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Teleporting is great. It’s fun. You can zip around to different locations and it’s enjoyable for getaways. It can be done through millions of scientific theories, and can save someone’s life in an instant.

Teleporting is so cheap. It makes everything too easy and causes all drama and suspense to evaporate with how quickly someone can just zip to and from locations. It doesn’t make any logical sense and is the replacement of thinking through a problem.

Both of these statements are 100% FALSE! … No just kidding they’re true.

Teleporting has been both the best friend, and issue, to many people in the Roleplaying world. I would also include Fanfiction world as well, but those people control the entire story so it doesn’t really count if one person decides everything.

I myself don’t have anything against teleporting, and use it often. But those who do dislike it I completely understand why they do, and quite frankly I would too had the things that happened to them happen to me.

That is to say where people
~Teleport into a room blocked by unbreakable door # 1331313223dsfr2343Sasquash
~Teleport away from “SPECIAL BEAM CANNOOOOOOOOON!!!!!” just in time, thus making the attack useless
~Teleport billions of miles, or worlds, away easily to save the day
~And the list goes on.

If not used carefully, Teleporting can be SO broken. I mean, there isn’t a problem that can’t be solved when it comes to teleporting if it’s not kept on a leash. You can teleport to the cure for insert-disease-here. How did we know where to look? Uh… teleporting?

So what do we do? Well just like everything broken and untamed IT’S TIME TO BREAK (er… fix… wait) THIS STALION (forget I said fixed). SPIRIT WILL BE TAMED!

First off, it depends on how you’re using Teleporting. Now most people use it in the Sonic Fan Universe via Chaos Energy. Chaos Energy consumes you, and ports you to a different location via the Chaos Force. But just like how the Speed Force for Flash can cause someone’s time-travelling to be wonky, it can be done for teleporting as well.

If there are enough people with Chaos Energy in one area, then the energy should distort all teleporting. That doesn’t mean someone can’t teleport anymore, just means it can’t be long distances (you can have it all the way gone in many cases also).

This adds tension and responsibility to whoever’s using the teleporting, because IF they try to do it anyway, they’re risking
A.    Being sent to the land of My Little Barney Tubbies (Or Hockey-Stick land as I call it) instead of where they wanted, thus making it hard to get back (we’ll get to that later)
or B. LOSING PARTS Of THEIR BODY. Or have them mutate. Chaos energy (or even other teleporting-energies) consuming them but being distorted would lead to teeth on the hands if there were still hands left. Or maybe it would drive people insane.

And you can have it so that people are purposely using their energy in a way so that others CAN’T teleport out, creating walls of distortion energy so people can’t escape. That’s what I do for the Identities. Why? They regenerate. So the mutation factor isn’t an issue. But if they can’t get out of the area, we have a new problem (in a good way of course). So HUZZAH!

Second (and all these can be hand in hand by the way), the energy isn’t going to be infinite. Now Chaos Energy is infinite, yes, but how much your body can handle is not. Again, the identities, FULL OF Chaos Energy, beaming with the stuff, but even Identities can only contain so much. So if one was to try to teleport too far, they use up the energy and go out like a flame in space.

Measure how much energy the character has left to show if their body could take the charge of energy to teleport with, and measure how much of the teleporting energy they have. Someone who just got beat up in a fight’s gonna be pretty tired. I doubt they’ll survive going to a different dimension with their own energy.

And if you’re using items and not your own energy, that can be limited too. Items only hold so much and need recharging, even Warp Rings need power to create dimension portals.

THIRD, what exactly ARE you teleporting? Remember, it consumes you and teleports you… but how do you know you’re not bringing a piece of rock along with you? The floor you stand on can come along for the ride if you’re not careful. This means that you can either have the character have a suit that controls where it goes, again Identity-route where the character practically IS the energy, or simply get good enough to only port yourself.

But wait… what about if you’re teleporting more than just you purposely? How do you get your friend across and he’s got ONE ARM? Or if it’s a bomb? What if there’s only half? (I would just pull out my magic coin, wish it gone and wish the wish whole… Half Magic Reference) THAT… is something that complicates things.

So there you go, teleporting and how to make it non-broken. Granted there will DEFINITELY other ways to do it, but this is just a few ways that should keep things fairly level for the time being. Hope that helped.

Got any ideas or opinions, leave them in the comments.

added by FGthehedg3
Source: none
The madness...The madness.Ⓧ

Journeying through the woods in search of notes on the fixed time limit,MTL came across a corpse hanging in the tree...the corpse was holding a note...but it would be disrespect to the dead to remove the note.MTL took the note(1/8Ⓧ)...Then suddenly the owl said "Who-who,to survive in these woods,you must make the right choices,one little slip up spells your,take this." the owl gave MTL a shed key.the owl said "That is all the help I can give you,good luck...and watch out for "him".Ⓧ"...the owl flew away.

MTL went to the shed,it was...
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posted by Mapware3640
Ok,So this is a constant argument between fans,who is better?The face of gaming,mario or the blast-processing rodent,sonic?well today I got a little theory in honor of 2013,I'm hopefully going to end this argument between both fan bases once and for all.So first thing first,lets start with both sides abilities and powers.

(Please note,To reserve time seeing my computer is about to crash,I copied and pasted all this information from the mario wiki and sonic wiki while making a few edits,all information is correct.)

Mario's abilities

-Mario's main (trademark) ability is his Jump, which allows...
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So if you’ve tried “Eyes that Shine” {link
Or if you’ve been in the recent “Mobius Academy: Evolution” rping {link
Then you’ve probably encountered one or both of my latest characters “Saber, and Halem”.

Here’s some info about the two of em.

Saber and Halem are anti-hero mercenaries-for-hire (redundant I know).

Saber is a black cat, with red and grey hair, EXTREMELY LONG toe-nails, and a flirtatious appeal. Her glowing yellow eyes allow her to mesmerize whomever looks into them, (usually male) and bend them to her will. She loves to tease people, and is all about the chase,...
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