories, more than half the recommended caloric intake for an entire day.
Recent studies have identified a gene linked to fidelity ... men who carry a variation in the gene are much more likely to have serious marital problems or relationship crises.
According to a recent study, people who spent more than 23 hours a week watching TV or sitting in their cars had a 64 percent greater chance of dying of heart disease than those who sat for half the time.
Working too much can literally kill you: people who work more than ten hours a day are 60 percent more likely to suffer heart attacks.
More than two-thirds of elderly people will need assistance to cope with the tasks of daily life at some point.
Scientists recently found that levels of ocean plankton, which form the basis of the marine food chain and produce half the world's oxygen, have declined 40 percent since the 1950s.
In a recent survey, 90% of respondents reported feeling holiday stress, and 38% said they felt more stress this year than last.
Most people gain at least 1-2 pounds each year over the holidays, and never lose it again.
Women who are diagnosed with a serious illness are seven times more likely to be divorced by their spouses shortly thereafter than men in the same situation.
A person's chances of becoming obese jump by forty percent if a spouse or sibling becomes obese.
Doctors and patients remain unsure whether many drugs approved to treat serious illnesses like cancer are actually beneficial, since drug companies are often years behind in completing studies proving that their drugs work as hoped.
Almost 300,000 baby seals were clubbed to death last year.
Economists believe that many of the 7.2 million jobs the economy has shed since the recession began may never come back.
Less than one-third of men wash their hands with soap after using the toilet, according to a recent study.
Adults with only a high school degree are nearly twice as likely to be in poor health as those that are college educated.
About 17 million people worldwide suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome.
Each year, about 76 million people in the United States alone become ill from food they eat.
The five menu items most likely to contain parasites: escargots, sushi, steak tartare, hamburger, and pork.
People over 45 currently have the highest unemployment rate they have had in 60 years.
The World Health Organization estimates that 1/3 of the world's population will end up becoming infected with the swine flu.
Forty-five percent of employers have researched job candidates on social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter, and thirty-five percent have found information that caused them not to hire certain candidates.
Doctors tend to chronically overestimate the amount of time their terminally ill patients have left to live.
Nearly 40% of all deaths in the U.S. each year result from one of the following preventable factors: smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise or alcohol abuse.
Nearly 80,000 people end up in the hospital each year with lawnmower-related injuries.
About 130 people per year are killed by falling out of bed.
One in seven people sentenced to death is later found to be innocent.
More than 60,000 people a year end up in the hospital after injuring themselves trying to open cans, bottles or other items with difficult packaging.
Researchers recently found that divorce has an impact on physical as well as emotional well-being; people who have been divorced, on average, suffer about twenty percent more chronic health problems.
Since 1973, more than 500 people have drowned in bathtubs, hot tubs, toilets, or five gallon buckets.
According to a recent study, pregnant women are much more likely to be hospitalized or even die from the swine flu virus than members of the general population.
A recent study found that people who start tanning before age 30 have a 75% higher risk of developing skin cancer.
A recent study found that texting while driving makes it 23 times more likely that you will get into an accident ... and yet twenty percent of drivers (and half of all teenage drivers) admit to having sent texts or emails while driving during the last month.
67% of Americans are overweight.
More than half of all people will contract an STD at some point during their lives.
The average food item on grocery store shelves has traveled farther than most families go on their annual vacation.
More than half of all people will contract an STD at some point during their lives.
Researchers have found no scientific evidence to support any kind of cure for hangovers.
The average person's body contains detectable quantities of 148 different synthetic chemicals.
219 people have been killed as a direct result of "bird strikes," or birds flying into jet engines, since 1988. And it's becoming more of a problem, because goose populations are surging, and planes are becoming quieter, meaning it's harder for geese to hear and avoid them.
Foreclosures went up a record 81% in 2008.
One-third of the world's population is infected with tuberculosis.
One third of high school graduates will never read another book for the rest of their lives.
Bodies decompose four times as fast in water as on land.
Couple Paul and Caragh Brooks were married recently in a booth at their local Taco Bell. A friend who'd been ordained online performed the ceremony.
A Texas death row inmate who's been convicted of murdering his entire family plucked out his left eye and told the authorities he ate it.
According to a recent study, one in five teenagers is using technology to share sexually explicit photos of themselves.
Prior to 1998, workers had no federally mandated right to bathroom breaks.
A skier at Colorado's Vail resort somehow managed to get his ski caught in the chairlift while boarding. His pants then fell down, and he was stuck hanging upside down and pantsless for about fifteen minutes until personnel were able to back the lift up and free him.
Statistically, you are three times more likely to be murdered by someone you know than by a stranger.
The U.S. ranks 45th among the world's countries in terms of life expectancy, with an average life expectancy of 78.06 years ... which doesn't sound that bad, until you consider that they live nearly seven years longer, on average, in Macau.
The "5 second rule" is false. Bacteria begin accumulating on a piece of food (or any other object) almost instantly.
A New Jersey woman was walking her grandson's dog when the dog fell through the ice of a frozen pond on Saturday morning.
NASA recently spent $23.4 million designing a space shuttle toilet that would defy zero gravity and actually flush.
"An old woman haunted me!"

One night my and by brothers and I were sleeping up stairs while my mom was downstairs reading. I was lying in bed and heard this light stomping sound. Then the stomping sound got a little heavier. Soon, it became so loud that my brothers and I all came out of our room because we were scared. My mom had heard it too and she thought it was one of us playing a joke, but it wasn't - we were all in bed! We had no idea what to make of it and were really freaked out. But then, things got creepier....

"We found her stuff in the attic, her name was Tamara!"

I went over to...
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posted by yoshifan1976
Doctor Mario was in his office when suddenly there was an urgent phone call. It was Daisy. "Mario, come quick. Luigi's very sick." "I'll be there right now, Daisy", Mario told her. Nurse Peach was very concerned. "What's wrong, Mario?" "Luigi's sick", he answered with worry. "Go", Peach told him kindly. "I can take care of things here." "Thanks, Peach". He gave her a kiss and then rode over to Luigi and Daisy's house. Daisy hugged Mario and led him upstairs. "Hey little brother", he smiled at Luigi. Luigi smiled back. He loves his big brother Mario. No one understood the brotherly bond between...
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added by loonybug
Source: tumblr
No, I seriously hate it whenever I hear kids talk about Disney and celebrities, they say crap like "OMG Justin Bieber is awesome!" "The Jonas Brothers are having a new movie!" "Have you watched Shake it up? It's the best thing Disney has made!"
It sickens me that parents allow their kids to watch & listen to the mediocre shit Disney Channel produces now rather than to have them watch & listen to some REAL Disney & music. Even the trash movies like Prom, John Carter, Mars Needs Moms, and some of the Disney direct-to-video sequels are better than the crap Disney Channel has to offer....
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posted by hetalianstella
This is in no particular order.

- I hate how people automatically assume you are Chinese just because you're Asian, or automatically assume you are Mexican just because you are Hispanic.

- How people always say they COULD care less when they COULDN'T care less!

- When people use an elevator.....for one floor!

- Perverts....I mean, I don't hate perverts. Some of my best friends are perverts. But I'm not a pervert, so don't act like a pervert around me. Anywhere else is fine, but please respect my asexuality.

- When people overuse lol.
Especially when there is nothing funny!
Same with OMG. I...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a My Little Pony fan fiction. If you do not like talking horses that come in different colors, run for your life.

Song: link
As the green lines come closer, so do the words.
As the green lines come closer, so do the words.

France, 1938

Two stallions were walking to a warden at a jail. They were outside, near the exit where all the prisoners were lined up.

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Pierce Hawkins as....


Police Pony 54: All present, and accounted for sir.
Warden: Thank you.

Also starring Dragonaura15's Metal Gloss

Police Pony 95: *Playing drums for five seconds*
Warden: As of this moment, you will all be transferred...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.

On May 27, 2016, a war was started by a Hungarian named Gergely Szórád. He started this war on a website on the internet called Fanpop. He replaced an icon, using a picture that had Starlight Glimmer in it. Gergely also threatened to kill anyone that opposed the new icon he created. This angered millions, and split the My Little Pony fandom into two. The S.G. Bronies, (the bad guys), and the Anti S.G. Bronies, (the good guys.) This war also created a new law in April 12, 2018, all forms of entertainment...
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Just something I want to experiment with.. Even though it's not October it is kinda Halloweeny...

10: Jack the Ripper:
Let's start with then obvious for a list like this, the guy who disemboweled and probably dissected prostitutes, while also writing taunting letters to police. If you heard of Black Dalia, well this guy did this too 'all' his victims. And as the story goes, he was never found..

9: Jane Topper:
To me there was always disturbing about "Jolly Jane", the nurse was suppose to help people but instead poisons them, and worse still, lies with them as they died. Apparently for sexual...
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Mapquest Driving Directions is a web mapping service that provides detailed driving directions, traffic updates, and maps for various modes of transportation, including cars, bicycles, and public transportation. Mapquest Driving Directions is available on the web, as well as on mobile devices through the Mapquest app.

Cruise control, on the other hand, is a feature found in many modern cars that allows drivers to set a constant speed for their vehicle. With cruise control, drivers can relax their feet and maintain a consistent speed without needing to constantly adjust the accelerator pedal....
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added by Ranty-cat
Source: Fb
Hate how your life is?, yeah, well, DEAL WITH IT!
Other wise, your be taken to court by the Reality Police and put on trial simply because you said your reality sucked..

If your turned into a dog by a mysterious chemical. Your parents will just adopt another child, and forget you ever existed..

Your parents cannot be trusted. They are fools at best, and werewolf-enablers at worst. Just looking for any excuse to take your beloved dog to the pound. Also, your best friend is not really your friend, and has a terrible secret....
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A lot of people, including non-comic fans, think that Christopher Nolan's Batman films are well-made, high-class films. In fact, several versions of Batman, including the 60's show and 90's films, are treated as if they're inferior and not worth taking seriously.

However, I, whatsupbugs, am one of Batman's more obsessive and geeky fans and I'd like to propose a theory. It's a crazy theory, but I still believe in it. My theory is that the 1991 comedy film, Alyas Batman en Robin, is better than Christopher Nolan's highly-acclaimed trilogy.

You're probably already confused and you might think...
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Okay so a quick show of hands, who here remembers Afro Samurai? Very few of you, I’m sure. Afro Samurai is a thing… and it definitely happened. Okay, I rag on it, but there was definitely effort put into this bizarre idea. A black swordsman travels across a land of feudal Japan. A feudal Japan containing cell phones and robots and Kanye West bears. But effort was put into this, or at least money. Afro Samurai was voiced by Samuel L. Jackson, music was done by RZA of the Wu-Tang Clan, and the anime itself was animated by Studio Gonzo and won awards for it’s animation. So naturally, with...
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So horror movies…. I’m seeing a lot of movie, not a lot of horror. It takes a lot for me to be disturbed by a movie nowadays. Books have the ability to let you think about the horror and let you imagine it yourself, and video games let you experience it from a first hand perspective, but movies are not the best with making you feel scared. Even the good horror movies don’t do a good job at being scary. However, there is a subgenre out there that uses low budget and haunting imagery to give it a disturbing feeling. The world of exploitation horror films. So, today, on Hallow’s Eve, I...
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added by Blaze1213IsBack