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The a fury centered at the current events, and a duty to fulfil, Takris lets out a rift of energy spreading around the planet, screaming, as seven lights blast from the ground, one forming at him. One is pink, another gold, another blue, one silver (for Tak), another red, one green, and one purple.

As other figures begin to appear, Takris catches a glimpse of something about to happen in the next few seconds. Another person was about to vanish before he could fix the planet. His own power was not going to keep anyone here yet. He needed the permission… a loophole.

The last of the servers had yet to materialize. Not knowing what he was doing, the Time Server redirected it, and a surge of a purple light swarmed into the city, encapsulating, and recreating a new body; and giving the title of the Server of Stone to a new person.

The first of the servers to appear was a female rabbit of tan and pink. The second was a male hedgehog of white and blue. The third was a female lizard of black and red. The fourth was a male echidna of white and green. The fifth golden one zipped away, as if searching for something; the soul it belonged to perhaps.

The remaining servers arose, with the Time Server standing at the front. They announced themselves as the Servers, and proclaimed that they would dedicate their lives to the infinite protection of the current world, no matter what cost to them. Once at a time they introduced themselves.

The pink rabbit girl calls herself “Psyfilice Milen: Server of Psyche, the mind.”

The white hedgehog male calls himself “Tresser Aguain: Server of Water”

The black lizard girl calls herself “Mysl Farensai: Server of Fire”

The green echidna male calls himself “Luner Hearen: Server of Plants”

Takris informs the members of the city that two servers remain to make an appearance but that he knows where the sixth of them are before vanishing from the others. The servers begin to socialize with the public, with Tresser suggesting that Luner and Mysl find the Server of Light. The two leave to find them.

Nicole awakes from a strange sleep-like state, and sees the people running about. She looks down at herself and realizes that she is in a solid body form. She also notices that strange purple-colored armor has formed around her attire. When feeling her arm, she realizes it is organic, but at the same time composed of some kind of stone or metal, and infused with energy.

Takris walks over, approaching slowly as not to startle her. She is startled at first due to the recent events, but he attempts to assure her that he has no intention of harming. He apologizes repeatedly, and she asks what has happened to her.

Takris says little on the subject except to mention that he did not want to see her vanish like the others did. He apologizes for scaring her. He asks if she has questions about what has happened. She asks once more what he did. He informs her that he misdirected the Stone-Server’s aura to her in order to keep her from vanishing to the paradox world.

Nicole asks what that makes her. Takris informs her that she now has the embodied power of one of them, the Zonac Servers. Her body is real, and she has complete control of all ground, rock, and metals. Takris begins to leave but while walking off he apologizes one last time for what happened to everyone.

The Time Fox arrives back at the front of the city and begins to inform everyone what has happened. He tells them how their planet was destroyed and turned into a different world, how many of them were erased completely, or erased and replaced with different versions of themselves. He goes on to inform them that the world they currently live on is a copy created by Dr. Finitevus, who had been trying to control Takris before he was freed by the help of the deceased Knuckles.

He finishes saying that he and the other servers have no intention of outdoing, or replacing, or disrespecting, their past heroes, and that they simply wish to help them. He then leaves with the remaining Severs to discuss the situation with them.

Eventually Nicole exits from where she was, standing outside of the city. She reaches out to the ground and attempts to use her new-found powers, causing a small pillar of stone to materialize from the air. She staggers back in surprise, shocked at how simple it was to control.

Psyfilice sees Nicole and notes the armor and abilities. Nicole says that she isn’t sure how to react, and Psyfilice asks why Nicole was in the city instead of with the other servers. Nicole mentions that she isn’t a server, prompting Psyfilice to realize that she was turned into one, not being created as one originally. She asks how this happened, with Nicole replying that Takris did it.

Enraged, Psyfilice storms off to find Takris. Nicole is confused by this, and decides to leave the area to collect her thoughts.


Luner and Mist track the server energy to the Dragon Kingdom, where they discover a large still-glowing crater. The remains of the area look to have been a house. They ask some of the civilians what had happened, and are informed that the house exploded when a light hit it and that Trixin was inside.

Luner notes that this Trixin had probably run off after being converted into a server, scared of the abilities. Luner suggests that Mysl go after her while he takes care of the damages. Mysl agrees and rushes off. The civilians ask what Luner plans to do. He smiles a bit and from the ground a house begins to emerge, being formed from wood with waxing-oils forming around it as it is created, until a two-story house with a large balcony is sitting where the first was.

They ask how he did it, and he informs them that he controls plants. They note that the oils couldn’t have been plants, and he explains that he can combine the various elements in plants to serve his purpose. He then asks what they know about Trixin, curious about how a server was created away from the others.

During this, Psyfilice approaches Takris, who is in the mountain area. She asks what he was thinking; taking the position of the stone server and giving it to a non-server. Takris explains that if he had not done so, Nicole would have been erased like others were. Psyfilice says that now that she’s okay, to put things back. Takris informs her that he does not have the authority to do so.

Psyfilice is flustered by this, and makes note of Takris not being the original Time Server himself. Takris turns to her angrily and asks her what she expects of him for having no say in the matter, and for saving someone’s life. He explains to her that for the majority of his brief existence, he’s been straining to get out of Finitevus’s programming. He then tells her that if she does not want to accept him as one of their own, then she can at least remember that they would all be sleeping without knowledge of what’s happening. He adds that this planet is full of people that would not exist if it were not for them.

Pysfilice says that they should be focused on the current prime world instead, as the one they live on now is crumbling. Takris informs her that the new prime world does not require their protection, and is far less fragile. He then tells her that if she feels the need to pass judgment, to do so after she has become involved with the planet, and gotten to know it’s people. Psyfilice asks if he plans to do the same. He replies that he has already looked through the planet’s history, and its present future, and discovered that without them, it will be destroyed. He adds that he will be interacting with the planet regardless. Psyfilice leaves.
Mysl comes across remaining members of the Raiju Clan, a legionized clan previously in servitude to Dr. Robotnick before the paradox phase. Oblivious to their loyalties and past, Mysl observes the clan-members briefly as they walk about, moving through what appears to be a underground tunnel that fades beneath a cloaking field. She does not think much of this, and continues on her search.

Mysl eventually returns to Luner, informing him that if the Light Server has actually awoken, they have travelled too fast to be found. During this time, Luner has been creating various houses in the Dragon Kingdom, and socializing with the many people.

Days pass, followed by weeks. During this time the Servers have created a command center in a mountain area. Takris does not join the others outside of important discussions while Tresser assumes leadership. Over a few months, the Servers create order in the planet, but the mobians live in fear of them.

Luner decides that he wants to visit the Dragon Kingdom again to interact with the people. He invites Tresser to come with him. Tresser is reluctant, giving the excuse of keeping an eye on the rest of the world, but Luner insists. When they arrive, Luner greets the people of the Dragon Kingdom happily, but they do not reply. Luner is confused by this, but decides he can still show off a bit for them. He begins to create a large tree with a twisting and stylized trunk, but the people began to panic and run off, with one person yelling “Somebody stop them!” Luner is shocked by this, and tries to explain himself, but Tresser waves him off, telling him that it won’t help.

With Tresser bitter towards the rudeness of the citizens, and Luner shocked, the two return to their headquarters. Mysl meets up with them and asks what they were doing. Tresser informs her, and she becomes flustered, calling the mobians ingrates. Luner notes that they just need time to adjust after what had happened. Tresser nods in agreement, but still feels bitter.

Psyfilice during this time has been thinking over what Takris said about getting to know the planet. She is still bitter towards his decision, and the rudeness of the mobians, but decides to give it a try. She fades her server markings and creates an regular eye-design for herself. With a regular attire, she begins to walk about the planet. She eventually arrives at Mercia.


She notices the people around the kingdom. Most spend their time working and trying to get resources. Others simply sit about in depression. Many are setting flowers and such in front of newly made tombstones for the ones taken in the paradox phase. One villager she meets, a brown echidna girl with long braided hair and rings on her dreadlocks, spends this time passing necklaces and woven crowns to people, not energetically, but kindly.

Psyfilice approaches the girl, and asks why she is doing this. The girl informs Psyfilice that people have lost hope, and she wants to help people re-learn to be happy again. Psyfilice asks why she too isn’t sad. The girl explains that she is, but that if she let that pull her down, it would disrespect those who left. She gives Psyfilice a necklace and a crown. Psyfilice is a bit uneasy but doesn’t deny the girl.

The Mind Server asks the echidna what her name is. The echidna tells her that she goes by “Braid”. Psyfilice finds this strange, noting that braid is a name for a thing, not a person. The echidna shrugs and notes that many people on Mobius call themselves after things and that it’s fun to be named after something you recognize with. She asks if Psyfilice has a name like that. The Mind Server simply says that she does not.

Meanwhile, Tresser, Luner, and Mysl are in the Dragon Kingdom again, asking about the Light Server. Luner asks while this is going on why everyone kept their distance when he came back to visit them before. No one replies, and keeps their distance still.

Tresser is firm, and begins interrogating the villagers. He finds out from some neighbors that the family was a group of immigrants, but that their eldest child had vanished years ago; a girl named “Trixin”. The neighbors add that the parents were taken by the paradox phase, but that the younger daughter was not. Tresser asks where the younger sister might be. The villagers tell him that she had vanished the day the servers arrived, but that they saw Raiju Clan Legionaries in the area around the same time.

Tresser asks who the legionaries are, and is given a description. Mysl notes seeing people like that and leads her colleagues to the secret tunnel. They investigate, and find themselves in a bunker full of legionaries. Luner asks them if they know where Trixin and her sister are. Mysl ignites her arms, asking Luner “Don’t you get it? They took them both, and turned them into whatever they are”.

The legionaries attack, but are quickly destroyed, along with the base. The destruction causes the ground to collapse beneath a village. The servers surface and see this. Luner attempts to help fix the damage, but the villagers refuse. Tresser orders Mysl and Luner back, saying that it isn’t worth it. Luner follows him back but before leaving, Mysl turns angrily to the villagers and tells them that they should be more grateful, and ask how they would feel if everyone was afraid of them. One villager informs her that it isn’t just about the servers; that it’s also a simple lack of interest, or desire, to keep going; that most of them don’t want to go on without the people they lost. Mysl leaves.

Days pass and Psyfilice has been spending time with Braid and the Mercians. With her help they manage to pull out more crops and are back to a more stable function. Often, Psyfilice finds Braid spending most of her time making mundane non-mandatory things, like a slide, or decorations. When Psyfilice asks about this, Braid tells her that they need to enjoy time as much as they do help push it along.

Psyfilice says that she does not understand, and Braid tells her that she could use Psyfilice’s help with making a new park. She goes over the description and plans, and Psyfilice notes that she would be able to speed up the process, but decides it would be more efficient to get another person’s help. She contacts Luner, and he travels over to help, glad to be able to help anyone.

When Luner arrives, the villagers are afraid, but Psyfilice assures them that Luner has no intention to hurt them. They ask how she knows this, and she reverts to her server appearance. She asks that they trust them and that they only want to help. Braid is shocked at first, but gradually begins explaining things.

Within minutes, the giant park is complete. At first the villagers are reluctant to try it, but over time, children begin to play on it, and soon the area is filled with people simply enjoying their time. Luner stays for a while, but Psyfilice is nowhere to be seen at first. Eventually Braid spots her atop a roof, and goes up to meet with her. It is midnight now and most have gone to bed. Psyfilice notes how nice it is at the time, peaceful with the moon. Braid gets an idea from this, and decides that Psyfilice’s nickname will be Midnight. Psyfilice is repelled initially but decides to embrace the name, for fun. Luner joins them and the three begin a conversation.

While this happens, Tresser locates Takris, who is spending time alone in a newly-found chao garden. Tresser asks why Takris is here instead of helping with the world. Takris informs him that he is recovering emotionally, getting to know the planet, and giving the others a chance to learn for themselves.

Tresser is irritated by this, saying that no one wants their help, and says they should all let it all go and move to the new Mobius Prime. Takris informs him that if they do that, they will be letting everyone on the current world down, and die. Tresser says that there’s no reason to, and that holding on is just hurting them more. Takris asks then what good will that do for those that want to keep living, if more people they love are gone. He informs Tresser that even though it hurts, they need to keep these people alive, not just for the sake of living, but because of the pride it holds, and in respect to those who would never give up and were taken.

Tresser asks why Takris doesn’t save them then. Takris tells him that even if he would fare better that it would do little to change how they perceive the rest of the servers, and that Tresser and the others need to learn how to live here. He also says that he has been spending his time not just with chao, but in addition he has been working in the Server Realm (The dimension Finitevus found them in), attempting to reverse the effects of Finitevus’s meddling for his sake, and the other servers.

Tresser asks what there is to fix. Takris informs him that there were many mistakes in their summoning, some small but others large. He notes that one is that Psyfilice originally had traces of an incomplete server, but thankfully it subsided. Tresser asks then what he is supposed to do. Takris tells him to keep trying, to interact and talk to the people, and get to know them. Tresser says that it’s easier said than done, and Takris tells him that that is what makes it all the more special.


More time passes. Riots start to break out. These are ended very quickly, but in the process, hundreds of citizens are placed under imprisonment by the Servers. Luner and Mysl try to explain that they don’t want to hold anyone against their will, and that they only do this because of the danger the mobians hold for themselves and others. Most of the prisoners are suicidal.

Tresser meets with a group of prisoners, trying to reason with them. He asks what they think they’ll accomplish and what productivity they will create. They simply say back that they don’t care anymore, and condemn Tresser and the other Servers verbally for trying to hold on to a dying world.

Tresser attempts to reason with them but they refuse to talk. He informs the public that they can be changed to be calm if needed, and leaves to find Psyfilice. He finds her talking with Braid and proposes that she use her mind-abilities to settle things. At first she refuses, but Tresser insists, informing her of the number of suicides already taking place, and the number of imprisoned so that they don’t kill themselves and others.

Psyfilice is shocked and unable to understand how this could be happening. She tells Tresser that she agrees to keep everyone calm, but that she refuses to go any further than that. Braid hears this and is terrified, telling them that people would rather die than be controlled. Tresser tells her that at the moment it is better they not have a choice than a planet filled with dead bodies.

Braid refuses to accept this decision, and turns to Psyfilice, asking if she is really willing to go through with this. Psyfilice does not answer. Braid runs away. Psyfilice asks if Tresser is completely sure about this. He shakes his head, but tells her that he has no other idea of what to do.

The sky fills with a pink light as Psyfilice begins to influence the emotions of the planet’s people. The riots die down and the public instead begin to fall into a state of sorrow. News starts to spread about Psyfilice’s involvement, and soon after she is banished from Mercia by its people. Mysl notes that she doesn’t have to stay banished, but Psyfilice tells her that she does not feel deserving of being near them. She stops the influence on the planet immediately after.

Tresser goes to speak with Psyfilice, attempting to convince her to change her mind about stopping the influence, noting that the riots will get worse because of it. Psyfilice tells him that it was a mistake to do anything forcefully and that things are only worse because of what they did. She continues, saying that even if they spent thousands of years controlling the mobians, when they eventually came out of the Server’s control, they would despise them unanimously.

Tresser is angry at first but leaves without a fight. Before he leaves however, Psyfilice asks him to find Braid for her, to make sure she’s okay. Tresser agrees, and leaves to Mercia. Many of the residents order him to leave, but he continues searching regardless. Eventually he arrives at a gigantic cemetery. Many people are filling it; mourning for their losses.

During this time, Nicole has been spending time continuing to stabilize New Mobotropolis’s citizens. She does not show her Server attire, knowing what has been happening with the Servers. For the most part, the city is calm with only a few rebellious individuals.

She is looking over the city for whatever requires her attention when she sees Mysl arriving. The people in the city are cautious when the Flame Server arrives, but do nothing. She asks for Nicole, who cautiously meets with her. Mysl explains that she was regrettably nominated to meet with the new Server of Stone and asks Nicole if she understands her abilities. Nicole informs her that she had been practicing a bit, and understands how her new abilities work. Mysl asks if she knows how to activate her Server Tool. Nicole is oblivious to what this is, and Mysl informs her that it is an item each Server has specific to their tasks.

Mysl activates her own, a set of golden wings with red tips. She explains that they are tools that can also be weapons, but are meant for production. Nicole asks why it is that she’s being addressed now considering the current events. Mysl informs her that Tresser wants to know where Nicole stands in a future matter. She explains that the Servers are considering leaving the world because of it seeming to be hopeless. Nicole asks, shouldn’t they try to reason with the people first. Mysl is flustered by this question, informing Nicole of their many attempts.

One of the citizens approaches the two, asking if Nicole really is a Server now. When Nicole answers yes, the city starts to panic. Some begin to make insulting statements but a fire-wall bursts up in front of them briefly to silence the crowds. Mysl yells to the public, calling them ingrates. She continues saying that if the people of this world are going to turn on the Servers, that is their choice, but to turn on one of the few icons of their past world is treachery, shaming them for doing so.

Nicole backs Mysl down gently, telling her that she appreciates the speech but that she does not feel very enthusiastic about things herself. Mysl asks her then for the second time if she wishes to leave to the new world where her previous friends are. Nicole asks what will happen if she does. Mysl explains that she will most-likely remember nothing of the past-world, if she is not erased completely. She then adds that as a Server she will be protected from either result, but that she will live knowing the tragedies of the past world that will not be remembered by many, if any, others.

Nicole pauses, then turns to the many citizens. She retells the tales of when she made this city for them, and the events of the Iron Dominion invasion. She continues concerning the hateful outcries that the people yelled out to her, and the removal she faced at the hands of Ixis Naugus. She informs the public of how deeply it destroyed her, and how destroyed she was further when her friends vanished, almost coming to tears, but collects herself enough to say that she is no longer a simple AI, but flesh-and-blood, and real, adding that she wished it did not take till now for people to consider her like that. She finishes by saying that she wants to keep everyone safe, regardless of what has happened and asks them if they want her to leave, or stay.

The voice strongest heard is for the Administrator of New Mobotropolis to stay. Nicole turns to Mysl, and says that their response is her answer. Mysl nods in respect to her decision, but whispers that technically they aren’t flesh-and-blood, but more some kind of- she interrupts herself, stopping and simply nodding to Nicole’s reply before leaving.

Tresser spends a good long while in the cemetery. He never finds Braid, but he uses his abilities to irrigate the water to keep the area looking clean and fresh. He looks at the hundreds of graves, and decides that he simply has no answers. Once again he goes to meet with Takris, who is comforting Psyfilice.

Tresser asks Takris to do something. Takris informs him that he has his own plans but that Tresser should concern himself with what he himself will do and to focus on what is truly morally right to do. Tresser decides that he will be leaving soon, and Takris simply replies “If that is your choice then I will not influence it”. Tresser goes to inform the others.


Tresser gathers Luner, Psyfilice, and Mysl, and prepares to leave the Current Mobius to go to the New Prime World. Psyfilice generates a portal by connecting with the psychic aura of the Master Emerald, and they prepare to leave.

The Servers begin to step through with a larger crowd of Mobians around to see the event. When it comes Psyfilice’s turn, she stops for a moment, and turns to the faces around them. She apologizes for using her power to influence them all, nearly collapsing into tears, and saying that she just wanted to stop the death, and wanted to help them. Luner starts to carry her through, but before she leaves she apologizes one last time to Braid. Some protest starts to come up from the crowds about the departure, but it is relatively small.

Meanwhile, many Mercians see what is happening as it is projected world-wide. One asks where Braid is. No one knows, but a few assume she has gone to the cemetery. A small group is sent to go find her. They eventually arrive at the cemetery and see her with a knife. Two of her dreadlocks have already been cut off as she prepares to slit her own throat.

Before able to, the knife vanishes. She opens her eyes and sees Takris standing in front of her, holding the knife. He tells her to get up. Slowly she stands. He tells her to hold out her hand, and she does so. He hands her the knife, and tells her to decide, and to ask herself if “they” would approve. She drops the knife, and collapses to the ground sobbing. Takris comforts her as the Mercians approach. She says that it was simply getting too hard for her and that she had lost hope. Takris tells her that she needs to be the hope, and carries her back to the kingdom. The Mercians around him turn their attention to the Time Server. He asks them “Do you want to save this planet?” They reply with a yes. He then asks them “Are you willing to accept given aid from those with power, that is not forced?” They reply with a yes. He lastly asks them “Are you willing to forgive those who stumble, and reach out to them to be their support?” They reply with a yes. Takris tells them “Then go, and speak out against this.”

The Mercians gather and make their way to the departure event. At the same time, the citizens of New Mobotropolis ask what Nicole is going to do. She is unsure at the moment, but recalls Mysl’s offer. She turns to the citizens and asks if they will follow her in her decision, if she were to decide to ask the Servers to remain. The majority of citizens decide to support her. With that, Nicole raises the city from the ground, and the now floating city moves to the event.

The portal has remained sustained, as the Servers await Takris to arrive. Tresser steps through and sees the new world. It is alive and different. He travels around it quickly, but eventually meets up with Psyfilice. He finds her at the new Angel Island, crying once again. He tells her that while it may seem awful for the moment, that better days will come, and that its best they leave the dying world. He asks out of confusion and mixed emotions, why they feel so emotional over a world that they are not connected to.

Psyfilice tells him that when Takris summoned them, he was filled with an emotional rage and terror, and his mind was exploding with the memories of the entire planet’s history. She notes that the most dominant one was of the Guardian, Knuckles, and his love, Julie-Su. She could feel the thoughts of realizing that he would live not remembering her, and if he remembered that he would never see her again. She continues saying that the final thoughts he had before they all appeared were focused on Nicole; that when he saw her vanishing, it was if the legacy of the planet, and every memory, was being taken, stolen, and destroyed.

Tresser is bothered once again by this information, but manages to ask if Takris has arrived yet. Psyfilice says that he has not, probably deciding to remain. Tresser asks if Psyfilice can show him the memories of the planet. Psyfilice asks why he cares if he isn’t connected to it? Tresser replies that he wants to be connected.

Soon he is filled with it all. He sees the wars, the deaths, the births. He witnesses the sacrifices of Maria Robotnick, Sir Connery, Tommy Turtle, and others. He observes the battles and victories and losses. He sees the destruction of Mobotropolis, the destruction of Robotropolis, and of Knothole. He perceives the creation of New Mobotropolis and the constant fighting of good to keep alive a world that most would consider dead.

Once his mind is stable again, Tresser tells Psyfilice to gather the others, and tell them that he is going back. He steps through the portal, with Psyfilice following him. She projects his voice to the planet.

“I have only wanted to help this planet. It is the duty of all Servers to protect, but… I have done so out of force. I am not fond of leadership. It is not my strong-suit. I saw death and my instinct was to end it. I tried to interact with you all, and I was left with no ideas for how to save you all. I have seen the past of your world however, and realize that… I realize… This was a great world one day. You have had wars filled with death, and many of you are broken to the point of collapsing. In the short year we have been here, many of my comrades themselves have reached a breaking point. What I want known today however is that I am here to serve. If it is your desire to save those you care about, and allow me to assist in that venture, then I have only the desire to do so. I will not act on force, but to stand by idly is not an option. To those that have passed your limits, I do not have answers, only sentiment and condolence. But to anyone who reaches out, alive, and willing to help this world, I want to be there for you so that you are not pulled back in. If you have me, and my comrades… I will… I…”

The area was mixed. Many fell silent, and some continued to tell him to leave. Tresser wanted to give in right then and there but forced himself to continue. “You are born of a planet of heroes! You are born of a planet of legends who would never stop fighting for you! I do not wish to be known as your hero, or legend, but if I am to leave forever, please do not give up on your world. Please assure me that there is light… I can never rest without knowing that…”

As this happens, the Mercians begin to arrive, led by Braid with Takris behind her. In the far distance, New Mobotropolis arrives as well, landing near the crowds. Braid asks to be broadcasted, and Psyfilice does so. She says to them “My name is Braid, and I am a Mobian of Mercia. I am also an echidna, and I have known the destruction of my race, and our guardian, but I choose to hold to this world. I am not strong, and that is why I need your shoulders. Please offer them, to me, to them, and to each other. Do not turn away those that want to save you. To prove that there is hope, we have brought a good hundred more Mercians, and we are all here to call for a death to this era of chaos, and a beginning to the healing. We all know that it is hard, but we live still, and we must continue to do so to save each other.”

Nicole took the broadcast next. “You know me already as the A.I. of New Mobotropolis… I was on the verge of leaving this world, and being sent to the new one where I would not remember any of you. I was saved by the Servers from that and because of that I was able to continue helping other Mobians. I am not a Server beyond what abilities I was given, but I will continue to serve. I have brought my example of what kind of life we can have to honor the fallen. If you will allow me,that can begin now.”

The Lynx turns to the area not covered by crowds and begins lifting shaped pillars of stone, materializing them from the ground. They form into the shape of the heroes of the planet; The Freedom Fighters, The Chaotix, the original Fighters of Freedom, and of course, their champion, Sonic the Hedgehog.

The remaining Servers return through the portal, and Takris asks the planet “Will you have us?” A roaring of promotion for the new world echoes, and the portal is closed. A new Era Begins.

The Era of the Zonac Servers.


As you can all see, this was set in the time of the Archie Sonic Comics. I have to say I had a very emotional reaction to the retcon, and it changed many things for me. The events you see in this summary mirror many of the thoughts I personally had. It never got to the point of me wanting to end myself or anything drastic, but it did, and still does, hurt, to see so much loss and I realize from it that the same loss has occurred to our community. We have had riots that cause more loss of members, and we could end it all now, but to do that would be disrespectful to each other and those who came before.

As for the story itself, I hope this didn’t come across as a Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu story. I don’t cover cannon events much for that specific reason, and I did my best to stay loyal to everything I believe the world and characters are. Please realize that if this seems abrupt, that’s because it’s a summary, and when I finally get this formatted to a full actual set of stories, it will be much more structured and spend much more time adding layers to situations where it is needed.

With that said I hope you enjoyed the origin of the Zonac Servers. There is a lot to come concerning these characters in the future, as well as others you may be familiar with that appear in other stories.

Thank you for reading.

God Bless,
Eat Pie and Prosper
posted by MephilesTheDark
It was only pure luck that they were still alive.

Sure, between the four survivors they had a rather uncanny ability to open a can of whoop-ass when needed, but regardless of this, perhaps the only reason they'd lasted so long was simple; The right place at the right time.

As anyone would assume given the current breakdown of the entire country, survivors were weary of each other.

Anarchy was unleashed upon the country. Mothers were forced to kill their children in their own fight for life. Families were torn apart. Everyone was equal in this time of loss.

The four, however, were another story....
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posted by Akiko_the_Cagon
The fall air was quickly turning into frost bitten, I had not long before my clan mates would start passing from diseases from the white season. The wind chill made it seem like -60 degrees, but I had to help. I just had to. My body ached to be sandwhiched between two deer furs and near an open fire. I heard a gun shot ring through the snow. Dragon hunters. I had to get back before they found me, or either way, somebody'd die.
Too late. A couple of dragon hunters armed with almost every gun, cross bow and sword weapon imaginable. I tried flying off with my ice blue wings, but I failed, a hunter shot at my left wing with a midnight black cross bow. I started to fall, but I started running as soon as I hit the snow, carrying a fish between my fangs. How the clan leader would be so unpleased frightened me, but not as much as the hunters.
posted by Caloria
Her eyes twinkled with excitement.
She was looking at a boy that the group found laying on the beach, unconscious and clutching a small chest-thing in his hand. "What do you think he's like?" She asked a boy that was with her. He has the same jet black hair as she, along with the same pale blue eyes. He shook his head doubtfully.
"Hopefully nothing like Lee." Another boy -blond with gray fur, somewhere around 10 to 11, and a scar on his right eye- smacked the other boy upside the head. "Not funny, Zavier." The boy -Lee- remarked.
Another male -green fur, with chestnut brown hair, around 12-...
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posted by Yosuki-Hiroshi
Character's full name:Aurona Kaila De Naivha Boreas
Reason or meaning of name:On her nature,homeland and powers
Birth Date:December 28,???? B.C.
Theme:Immortality by Celine Dion

Physical appearance
How old does he/she appear:24 as the age she die
Weight:63 pounds
Height:5'7 feet
Body Build:Slim,healthy and a i little bit husky
Shape of face:N/A
Eye Color:Bloody Ruby
Glasses or contacts: Green when going to school (teaching not studying)
Skint Tone:White as snow(in forehands,near jaw,underbelly and feet.
Predominant features: IDK and IDC
Type of hair: Thick,Smooth,Shiny and Glossy...
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"My sister, the one that left me and my mom is with them?" Jisseca said."Yes."Said a gray dog."Looks like I need to kill everybody that's close to her!"Jisseca said."That or you can help me?"He said."Help you with what?"Jisseca said."I will tell you but first, my name is Steve."Steve said."Will hello Steve, now tell me what or how can I help you?"Jisseca said. "Will you help me break some one I know out of jail, then I will help you."Steve said."Ok I will help you."Jisseca said. "Then let's get my friend out of jail."Steve said with a grin.
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posted by Ex-Smeralda
Slow and steady breaths echoed through the white and violet coloured evening, a set of boots walked alone, scrunching up the fresh snow. The boots belong to a light brown monkey with chocolate brown air, sky blue orbs for eyes, the only thing that kept the petit figure warm was a scarlet red jumper...which seemed highly suspicious as it had a face on the front and at the back of the hood moving about, but the boy didn't even seem to be in fear of this. He just slowly kept walking, wanting the snow to freeze him to death...His eyes were filled with indescribable pain, he suddenly stopped and...
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The boy steped out. It was dog with a banana with the letter "S" on it."Who is he? He looks like he's 11.""Emily his name is Shock the dog." Ashley said."Hello Emily." Shock said."Hello."Emily said in a low voice. Poor Emily, she is now scared that she well never see her little twin sister agin!"Now tell me how do I keep my sister safe?"Emily said."Well, we don't know ri-"Emily cut him off."What do you mean by "We don't know" Shock!" Emily yelled out."Please I don't like to be yelled at!"Shock said."Will I don't care about you Shock!"Emily yelled at him."Please stop yelling at me!"Shock said...
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posted by XxXLolaXxX
The New Kid? Ugh, Not Again!~ Part 2: Who IS She?

When Kimi and Aya left Miss Heather's oh-so-akward-office, They could feel the starring. Kimi heard whispered words like 'Her?', 'Oh, not another one!', and 'GAY!?'. She started looking around franticaly. She saw Aya make a sharp turn, she followed, not wanting to be lost in a place like THIS. Aya stopped in front of a couch that sat two identical girls. One had white colouring and hearts on her frilly dress, the other had black colouring and her dress was decorated with Xes.
"Twins," Aya started.
"Aya," The twins replied, one happy and peppy,...
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The chaos emeralds slowly floated up and started glowing. Shadow and Sonic put their hands into fists and they closed their eyes. The emeralds started sping in a circle. Sonic and Shadow were suddenly warped to outer space. They were in their super forms. They saw Chris punching and kicking Madjin. Madjin was struggling to get away, but Chris would not give in. Chris kicked Madjin very hard in the spot 'where it counts'. "And I said, NO MORE KIDS FOR YOU!" Chris shouted. "We have to stop him! He's beating that guy up!" Sonic said. "But wait, he's the good-" Shadow tried to finish his sentence,...
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Suddenly, Chris jumped out of his bed. "I guess that was just a dream..." He said, relieved. He was, infact, correct. He almost got back in bed, then he saw his clock, and it was 11:03 AM, 11-11-11. He crawled out of his hole, and stretched. He noticed that there was a trail of blood leading to the Mystic Cave Zone. He followed it, as though he didn't know what to think. About 20 minutes later, he was in the middle of Mystic Cave Zone. He heard voices, but he couldn't exactly see who they were; his veiw was being blocked by the trees. "Who are you and what are you?" A female voice said. "Why...
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posted by SilverFanGirl
Never mentioned the The Trio before. The question in the pop quiz, if you have not answered it yet, go answer it NOW. Thanks.
Let's see if you knew this...

Leader of the Trio-

Micks the Hedgebat- A white hedgebat with blue eyes, black hair with red highlights. She usually wears a short purple tank top with short shorts (purple also) with boots that are light gray on the inside and darker gray on the outer side. Green wings


Lily the Bat- Brown fur with reddish hair. Black and red wings. Red short tank top and black short shorts. Black boots with red slash markings on the side of her boots....
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posted by shadowknuxgirl
Melody, Emily, Zouge, Cece and Shion had all arrived at around the same time, Melody said "what are you guys doing here?" Cece smiled at the sight of her friends "looks like were all invited!" Cece and Melody started a bit of a conversation. Zouge looked to Emily and said "You don't think Silhouette's up to something, do you?" Emily smiled and said "don't worry! Silhouette wouldn't hurt her friends!" Zouge and Emily started a bit of a conversation too. Shion stood there a bit awkwardly, being the only boy. Impatient to get inside, he stared at his watch "5:58" it was almost time to get inside....
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Chris crawled in the hole. "... This isn't very... 'home-ish.' " He said to himself. He crawled back out and walked around. He kept walking. "I wonder where Shadow is..." He said to himself again. He kept walking. He stepped into a hole and fell. "UHF! Where am-" He tried to finish his sentence,but Madjin interrupted with "Welcome to.... Erm.... Welcome." "Yeah, I'm looking for a dude with black fur, red stripes, and some awkward looking gloves with rings around them, Might you have seen him lately?" Chris said. Umm.... No ugly guy around here!" Madjin responded. "But that's not what I-" Chris...
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Hey ppl! I'm back and here is episode 2 part 2! Now let's start!
Icefire:Hello Molly & Jake
Molly:Hello icefire.
Icefire:So you are -
Molly:Jason go up to your room.
Jason:Yes mom.=(
(Jason goes up to his room)
Icefire:So you to are wanted?
Molly:No. We where famed.
Jake:And we need you to take care of Jason & Crystal.
(crystal starts to cry)
Molly:It's ok crystal just shhhh..........
Ok I'm just going to skip to the sad part!
Ok it's night time and some ppl get inside the house and try to get Molly & Jake.
Well that's all folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know right!
posted by steve-the-dog
let the story begin Steve the dog is laying in the grass. Man this sucks being stuck on an island theirs nothing to do but eat and sleep i need something exciting thrilling something to get the blood pumping said Steve in deep thought at that moment he thought of something A PIRATE that’s it said Steve as he got up and started running towards town anybody got a ship he asked everybody. Finally someone gave him a makeshift raft that not even a feather would touch. well i guess this will do for now said Steve as he set off OK now to get to business first things first i need a crew a first mate a navigator a cook a musician a engineer and more
well i guess we get first mate first i think ill set out north said Steve setting sail in the modern world we live in today soon he fell asleep when he woke up he was greeted by be continued
Here's something."What was that!" Shadow said. Goes back inside."Hey Sonic I need your help outside, I heard something out there!"Shadow said."Why are you telling me go tell that to Emily!"Sonic said."Heak no! I well give you two reasons, 1 reason: I'm afraid she might make fun of me again, Reason 2:She want believe me.So get your but up and start walking!" Shadow said."Ok ok I'm going already and let go of me!" Sonic said."No I'm afraid that your gonna leave me."Shadow said. Outside (Again)."Can you let go of me now?"Sonic said. "Yes now help mr find out what made that sound."Shadow said."Ok." Sonic looks behind the trash can."Hey Shadow look what I found a puppy!"Sonic said."So that was the thing that made the sound?!?"Shadow said."yep."Sonic said.
The end. This is the last one so no quishtens!
Chris held the gun up and shot. It hit a buzzbomber. Chris felt a tingling feeling in his stomach and chuckled. "MUAHAHAHA." He ran around, firing everywhere, hitting badniks, knocking down hills, and making loops collapse. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!" He shouted, running along. "This is SO COOL!" he shouted. About an hour had passed, and Green Hill Zone had been torn apart and filled with smoke and ruins and now looked like piles of blocks and dirt and scrap metal. He ran away, but then ran into a blue hedgehog. "Did you do this?!" It said. "Ummmm..... YOU DIDN'T SEE ME AND I WASN'T HERE!" Chris...
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meanwhile at the lab

dr f: u see this is very bad since

brenden: wiat u made a doll of me ad it turned evil

alexa: yes we did u see wen u helped out at the lab (still need to wright that) we wanted to thank u so we dieced to make something to help u we made brenden doll

tober: took me forever to sow

alexa anyways we animated it but it dident happen to go right u see the chip we used ws sadly encripted

dr f: that colud guy seemed relible

lily: wait wait wait did u say colud

dr f: yes his name was could

brenden: where takeing this case

alexa: thank u soo much

dr f: u will need this (hands brendens doll tracker)

derreck: u made a tracker

dr f: in case this kinda thing happend

brenden come on guys lets go

team ok

to be continued
plz read chapter 1-24 before reading this

as we awoke in the prison every one else was asleep still i had a hard time getting to the bars of our cell so i crawled to them and started banging, rattling them and yelling, "i wanna see Valice! i want to see valice! now! ill destroy this palace let me see him now!" everyone else started to wake up from my ranting "weds whats with the screaming?" asked tuesday rubbing his eyes in his cell "wait wednesday?! Wednesday Rane Misery your back!" yelled Dare standing up and running to the bars of his cell followed by Rush and Kodi. "u were all sitting...
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My first story, so, if you wanna make suggestions, post of a forum ill make in a bit.

The old streets eminated of fossil fuels burning, roadkill and sadness. The ally was scattered with boxes, empty glass bottles and pieces of old news paper. In the distance, a siren went off and dogs yipped to eachother in thier own language. The streets felt cold and filled with the sorrow of the people around.
My body felt cold as ice. I longed to be warm and safe. I wished I had some money to get something to eat, but who would listen to a stray? No one. I curled up in a ball, attempting to get warm, as I drifted into a small rest.
I worried if the wrong person would find me here in this ally, alone in this cold, dark allyway. I dismissed this worry and held the arms of false hope, whispering false facts into my freezing ears.
I believed the false hope's bitterly cold arms were a sign I was alive.