The Winx Club Club
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Chapter Two: Eleven Years Later

"Hey! Get back here you thief!" A man in his late forties, shouted behind my back as I sprinted out out of a shop, holding a loaf of bread and an apple for my breakfast meal. I heard footsteps running behind me, but it wasn't close. I looked behind me and saw a man who looked like he was going to explode with his big stomach underneath his big T-shirt, and he was holding a bat his right hand. 'I bet he thought I was as innocent as a five-year-old girl!' I thought, feeling like I'm going to laugh at the thought. "I'll get you reported by the Lunanian guardins! You hear me thief?" The man yelled as I ran towards a forest that surrounded the city I had lived in for several months now. It was 28th of August, so it was almost September, close to Spring. I lived in a cave not far from the city. When I first came to this planet, Lunania, I wanted to stay at a house for the rest of my time being, but whenever I asked people, Lunanians, they didn't want me becuase of my clothes, possibly my face too because I didn't look so rich anymore.

After several minutes of ambling in the forest, I spotted a giant cave - big enough for a giant to go in - next to a tall and strong-thicked trunked tree. I sighed as soon as I had reached it before I stared down at my loaf. It was crushed a bit on the edges but it was fine. I still had the sword from my used-to-be house and I only use it for training every day. I gulped down the last bit of the loaf of bread and smiled before standing up and stretching my arms up to the cloudless and sunny sky. 'I guess it's time for me to do some training.' I thought as I reached for a long case next to a rock in the cave and opened it. Gleaming in silver and blue gems lit as it met the sun's rays, was my father's sword.

I grabbed the sword out of its case and set off towards a wide open meadow. The meadow I found was when I began to live in Lunania and it wasn't too far from the cave.

Fifteen minutes later, I stepped out of the dusk canopy of trees and into a luminously lit and flowery meadow. The flowers were small and fragile, reflecting rays of light from the sun and onto my pale face. Even though it had flowers, it was still a good place for training. Before I could start training myself, I suddenly saw a movement in the flowers. I motionlessly froze in my steps. 'What was that?' I thought, my eyes widened. I tightened my grip on my sword and slowly made me move, tensing a little at whoever it was. Ever since I was six, I have always been cautious about everyone on Lunania only for my own safety.

I saw a body in the meadow, a body of a girl. She had long, hazelnut hair with long black streaks, she had a long, brisk fringe that moved whenever the wind blew around she and I and her skin was a flawless, creamy white color. Her eyes were almond-shaped and were closed. 'I guess I better take her back to the city.' I thought as I dropped my sword while I knelt down on my knees next to the girl. I opened my arms and slowly and carefully, I put my arms underneath the girl's body to pick her up into my muscular arms. I felt her bare back beneath my fingertips as she only wore an orange-and-white hot-a-neck and blue shorts with orange thongs on her feet.

I felt her body shift a little as her head came into my chest while I stood up ever so slowly, onto my feet. I grunted as I walked towards the trees, slowly coming to a sprint. An hour went by and I came to a stop. In front of me, stood a house. There was a sign near the house that said 'The Helsons' and, even though I didn't know where the sixteen-year-old girl lives, I knew that this house was a stabled home...for now. I walked towards the front door of the house, seeing 'Welcome' engraved on the wood and knocked it quickly.

At that exact moment, I felt the girl moving in my arms which made me look down. I saw wide dark blue piercing eyes shooting me straight back in the eye which made me cringe away for a bit. 'Damn.' I thought, thinking of dropping the girl right there and running away. But before I could set the plan in action, the wooden door opened. I looked up and saw a young, adult lady who looked to be in her early thirtees, had shoulder-length red hair that went in curls, skin as ivory as snow and dark blue eyes, like the girl's eyes. "Oh my! Jessica, where on earth have you been? I thought you were in your room." The lady cried, worriedly as I put the girl on her feet again. "I was the forest for a while." Jessica explained. I noticed how she gripped onto my arm with such strength that I almost gritted my teeth when her fingernails dug into my skin.

"Well Jessica, that's not very ladylike of you to go running off just like that." At this, Jessica sulked, releasing my arm. "Now, who's this young man? Your boyfriend, I should ask?" The lady looked at me with narrowed eyes. "No, I'm not her boyfriend." I answered quickly before Jessica could say something wrong to her mother. "Ah," The redhead lady smiled thinly at me. Before I could tell the redhead lady that I was leaving, she asked me an unexpected question that froze me to my bones. "Do you go to Red Fountain?" I blinked, flabbergasted. "Um..." I stuttered. "No, ma'am. No I, er, don't." "Hmm..." The lady said, staring me up and down. "Do you have any parents?" I let my head hang, my eyes dropped. "I ran away. My father's dead and my mother ran away when I was six." I murmured quietly.

"Oh." I heard Jessica say beside me. "I'm so sorry." Jessica apologized. "Would you like to come inside?" Jessica's Mum asked me. I smiled a little and nodded, feeling a little glad that someone from Lunania wanted some of my company. "What's your name?" Jessica asked as I entered her house. "Riven." I said shortly as I strided to the living room and flopped down on the brown sofa. "Well, my Mum is Scarlet and she and my Dad are divorced. I have an older sister who attends an all fairies school, Alfea that is in between Red Fountain, an all boys school, and a witch school called Cloud Tower. I hear a rumor saying that the school is actually alive." I rolled my eyes at that. "Whatever." I scoffed. "I bet it's all just a fake." "There's a possibility that it's true Riven!" Jessica protested, crossing her arms over her chest and huffed. "Am I sleeping here for the night?" I asked. Jessica stared at me for a minute and shrugged. "Maybe. I'll ask my Mum." She stood up from sitting a few meters away from me on the sofa and walked into the kitchen. "Mum, is Riven staying over for the night?" I heard Jessica ask. "I guess he has to." Scarlet said and I became suspicious. 'I wonder what she meant by 'he has to'.' I thought, biting my bottom lip. Jessica came back again and told me that I was going to say, but I knew that already.

"Dinner's ready!" Scarlet announced and I heard a noise on the small dining table in the kitchen. "Let's go Riven." Jessica told me and rushed into the kitchen, leaving me to slowly get up and walk towards the kitchen door. 'Well.' I thought, sighing quietly. 'I guess I have to stay here and find out what's going to happen tomorrow.'

A knock on the door awoke me the next day and I moaned, tiredly. I saw Jessica rush towards the door and open it excitedly. The door creaked open, revealing two adult men. One was big and bulky with muscular muscles that looked like they were going to pop out of his medium skin tone and he had dark, sharp and narrowed dark brown orbs that shot back at my violet ones like a bullet. The other was an old man who had a long white beard, white hair that went round a bold spot and his skin was pale white. He looked pretty tough as soon as I laid my eyes on him, and I could tell by his expression. "Hello Professor Saladin," Jessica greeted the old man. "Codatorta." The bulky man nodded. "We were called here by someone who spoke of a young man who needs to be trained at Red Fountain." Codatorta explained in a deep, rough voice. Jessica nodded. "Please come inside and take a seat while I go get my mother." Jessica stepped aside and the two men entered. They both walked into the living room and sat down by the two seperate couches.

I saw Codatorta nod at me, but I didn't do or say anything. Several seconds later, Jessica swept into the room with such gracefulness that I wondered if these men were such important visitors to her mother and she. Scarlet trailed behind her and they both sat on either side of me on the long couch, making me uncomfortable because the couch was small. "Good morning Professor Saladin. It's so good to see you." Scarlet said cheerily. Professor Saladin smiled. "It is good to see you too, Mrs. Love." Professor Saladin said. His voice sounded commanding and brave. "We are here to speak of a young boy that lives here." Codatorta said shortly. "Yes, of course. Saladin, Codatorta, I'd like to introduce to you, Riven." Scarlet introduced. I was confused. "I haven't properly asked him in person about him transferring to Red Fountain, so..." Scarlet looked at my shocked face. 'What?' I thought. 'I'm going to be transferred to Red Fountain? Why didn't she tell me about it?' I looked back at Scarlet, anger boiling in my eyes. "Why didn't you tell me I was going to be transferred to Red Fountain? I'm fine where I am now and I don't need anyone to decide on my future! That's my choice, and mine alone." I shouted at her, and at Jessica because I knew she was in this mess too. "If I hadn't stumbled upon your daughter, Scarlet, I wouldn't be here right now!" "Riven, I know you're scared but that's why I asked Saladin and Codatorta to come and discuss what situations will be held in the school, besides training because they'll be heaps of it there too." Scarlet tried to reason with me.

I stopped speaking for a moment, before I looked at Saladin carefully. He seemed familiar to me. "Professor I know you?" Saladin smiled. "Why, I'm sure I do. Is your father...Logan?" I widened and Saladin nodded. "Then yes, I do know you." He added. "How?" I asked. "I met you when you were a baby. Logan died just when you were born, but I was very close to you and your mother. I was like your family friend." I gulped and stared at Jessica next to me. She smiled and placed a hand on mine. "I think it's best if you go to Red Fountain, Riven." She told me. I knew that Scarlet would agree too. I looked down and closed my eyes for several minutes. Afterwards, I initiated my eyes and nodded at Saladin. "I'll go." Saladin nodded.

"Good." Saladin said. "Thank you for having this young boy, Mrs. Love." Codatorta said in a gruff voice. "It's nice to meet you too." I said and stood up. "I'll walk you to the door." Jessica said. "Goodbye Riven," Scarlett smiled and she reached her hand up for a handshake. I recieved it and we both shook hands. Jessica quickly led me towards the front door, holding my hand while she walked, and stopped me suddenly once we stood outside on the footpath that led out into the forest. Jessica turned to me and I widened. Her eyes were watery with tears in her eyes and her hand was wrapped around mine, was shaking. "I...I'll m-m-miss you, R-Riven." Jessica sniffed and instantly came up to hug me. I felt her tears wet my shirt and her head was on my shoulder. I slowly hugged her back since I wasn't used to hugging girls. "I'll probably see you soon." Jessica murmured. "Um...okay." I said and smiled.

We both pulled apart and Jessica wiped her tears. "See ya, Riven. I hope that Red Fountain works out for you." "Yeah," I sighed. "Me too, Jessica." "Don't worry about the students." Jessica shrugged. "I'm sure they'll treat you good." At that moment, I heard Codatorta call out for me to come. "I have to go. Bye Jess." I waved and sprinted into the forest. Several seconds later, I abruptly stopped, gaping at what I saw in front of me. It was a huge ship, a nice, red ship, and Saladin and Codatorta were waiting for me at the door of the ship. 'I guess it won't be so bad in Red Fountain.' I thought, grinning and runnning up to the ship. "This is awesome!" I cried. "It'll get better, Riven." Saladin said and I saw him wink at me with a smile.
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posted by Rainflowers
NOTE: If you haven't read Personality part 1,2,3,and 4 then this will make NO sense!! Thanks for reading ^.^

Flora: Who's out there??

*A group of fairies and Specialist come out of the bushes (NOTE not the Winx or the right specialist) and walk up to Flora

Boy: Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you.

Girl: What group are you in? Did you get lost?

Flora: Group? What do you mean?

Girl: Aren't you here with Alfea on the Freshman Training session?

Flora: Oh no! I mean yes I'm from Alfea but I'm not here for that.

Boy: What are you here for then?

Flora: I'm here on a mission assigned by Mrs. Faragonda and...
continue reading...
posted by Rainflowers
**At Alfea in Winx Room**

Stella: So Flora, you broke up with Helia huh? Thats wierd when you left you were crazy about him.

Fake Flora: yea?? Well people change you know and that flora's gone so deal with it.

Tecna: Flora the way that you're acting is inlogical!!

Bloom: you just don't seem like you self.

Fake Flora:Yea well you guys better get use to it. Good night

stella: i swear thats not flora.

bloom:but it is . . . the teachers would be able to tell if it wasn't

layla: maybe we just have to except the fact that she's not Flora any more

Musa: Flora's just the last person I exepcted to act that...
continue reading...
posted by Rainflowers
Fake Flora
Fake Flora
Heila: Flora, what's going on with you?

Flora: What do you mean? The fact that I am not some push over any more, or that I'm not some cry baby?

Helia: No, the fact that you're not yourself anymore.

Flora: Whatever don't like it, it's okay I was gonna dump you any way. See ya

*Flora walks away from Helia who's in disbeilf*
*Helia walks back to the table*

Tecna: Well? What she say??

Helia: She broke up with me.

*Meanwhile in some cave in some forest far far away*

Flora: You'll never be able to fool my friends! They know I'm not like that! *Someone ties her up*

*Over a walkie Talkie*

Fake Flora: They beilived...
continue reading...
posted by Rainflowers
**At White Horse**

Helia: I can't belive that Flora's been gone for a month!

Bloom: But she is coming back today from her mission.

Stella: I'm so excited about her coming back!

Musa: Yah, she should be here any minute actully!

*Flora walks in*

Flora hey you guys . . .

Bloom: Flora! . . . um what happen to your hair and clothes??

Flora: You like it?? It's may new look!!!!!

Stella: It looks like a witch threw up on you?!

Flora: Yea, well that what happens when ever the only people you can hang out with are witches!! Don't like it, don't be my friend I don't care!!

*Flora stroms off*

Helia: What happen to Flora?!

Bloom: Who knows . . . maybe I should go talk to her . . .

Helia: No it's okay, I'll do it

To be contuined . . . .
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Source: deviantART User: StasyLoveGlamour
added by WinxClubBloom99
added by SummerThunder
Source: AlexaSpears1333
added by Bloom-WinxClub