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posted by Ms_Montana

1. Kalte Pizza

Es war ein kalter und verregneter Tag im November. Manche Menschen bezeichneten diesen Regen sogar als Schnee, aber nicht so Helena. Sie war nicht der Typ Mensch der das alles beschönigte.
Während sie durch den voll gestopften U-Bahnsteig hetzte, kramte sie ihn ihrer Tasche nach ihrem Handy. Sie versuchte in dem Gedränge die Nummer ihrer Mutter zu tippen, jedoch ohne Erfolg.
Helena rollte genervt mit ihren Augen. Ihre Mutter hatte ihr gesagt sie müsse mittags ihre kleine Schwester Allison abholen. Und nur deswegen stand sie hier.
Links von ihr telefonierte ein schwer beschäftigt aussehender Mann mit seinem Handy und vor ihr stand ein kleiner Junge mit einem MP3-Player, dessen Musik sie auch ohne Kopfhörer hören konnte. Helena sah ungeduldig auf ihre Uhr und hoffte inständig dass ihre Mutter wenigstens Essen gemacht hatte, da sie am Verhungern war.
Als sie nach 15 endlos erscheinenden Minuten endlich an der richtigen Station ankam, rannte sie zum Kindergarten. Im kleinen Spielplatz hinter dem Kindergarten wartete schon Veronica. Sie war Allisons Gruppenleiterin. Obwohl Helena diese Bezeichnung unglaublich lächerlich fand.
„ Hallo Helena. Allison ist bei den Schaukeln.“ begrüßte sie Veronica. Helena schaute hinter die groß gewachsene junge Frau und entdeckte Allison bei den bunt angemalten Schaukeln. Dann rief sie: „Allison, bitte komm.“
Das kleine Mädchen drehte sich zu der bekannten Stimme und ihre braunen, zu Zöpfen geflochtenen Haare wirbelten herum. Sie stand auf und rannte zu ihrer Schwester. „Hallo, ich habe Hunger! Was gibt es zu essen?“ Helena musste lachen. Das war die erste Frage die ihr Allison jeden Tag stellte, wenn sie sich sahen.
Helena nahm ihre kleine Schwester an der Hand und ging mit ihr zum U-Bahnsteig.
„Fahren wir zuerst nach Hause oder gleich zu Matty?“ Allison sah mit ihren leuchtend grünen Augen direkt in Helenas Gesicht. “Zuerst nach Hause. Du hast doch Hunger oder? Danach besuchen wir Matthew.“ Allison nickte. Die beiden warteten bis die richtige U-Bahn kam.
Allison liebte die Fahrt mit ihnen. Helena belustige das nur. Sie fand es süß wie ihre kleine Schwester sich über so etwas Simples freuen konnte. Aber Allison war ja auch erst 4 Jahre alt.
Als sie endlich an der richtigen Station ankamen wollte Allison nicht gehen, aber Helena hob sie einfach hoch und Allison lachte. Die beiden gingen zwei Blocks bis sie bei dem Wolkenkratzer ankamen, in dem sich ihre Wohnung befand. Die beiden fuhren mit dem Aufzug in den 5. Stock und Helena öffnete die Tür.
Allison warf ihren lila Plüschrucksack in eine ecke und lief ins Wohnzimmer zu ihrem Fernseher.
Helena ging in die Küche und sah sofort den leuchtend, gelben Notizzettel der mit einem Magneten am Kühlschrank befestigt war. Darauf stand:

Sind bei Matthew. Essen ist in der Mikrowelle. Mum & Dad.

Helena kannte diese Zettel zur genüge. Sie öffnete die Mikrowelle und sah die Pizza, die sie gestern bestellt hatte. Sie schüttelte den Kopf und knallte die kleine Tür zu.
„Was ist los?“ Helena drehte sich um und bemerkte das Allison hinter ihr stand. „Nichts, aber wir haben nur alte Pizza zu essen. Soll ich uns was anderes machen?“ Noch während sie diese Worte aussprach bereute sie es auch schon wieder. Denn es gab nur ein Gericht das Allison zurzeit liebte. „Spagetti.“
Helena stellte einen Topf mit Wasser auf den Herd und suchte im Kühlschrank nach Tomaten. Als sie endlich welche gefunden hatte, schnitt sie sie ihn kleine Stücke und warf sie in einen Topf mit etwas Tomatensaft. Während alles kochte, nahm Helena das Telefon und rief am Telefon ihrer Mutter an.
„Young Marina.“ „Hey, Mum. Danke für die Pizza.“ Helena sagte, das in dem sarkastischsten Ton den sie drauf hatte. „Helena, es tut mir leid, aber ich musste zu Matthew und hatte keine Zeit etwas zu kochen. Und dein Vater ist auch arbeiten also dachte ich mir ihr könntet die Pizza essen.“ „Dann hast du falsch gedacht. Ich mache gerade Spagetti. Dass nächste Mal fragst du mich.“ „Es tut mir leid, dass ich bei deinem Bruder sein muss.“ Langsam wurde Marina wütend. Dann legte Helena einfach auf.
Als Allison wieder aus dem Wohnzimmer kam, war der Tisch gedeckt und auf den Tellern war Essen. Allison lächelte und setzte sich auf einen der Holzstühle. „Wieso hast du dich mit Mami gestritten?“ Helena schaute Allison an und sagte darauf: „Ich wollte heute keine Pizza. Nur deswegen. Und ich habe sie gestört. Und weil das oft so ist, habe ich sie angeschrieen.“
Helena konnte ihrer kleinen Schwester nicht sagen, dass sie es leid war ihre Ersatzmutter zu spielen. Sie immer wieder zu bekochen.
Dafür liebte sie Allison zu sehr. Das konnte sie nicht sagen. Und ihrer Mutter schon gar nicht. Die würde ihr nicht einmal zu hören.
Nach dem Essen spülte Helena das Geschirr und Allison ging in ihr Zimmer um mit ihren Puppen zu spielen. Sie liebte sie. Helena konnte das nur belächeln.
Während sie gerade die letzten Gläser einräumte, klingelte das Telefon.
„Hier Young.“ „Helena, ich bin’s. Deine gute, alte Freundin Ella. Erinnerst du dich noch an mich? Ich weiß nicht, es ist so lange her.“ „Ella, hör bitte auf Theater zu spielen. Das ist nicht witzig. Ich hatte eben keine Zeit.“ „Das war auch nicht witzig gemeint. Und das du keine Zeit hattest weiß ich. Gehen wir heute shoppen?“
Helena seufzte. Sie wollte Ella nicht enttäuschen. Die beiden waren schon seit dem Kindergarten beste Freundinnen gewesen.
Doch Ella wusste sofort was dieser Seufzer zu bedeuten hatte.
„Du kommst nicht oder?“ Ellas Stimme war kalt und etwas verbittert. Sie war es gewohnt, dass Helena keine Zeit hatte.
„Allison und ich fahren nachher zu Matty ins Krankenhaus. Und ich würde gerne einmal wieder meine Mutter sehen.“ „Kommst du dir nicht vor wie Allisons Mutter?“ Helena wusste nicht was sie sagen sollte. Ella hatte Recht. Mit allem was sie sagte. Aber das wollte Helena nicht zugeben.
„Etwas. Aber ich möchte Matthew besuchen. Er ist schon so lange im Krankenhaus. Er ist sicher einsam. Und er wird sich freuen, wenn wir ihn besuchen. Du könntest mitkommen. Wenn du willst.“ Am anderen Ende der Telefonleitung schüttelte Ella den Kopf.
„Nein. Das kann ich nicht. Tut mir leid. Wir sehen uns dann morgen in der Schule.“ „Ja, bis morgen.“ Dann legte Ella auf.
Helena war auf einmal so wütend das sie eines der Gläser, das auf dem weißen Plastikregal stand, mit voller Wucht auf den Boden warf. Sie war so wütend. Nicht auf Ella, oder Allison, nicht einmal auf ihre Mutter. Nur auf sich selbst.
Helena kehrte mit einem Besen die Scherben weg und holte dann Allison aus ihrem Zimmer.
„Allison, wir gehen. Zieh dir bitte deine Jacke an.“ „Aber ich will noch nicht.“ Das kleine Mädchen saß gerade vor ihrem Puppenhaus und zog einer der Pupen ein silbern glitzerndes Kleid an.
Helena hob ihre Schwester hoch und trug sie zur Garderobe. Dort zog sie Allison eine giftgrüne, dick gepolsterte Jacke an. Helena selbst zog sich schnell ihren tiefschwarzen Wintermantel an.
posted by Karartegirl99
Once upon a time There was a girl named Abby. She loved to talk. Her teachers eventually stopped calling on her.

One day, she talked during a fire while a kid in her class was telling her teacher where the 17 other children were.
The teacher couldn't here her, and the search for the children lasted twelve hours. During that time, a gang stole five computers, three cars, seventeen dogs, and blackmailed the mayor into giving them seven grand.

Abby was expelled from the school.
When she told her parents, they imediately looked for a school for her to go to.
But the only school that gave her acceptence was the class in the juvinille deliquent center.

So she was home schooled.

But she caused her parents so much trouble that in a week they lost their all hair and were standing on the thin line between sanity and the nut house.

So they duct-taped her mouth shut.

posted by Free_Spirit
Me: okay this is a short story i came up with. I know its a little bit drepressing but i was in a really bad mood. PLEASE TELL Me WHAT YOU THINK. Sorry i pu that in caps cause people will notice it better. Okay enjoy

I start as the rain begins to fall. Great i thought darkly. I didn't like the rain, i always thought it emphasised how bad this world really is. I waited impatiently for class to end. The class was playing soccer and the other kids seemed to love the rain while playing. I didn't join in, i wasn't apart of that group.

I sighed in relief when i heard the bell signal the end of class....
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posted by hgfan5602
As I grow to think about it more and more, and understand it more and more, I see that, as the saying goes, life is like a game of chess. But I have made my own saying up, which seems more true to me. Life is like a venture into the unknown. You never know what might await you next, more dangers, or even happy successes. But one thing is for certain, you cannot always be happy, or always be depressed. Life is like a mountain. You climb it, face all the challenges life brings you. You dump and break up, you win and make up. Things happen. You can't control it most of the time. So never blame yourself for bad things that happened to you in life. Life gets confusing a lot. But I still strive to reach my goals. Without goals, I would be like a broken-winged bird that could not fly. I would be aimless. I would not become better, build my character. Life is like a venture into the unknown, and I believe that to be true. So true.
I stand here looking at your emotionless, cold face from across this empty field. Behind me stand my most beloved people of all the world besides you with me. I can hear them breathing nervously along with mines, as I take slow, steady steps towards you. Our breaths get more nervous as I near you. However your piercing stare will not scare me, even if this act will be the last thing I do. With each step I try to remember through hazy memories what went wrong.

Only weeks ago you were a bubbly, lively, cheerful and friendly girl who wanted to have fun. Along with me, we were unstoppable, nothing...
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posted by sweetpea92
    “Ok well the whole not kicking me thing is definite progress!” I said the uncomfortable silence was killing me. His midnight blue eyes for once showed something, I couldn’t tell if it was surprise or anger, though it was probably anger. That seemed to be a common theme with him. He walked over to me and I noticed that his feet still didn’t make a sound as they brushed against the dry ground.
    “Ok,” He said, “what gave you the idea that I’m still human?” I rolled my eyes as I brought them up to meet his. “Well for...
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posted by blossomyumyum
I know I asked for too much before
I know I deserved for you to walk out the door
But you didn’t need to give it away
I promise you I’ll give it a try

You don’t have to buy my love
You don’t need to give so much
I know I asked for a lot, never seemed satisfied
The word want makes me needy
Cause you don’t have to buy my love

Wants have become a trigger
I’ll put your white string around my finger
Shouldn’t have asked
I never should’ve asked

You shouldn’t be buying love,
Don’t give it all away to me
I hope you finally see
That wanting from you makes me feel
You shouldn’t buy my love
How Does A Writer Determine Their Strengths And Weaknesses? - Mark Sanderson via FilmCourage.com.
Should Screenwriters Adapt Their Own Screenplays Into Novels? by UCLA Professor Richard Walter via link For more videos, please visit link
A Summer Screenwriting Class At UCLA with Professor Richard Walter For Non-UCLA Students via linkFor more videos, please visit link
posted by blossomyumyum
Dear Noel,
I wish you were still here. At times I go back to when we were little- we loved to eat Push Pop Ice Cream and played in the pool every day at summer. You were my best friend….. But we were like sisters, playing house with my little brother. Your grandmother got along with my grandmother, too- they talked to each other, and life seemed to be so easy. But then we parted by moving away. I still thought of you every day, and every night I worried that something would happen to you. But now, you’ve left us all, and gone on to a place only you and your sister know about, along with...
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posted by graystone
I don't remember how long I've been running on the open grounds. It does seem long enough. But I was determined,devoted. Up above me,I noticed the jet planes streaking through the blue-black sky. I did not care. I did,but I'm not going to pay any more attention to it than the sinking feeling of hopelessness that wrapped my mind. The grounds were filled with rocks and sharp stones. Any other day,I would have bothered to watch my way trying not to fall onto the sharp stones which threatened to tear my skin,but not today. No,not today...
There were sirens screaming faraway,in my direction and...
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posted by problematic124
****Please don't copy, Enjoy!****
Chapter 1
The new girl
The first thought that came to Phire's mind of the new home she was ment to live in for the next four years was how strange. Her new hometown looked like something from a movie or a magazine.
If Phire hadn't known that she was in Open fields she probably would have mistaken this for L.A. or even Hollywood.
Everywhere Phire looked there was always something there. Whether it was stores or houses or even forests, it all looked perfect. What was funny was that Open Fields didn't even have a single farm. Nothing personal to the place but with...
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Steps for success
#1 ~ Find a subject
Find a subject that you like. Such as fantasy, historical fiction, sci-fi, or any other genre you like.
#2 ~ Find a topic
Think of an idea that you would like for your story. Make sure that it can fit into the category that you've picked previously.
#3 ~ Think of a topic sentence
If you don't have a juicy topic sentence, readers will generally lose interest.
#4 ~ Plan ahead
It's always a good idea to plan ahead. Make sure that your story doesn't lead to a dead end, become boring over time, and make sure that you have enough time in your daily life to type this...
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Max's POV
I ran into my room crying. My head and my heart ached. I thought it was clear I loved Fang, but I guess he didn't know. I saw him kissing a blonde haired tramp at school today. I fell on my bed and burried my face in a pillow. I cried.

10 minutes later

I heard my door open, but I didn't dare to look. I knew who it was and I didn't want to talk to him. Fang sat down next to me and stroked my back.
"Max what's wrong?" He said, worriedly. I just shook my head.
"What's wrong?" I took my head out from under the pillow and stared daggers at him. I didn't care my mascara was running or that...
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1) Girls (at the age of 15 or so) think about sex just as much as guys do... The only catch is some of us think about it for the emotional parts, and some of us like it for the physical parts. You'd be surprised who is in which group.

2)If you like us, tell us. Do not be worried about what we'll think, because we are flattered no matter if we like you or not.

3) Most of the time girls are 99% sure when a guy likes us. The only way to be 100% sure is if you tell us.

4) For some strange reason I've always found myself to become attracted to guys that like me. (Unless they're super creepy and stalk...
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posted by problematic124
Her eyes were raw
But she could not cry
It was all she saw
The pain and the lies
Her hope was broken
She felt incomplete
Freedom was wanted she wanted to be
To be able to laugh
To be able to smile
If not even once
But once in a while
She has to survive
She has to survive
It's the only thing that could keep her alive
Her eyes started to water
But she held the tears back
She never wanted
To be seen like that
Her life was of ruins
She hurt a real lot
Her family was gone
And left to rot
It was a long time
And yet it still hurt
She felt like a crime
And even worse
But she needed to survive
They would want it that way
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posted by dawnisbeauty
She sat there,at the foot of the bed,holding the book in her trembling hands.Rain fell,slamming against the window.The room was cold,dark,gloomy despite the bright blue of the walls.Somehow,blue didnt seem so bright anymore..not without her wide dimpled smile to liven it up.Lisa...the name filled her mind,sending little pinpricks of raw pain throughout her body.Lisa,bright thrteen year old Lisa,her only little sister was gone.Tears spilled from Jane's eyes.She looked out the window.Max was standing in the porch,his handsome face tight with concern.Somewhwere in her mind,she,Jane knew it was...
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posted by princess_mimi
Hey guys...I'm very much nervous... This is my very first writing.. I've never write anything in my whole life except for school essays ....I will update it in 3 parts... please if u like it leave a comment... criticism is also well-comed

Darjeeling,India. Darjeeling is definitely one of the most beautiful places on the earth. Every single thing of Darjeeling is beautiful. Its said that Great dangerous are always lurking behind every beautiful thing, same is here. Every single thing have its own story here. Some of them will make you happy and the others will make you sad or it will make you...
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posted by para-scence
"Alessa! What happened?!" Micah shouted. I had a long, somewhat deep scar around my face. Last night Dad pushed me down the stairs, and the railing had scratched my face. But I just shook my head.

"Nothing. I just fell," I said. He sighed and shook his head.

"Would you please be more careful? Do you know what it'd do to me if anything happened to you?" I frowned.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly. He rolled his eyes and hugged me.

"C'mon. We're late for school."


After school, I told Micah I wanted to go to the park or something; just to have fun. I didn't tell him I was still afraid to go home. He...
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posted by StarWarsFan7
Author's Note: "Look, now I am going to tell you a story of the life of Rosemary Vega a.k.a me."

I am 11 years old.
My birthday is on March 25.
I am very talented at writing stories, singing like famous people (example: Shakira, Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato and Lady Gaga) I love to act!
When I grow up I want to be singer or a voice actress.
I am interested in Star Wars, Pokemon, Everybody Hates Chris and George Lopez.
My favorite pokemon are: Jirachi, Roserade, Mismagious and Meganium.
I was born in Wilson, North Carolina.

Thank you for giving me your time to read this article! :D