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Months passed, and everything went the same. Eve hadn't controlled her bat shifting, it kept snowing around Emma’s seat during tests, and everyone was suspicious of Mellissa in gym class.

It was a crisp Monday on October 12th--- two weeks before Halloween. And a full moon. "Attention all students of Pine Oak! As you know, it is almost Halloween, which means it's time to get ready for our Halloween Bash!" Principal Brown's voice boomed over the whole school, and applaud followed the intercom. "So pick your dates, costumes, and I will ask all 7th graders to sign up for decorating committee." He finished.

A buzz came over room 207--- Homeroom. "It's the Halloween Bash, and you still haven't told Raymonde how you feel!" Mellissa said to Eve, stealing a side glance at Raymonde who was three seats over, talking to his human buddy. "I know I know. But a little birdie told me Emma has a crush on Jake." Eve said in a mocking tone. Jake was the friend Raymonde sat next to. Emma’s cheeks turned ice blue. Eve smirked and Mr. Smith, the homeroom teacher, clapped twice to get the class's attention. "Hello class. We're doing a..." a drum roll on the desks came over "A pop quiz!" Mr. Smith finished. Everybody groaned. Emma, Mellissa, and Eve huddled together. Suddenly, something hit Mellissa's arm. "Oh my gosh that better not be a spitball from Kayla again!!!" Mellissa cringed. "No, it's a note." Emma said grabbing it. "For Eve!"

"Me?" Eve asked taking the note. "Will you go to the Halloween Bash with me? Find who I am at the gazebo in Town Park. 30 minutes after school ends. Hope to see you there. From your secret admirer." Eve read in her head. "What does it say?! Tell!" Emma whisper yelled. Eve turned pink. "Is... she okay?" Mellissa asked. "Ms.Dipalo! Pay attention or don't come to class!" Mr. Smith said, startling Eve back to reality--- and her own skin tone. "Uh, thirty-seven?" Eve asked. The class giggled. "The question was can you start us off with some easy tens multiplication review. But Eve, since you can't pay attention, I'll just ask Jannia." Mr. Smith said. Jannia--- the leader of Emma, Eve, and Mellissa's enemy's pack (whom the girls often called "The Prissy Cats"--- smirked at Eve and gave her a thumbs down. Everybody but the teacher saw. Mellissa looked like she was about to wolf up. And Eve got a funny feeling she was about to shift. "Uh, you guys okay?!" Emma asked. They shook their heads. "Code black!" Mellissa whispered. The girl made an emergency code--- black was a shift coming. "WELL GO THEN!" Emma said urgently. Eve and Mellissa stood up and ran out the room. "Girls! Come back here!" Mr. Smith said, stopping Eve and turning her around. Her eyes were blood red and Eve immediately looked away, and shook Mr. Smith off.

Eve flew to the bathroom. Not ran quickly, but literally flew. Because by now, Eve was a bat and Mellissa was a wolf.

Emma was waiting for them an hour later in the cafeteria at their usual table with Raymonde and Jake. Emma spotted them down the hallway. "Guys!" Mellissa exclaimed. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?! I was snowing all day!" Emma exclaimed. "Yeah, if you call being cooped in a bathroom pretty much all day okay." Eve giggled. They sat down next to Emma. "Hey, Raymonde, Jake, did you hear?!" Eve asked. "Hear what?" Raymonde asked cluelessly and Jake elbowed his arm and gave a meaningful look. "Eve has a secret admirer." Mellissa said. "Oh, well then I did hear. In fact, um, meet me in the library in 20. Got to go!" Raymonde said picking up his tray and leaving the table. "Ray, wait!" Jake called at the same time as Eve. Jake said "See you guys later!" And went after Raymonde. "That reminds me I have to do something." Emma said. "Yeah, I'm leaving early. My mom says she has some surprise for all three of us, though." Mellissa said. "Cool. I was just hoping Raymonde asked me though..." Eve said. "Just, see you later."

Emma wrote on a piece of paper "Will you go to the dance with me? Please reply, Emma" she slid it into locker 27, Jake's locker, and ran off.

Eve waited in the library for Raymonde 20 minutes after lunch. Just then, Raymonde came into sight. "He looks nervous..." Eve muttered to herself. "Hey, Eve. So, remember that note...” Raymonde said. "Yeah..." Eve said patiently. "I sent it to you." Raymonde said nervously. "Y-you s-sent..." Eve stuttered, and then nodded. "Yes, I will go to the dance with you. But..." "But what?" Raymonde asked. "Well, do you like me?" She asked. "Well I... yeah..." Raymonde replied. Eve's heart jumped into her throat. "Just a crazy question..." Raymond said and Eve nodded. "Do you like me?" He asked. Eve stared into his denim blue eyes, searching for the right answer. She shoved her clammy hands in her pockets so Raymonde wouldn’t see them shaking. "Um... yes." Eve finally said. Bwoop! The bell rang and the hall began to flood with students. "I'll get back to you. See you." Eve said, and walked out of the library.

Eve shut her locker door and Emma yanked her back into the deserted library. "So... what happened?" Emma asked eagerly. "Uh... well... can I text you?" Eve replied. "Sure, you'll have to do it later though. Got to go to that big geography test." Emma answered. "Great. Then it's the end of school." Eve said. They waved and left the library. -

When Emma got home she immediately texted Eve. "Okay. Make like BP oil and spill, girlie!"

When Eve got the text her head ached. "Dang it, she remembered!" Eve said. She was hoping Emma wouldn't remember so she could bail. Eve called Emma on her phone. "Hey! Now TELL ME!" Emma exclaimed. "Well, shouldn't we add Mellissa to the call?" Eve asked. "Yes, but I have a feeling you're stalling." Emma replied.

Eve had just told Emma and Mellissa what went on at the library. "Ooh la la, Eve's got a boyfriend!" Mellissa chanted. "Melly!" Eve said. "It's kind of true. Usually finding out that you like each other leads to dating. You do realize that, right? You of all people should know that!" Emma said. "I guess. Are you signing up for the decorating committee?" Eve asked. "Yes" Mellissa and Emma said at the same time. "Cool! I was thinking of signing up and everything." Eve replied. "Niccce." Mellissa said. "Hey, I have a surprise..." Mellissa said. "Cool! What is it?" Emma asked. "Okay. Don't scream, snow, shift, faint, damage anything---" Mellissa got cut off. "Just tell us!" Eve pushed, scratching Jada behind her ear. "We are going on a cruise!" Mellissa stated excitedly. "Oh my gosh!" Eve yelled, making Jada run out the room. "And, we can invite anyone else we want. As many as we want." Mellissa said coolly. "Oh my gosh times two! When?" Emma asked excitedly. "After the Halloween bash!" Mellissa chanted. "Eve, you there?" "Squeak!" Was all they heard, and they started laughing.

The next day after lunch, the girls had just signed up for decorating committee. "I'm going to go check my locker for something." Emma said. "What?" Mellissa asked. "Nothing, I'll tell you later." Emma replied, walking off. When she got to her locker, a note fell out. "Yes," She read, "signed Jake." She did a little victory dance but her chanting "I have a date!" Got cut off by the sound of bells--- her ringtone. "This is Emma." She answered, clearing her throat to be more serious. "Hey this is Eve. We forgot to ask this; Mel wants to know who you're inviting." Eve said into the phone. "Just Jake. You?" Emma answered. "She's inviting Jake," Eve said to Mellissa, who jotted the name down in her notepad. "Raymonde and Kenya," Eve replied. Suddenly, the bell rang. "Got to go," Emma said, grabbing her social studies book and closing her locker, and then she hung up. When she turned around, DeDe, short for Deena, was right there and she crashed into her and they both gasped. "Watch where you're going! You are such a geek!" Deena exclaimed. Her bag fell to the ground, and Emma watched as everything slipped out. "Ugh, look what you did!" Deena complained, kneeling to the ground to pick up her stuff. She quickly stuffed an inhaler, contacts, and lip gloss into her bag. Emma knelt with her and picked up books and make-up. She began to put them in the bag, but Deena stopped her. "Uh, Jenna," DeDe rolled her eyes. "It's Emma," "Whatever. Just put my stuff down!" Deena snapped.

Emma got up, and was about to walk off, when Deena said "You shouldn't make me mad," she looked around the halls to see if anyone was around. "Ever. I may be the same monster as you, but I know I can do more things." "No! You can't! We're obviously both the same." Emma lamented. "Oh yeah?! Well how come I can do this?" Deena held up her hand and Emma went flying across the hall. She slammed against the wall, and Deena swept up the remains of her stuff into the bag, and shuffled away without looking back. Emma was left, passed out against the wall.

The next Emma woke up; she was lying in the nurses' office Mellissa and Eve hovered over her, whispering to each other. Emma shot up but got a searing pain in her right ankle. "Whoa there," Mellissa said. "Not too fast." "Why does my ankle hurt so badly?" Emma asked. "You sprained it. It’s a really bad one." Eve told Emma. "How'd this happen? Claire found you and told the nurse. That's all we know." Mellissa said. "I'll have to tell you later, if you know what I mean." Emma answered. "Oh, got it." Both Eve and Mellissa said at the same time. "Girls," the nurse said. "Emma’s mom is here to pick her up and the bus is about to leave. I suggest you all be leaving!" "Okay," they all said. "See you tomorrow, Em." Mellissa said. "Ditto." Eve followed Mellissa out the door. "Emma," the nurse said. She brought in crutches. "Might take a while to get used to, but you will." Emma hung her head low and groaned. "Awww." She said. "It's going to be okay, okay?" The nurse said sympathetically. "Okay. Thank you." Emma said, getting up carefully and grabbing the crutches. "Bye," Emma said, leaving the room.

When Mellissa closed the door to her house and set down her bag, Imanee stood in front of her, hands on her hips. "You," Imanee shook her head in disbelief. "You took my IPod!" "No, I didn't." Mellissa defensively. "Well I can't find it anywhere. And I asked J.J. and Clay, and Michael if they had it or knew where it was, and they all said no!" Imanee exclaimed. Clay wasn't actually his real name. Clay was his nickname because in the backyard was a bunch of clay soil and he had a tendency to come back inside covered in it. All the time. "It's probably lost in that sea of junk in your room. Did you check there, sis?" Mellissa asked, moving up the staircase with Imanee. "Well, no, but I'm sure it's not even there." Imanee answered. Mellissa rolled her eyes. "Well then let's go check." They opened the door and piles of clothes, books, electronics, stuffed animals, and other knickknacks filled the room. Mellissa bent down and picked up Imani's IPod. Imanee stuttered. "I call first in the shower tonight!" Mellissa called over her shoulder walking to her room.

When Eve got home and into her secure room, she saw the same girl she saw in the alley waiting for her near her closet. "Oh my gosh!" Eve exclaimed, dropping her bag on the floor. "Oh, hi there," Cynthia said suddenly turning real. "I've come to warn you again--- the monster council knows more about the three evils in our town. They say that..." Cynthia paused. "That...." Eve asked. "That they go to your school." Cynthia finished. "The person I felt chasing you was some girl named Jannia... do you know her?" Cynthia asked. Eve rolled her eyes. "Yes. Sadly, I do." Eve answered, flopping onto her bed. "Apparently her and two other girls use their powers for evil--- and have extra evil powers." Cynthia said. Then she disappeared. Eve sighed. After she got ready for bed, she checked her email. "Spam, spam, and... hmm, an email from cousin Kiki." Eve said. Then Eve started to wonder what family members of hers were vampires also. Eve clicked open the email and read, "Hey, little cousin! I'm sure you've found out about your 'special power' by now, and I'll be in town tomorrow! I asked your mom if my mom and I could stay with you guys and she said yes. Can't wait to see you, Kiki.” Eve gasped. "Well then."

The next day Emma got up and tried to get ready for school as quick as possible. Once she was ready, she went downstairs and ate breakfast. "How's your ankle feeling, sweetie?" Her mother asked, smoothing Emma’s dirty blonde hair. "Better." Emma answered quietly.

As she got on the bus after breakfast, she waved slightly to her parents and went on.

Emma sat next to Mellissa and Eve. "Hey," Eve said. "Hi." Emma said back. "How did you sprain your ankle?" Mellissa whispered. "Yeah, you never told us." Eve added. "Nor did you ever tell us about why you went to check your locker a few days ago." Mellissa said. "Sorry. Okay, so, turns out that Jannia, Kayla and DeDe have different powers than us. DeDe used that power to hurt me. She slammed me against the wall using that force. I got this really negative vibe from it." Emma whisper-answered. "It's evil magic." Eve said, and began telling about everything that happened. Then Emma started about going to the dance with Jake. The bus finally pulled up when Mellissa finished a funny story. "Oh my gosh today is Wednesday!" Mellissa remembered. "Oh my gosh, I forgot!" Eve remarked. "That means we're seeing Ms. Winters again!" Emma said. They went inside. Four classes later they went to lunch and sat at their usual table near the front corner of the cafeteria with Jake, Kenya, and Raymonde. "Hey guys, what's up?" Kenya asked sitting down. "Sorry I've been so idle lately, a lot on my mind." She said. "You always have a lot on your mind; it's usually not like you to miss family game night twice!" Raymonde said.

30 minutes later, Mellissa, Emma, and Eve went to Ms. Winters. After she gave the girls tips on how to "survive" being a monster, Ms. Winters pulled out a sack. "What's that?" Eve asked. Ms. Winters pulled out red framed glasses and handed them to Eve. "What are these for?" Eve asked. "They help you see in the light and be more energetic during the day." Ms. Winters replied. Then she pulled out a bracelet. "For Mellissa," Ms. Winters said, "To keep your werewolf side from showing." "You think you can do something like a spell to heal my ankle before the dance?" Emma asked. "Actually yes, it's just for monsters." Ms. Winters said pulling out a small mirror and drawing a Pentagon on it. She then placed the Pentagon's center on Emma’s ankle. "Now freeze it." Ms. Winters instructed. "To my ankle?!" Emma asked. "Yes, well, not really, it won't stick." Ms. Winters replied. Emma froze it. "Good. Now it's almost time for your next classes, so gather your things and head out. Emma, it should finish healing by tomorrow." Ms. Winters said. "Thank you!" They all said, walking out. Eve put on her glasses. "Oh my…" She said amazed. Mellissa and Emma giggled as the bell rang.

The rest of the day went by normally, just a speaker in science class who talked about chemical reactions. On the bus, it was quieter than usual. Everyone just murmured to their friends. Mellissa, Eve, and Emma had a feeling it was about them. The whispering was happening since they came from Ms. Winters. A girl from the seat across from them broke the silence and asked Eve where she got the glasses from. "Um, the nurse." Eve answered. "Well they look great on you," the girl said, turning back. Then a girl in the back said she liked Mellissa’s new bracelet and asked where she got it from. Mellissa's reply was "H&M,” The girl in the front craned her head and said Emma’s leg looked like it was getting better. Things were really looking up.
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Source: boob
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Source: thehobbit.com
added by neonClouds
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added by nmdis
I laughed so hard when I read this and I just had to share it

1. Guys hate sluts even though they have sex with them!

2. "Hey, are you busy?" or "Are you doing something?" ~ two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone.

3. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

4. Before they call, guys try to plan out a little about what they're going to say so there aren't awkward pauses, but once he's on the phone he forgets it all and makes it up as he goes.

5. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile when they’re...
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added by Rodz
Source: desktopnexus
-Im sorry did my back hurt you're knife?

-Never turn you're back on a friend, thats the best target.

-While you're stabbing my back, you can kiss my ass too.

-All the mistakes in the world couldnt measure up to the day i thought i could trust you.

-Yeah, being apathetic is a pathetic way to be...
but I don't care, what matters to you does not matter to me

-When your up, your friends know who you are.
When you're down, you know who your friends are.

-You can't laugh last If I stab you in the throat with...the knife you left in my back.

-I was the one who said things changed;
you were the one who proved...
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