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posted by fanfangirlfan
As I stand on the sidewalk thinking where to even start, I try and think of everything I know about Sam. It’s not much. I know that he has a younger brother. Yes, his name is Tyler and I know because he’s friends with my younger sister Jennifer. They’re in grade 1 together. I’ve even babysat them for god’s sake. I know that he’s a good student, smart, hardly gets into trouble, but he’s not really involved with anything like sports or clubs. I know that he lives with his uncle because his parents died in a car crash 2 years ago. I know that besides seeing each other in the halls and maybe a few conversations about classes, we don’t really know each other which really makes it hard to know where to look for him. I start walking towards the park, passing my sister’s school on the way. Her day hasn’t started yet. She’s still got morning recess. I can see her from where I stand, playing on the swings with Tyler. They laugh like they have absolutely no cares in the world. Right in that moment I’m jealous of them. I look just past them on the other side of the school yard and miraculously see Sam watching them play just as I am. Maybe he’s even feeling a little jealous now. I run along the fence surrounding the kids trying to get to him before he runs away again. I approach him delicately, not wanting him to freak out again. I’m about 4 feet behind him when I softly call his name, “Sam?” I see his shoulders rise and fall in a deep sigh before he turns around. His face is so sad. I really have no idea what to say to him because I don’t know what he’s going through. “Why’d you come after me? Why aren’t you in class?” “Seriously?” I say bewildered, “Do you think I could actually just let you leave after what I saw? You could hurt someone…or hurt yourself” he closes his eyes as I say that last part. “If I could ‘hurt someone’ what’s to stop me from hurting you?” “I’m not scared of you Sam. We may not know each other very well, but I know you’re not going to shoot me.” I say this a bit angrily because I can sense that he’s just trying to get me to leave him alone. “You don’t know what I’ll do” he says quietly. I take a step toward him, but he turns and starts walking down the sidewalk along a side street as casual as can be. I follow him. I keep a few paces behind him although I’m sure he knows he has company. He turns into a short drive and walks into a small house, leaving the door wide open. I hesitate at the doorway and experience a minor reality check. I’m following a boy with a gun. There’s really no telling what he’ll do with it. I should be in school right now. This is crazy. I decide to ignore reality right now and walk in and close the door behind me. The house is like the definition of simple: off white walls, mismatched furniture, a beat up old wooden kitchen table, an old TV and a few scattered toys on the floor, probably Tyler’s. Other than a few cobwebs in the corner and a glass left on the table, the place is clean and bright because of the open drapes. I walk farther into the house and find Sam leaning against the kitchen counter. He’s plopped his backpack by his feet. “So…” I start but don’t know how to finish. “This is your house?” dumb question. Obviously this is his house. “Ya, my uncles” he says not really to me, more to the floor. I’ve already practically invited myself in so I go ahead and sit in one of the 4 kitchen chairs. It creaks a little as I sit down. “Do you want to talk about something? Anything?” I ask. He lets out a long breathe and sits across from me at the table. “Do you really want to talk to me?” he asks. “Well, ya” I say “why don’t you tell me why you brought a gun to school?” I ask bluntly. “I know.” He says, his face in his hands. “I know I shouldn’t have brought it to school, I just thought if I was at school, it would stop me from using it. It’s so tempting to use it. But if I use it, it’s really over. The end. And I’m thinking now, you’re the only one who can stop me. So let’s talk about that.”

As I try to think of something, anything to say to him now, I recall the first time I saw Sam outside of school.

It was about a year ago. Tyler was at my house playing with Jen. It was late and they both needed to be put to bed. Their tiredness only resulted in them fighting. I eventually put them on time-outs until Tyler’s uncle showed up. Or I thought it would be his uncle. It turned out to be sam. I opened the door when he knocked and was a little thrown. I recognized him from school, but only as the quiet boy I’d never talked to. His hair was wet as if he’d just showered and he smelled of soap, fresh and clean. I smiled and introduced myself. He smiled back. It was a really beautiful thing. It lit up his eyes and I do believe I blushed slightly. Taking him in felt like drinking a warm hot chocolate or feeling the sun seep into your skin. As Tyler trudged to the door I watched Sam watch his brother. With such warmth. He called him bud, tousled his hair, and grabbed his back pack for him as they turned to walk back off my porch. Before Sam was too far away he turned and said “Thanks, Sarah. It was good to see you. Talk to you at school.” I waved good bye and closed my door and just listened to his voice play over and over in my head. Who knew he’d affect me like that?
posted by khfan12
Vialo By: Josie Mahre

"Run, Ella, run!" said Vialo. "I'm running as fast as I can!" Ella said. Vialo is a 14-year-old girl with the unique name Vialo Tarah Wilson, also, she has superpowers and the ability to take over / rule the universe / save the universe. Her friend, Ella Newbie, also has superpowers. "Ella, we can hide here." said Vialo. "Vialo, go on without me. I'll catch up." said Ella. "No. I'll just telaport us out." said Vialo. "No! Vialo, they'll find you easier!" said Ella. All of a sudden, some people walked up to them. "You two aren't out yet?" asked one. "No Jasper....
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posted by StarWarsFan7
Lee Sanchez
Lee Sanchez
I like to sing. No, scratch that. I love to sing. Just... not in front of people. It's not really my cup of tea performing for everyone who wants to hear me. How would I be able to sing when people are screaming my name?


What a nightmare that'd be.

When I'm alone I can hum a sweet tune to myself, but never when there are a couple of people around. Someday, I'm gonna get over my stage-fright and when I do, I'll be able to sing in front of millions of people as I become a star around the world. Unfortunately, I believe my phobia of the spotlight will keep me from getting to my goal....
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I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space,
Rayless, and pathless, and the icy earth
Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air;
Morn came, and went and came, and brought no day,
And men forgot their passions in the dread
Of this desolation; and all hearts
Were chill'd into a selfish prayer for light:
And they did live by watchfires - and the thrones,
The palaces of crowned kings, the huts,
The habitations of all things which dwell,
Were burnt for beacons; cities were consumed,
And men were gathered round...
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posted by narlyvamp1234
Suji No Shi
A girl stands in her home; a hole has been ripped in the wall. She stares at her father in horror, he is covered in blood. At her father’s foot lays her mother, a huge hole ripped in her stomach, and she is dead. Blood drips from her father’s hands… she looked up at her father and, in an instant, he is gone. The girl falls to the ground and starts crying… that’s when she feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns around and sees another little girl, with pink hair and green eyes. They stare at each other silently… not saying a word. The first girl whose mother had been...
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posted by dragonwriter
As time moves forward it makes me wonder how much can it change a person. Or what it can change. When I look back to my past it gets me thinking abouthow much I have changed over the years. My perosnality to the type of people I am around.

Back when I was younger I had a lot of anger issues. I still do but over time I have been able to control them for the most part. I used to be good at school but that has changed dramatically as well. Now I am on the edge of failing my junior year of high school. It really does become a growing issue and it seems no matter where I look there is just no way...
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posted by DxCFan123

The 5 girls just kept on yelling insults at Miku.

"Go die in a hole!"
"Ugly whore!"

The green-haired girl just stood there, head in her hands, listening to their insults.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!" she yelled at them, and dropped to her knees, sobbing.

"We'll shut up when you stop being an ugly whore!" the head of the clique, named Lily, yelled back. She laughed and high-fived the girls behind her, knowing she was successful in torturing Miku with words. "Gimme the baseball bat Len has, Luka!" Lily said to the pink-haired girl that was uncontrollably laughing....
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posted by DxCFan123
Third Person POV

Sadao walked up to God and asked him if he was eligible to be in Heaven. God just simply nodded his head. Sadao walked through the large golden gates and found himself walking through his town he lived in when he was alive. He found his way to his house, and swung open the door. Everything was how it was before. He started crying, remembering the memories he had with Kat here. He heard crying coming from his room, so he opened the door and saw a blonde girl curled up in the corner of his room, sobbing.

"K-K-Kat?" he managed to stutter out. The blonde looked...
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posted by DxCFan123
This chapter and the next will be very quick, for I am probably going to quit Fanpop, there's not enough things for me to do here.

Kat's POV

Before I went to sleep, I checked my soul book. It read

AGE: 17

Tears filled my eyes. I was to kill my love in 3 weeks. I was going to murder him, and there was nothing I could do about it. It was against the shinigami rules...
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posted by DxCFan123

Kat's POV

"I think they're dating..." some girl said to her friend as we passed them, holding hands. We didn't care what they said, and all of it was true. We were dating, we were in love with eachother. We kissed eachother in public, we held hands, we told eachother we loved them every 5 minutes. I didn't like to wonder what would happened when Will found out about this, or what I would do when his time came.


"Love you, Sadao." I told him.
"Love you, too, babe."
We kissed eachother, and thought of what to do, considering it was Friday. "We could go out to eat again!" I suggested. "Just somewhere except for that sushi place, I'm getting tired of that place." So, we decided to go to a pizza place a couple blocks down.

Excuse the shortness of this chapter.
posted by DxCFan123
HOKAI, so I kindaaa lied last chapter. I'll probably forget about this story in full, so I just decided to fast forward. Now, the story takes place 6 months after they met.

Sadao's POV

I walked to the mailbox and opened it. Most of it was junk mail, but I noticed that one letter was strange. It was sent to Kat, but there was no return address, no name, no nothing. I shrugged it off and went back inside, taking a sip of my hot cocoa, and tried to open Kat's door, but it was locked. I realized that she wasn't awake yet, but it was only 15 minutes 'til school started....
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posted by Isabella121797
View from Isabella's room...
View from Isabella's room...
-Chapter One-

In the blink of a eye, a life can be turned around and upside down. This is something I had found out just mere seconds before. When my parents told me I'd be packing up everything I knew and be moving. My name is Isabella Moore and things were just getting started.

It was a cool Thursday night, and my parents had just layed down the biggest news of my life on me.
I was moving out of MY city. Chicago was all I'd ever known and all I'd come to love. My friends, my hopes and dreams, they were all supposed to come true here!... Why was this happening?

A million other thoughts blazed...
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posted by Itachi_lover
Today was the day.
The day I was going to find out was he really my older brother?
I met him when I was 8. When both my foster parents died.
He was there trying to make me feel better. He was nice and kind. From that day on he was always by my side making me slime whenever I was upset.
Some friends of my real parents said that I had a brother but they never knew what happened to him. I truly hope that he is my brother. He was 3 years older than me and they say that he was about 3 years older than I was.

I couldn't wait for the blood test to be over.
But what if he really wasn't my brother.
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It's been so long. So long since those opening words were penned in that coffeeshop. So long since we drew scars on our foreheads. So long since we waited for Hogwarts letters. So long since we declared ourselves Potterheads.
Potterhead isn't just a title, it's a way of life. It's twirling sticks and casting spells. It's drinking butterbeer and pumpkin juice. It's riding brooms and playing Quidditch. It's living the stories we love.
It's hope and love. Eternal glory and surviving day to day. It's the truth of the world. And, perhaps most of all, it's memories.
Potterheads come in different forms,...
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Watch out guys for 21!
Watch out guys for 21!
By:Android_21 How there became a Mirai Android 21
Chapter I:The Androids Attack!!!
____________________Android 21's P.O.V.________________________
It was just like any normal day,except that I was made of metal
and an Android.I had cybernetics placed in my body when I
was 20 by Dr.Gero,a crazy lunitic with issues.He did the same
to my brother and sister only I'm stronger and have special
abilities.I heard 17 laugh,18 sigh,and I just rolled my
eyes."Really bro.?Did you have to kill him when I said I would
spare his life?" I asked, and he just shrugged and laughed.18
sighed again,and...
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posted by DarkGirl23
The first time I went on a hunt, was the first time I really saw death in any sort of being’s eyes.
I don’t know who I am, what I am. I mean, I couldn’t possibly be considered part of the Hunters. Yet, their blood runs through my veins. They may own an incapability of understanding the true emotions of life, for we have been Genetically-Altered Experiments planned all the way back in 2012. Our bodies and our emotions have become that of a true fighter, a warrior of destruction itself in a world of Nature’s grace that becomes altered in the palms of our Humanoid Species.
We can defeat...
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posted by shenelopefan

Estoy quebrada. Lo que soy es lo que necesitas. Mi corazón se rompió mucho tiempo atrás, pero no me importó. En ti deposité toda mi esperanza. En ti proyecté, todo lo que odiaba de mí misma y traté de curarte.

Estoy dañada. ¿Qué no lo ves? A tu sola disposición estoy ¿No es así? ¿No ha sido siempre así?

Pero tú también estás dañado. Quizás más que yo. Yo quiero arreglarte, cuidarte, hacerte ver lo importante que eres y lo valioso que tú no ves en ti mismo. Quiero que veas lo mismo que yo veo en ti. Quiero que sepas lo importante que eres para mí.

Soy un desastre....
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posted by Kimi4312
Chapter 5: A Bleeding Heart.
After Roxana and Selina kissed, they ended up kissing in Roxana's bed, Selina gotten on top of Roxana and kissed her lips down to her neck then back up to Roxana's lips "I won't leave you again, I promise" Roxana said, and Selina looked into Roxana's eyes "I'am sorry for how I treated you" Selina said and saw Roxana's necklace, she rips the necklace off and kisses Roxana, the next morning Selina woke up to Roxana watching her, "Are you alright?" Selina asked Roxana "Yeah just a nightmare" Roxana said, feeling guitly how she acted with Abe the previous night, Selina...
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Zoeiz took a subtle relaxed deep breathe. And held it just for a moment.

Christ, by highest heaven adored…

The cold blistering air nipped at her exposed cheeks and the tip of her petite nose. A perfect atmosphere for the winters most important day, Christmas.

It was only 7:55 in the morning. Children throughout the modest town would be up by now, pouncing on their drowsy parents, eagerly anticipating on opening the wrapped gifts and stuffed bags.

She breathed out, the vaporous air revealing her breath.

Christ, the everlasting Lord…

Naturally, fresh flakes of snow began to fall from the...
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posted by coriann
The house lights were on bright. It was a lonely brick house, brownish cream and had a red galvenise roof. there was a square arch around the front door. It was big and had a light and a bench on the side. I walked up the one step to the open door. The boy had already run inside. Contrary to the arch, the inside of the house was black and dim and full of decor and dim lights. I should have noticed from looking at the glass louvers.
I saw a Muslim lady in orange on the phone. She was fair (light brown) and thick. The orange sari was high up over her knees. "Mam, Mam"
She was laughing, but she...
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posted by noahnstar1616
-The Next Day-
I woke up. The sun was shining in my eyes. I called my nurse and asked if she could close the blinds. She did. I grabbed my bed remote and pressed the button that allows new to sit up. Once that is done, I notice a table with a tray of eggs, baco, and orange juice on it. I reach for the tray and put it on my lap. I begin to eat. Not bad, but not good either. I grab the television remote and turn on the television. I decide to watch Looney Tunes. Then my Grandma walked in.

"Good morning, sweetie." She was carrying a ziploc bag with a bagel inside. "Don't eat that stuff." Shm grabbed...
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