The Vampire Diaries Club
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Caroline took her books she needed for the next few classes and closed her locker. Elena leaned against the lockers and looked at her. She saw the red underneath Caroline’s eyes. “Hey, have you been crying?”
Caroline shook her head. “No” she said with a small voice. She swallowed and forced a smile. She sighed and looked at her friend. “No” she repeated a little steadier. “I saw Tyler at the Grill today”
“Oh” Elena blinked. “And how was he? Did he tell you what happened?”
Caroline shook her head again. “Not exactly. He…said it’s none of my business what he does or where he goes” she said trying to sound casual. Then she burst into tears. “I’m sorry, it’s just…He was so mean. It wasn’t like him. I know he can be a jerk, but he’s never like that with me. And after the summer I thought we’d grown closer” she sobbed.
Elena threw her arm around Caroline’s shoulder and pulled her closer. “Hey, hey, hey, you have nothing to be sorry about. Tyler does” she tried to comfort her friend.
“What did Tyler do?” Matt asked, attracted by Caroline’s sadness. Elena shot him a ‘not now, Matt’ glance and Matt nodded in understanding.
“Let’s get to our class” Elena suggested and she pulled Caroline along, Matt following them.
added by vanszerelem
added by klausyxcarebear
added by Any_SJ
added by mariatsaltaki7
added by lilmissl
added by BruCaS_LoVE
Bonnie grabbed her head and fell on her knees. She’d been struck with a sudden brain attack and she imagined this was what Damon had felt when she attacked him.
“Bonnie!” Matt exclaimed. He wanted to help her stand, but she raised her hand at him. She then stood herself.
“Damon tried to talk to me” she started. “Veronica has Elena. She and Jeremy are in the same place. There’s fire”
“This is ridiculous” Matt muttered. “Can you do something about it?”
“I’m going to try” Bonnie replied determined.
Katherine and Stefan felt their skin burn by the sun, when suddenly...
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Veronica ordered them to stop in front of a stake. In the center there was a big pole where they were being tied onto.
“Where’s Elena?” Damon begged to know.
“She’s with her brother” Veronica replied.
“Don’t hurt her. She’s sick” Damon appealed.
“She’s just a girl. It’s not her fault she’s the doppelganger. She wouldn’t hurt a fly. She’d sacrifice herself for her loved ones anytime” Stefan tried to reason with Veronica.
“Shut up, both of you. She’s responsible for Tyler’s transition to a hybrid. It’s a good thing he was the only hybrid ever created”...
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“Veronica, wait up!” Jeremy yelled as Veronica opened the door of her car. She took a deep breath and tried to keep a straight face.
Jeremy scratched the back of his head, searching for words. “Did you hear me talking inside? Because I was just talking to myself” he lied. He tried to read Veronica’s face to see if she was buying it.
“Of course you were” Veronica replied in a serious tone. She stepped in and after she inserted the key in the ignition she looked back at Jeremy. “You need a ride?” she offered.
“Actually, I was going…” Jeremy started, but Veronica...
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Rachel stared at her eldest daughter, crying of happiness and grief. The last time they had seen each other Rachel had told Kelsey about her true nature and things didn’t end well between them. Now all Rachel wanted was for Kelsey to become solid so she could take her in her arms like any normal mother would.
“Are you…a ghost?” she asked. “Why haven’t you try making contact with me? Why now?”
“We tried, mom” Amber replied. “When Derek dug up our graves on Veronica’s command, he didn’t just release our bodies, but our spirits as well. We tried to reach you, but like Jeremy...
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“I know there’s a connection!” Liz exclaimed. “I know how to do my job. I don’t need some vampire to tell me that”
Caroline looked away, avoiding her mother’s stare.
“Caroline, I’m sorry” Liz said soft. “I didn’t mean…”
“Yes, you did!” Caroline said firm. She turned her back on her mother. “You know, I just wanted to help you. I just wanted some distraction”
“I know, honey” Liz said. She lay her hand on Caroline’s shoulder, but she pushed it away.
“I guess I should go back to Elena” she said bitter. “At least she appreciates my help” And that being...
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Rebekah and Elena were both sitting on the couch, as far away from the other as possible. “So, you and Stefan are getting married? When did that happen?” Elena asked slightly surprised.
“Stefan and I know go way back. We knew each other long before you were even conceived” Rebekah answered smug. “But Nik compelled him to forget, until I convinced him to break the compulsion. He was a little off, Nik, I mean. I think he’s having trouble making Caroline and Tyler break up. He told Tyler to stay away from Caroline, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference”
Elena nodded, then frowned....
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It wasn’t until they were three blocks away before Derek braked and carefully looked at Damon. “Before you say anything, let me explain” he started. Damon still fell short of words and so Derek went ahead. “Veronica was Kelsey’s best friend. They met on college and she came visit Kelsey on daily basis. Since I was seeing Amber I had contact with Veronica, too. When Kelsey died Veronica came to this town for the funeral. She knew I was here and she contacted me. She said that if I really loved Amber I would do anything to kill the creature that killed her”
“Kelsey killed her”...
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Caroline opened the door of her bedroom and almost stumbled over a big, flat box. She bent her knees and picked it up. She walked to her bed, put the box down and opened it. There was a red strapless dress in it and matching gloves and tiara. Caroline took it in her hand and held it up. She walked to the mirror and looked at it. It looked more like a wedding dress. She wanted to check the size and noticed a note.
‘I hope you’ll wear this dress tonight. I’ll meet you at Homecoming’
Caroline put the dress back in the box and carried it downstairs. She walked to the kitchen and threw the...
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Damon looked from Elena to Derek. “What are you doing?” he asked slowly. Elena took a few steps in Damon’s direction.
“Damon, it’s okay” Elena said careful. “I’m fine” Damon quickly cast a look at Elena, before looking at Derek again. “Can you leave the house now?” he asked. Derek nodded and quickly walked past Damon and Elena. When he was gone, Damon looked at Elena.
“What were you doing?” he repeated his question.
“Training” Elena said fast. “Victoria’s building an army to fight all super naturals and Derek and I figured we should do the same” She wiped...
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posted by BarbieVampire
Delena is my OTP and I ship them so hard. I've been waiting almost 4 seasons for Delena to happen and I have to say that I screamed of joy at the end of 4x07.

It doesn't matter that Elena is sired to Damon, I know that Delena is the endgame and I'm going to tell you why, let's start with some examples:

1. Damon met Elena first
2. Bonnie saw Damon when she touched Elena
3. Elena didn't love Damon at first, "he sort of snuck up on her"
4. Damon agrees to be "the bad guy" if it means saving Elena's life
5. Elena admitted in season 1 to Stefan that her and Matts relationship didn't work because it wasn't...
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posted by ilzux505
In the season 4 episode 7 Caroline said to Stefan"You and Elena are epic; Elena and Damon are blah"
That is so discouraging for me... All this time I have waited for Elena and Damon to be together, but in the episodes last part my dream turned to dust, sire bond, everybody being against them together, obviously the scenarists don't think that they should be together in the end. but still I hope for Elena to tell Damon she loves him after the sire bond being broken. Stefan is a bit pathetic from my point of view, he is either too serious or being a ripper, or being so insentitive to Elena and turning Jeremy into a real vampire hunter, whose instinct is to kill everyone from their kind, therefore making it imposible for Elena to be a sister, the only family, for him.
posted by yasmeen40
Okay ...... This episode should've came with an EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER ALERT !! watch at your own risk .
And I mean everything , I obviously love kluas - Rebekkah Klaus -Stefan scenes .
Oh remember that ring that EVERYONE loves to take off Jeremy's hands ?! soo season 2 ( no offense Klaus ) .
the hunter scenes at the end were just plain GROSS , And what does that shane guy has to do with the hunter being in mystic falls ?
could it be that he's one of the five too ??

I KINDA HATE BONNIE AT THE MOMENT , And I'm sure all DE family know why , I'm confused here like WTF is wrong with Elena .. It's...
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Bonnie walked with her plate to a table and wanted to start eating when she felt a pair of eyes burning in her back. She looked up and saw Keith standing next to her shooting her a meaningful glance. Bonnie, not wanting to be rude, waved at the seat opposite of her. Keith walked around the table, put his plate down and sank on the chair.
“Keith Dason” Keith introduced himself. Bonnie accepted his hand. “Bonnie Bennett” she said. She started eating.
Keith, however, didn’t touch his food, but kept staring at Bonnie. Bonnie looked up, feeling uneasy. She swallowed.
“Why, eh, why are...
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Caroline looked around in Bonnie’s room. “It’s all so…white” she said turning to Bonnie, who was sitting on the bed. “I can’t believe you signed up for this. And without telling me”
“I’m telling you now” Bonnie said, while she opened her suitcase. “Thanks for bringing my stuff. I wouldn’t know who else to bother” she added softly.
“It’s no bother” Caroline said, though she avoided to look at her. She walked to the window. “Wow! You have to see this view, it’s amazing” she said, looking at the garden.
“Yeah, I’ve seen it” Bonnie said a little absent-minded....
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