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I was sitting in my hotel room minding my own business reading a book when all of a sudden the glass window doors flew open. The bed room was dimly lit and the sun had completely gone down leaving no sunlight to light the room.

I fell off my bed leaving my bed in between me and the window. I would have gotten up to shut the window doors but that was before a figure entered the opening.

There was enough of a shadow cast over the body that you couldn't make out any features. But I could tell that it was a man. He stood with a sturdy pose his legs locked in place, his arms on his hips, his head held high with no fear.

He hopped down off the seat that was placed in front of the window and onto the old carpeted floor. His pose loosened as his feet hit the ground, quite silently considering how old the house was.

He slowly walked around the room. I stayed kneeled at the side of the bed, my eyes peering over the unmade sheets. I watched him pick things up and study them then just drop them back into place.

"And what daughter are you?" He asked. My eyes widened, he knew I was there the entire time. But I made no noise I didn't make one move and yet he was talking to me as if we had been in a conversation since he burst threw my hotel windows.

"I'm sorry, daughter of who?" He spun on his heels, his bear feeted heels, facing right at me. I stood straight up as straight as I could. He took a few steps towards me.

"What generation of her granddaughters are you?" He asked again, slowly as if I was a complete idiot missing the conversation.

I had a total stranger burst into my hotel room, not by the door but by the second story window. Not only that he was completely mad. I decide the only way I was going to make it out alive with out him killing me in some psychopathic maniac way was to try to play along.

"What would my grandmother," I shook my head and changed the word. "great-grandmothers name be." He looked at me a bit confused as he placed his hands on his hips again just like when he had barged in. "Wendy"

"Okay and what is your name?" His hands that laid on his hips slid off to his sides. "Your grandmother hasn't told you about me? My name's Peter Pan."

I shook my head, as a child Peter Pan was my favorite story. My mother read a couple chapters a night and when she finished the book she would read it over again. In fact the reason I chose this small not so 21st century comfort hotel was because this was the house that J.M. Berrie based Wendy and her two brothers house on.

So this kid well not so much a kid as maybe a eighteen or nineteen year old things that he's Peter Pan a childhood fairy tale character.

"So now that I have explained myself to you, what granddaughter are you of Wendy's?" I shook my head. "I'm not related to Wendy." He looked as if he didn't believe me. "Then what are you doing in her house." His voice was getting angry and I was becoming a bit scared.

"Peter, this house is no longer owned by Wendys family, it hasn't been for years. It's ow a hotel." He looked at me odd. "How many years?" "Its been a few decades."

His strong featured face turned turned softly into a heartbroken disappointment. He slowly sank to the floor. His eyebrows pushed together. My body loosened up and moved very slowly to his sunken body. I sat down on my legs in front of him.

Softly I asked, "If your Peter Pan, why aren't you a boy? You don't look quite like a man but you certainly don't look like a boy." His teary eyed face looked up at me. "You've heard my story?" I raised my eyebrow quickly then let it drop. "Your story is quite famous." He smiled to himself. "Wendy was truly an amazing story teller." I shook my head and agreed.

He took a deep breath composed him self and sat up straight. "I am not a boy because of Wendy. If you know my story then you know that I did not come and stay with Wendy and the lost boys but went back to Neverland." he paused and waited for my response in which I smiled and nodded.

"I'm not quite sure how long it had been since I left Wendy and the lost boys but Wendy was not a child when I came back to hear more of her stories. I'm not quite sure why I chose to stay but I did and she took care of me. Years went by and I started to grow up; one evening I was looking out that window." He pointed to the still open windows. "and I saw the star, big and bright and Neverland came flooding back into my mind." he pause and waited a bit to continue.

"So that night I went threw my little chest I had under my bed and I found pixie dust. It was quite easy to remember how to fly." I smiled. "A little faith and pixie dust." I said with a little smile remembering my mother saying it to me. "I got up in the air and just went straight forward out the window and towards the star." He looked away from me and at the ground."I guess it's been quite a lot of years since I came back the last time I came it was Wendy's granddaughter who stayed in this room."

I was pulled into his story so much that if felt 100% true, I didn't know what to say what to respond that story.

"That part of you story has never been told." He stood up fast and into his pose. "Do you tell stories at all." I stood up confident and smiling. "I do, just I put them on many layers of paper." He gave me an are-you-serious look. "Like a book?" my lips pressed together as I nodded.

"I write teenage novels and children's books and don't give me that look, have you ever read a book or even picked one up?" He shook his head a little embarrassed. "Wendy always read them to me, but yes I would pick books up all the time, who do you think got the book off the bookshelf?"

I giggled s bit at his comment. I looked up at him and his face in a matter of seconds went from serious to creeply excited. "Come to Neverland with me." My smile faded and I grew terrified he was loosing his mind again. What do I say?

I started backing up towards the door as he ran towards the open window. I stopped as I realized he wasn't going to stop then he flew out of the window and went down. I ran for the window and as I reached it and peered down he zoomed up and back into the room and spun around in the air.

I must be sleeping, that was it, I fell asleep while reading.

I stood completely still as he lowered himself to the ground in front if me. He walked around me and stood on the window frame. He just started at me with a little smile on his lips. He held out his hand and said "Lets start a new generation of Wendy's, come to Neverland." I believed him every word. I took his hand and in a fast movement I was in the sky slowly watching the house shrink behind us.
posted by para-scence
I folded my arms, trying not to look at him. Blake was one of the biggest jerks I've ever seen. He's broken so many girls' hearts; he had no regard for their feelings or anything. Now he was dating Heidi, a girl I also didn't care for. He looked at me with an expression of... fear? Or was it hate? Who knows.

"Uh.." he said stupidly. "What's your name?"

"Irina," I mumbled.

"I'm Blake," he said. I nodded, not really giving a fuck. "...Do you want to get to work?" I shrugged.

"What're we doing?" I asked quietly. He explained that we were to interview each other; find out about each other's lives,...
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posted by para-scence
I sat on the kitchen counter, in the painful silence. I wanted this, why was I so sad? There was a knock on the door, and my heart skipped a beat. I went and got it, and was surprised to see it was Andrew.

"Hey. I was hoping you weren't gone yet," he smiled. I smiled weakly.

"Hey. What's up?" I let him in.

"Just wanted to say goodbye. And see how you're feeling." My hand instinctively went back up to my throat, the gauze still wrapped around the healing stitches.

"I'm doing good. Thanks."

"No problem," he sighed. "So, Belinda's probably going to be in for life; for murder and attempted murder."...
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posted by para-scence
The next day, I woke to an empty house. I guess I overslept. For the longest time I had been trying to calm Carmine down. He did eventually, but then was out of it and couldn't cook dinner. So I took over, making pasta. Then later that night, Nikolai called me into his room to ask about what he missed while he was gone. I explained everything, and I had to include the part about how I left, even though I had been told not to.

I went to the kitchen, where Nikolai had left a sticky note:

"Stay home. I mean it, Harley. -Nikolai." I rolled my eyes, but decided I'd be a good girl and listen today....
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posted by para-scence
It had been almost a month since I arrived at Gail's place. It wasn't that bad there. Actually, it was a lot better than I thought it ever would be. Since then, I had had absolutely no contact from my brothers. I was starting to get worried. How was Reed? Was Nikolai happy I was gone? Did they even miss me? One Saturday morning while I was eating breakfast Gail must;ve noticed I was in a mood.

"What's up, kiddo?" she asked.

"I just miss my brothers," I shrugged it off. "They haven't called or anything,"

"Well that's 'cause they can't," Gail said with a strange hint of optimism in her voice. They...
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posted by gabatron3000
I was sitting. Doodling on a notepad with a purple pen and sitting on my favorite green beanbag chair.

“Oni, Oni!”(Oh-nee) Yelled my eldest sister June as she jogged into my room oh so gracefully. I sat upright, noticing that I was slouching again.

'Sit up straight or you’re gonna get a crooked spine and spend the rest of you’re life in a wheelchair.' I mocked my Mom’s frequent nags. She’s a Chiropractor, you know how they are.

“What is it my Lovely sister dear?” I asked June snidely while rolling my eyes.

You see, I haven’t been in the best mood these past few months. I...
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posted by para-scence
The next morning, I was woken up by a blinding light. I groaned and covered my eyes with my arm. What the hell was Nikolai or Carmine doing in my room this early?! I rolled over onto my stomach, smothering my face in my pillow.

"Good morning, Sunshine!" a female voice said. That woke me up.

"Huh?!" I said, leaning up real fast. Then I realized it was Gail. Then I realized I wasn't home. I frowned and rubbed my eyes. Gail had opened the blinds right by my bed. I looked over to the bed next to me; Scout was gone, her bed already neatly made.

"It's almost ten o'clock," Gail informed me. Then why'd...
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posted by para-scence
The next morning when I woke up, I was still on the couch. Reed was still deeply asleep, but Carmine was gone; probably at work. It was a safe bet that Nikolai was gone too. I stretched slowly; my body was really sore from sleeping on the couch like that. I yawned and slowly got up, not wanting to wake Reed up. I took a quick shower; the scar on my leg starting to become irritated. I put some burn medicine on it; because that's all we had that might help. I wrapped gauze around my leg. Then I got dressed and went to the kitchen for breakfast. There was a note on our tiny refrigerator.

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posted by para-scence
"It won't be so bad," Micah said. He held my hand in both of his, as we sat on the porch swing.

"I know..." I said sadly. But it will be. The foster family that was taking me in lived a half hour away from here. I'd be going to a new school, have a new house, need to make new friends, and even live with new people. There's something not everyone gets to say. And I wouldn't be able to visit Micah.

"Alessandra!" called Mrs. Peters, my new foster-Mom, called. Her and her husband had finished putting my bags in the car, something they insisted on doing themselves so I could say goodbye to Micah....
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posted by Insight357
    I sat in a chair by the window. I was still in the asylum. Days had passed, and nothing changed. I hadn’t heard anyone speak of Alexander. Doctors would come in my room every few hours to make sure I was still alive, or to make sure my arm didn‘t hurt.
    I asked one of the doctors about my arm. None of them knew how I broke it. Even the paramedics said it was broken when the man from the motel called. I didn’t break it. I knew I didn’t. I think the motel manager did. He probably crushed it when he found out I never gave his Nyquil back.
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posted by Insight357
I got to the motel around ten that night. I paid forty dollars for two nights. I figured I could find an apartment by then. At least I hoped I could.
    I now sat on the side of a bank over looking a river. Lucy sat beside of me, getting all the latest drama from my life. She was almost like my therapist. I knew I was supposed to be hers, but it wasn‘t the best arrangement.
    “Love sucks, Lucy,” I said while rubbing my eyes. I had just told her about what happened between Alexander and me.
    “I used to think that, too....
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posted by Insight357
The museum visit had turned out to be fun. I learned Xander and Lucy were extremely educated about art, possibly more than I was.
    Before we left the museum, Alexander had spotted an ad for a local artistry competition. The winner would get a contract with the museum, and the opportunity to have artwork in museums all over the world. We thought it would be a good thing for Lucy.
    At first, she protested, but Xander gave her a pep talk. Lucy said she would consider entering. I think she was worried about criticism.
    After the...
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posted by xXxEmoRAwRxXx
Yeah I know it sucks I was bored when I wrote this....so yeah.           [Chapter 1]
She stares at the rain in silence. Grieve over took her. She sat there still looking at the body lying cold, pale, still, and dead on the floor. She just stared not sharing a tear and droped the knife, she then looks at the lighting that was flowing in the sky. She then spares a tear, she sits still next to the body crying for her lover. What had she done? He didn't deserve the pain she gave him. She gets up and comes back with another knife, a bottle of scottch, and a...
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"This is beautiful!" Aiko breathed. Elaine beamed and laughed, "I knew you'd love it!" Elaine had called Aiko's apartment at five in the morning, telling her (well, more like yelling at her) to come to a spot in the park. In that spot was a bench facing a brilliant, crystal-clear waterfall that flowed around the bench like a sparkling moat. An authentic wooden bridge with white and blue roses woven in the railings connected the park with the solitary bench.
"We're going to meet your brother in such a beautiful place?" Aiko gaped.
"Yeah!" Elaine exclaimed, flopping down on the bench and grinning...
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posted by para-scence
A few weeks passed. Shiloh generously got me an apartment, despite my protests. It was a cozy place, much better than any motel could compare to. Shiloh insisted on paying for it; he got a summer job as a carpenter for the summer. Even though it was probably impossible, I still wanted to pay for the apartment, but how could I get a job when I had Chance to look after? Sicily could only babysit so much.

One day, I thought of something that probably had to get done sooner or later. I asked Sicily to watch Chance. She agreed; she loves being with him. I got in my car (which Shiloh had driven home...
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"IDIOT!" the King screeched. Toyo flinched as if the King had struck him.
"DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE?" he continued to yell angrily.
"The Vampire Society figured out that Aiko was at X Aacademy," Toyo said quietly. "So I sent her away."
"Without the protection of other vampires," the King hissed. "Suppose they find out where she is now. Who will protect her? She's as good as dead now!" The King sighed irritably and strode towards the door.
"Inform the Society that I will not be available for the next year," he said coldly. "And this time, don't mess it up." The King strode out of the...
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posted by Insight357
    It was around one when I left the house. I couldn’t walk far, for it was dark. I hailed a cab. I told the cabbie to drive to a cathedral, near a small suburb, just outside New York City.
    I didn’t dare close my eyes during the taxi ride. I did not need any images to play behind my eyelids. The dream had been all too real.
    After a ride down streets I could not name, we arrived at a tall, brick cathedral. I paid the cabbie, and got out of the car. He drove away. I walked up a few steps to the wooden door. I pulled on the...
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As I enter the kitchen, I see my mom chopping carrots and putting them in a pot full of stew. "Hi Mom! What's that?" My long citrus orange skirt sways underneath the air conditioning vent. "I'm making vegetable stew. KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK. KNOCK. "I'll get it!" I call. I run towards the wooden door and I turn the bronze-colored knob. A man with shaggy dark brown hair appears behind the door. "Hello. Is your mother here?" Who is this guy? "Yes. She's in the kitchen." I make a left towards the small kitchen and my mom looks at me. "It's for you." I mouth the words silently. "Oh!" My mom, walks...
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posted by POPclogger216
"I..I didn't see you..you were over there, now you're here..oh my God," I say, pacing before he grabs my arm, stops me.
"Chill. Would you like to dance?" he asks. I say yes.
We dance, sometimes close, sometimes dancing so crazy we can't even see each other. But something weird happens during one of the dances. He pulls me close. I barely know him. And then, his hand around my waist, he almost grips me, as if in pain. And then burning, almost like a msall scratch a dog would give you. A sharp prickling runs through my lower back. I moan, softly, and I look at his face. His eyebrows...
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posted by wolfkirby
After Sally Gunsman died,everyone was more careful
but some people didnt care maybe they were behind all of this,we had to investigate.We were careful not to get caught,because we might be next.We followed Billy Kensmith,Ben Wong,Timmy Hagans,and there leader of there little group Kevin Mostan.
Kevin was a Bad Boy.He would do anything to get a girl.He would ever ask her out ever if she has a
boyfriend!He always used a trick to get a girl by using a move saying "oh you dont need him".He's
a "charmer" he's a jerk he's just wants to makeout with some girl.He is a butthole,a real jerk!He was one...
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posted by bunnibunnibaby
"It's nice here. I don't know many people though..." Victor brushed his hair back, smiling again. "Well, by tomorrow, all of the kids at school will wanna be your friend." "Oh..." Jade turned slightly to see the raven haired boy deep in thought. "What is it?" "Hn? Oh, it's nothing. Oh, we're here." The blonde looked up ahead and saw her house. "Really? Cause my house is right there." She pointed, and Victor burst out laughing. "Haha-I live right next to you then..." The blonde looked at the house next to hers. It seemed normal. A little old fashioned, but definitely normal. "Cool! Well, I'll see you tomorrow then?" "Yeah..." The onyx eyed boy took Jade's hand, kissed it lightly, then walked off. "What was that?"