The Winx Club Club
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Hello I'm the Winx-Critic. I remember it so you don't have to! So I guess this is where they finally earn the pointless transformation (Or so I've heard) known as Harmonix. Well, let's just see how pointless it is, shall we?

The episode starts off with Tecna and Layla debating on whether or not they should open the Sirenix book. But, when Layla tries to open it, she can't. Musa and Flora soon show up and tell the two that Miss Faragonda wants to see them all.

We go to Alfea's grounds where Bloom is still trying to rouse Sky's memories. She shows him a rose and goes on with some bullshit of how he thought it smelled (Creep?) and was as beautiful as Bloom. Krystal suddenly appears and tells Sky that she might have found someone to help bring his memory back and surprise! It's Diaspro. And goodness, this Ariana thing can't voice her. She's too sweet and I don't know, she doesn't sound like the narcissistic, regal woman that Diaspro is supposed to be. So, while Bloom gets all sad and mopes because Diaspro is there, she leaves to go and see Miss Faragonda after the others go and get her.

In her office, Faragonda explains (And, is it just me, or does her voice sound different?) that they all must think in one mind before they open the Sirenix book or...*le gasp* they'll loose their powers. But, apparently this isn't that important so the plot is pushed aside so they can compete is some competition. If they win, they'll receive some boon from this old nature-hag. It pissed me off when Stella says, "Miss Faragonda, are you saying that we're the best fairy in school?" Don't be vain, sweetie. But, when Faragonda says "If the shoe fits." it made me think of this line from Christina Aguilera's song 'Vanity': "If the shoe fits, wear it bitch." So, that just made me laugh when I heard that.

So the Winx head off to this planet where we see only two other fairy teams. Okay, right. The first one we see reminds me of the Plastics from "Mean Girls" but the second group is cool. They have nice haircuts and they're style is cool. (And they're not "goths" fuck me don't say this please) After the girls see the competition, this old lady—or the Ancestral Fairy of Nature—appears and explains that they have to find the Creature of the Rainbow Mantle so they can gain this key she'll give to the winning team. But, as she's explaining this, we see Tritannus magically appear in the water (No one else noticing) and saying that this assignment will be something the Trix can easily take the Winx on.

We then see Tecna, Stella and Musa (Since the Winx split up) walking around, Tecna using a gadget to track the Creature's footprints. We hear Stella complain some more (And we hear a funny little crack by Musa saying that they "always wear heels.") and say that Tecna doesn't care about them, which leads to an actual outburst from the fairy who hardly shows her emotions. I would have actually liked this scene if it was better prepared and presented. I liked the bit about how people from Zenith don't really show emotions and that's why Tecna tends to remain distant, but bringing up that whole robot thing was just...repetitive. They continue to search when we see Musa use her...musical abilities (Ohgawd that was bad. Who sang that?) to bring birds to her. She then explains that her mother taught her to and goes on this slight emotional bit about her speaking more about her. "Maybe I'll start"? Your mother died from sickness when you were very young and had to witness your fathers self-destructive streak after it from the grief. What could you possibly want to talk about?!

We then see Layla, Bloom and Flora discussing that maybe when they earn this boon they'll be able to break the curse that is on Sirenix. Suddenly, (And completely randomly) Flora figures out that she knows these magical strawberries that can attract creatures. She creates some and a creature soon pops out of the bush. This thing honestly looks like a Manticore, in my opinion. Anyways, the Trix show up and claim that they created the monster with their powers; the Winx then transforming. The monster quickly gets Flora (Not surprising) and the Trix then decide to look for the Creature and destroy it. After finishing off the monster and blasting it into the river, the three soon chase after the Trix.

Back with Tecna, Musa and Stella, we see them exit near a cliff and spot a deer with rainbow antlers. Everyone—except Tecna—believing that that is the Creature. A normal looking horse suddenly appears and Tecna states that this is the Creature...and not the one with rainbow horns over there. Yeah. So the Trix arrive and scare away this deer, the cool-looking group becoming angry. As they laugh menacingly, one of the girls blasts Icy with a spell but before Icy can retaliate, Stella blocks it with a shield. She tries to attack but misses, and like the trolls they are, the Trix strike back and eventually knock those three out—blasting the horse over the cliff as well. But, this thing is holding unto a branch? How—are horses even smart enough to do that?

Anyways, Bloom's group finally arrives and they begin fighting off the Trix. As they set out to protect the three that are knocked out, the branch this horse is holding unto breaks and Bloom quickly saves it. As they continue to fight—not really doing any damage to the witches—for once we see the Trix have the upper hand. That is until the horse runs over and transforms into some better-looking "My Little Pony" thing. It revives the three knocked out and then begins to sparkle (Fitting, right?) which...makes the Trix flee? Okay, well, I guess that makes sense. If I saw a sparkling rainbow pony, I would run for the hills too.

So we see Bloom and the others bring the Creature back to that old bat and she gives them nature's key, stating; "what was closed to you will now be open." Oh I wonder what you could be referring to there?

They travel back to Alfea where they all agree in "one mind" using this useless key-thing and the Sirenix book opens. In a magical voice, it explains that the curse is still on the transformation and if they do not accomplish their task within one lunar cycle, they will loose their powers forever. The book explains that they must find the three jewels of: self-confidence, empathy and courage, which are hidden throughout the oceans of the Magical Dimension. The Winx are then given starfish-shaped boxes (A Sirenix Box...real creative there) that are adorned with jewels, (Coincidentally, missing three jewels!) the book explaining that their guardian of Sirenix lies within the box and if they ever need help, to call on her. All of a sudden they start glowing and the book informs them that their guardians have granted them the power of Harmonix, which will allow them to swim faster and use their powers freely under water. It reveals a riddle, but Bloom doesn't say what it is and that pisses me off. Especially considering that tone in which she ended her sentence.

So we're suddenly taken into the ocean where Tritannus is derping around as usual and not really doing anything. He uses his triton to blast some oil in the Andros portal and...that's about it. Thanks for that pointless scene.

Back at Alfea, Bloom decides that now is a good time to read the riddle; it basically stating shit about these shimmering shells. No one really has any idea what this could mean until Layla remembers that their is a myth on Andros revolving around a cove of shimmering shells. After some pointless blabbering with the book, Tecna tells them that she'll find the coordinates of this place while Bloom, Layla and Stella travel to Andros.

At a lake, a magical yacht appears sent by Layla's father. But, of course, before they get on, Stella changes their clothes pointlessly. On the boat we meet Roy and, is this dude supposed to the one that Layla falls for? Uh haha no. Excuse you writers but, no.

Once they arrived at Andros, the three finally transform into Harmonix. Now, the music is something that kind of annoyed me. The beginning was fine, and I actually started to like it a lot but when they added guitars and really bad popish lyrics...that's when I started disliking it. When I think if Harmonix, I think of quiet, sweet vocals and harps, flutes and noises of the ocean...not guitars and cheesy "girly" lyrics. Now, as for the transformation itself, I like the way they transform. The clear-cloth material they use to make their outfits is really cool and I love how elegantly they all transform. Yeah, it has its downsides too, like that I kind of agree that it is pointless. All it really does is allow them to use their powers underwater, but without that, they couldn't get the gems and thus could not earn Sirenix so, it has its purpose.

Overall this episode was alright. I honestly thought that the beginning was so rushed. At one point we're dealing with the actual plot—Sirenix—but then this is hastily pushed aside to deal with Sky's stupid memory loss. But then we're dragged into the office where the plot is moved out of the way once again so we can have this really random and rushed scene with earning natures key. (And the small bits of personal feeling that was mixed into that scene was poorly done) But, once they opened the book, the story began to flow much more smoothly, and I liked how they fixed themselves up near the end.

I'm the Winx-Critic. I remember it so you don't have to! Now I'm off to go off and listen to actual rock to get those cheesy Harmonix lyrics out of my head...
True, we're a little more than halfway into the season, but I just thought of this review now, so this is as close to the midpoint as we're gonna get. :) Anyways, I'm just going to give my opinion on the pros and cons of season 5. It's not the best season, but there are some good things about it. It's not perfect, though.

Con: Environmental Theme is Very Forced

Yeah, we all know it is. It would have been fine if it was subtle, but it seems like the writers are trying to shove it in our faces, with the band and the trash thing in "The Emperor's Throne." A little is great, but this is just too...
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posted by Blader1367
Voiced by:Letizia Ciampa (Original/Italian)
Helena Evangeliou (Seasons 1-3), Angela Galluppo (Season 4), McGovern Kathleen (Movie 1's trailer), Cindy Robinson (Movies 1) (RAI English)
Liza Jacqueline (4kids)
Molly C. Quinn (Nickelodeon)
Birthdate-December 10 (Original/Italian/Nick)
January 27 (4Kids)
Favorite Food : Pizza
Favorite Color : Red
Favorite Hobby : Reading books about spells
Pets:Kiko the rabbit, Belle the lamb, Ron the cat, Peg the horse/pegasus/unicorn, Buddy the dragon (Inner dragon)
Favorite Pet : Kiko
Homeplanet- Domino(Sparks in 4kids version)
Parents:Vanessa & Mike(Adoptive...
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A cold wind has swept over the dusty roads of Magix.An unseen bunch of girls just got up in a bus,and said something to the driver.After that,the bus rode down the streets,giving a smoke of billowing dust.In the roads of the forest,someone can be heard chattering,but the voices are too small that no one can follow where it comes from.Just then,Alfea College zooms to view and the bus seems to take the way to the school.The bus stopped in front of the gate,and out came the unseen bunch of girls.And,as they walk across the gate,their faces can be seen.It's the Winx,visiting Alfea for the second...
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And so the next day..
"I can't believe Stella did that to us, I thought we all were friends," cries Flora. Layla holds Flora's hands. "Don't worry," she says. "I believe Stella will stop all this," "Oh yeah?" asks Tecna and points to the window. It was still raining.
Stella found a club called 'Dark Magic.' She enters it. Is she willing to practice dark magic?
Bloom and the Winx run to search for Stella. But they couldn't...
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posted by stellawinx101
"Flora, thank goodness!" screams Layla when Flora flies to her. "I know and something's not right about that guard, killing me?" says Flora. "They all are finished!" commented Bloom. "Liliane, sweetie," says the king. "Yes?" asks Liliane. "Stella, she.." - "Don't talk about it!" cuts Stella.
"King Belia, please let us be sisters again. "Well,.. alright," says King Belia. Stella and Liliane cheered.
Everything ended well and they all were happy except for Bloom. Will Bloom find her real parents? That question is playing in her mind.
Tecna wants to return to Zennith but cannot make a decision. Will she go there?

posted by LavenderLily
Part1 "Musa`s disappearance"
It was the same old Saturday in Gardenia. Everything seemed lazy.But the Winx girls were busy working in their own shop Love and Pets. (After work)
Bloom: (falls on her bed)Working is hard!
Stella:(Reading fashion magazine)Tell me about it. A princess shouldn`t work ,right?
Tecna: ( on the computer) Well i`m sure your father will be happy to see you work, Stella!
Stella:NO! How dare you to say that?(mumbles) Well maybe he will be happy)
Musa: Heard that!
Stella: No wonder why you`re a music fairy.
Musa: Oh really?
Bloom: Guys guys stop.
Layla: Bloom`s right stop.
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posted by Winxlove
Bloom has released her Dragon from inside to defeat Trix
Bloom has released her Dragon from inside to defeat Trix
Hey!As I posted the song lyrics "Mean Girls" I will post now the song lyrics of "Magical Bloom".
It's of season 1,and the problem it's that it's very short...but anyway,this song is very beautiful!Here are the lyrics!



Magical Bloom,
You live on in my heart,
When you be found to,
Thus strike our heart,
You'll be the heart,
On the secret and you know,
Yes you know how the dreamin' side u,
Bless and see, and now i'm fond to find out everything you are,

P.S:This is a song for Bloom.

See you very soon with another song!
Magical Bloom
Magical Bloom
posted by Alifya
Hi girls! Here they are some tips to help you look beautiful!

Make up and spectacles? It's really simple. Try and match or balance it with your spectacle frames. So, if you have big frames, keep the make-up really simple. Perhaps simple kohl liner and that's it. Forget the eyeshadow and remember that mascara can play havoc if your glasses sit right up close to your face. Therefore steer clear. But, if your glasses are unframed, you can play up your eyes, so go for a neutral metallic shadow, volumising mascara and liner.

Lip Care: give dry, flaky lips the brush-off; add "brushing your lips" to...
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Nano! (for samoangirl96)
Nano! (for samoangirl96)
-Our story begins at Magix, the magical city where we can found the 3 schools Alfea, Red fountain and Cloudtower.
It was a sunny day and a new school year is beginning at Alfea. New fairies are coming, to know more about their powers, get powerful or just to make new friends...

Arella: (looking for her room) where is it?!
Terra: what are you looking for?
Arella: my room! I cant find it anywhere
Terra: cool! the same is happening to me!
Arella: ough! where is that room?!?
Terra: uummm is your name Arella?
Arella: did you knew it? do you read minds or something?
Terra: noup...I saw your name...
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posted by tslol99
Riven found were Musa lived just didn't find Musa there

Riven: Do u have a map of the town cause I don't know my way around here
Musa's dad: Um sure 1 sec
Riven: Ok
Musa's dad: (gets the map) here and we r right here
Riven: Thank u
Musa's dad: U really love her don't u
Riven: Yeah I do
Musa's dad: Bring her back please
Riven: I will


Musa: O Tune what am I doing
Tune: I don't know but I see 2 things that will cheer u up
Musa: What
Tune: Ice cream and music
Musa: (giggles) Ok come in lets go

Meanwhile (again)

Musa's dad: I think u should go over to the girl next door her name is Lexi and she and Musa...
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After being shouted out by ms. Grizelda, (who'd probally be a watchdog if a animal), Flora found her self seized by the shoulder and walked up to the head mistresses office, her friends and little sisters attempts to come with her not working. The long walk up the alfea stairs felt like a mountain to climb but she ignored it, only thinking about why she was in trouble...By the time she was in the office she was shaking. "Ah Flora, take a seat." Greeted ms. Faragonda, perched on her princible chair, seeming more like a throne.
"Oh, hello, once again. Umm.....There is no chair but yours!" Stammered...
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posted by CyD12
Nadia: *helps Elizabeth get up* are you ok?
Elizabeth: yeah... uuummm who are you?
Nadia: im Nadia... im a fairy from alfea...
Elizabeth: im from alfea too... but why didn't i saw you before?
Nadia: oh cause i came late, yesterday was my first day cause i needed to do something before i came here...
Elizabeth: oh, im Elizabeth...
Nadia: im Nadia by the way...
Elizabeth: nice to meet you...
Nadia: i saw how the witches attacked you...
Elizabeth: you saw it all?!?
Nadia: yeah, i wish i could helped you but..
Elizabeth: but what? you were scared?
Nadia: yeah sorry....
Elizabeth: its ok... who wouldn't be scared...
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added by nmdis
Source: mishair (devianart)
added by zanhar1
Source: NOT mne
posted by Princess-Flora
I will be posting a lot of my fanfics this weekend because the 2/14-15/2014 is competition and then on 2/16 I'm going to see the ballet. So for not being active next weekend I'm going to post a lot this weekend. Side note this chapter was emotional to write because the song Turning Tables by Adele was a lyrical piece at my studio last season where the summer camp prior to the season all 8 of us were told we would be one big company but when the season came around I wasn't a part of that group anymore because their was this one leap I still cannot get. In the end thins were fine but this song...
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You can use all these words on this club or any other club related to Winx :D For those who wants to use bad words, I've replaced them with something more appropriate and related to Winx ;)

These verbs describe what you're doing. Example, if you're fangirling Winx, just say you're Winxing :D If you're madly insane with Enchantix, say you're and Enchantixing!

- Winxing
- Trixing
- Specialisting

- Charmixing
- Enchantixing
- Believixing
- Sophixing
- Lovixing
- Harmonixing
- Sirenixing
- Bloomixing

- Blooming
- Stelling
- Floring
- Musing
- Tecning
- Layling/Aishing
- Roxing
- Daphning


- Winxtastic...
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posted by yasmin124
i know i already did my top 5 but i need to do my top 10 because i forget Aisha and Bloom and Tecna

10 Diaspro even though some people dislike her she is really pretty i love her fairy outfit and her outfit in season 3 for skys party its was so pretty and i love her power gemstones i love gemstones

9 Aurora shes sooo pretty i love her outfit and her wings shes really pretty and i love her power ice i seem to love snow/ice its sooo pretty i remember on a cold day it was so cold that it snowed and it was soooo pretty

8 Tecna i love her pink hair and she is unique because she is the only winx...
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added by Bloom-WinxClub
added by Bloom-WinxClub
added by haynay24