The Winx Club Club
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The movie wasn't anything spectacular or anything, but it did serve it's purpose; it took Icy's mind away from the blonde wizard's face for a good hour and a half--but she was certain he'd pay her a visit somewhere between sleep and awareness. Icy tried her best to suppress that thought but she found suppression was becoming increasingly difficult as the load piled up. But nonetheless she pushed that thought back too.
Instead Icy decided to ponder upon a different realization; it had been a good while since she had been to downtown Magix and to her surprise if felt somewhat nice to be there remember that time when she had nearly obliterated the place--good times, good times indeed. Icy's moment of noglastia was interrupted by a wave of nausea, and through it Darcy's muffled voice instructed her to take a seat. One of her sisters--or maybe it was a passerby--helped to keep her body from falling to the pavement. No sooner was she laying (on her back) upon a park bench. Between the late spring heat and the seemed to have it in for her.

"I'll go get the meds now." Darcy decided.

"I'll stay here and make sure Icy doesn't die or something." Stormy volunteered.

"Like you had any other choice." Darcy shrugged as she took off across the street.

"So what's wrong with you anyways?" Stormy asked. How oblivious can she be? Icy mused to herself. Apparently very oblivious. And with much reluctance Icy once again relayed the details of her mishap with the Black Circle Wizards.

"When were you going to tell me this!?" Stormy practically shouted. "Always the last to know..." she added to herself.

"I was going to tell you whenever you asked." Icy shrugged. It seemed fair enough to her.

"And if I never asked?" Stormy inquired.

Icy shrugged once more. "I suppose the truth would have came out eventually, it always does."

Darcy arrived back with a bottle of pills in her hand. Icy scowled; the thought of swallowing a pill or two a day wasn't exactly a pleasant one. She propped herself up and held her hand out. Rather than giving her the whole bottle, Darcy placed a single pill on Icy's palm. After downing the pill (the gagging sensation included) Icy spoke. "So, you going to fork over the rest of them?"

"I'll give them to you as you need them." Darcy answered quite flatly.

"I'm fairly certain I can handle..." Icy started.

"No. Not after last time." Darcy whispered.

Last time.

The day was long past but the memory lingered there as vivid and intense as the instant it had occurred. It was in her second year of high school--if Icy remembered correctly anyhow--that year was particularly difficult. It was the year her parents had been scammed out of a considerable sum of money. The year they failed to pay the electricity bills, and then the water bills, and eventually the rent. It was the year her family was kicked to the streets. The year Icy had gone to school, then left about half way through the day to uphold a job--and at one point two. The year she was near expelled for being truant so often. The year she had to explain in front of the entire class that the reason she was always tardy or never there at all (and without explanation) was because she had to provide for a drunken mother and a sickly father (who was, by all means trying his very best). And that she had no home...and on top of everything had not mentioned a thing to anyone because she didn't want anyone to know that she had nothing, that she was nothing. At the heartless surge of laughter and insults, her teacher attempted to apologize. It was at Icy's delectation of "I'm not coming back tomorrow." that her teacher realized she had screwed up. And it was when Icy got home to realize that her mother had spent all the money she worked her ass off to earn on more alcohol, that she realized she was unappreciated...unloved. It was that night that her mother told her that her father had come to pass and that she was useless and couldn't possibly save either of them. And that night that Icy realized just what she had meant by "I'm not coming back tomorrow." With the little cash her mom had left her with, Icy bought a sizable bottle of piles, and she downed them all. She downed them all despite the protests shouted her way.
Darcy found her...
Darcy followed her...
Darcy saw all of it unfold...

Darcy was the one protesting. Icy's mom couldn't give a damn.

Icy drew in a deep breath. "That was nine years ago. You can trust me."

"I almost lost my only friend." Darcy choked. "I ignored the signs last time..."

"I'm fine!" Icy yelled, making more a spectacle of herself than she would have liked.

"No you aren't. I know you." Darcy answered. "Despite the walls you put up, I know when you're at your breaking point."

"Can we do this at home?" Icy asked. "Where there are, you know, less people."

Not easily detoured, Darcy clapped her hands together. No sooner where they back in their apartment.

"Will somebody tell me what's going on?" Stormy whined.

"Nothing is going on. I'm fine." Icy hissed. "I'm fine." She repeated more calmly. Silence hung between the three witches. "Really, I'm fine. The movie didn't totally suck, I got a decent break from my problems and Stormy wasn't painfully infuriating." Icy tried again.

More silence and then Darcy spoke."Alright, we'll give you some alone time." At those words Icy began to wonder who the older sister really was...she really needed to establish her dominance..."Stormy and I will pick up something to eat."

"We will?" Stormy asked.

"Yes, we will." Darcy answered.

"Whatever you say." Stormy replied stepping outside the door.

"We'll be back in about fifteen minutes. Twenty max." Darcy informed Icy.

"I can handle myself for fifteen minutes." Icy rolled her eyes. "I'm. Fine."

"I care about you, Icy." Darcy said softly and when the door shut, everything spilled out...


Icy was far from fine and she knew it.
added by KataraLover
added by Elinafairy
added by pinkbloom
Source: Wallpaper
added by Elinafairy
Source: me :)
added by Elinafairy
Source: me
added by Elinafairy
Source: coloralecante[deviantart]
added by Elinafairy
Source: bloom2[deviantart]
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added by pinkbloom
added by Zamiatina
added by Zamiatina
added by BelleRose829
Source: tumblr