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So this fanfic will be posted in chapters, and here's the first. The setting is Pre-Mark of Athena, but Post-Son of Neptune.

If you’re reading this, it isn’t a good sign. First, it means you’ve snuck into my room and stolen my diary (this very book)! It also means that when I find out, you will….um….face the wrath of…me. Now, the real question is how you’ve managed to obtain this book. It means A) I’ve either been brutally murdered and am serving my eternal damnation in the Under World or B) It’s Tortilla Tuesday at Applebee’s. Again, neither is very good news.
But both mean you have a while before I return. Now, I’m not going to go all cheesy diary on you. Don’t expect to find dramatic play-by-play scenes like “And then Tyson said this and Annabeth was like so mad and then and then and then….” You get the point. And DEFINITELY don’t expect to find boys’ names drowning in seas of hearts and flowers. I assure you, my journal is anything but. So just sit back, relax, and read the story of my cursed demigod life.

It all started on a Tuesday. A very normal, very average Tuesday with a guitar lesson at six and tennis at two. The whole trampled-to-death by spiders thing didn’t start until twelve. That definitely wasn’t on the schedule.
Let me explain.
It was 11:00 and I was sitting in English. Nothing exciting ever happens in English. Mr. Gaskins was droning on and on about some Shakespearean work and I, along with the rest of the class, was extremely bored. I don’t even think Tommy was awake. It was stifling in the classroom. The pressure of all of the humidity started to take its toll on my eyelids, too. My head started to slump onto my desk and my pen clattered to the floor. Just before my eyelids completely drooped closed, a thick tuft of my dark hair fell onto the desk. I looked at it curiously. Why would a clump of my hair fall out? I was only thirteen, I couldn’t be balding! Only, it wasn’t hair. The furry spider scuttled across my desk and I shrieked. Everybody turned around to stare at me. Tommy shot up. Mr. Gaskins stopped talking.
“S-sorry,” I mumbled stupidly. “Just a spider.“ They kept staring. “Um, as you were. Go on.”
They continued to stare, and only then did I realize it wasn’t at me. I looked down to where the spider had fallen and not only was the spider still there, but dozens of other hairy-legged arachnids were literally multiplying. My classmates all ran shrieking from the room and I stood completely frozen. Spiders. They were filling up the entire classroom.
Every time one moved, another equally scary one sprung from its body. How is this happening? Pretty soon my instincts just took over. Destroy now, worry later. The only problem was that I had a horrible fear of spiders. They almost seemed to, as weird as it sounds, follow me. Like that one time when I was six…I could’ve sworn a tarantula six times the size of a usual breed had scuttled out of my closet. Dad didn’t believe me. And the other time when I was nine, I had taken a day trip to the park and a bright orange many-legged creature latched on to my hair. Scarred for life after that one. The recurring spider thing wasn’t exactly what I called a good time. I thought for a moment. I needed a plan. As my classmates and teacher evacuated the room, I grabbed the long pointer by the blackboard and prodded each creature I could reach with the wooden stick. Now, spiders don’t exactly react kindly to being wacked in the eyes, so I managed to make my way to the door…although bruised and scraped. I decided that this was too much for me. I just couldn’t accept that something so strange happened. I was used to good plain logic. Seeing no other solution, I took off down the hallway, my classmates staring at me like I was some sort of freak, and started to run home without looking back.

Tell me what you think? Should I post more? :) Thanks.
added by darange
added by hisblueeyes
Source: Rick's Blog
added by Alex13126
Source: Google
posted by Alex13126
Anyone else wanna see some Calyspo action?
Anyone else wanna see some Calyspo action?
Read this first: I haven't read the Mark of Athena in a while, so if I quote a fact and it's wrong, please go ahead and tell me. These are my theories, so go ahead and state your own. Don't be rude just because you disagree with my theories, or someone else's.

We have about 7 months until the House of Hades. If any of you guys read Mark of Athena, then you were probably screaming and bawling at the huge cliffhanger. (What? Only me? Okay.) What I'm wondering is, what happens next in the series?

Obviously, Annabeth and Percy fell into Tartarus and are going to try and seal the Doors of Death...
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Okay, so before I even start this, I'm going to say 3 things:

1) THIS CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just a warning! :)

2) This is totally biased because Percy always annoyed me in the first series (I know, I'm a freak for saying that and I have no logical explanation for it...I always loved Annabeth and Grover more than's weird but true).

2) These are just my opinions and please don't get mad at me for them! :) Thanks. But also, please share your opinions in the comments (but please be nice).

Sooooo, here are my thoughts on why Jason is actually really awesome, even though so...
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Hello, people of the HoO fandom! I come in peace... anyways, I just finished reading TLH and SoN, and am DYING for MoA! So to pass time, I have decided to pull up some predictions and try analyzing! :) So, today I'm going to do an in-depth look at the Prophecy of Seven, line-by-line. Feel free to contradict me, argue or agree with me in the comments. I love a good debate :) Anyways, without further ado. Let's begin!

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call
To storm or fire, the world must fall
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death

Okay, let's start with...
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So a person added an answer to the question about posting the Mark of Athena in written form and they even posted a link to the transcript someone wrote down!! So I'm just transferring it here because it's pretty good so here ya go!
Disclaimer: Rick Riordan wrote this, NOT me :)
Last night while on tour for The Serpent's Shadow, Rick Riordan read the first chapter of Mark of Athena out loud to the audience.  The video can be found, but here's the transcript:

The Mark of Athena

Chapter 1:
Until she met the exploding statue, Annabeth thought she was prepared for anything.  She paced the deck...
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Ok, guys, I'm tired of the endless rants about Jason's immortal parent! No really, I'm sick of it, I just tossed my cookies because of it...seriously! Ok, so I exxageratted, everybody does it, but back on topic. Jason's parents. I'm assuming, and it's just a hunch so don't shoot me, that his immortal parent is his dad. Don't ask me why, it's just the way I roll, I go with the messages I get subconciously. It seems that everyone has chosen sides, and they are dead set with their picks. Although there are others, three gods have been mentioned. Are you ready to pick your side?

Pick number one:...
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added by HermionePiper
Source: viria
added by Alex13126
added by darange

"That's the lava wall." Annabeth said pointing to the huge wall pouring lava. "What are those?" Caroline asked staring at the camp's cabins "Oh those are the cabins. Each one represents a God." Annabeth explained "Like my mom is Athena so my cabin is the one with the owl at the top." "Cool which one is my cabin?" Caroline asked "Well I don't know. First you have to get claimed and then you get a cabin." "Oh" she said looking confused. "Anyway it's almost time for you to go meet Chiron" Annabeth said.

When they got to the Big House Percy was sitting on the leather couch and Chiron was...
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posted by angeldawna
kk so i know everybody wanted to die after finishing MOA, but then remembered that they couldnt read the next one if they did. i know. me too. but if you think about it, its pretty obvious what happens, or at least easy to draw conclusions. percabeth cant die. nono. RR would die if he did that to us. but somebody has to, maybe nico? hedge? idk but someone important tho. somebody said that calypso was coming back and immediatly my "leoissingleandilovehim" lights started flashing. i mean, come on, hes the single, sexy beast, shes the single, depressed goddess. we all see it. but idk how she got freed? i mean, what is this magic? i think we may see some jeyna magic happening what with the percabeth mess and all that jazz, and octavion probably kicking her @$$ in some way, but again, idk. im kinda anti- piper cuz shes annoying, but she did save percy and jason so she earned some respect from me. but idk. post what you think these are just ideas.
posted by -Percy-
Dear Readers, This is my Fan Fic so please comment, and tell me what I can do to make this better.

Disclamer: I do not own these Characters, Rick Riordan does.

Percy felt like a rock when he and Annabeth was tumbling towards tartarus. When they almost reached the ground, he turned so his body hit the ground and protected Annabeth. He heard Annabeth scream when he turned his body but he didn't care - all he wanted is for Annabeth to be safe. When he hit the ground he could hear his bones crunching, Annabeth calling his name but he was slowly losing consciousness.
posted by HecateA
So this afternoon [note that this was writen a long time ago] I got lost on the Internet. But I made up for it by finding this map of Camp Jupiter that you can see if you click. (I apologise for the lack of link here, and in image sources; but I found out that my account was suspended because of a none-tolerable link here, so I just took them all out because I'm happy to be back).

It’s interactive too!

With little bubbles and boxes of information that appear through the magic of scrolling! So here are 7 fun facts and bits and bobs about New Rome, that you didn’t know but probably will find...
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posted by fusshi123
This article is about the wierdest couples ever... it need not be really a real couple.

I'm gonna talk about the top 3 wierdest couple there has to be.

3 Nico and Juniper.

*Cough cough* i kinda hate that couple. I mean, Nico is this goth kid with a black leather jacket and a skull ring, he's kinda emo. And it'll be kinda funny to see Juniper, a cheerful, green nymph to be his girlfriend. It contradicts.

Nico can do much better than that.

2 Luke and Annabeth

Seriously? Luke and Annabeth? there's a 7 year gap between them so since Annabeth is now 17, Luke will be, what, 24?

And how can Annabeth even...
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posted by obsessionsucks
So in the YouTube video where rick reads part of chapter 2, Reyna mentions that she is the praetor of legion 12. Now in TLH Jason mentions that he is the praetor of the first legion. I believe that the legions are the same as the seperate cabins at Greek camp, therefore meaning the legions are seperated by parent, and the praetors are like the counselors. As Zeus/Jupiter is cabin one at camp half blood, he might be legion 1 at camp Jupiter. Therefore as dionysus /Bacchus is the twelfth Olympian/cabin I am led to believe that her parent is Bacchus, therefore explaining the purple robe, and maybe her father even mentioned Percy to her and said he'd be on his way to camp which is how she knew his name. Thoughts?
Chapter 1:
P.O.V - Reyna Lewis
Narrated by: Reyna Lewis

Side note> the day started out as a "Normal" day. Well, normal for me is training at Half-Blood Academy to get my mind off… Well… Never mind. You see "Half-blood" here means Half-human, Half-god. My dad is Apollo, the god of the sun, prophecy, music, and so on. In this story I'm about to tell you Percy Jackson, Son of Neptune(Or Poseidon) and my crush, Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter(Or Zeus), had their memories wiped and switched into different lives. So now Percy Jackson is here, and Jason Grace is there. Forewarning: This is all TRUE....
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Everyone, myself included, has been speculating about which baddies we will be seeing in the Heroes of Olympus ever since the end of The Last Olympian. I'm here to once again annoy you to the point of boredom with my opinions and theories. Today I'm discussing the old baddies and throwing in a few new onezs that I think we will become reaquainted with. So, I'll stop rambling on and get to the point.

The Manticore. Yeah, I didn't like him much either, but I can't fight the feeling that he is going to make an appearance in the series. I don't know when and I don't know where, but I know he will...
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