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posted by supernatural15

Bonnie's P.O.V

"What did you do to them Klaus?" Damon shouted furiously.

"Only what needed to be done. My dearest Katherine gave an order that was not followed." Klaus replied looking at me.

"Where did you put Meredith?" I asked.

"That's for me to know and you to find out my dear. Here is a note from Katherine."

Time is ticking dear.

Vampires cannot pass over water

Where else would I put her?



She put her in Honoria Fell's grave. Under the bridge, it makes sense now.

"Where did you put Stefan?"

"He is inside under a spell. How do you think we could get his sweet Elena from the house?"


Damon had lunged for him, but was stopped by an invisible wall. Slowly Klaus walked towards him and grabbed him by the throat; Throwing him into the wall.

"You underestimated me." He replied running off.

I looked at Damon he was just getting up. I ran towards him. He had a cut on his head, but I knew that would heal soon.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, go find Stefan."

I ran into the house and saw on the couch asleep. I ran to her to see if she was breathing. She was and I ran upstairs to find Stefan. He wasn't in his room but the ladder to the roof was, so I took it up. I got to the top of the roof and saw no one and nothing. Suddenly, there was a thump at the other side of the roof. Turning I saw it was Katherine.

"Hello dear." she hissed.

"Where's Stefan." I said as controlled as I could.

"He wasn't cooperating after I told him about putting Elena where I put him and blah blah blah. I thought Elena would be lonely."

"You put him in the well?"

"Maybe or maybe I put him somewhere further away."

She stalked towards me gracefully. Walking a straight line across the middle of the roof until she was in front of me. She came and whispered in my ear,

"I told you Damon was mine didn't I? You should've listened maybe none of this would've happen."

I was furious and I slapped her across the face. Her head jerked to the side, but was staring at me in one second. Her eyes were in slits and her eyebrows furrowed together.

"You shouldn't have done that witch."

She grabbed my arm and twisted it. I screamed it was excruciating. After that, it all went in slow motion. Damon had jumped up on the roof and was running towards Katherine. She turned around right before he got to her and pushed him back making him slide across the roof. It was almost like the movies where the boy is saving the girl and the villain tries to kill the boy but he saves the girl. Except now, I know how Bella feels. I mentally sighed. Katherine turned to me.

"Now where should I put you? Oh wait I was going to kill you."

"No!" it was Damon.

Both Katherine and I turned towards him. He ran straight into Katherine taking her off the roof. This all would have been fine except for the fact that I was still in Katherine's solid grip. Finally, we landed on the ground, Katherine, and Damon standing, and me on my knees. Wincing I got up from my knees to stand.

"Katherine give her back to me."

"No, you know I always get what I want."

"I never wanted you Katherine," he hissed back.

"Yes you did. So did Stefan."

"I've always wanted what Stefan had. I thought I wanted you too but I don't. Now you are going to kill the love of my life. Kill me first."

"I would never kill you Damon but I can kill this pathetic witch."

I closed my eyes and instinctively leaned back. Waiting for the sting of the blow I knew was coming. However, it never came. I opened my eyes and saw Katherine and Damon face to face, her hand in his grip. Katherine's hand suddenly fell off my hand and the blood rushed back into it.

Katherine was falling to the ground, leaning over in pain. She looked up at booth of us. A stake to her heart.

"You have always been mine Damon."

She lay limp on the ground. Slowly turning to ash. I looked a Damon and we both ran and embraced each other. He stroked my hair soothingly and I rubbed circles on his back.

"Oh Bonnie." he whispered kissing me.

I pulled back.

"We have to find Elena, Stefan, and Meredith."

"Where are they?"

"Meredith is in the tomb, Elena should be in the well with Stefan. If Stefan isn't with Elena he should be somewhere nearby."

"We have to find them come on."

He pulled me onto his back and we ran into the forest. Passing trees and brush. Finally, we got to the well. I looked in and saw Elena covered in dirt with her hair in tangles. Damon and I both pulled her out.

"Elena!" I screamed

She collapsed into my arms crying. I looked at Damon. He was stiff. I touched his arm and he relaxed.

"Where is Stefan?"

"I don't know they used the mind manipulation and put me to sleep, I couldn't stay awake," she said frantically.

"Ok, ok calm down."

"I'll help you find him."

I nodded pulling her arm lightly. We walked around the forest desperately waiting for a miracle to happen. We got one when we heard heavy breathing coming from a field, and ran towards it. There on the roof was Meredith tied to a pole.

"They lied! Stefan is in the tomb."

"Stefan is in the tomb?" Elena repeated.


I looked up at Meredith concentrating. Her eyes fluttered open to a position used after being pulled out of a deep sleep. She starred at me, her eyes pleading for me to get her off the roof. Help, she mouthed to me.

"How are we supposed to get up there?" I asked hoping for a good reply,

"Hold on tight baby bird."

I smiled at the name, baby bird. He hoisted me onto his back. I nudged his back waiting for him to jump to the roof. He jumped and my stomach lurched it was like being on a free fall. After what felt like hours, we got to the top of the roof. I jumped off his back and walked towards Meredith.

Her clothes were in tatters and her hair in tangles with dirt on her face. She didn't look like the Meredith I knew.

"Come on Mere."

With the help of Damon, we cut her loose and picked her off the pole. She winced every time we touched her stomach back or wrists where the ropes had been tied to her wrists.

"I'm sorry." I told both my best friends after we were both on the ground.


"Because I'm the reason you're like this."

"No you're not. Katherine and Klaus are the reason we're like this."

They were right, but in a way, it was my fault. I hadn't listened to Katherine and she almost killed my best friends, but now we had to find Stefan or else he would be gone.

"We have to find Stefan! Please!" Elena shouted as if reading my mind.

"We'll find him Elena."

"Then let's please go."


Katherine didn't lie about the distance between Stefan and Elena. It took us a minute to get to the tomb from where Meredith was. The top slid off the tomb easily and we walked into the darkness. Images from the last trip here replayed in my mind. Walking down with just the light from the flash light. Clinging to Matt with desperation. Watching Katherine nearly kill Damon. I snapped out of it and saw the gate that lead towards the next room where the fight had been.

"Everyone ready?" Damon asked.

We all nodded and saw watched as he pulled open the gate. Sitting in the middle of the floor was Stefan, tied to a chair. A hand flew the Elena's mouth and she started whimpering.

"Elena?" Stefan whispered.

"I'm here." She said rushing to him.

I leaned into Damon and watched the scene unfold in front of me. Elena carefully cut the ropes from the chair and Stefan was released. I watched as Elena held his face in her hands and murmured something into his neck while they hugged.

"We have to get out of here before sunrise. Stefan doesn't have his ring."

Everyone quickly filed out of the tomb and towards the boarding house. Stefan went through the garden when we got there, searching for the key. He opened the door and saw that Ms. Flowers was walking around cleaning up. Everyone had scattered around after that, Meredith to call Alaric, Elena and Stefan to their bedroom, and Damon on the couch, I walked towards Ms. Flowers.

"Are you feeling alright Ms. Flowers?"

"Oh I'm fine dear just a little tired is all."

"Okay just tell me if you would like any help."

I walked over to Damon and sat down next to him. He looked me over and smiled.

"Hello baby bird." he said kissing me.

"Hello." I yawned.

"Are you tired?


"Come on let's get you in bed."

He picked me up and carried me up the stairs. Turning to my bedroom door, he had me turn the knob. He carefully laid me in the bed under the covers.

"Goodnight Red."

"Goodnight Damon."

He closed the door and I closed my eyes and let sleep to overcome me.
added by Any_SJ
added by vanszerelem
added by EternityOfLove
It was the first time Damon and Bonnie saw each other since Bonnie had ‘cured” Damon.
“Caroline’s not home” Bonnie said, a little distant.
“I’m not here for Caroline” Damon replied. “I need to talk to you”
“Okay” Bonnie frowned. “Come in”
Damon entered the house and Bonnie guided him to the kitchen. Sheriff Forbes wasn’t home.
“What, eh,…what do you need to talk about?” Bonnie asked slightly nervous.
“Do you know a guy named Keith?” Damon asked, as he sat down, following Bonnie’s example.
Bonnie nodded. She didn’t see why she would deny it. “Yeah,...
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The door of the Boarding House slammed open and Stefan entered the house, with Katherine still in his arms.
“Stefan, are you all right?” Rebekah asked worried as she quickly got up. She walked to him, but Stefan headed for the stairs.
“Where’s Damon?” Elena asked when she didn’t see Damon coming in.
“He…he stayed behind. There was something he had to do” Stefan said vague.
“Stefan” Elena protested unsatisfied.
“He’ll explain everything when he’s back” Stefan replied impatient. He turned to Rebekah. “Could you bring some blood bags?”
Rebekah reluctantly went to...
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Jeremy was walking outside. After his meeting with Veronica he didn’t want to go straight home. He told Alaric he’d go see Bonnie and since Ric would definitely check his alibi he was now on his way to Caroline’s.
When he was almost there he saw there was light burning upstairs. A window swung open and a guy, who Jeremy didn’t recognize, climbed over the edge and climbed downstairs using the pipes. He landed on his feet, but then lost his balance.
For a moment Jeremy considered helping the guy, but then decided to stay put. The guy scribbled up and walked away.
Jeremy pulled out his...
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Damon looked pissed at Veronica while he pulled the vervained arrow out of his shoulder. He scribbled up and looked around to see if he recognized anyone. He didn’t. Veronica aimed her crossbow at him and fired again. Damon screamed, but managed to stay on his feet.
“What’s going on?” a familiar voice said agitated. Derek pushed some people aside and looked at Damon, who looked back betrayed.
Veronica handed the crossbow to Derek and her eyes still pinched on Damon she said: “Go ahead. Finish the job, Derek”
“What?” Derek asked confused.
“Kill him” Veronica said. “He killed...
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Derek entered Ric’s loft. He had been eavesdropping Stefan and Katherine’s conversation and now he was looking for Rebekah.
“Rebekah!” he yelled.
He heard some mumbling coming from the basement. He raced toward it, opened the door and saw Rebekah sitting at the bottom of the stairs. She had been staked with a regular stake, but her hands were chained, so she couldn’t pull it out.
Derek ran off the stairs, kneeled and pulled the stake out. Then he unchained her hands and gave her the bag of blood he had been carrying with him. “I know you prefer the fresh stuff, but it’s the best...
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Damon looked up at Bonnie, agitated and feeling betrayed. “What are you doing? You’re supposed to help me. You just came back to finish what you started, didn’t you?” he said.
“No, Damon” Bonnie said calm. “I am helping you”
“By putting me back here? How is that going to do any good?” Damon asked.
“I didn’t put you back in here” Bonnie said cryptic. “You never left. Physically, sure. But deep down you’re still here and you want to know why?”
“Please, yes, the curiosity is killing me” Damon replied sarcastically.
“Deep down you think you deserve this” Bonnie...
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Elena walked into Damon’s room, where Damon was lying on the bed. He looked up. “You still angry with me?”
Elena shook her head. “No” she sighed. “I should’ve known better. You still angry with me?” Damon frowned. “I wasn’t angry. Why would I be angry?”
“Because I was so stupid to think you’d want to have a conversation with the one that betrayed you” Elena said sad.
“Oh, well, I’ll have to get over it sometime” Damon shrugged. He looked at Elena. “And you’re not stupid” He lifted up his head and kissed her. Elena stuck her hand behind his neck and pulled...
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Caroline was walking down the stairs with her phone held against her ear. “Look, Bonnie, I really don’t care what reasons you have for ignoring my calls, but call me back ASAP”
“Everything okay?” Liz asked, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs and couldn’t help but overhear.
Caroline nodded. “Yeah, sure”
“Was that Bonnie?” Liz pointed at the phone.
“Her voicemail” Caroline corrected.
“Hmm” Liz frowned. “You two have a fight?”
“No!” Caroline exclaimed.
“Then why is she ignoring your phone calls?” Liz continued, blocking Caroline to go to the kitchen....
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Tyler was sitting at the bar in the Grill, having a beer. “Aren’t you supposed to tell me I shouldn’t drink this time of day?” he said. Ronnie was cleaning glasses. “No, actually I was going to reproach you for not buying me one”
“Please, be my guest” Tyler said waving his hand. “Thank you” Ronnie said. She opened the fridge and got herself a beer which she opened with a spoon. She took a sip.
“I haven’t seen you around here” Tyler said. “When did you get here?”
“About a week ago” Ronnie said. “My friend died. I’m here for the funeral”
“I’m sorry to...
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Elena took a deep breath and started running down the hill. However, the grass on the hill started growing really fast and pushed Elena back. Elena angry pushed the grass away and came halfway the hill.
Then the earth started shaking and Elena rolled down.
The road that led to the open field cracked open and Elena’s feet got stuck in one of the cracks.
“Ha, damn it!” she cursed and she pulled her leg, but she couldn’t move it. The crack grew bigger and soon she fell in a whole. A deep one.
She looked up and saw how the crack slowly closed again.
Elena grabbed the wall which was raw and cut her hands open, but she didn’t care. With a fierce determination she climbed up and out of the crack. She crawled away from the crack, dodged the other cracks and reached the open field.
Klaus had a firm grip on Ambers sister.
“You let go of her!” Amber screamed.
Kelsey’s body pulled together and her eyes bulged. She clenched her teeth and screamed.
“What did you do to her?” Amber cried.
Klaus smiled. “I gave her something to slow down the changing process”
“What changing process?” Amber asked confused and frustrated.
Klaus dramatically gasped. “Oh my dear, she didn’t tell you, did she?”
“Tell me what?” Amber asked with a tiny voice. She looked at her sister. “Kelsey, what’s there to tell me? This is why you were so scared for me, isn’t it?”
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Stefan and Katherine ran through the woods. Stefan had ditched the car on the edge, because it would be too noisy. Katherine stuck her arm out. “Don’t move” she said, rotating her head from left to right. “There’s someone with us”
And a second later Amber appeared in their sight.
“You!” Stefan growled and he wanted to attack her, but Katherine stopped him. “Not now, Stefan. First let’s safe Elena, then you can kill her”
“How could you?” Stefan said unbelieving. “I trusted you. I told you my whole life”
“I know” Amber said. “I have listened very carefully,...
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Damon walked into the living room, finding Bonnie going through her cupboards. “That bitch really got me. Look at my neck” she said bitter. Damon grabbed her arm and forced her to turn around. All of the fear he had felt since she jinxed him was gone and now all she could read on his face was fury. “Let go of me, Damon” she said with a cold voice, though she couldn’t hide the tremble. Damon brought his face to hers and looked her straight in the eye. He wasn’t going to compel her, he knew he wasn’t strong enough. “What have you done to Elena? You said you wouldn’t hurt her”...
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Damon was lying on Elena’s bed as Elena was going through her jewelry, looking for some bracelet or necklace she didn’t like anyway. “I think your wiccan friend might be an issue” Damon said. “How’s that?” Elena asked distracted without turning around. “Well, she and I are not the best friends, you know. I doubt she’ll invite me in, in her magical little house” Damon replied. “So?” Elena shrugged. “You can wait outside, we don’t need you to do the spell” Damon frowned his eyes angry. “Well, then I suppose I can go back home, so I can play with Katherine, like...
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the vampire diaries
added by charmeddexter
Source: jessswann@lj
added by hm14