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posted by GreenLight24
Author's Note: Hey, guys! :D I've finally drafted the third installment of the "Blacktie." series. It does require some knowledge of the first two stories posted in order here: link]http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/writing/articles/213262/title/blacktie-revised-version[/url][/url] and here:link]http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/writing/articles/213538/title/blacktie-dinner[/url][/url] This is the story of Blacktie's run-in with a female accomplice! It picks up right where the second story left off. Enjoy. :D

Anthony gently pulled at his bow tie and unbuttoned his coat as he peered devilishly towards the living room. By now, his aunt's body had become nothing more than an empty shell, her skin imbued with the ghastly palor that only death can bring. As the sharp young villain stepped calmly over the corpse and through the entryway, he could still heat the lighthearted chatter coming from the parlor of his aunt's home. "Jamie and Lola.", he muttered, "Always the life of the party." Before he reached the gathering, he heard his cousin Lola speak in that same jeering tone she used to tease him in before his transformation. "Geez, guys. Where's mom at? She take a walk all around town or something?" Blacktie clenched his fist as and gritted his teeth as he overheard the resounding laughter of the party guests. Apparently, they had far been too busy joking to hear their hostess's screams for mercy. It was time, The gentlemanly murderer casually waltzed into the living room, crow's head cane in hand, and into the center of the room, right in front of Jamie and Lola. It was as if the very life had been sucked from the gathering. The laughter had stopped and the lighthearted conversation gave way to an eerie silence. The uninvited Blacktie was now the center of attention. "Hello, all.", said Blacktie quietly, staring deeply into the baffled gazes of his cousins, "Great party tonight." There was something very familiar about this strange visitor, but neither Jamie nor Lola had the slightest idea of what it was. After a few minutes of unbroken silence, an tall young man stepped through the crowd to confront Blacktie. It was Alec, the boy who had bullied Anthony ever since he could remember. "What's the deal, man. Who are you and why are you crashin' our party? We just got the old lady to leave, you hear? We don't want any freaks ruining this night." "Is that so?", replied Blacktie calmly. "What are you gonna do....Alec?

The guests had begun to whisper nervously to one another about who this well-dressed stranger could be, and Alec's face wore a blank expression of mild confusion. "Uh, hey man, I don't want any trouble. Just...who are you?" "Oh me? I'm just Blacktie, here to make you suffer." With those words, Anthony lifted his cane and pointed it towards Alec. The villain's lips curled into a hellish grin. Alec saw a blue light flash before his eyes, and fell to the ground. The party guests were gone, and he could see nothing but darkness. The only lights he could make out were the beady blue eyes and glowing bow tie of the mysterious suited figure that towered before him. "Jamie?!", he screamed, "Lola?!...Anybody?!" "Alec Wilson.", hissed the towering figure, "You've got quite the nerve to trifle with someone such as myself. Always walking around with a chip on your shoulder, ready to pounce on anything and anyone weaker than yourself....you're a grade A coward." The bewildered and frightened Alec let out another scream as he attempted to slide away from the strange suited figure. "Hey. man I don't wanna have to hurt you. I only thumped that Anthony kid a few times. Don't make me thump you too, buddy!" "It's quite sad, Alec. It really is. You believe that you can fight your way out of anything don't you? Always looking for something to hurt. Always looking for a victim. Well, here I am. Here's Anthony Martin." Before Alec could respond, he felt himself falling into an obscure dream. A nightmare. Alec saw himself at the 3rd Street cemetery, knelling before a melancholy gravestone. It read, "Janice Wilson. 1970-2013." He saw himself placing a bouquet of purple tulips onto the grave. "Make it stop! Please!" "Oh, it will stop alright. Right now, it will end.", replied Blacktie. Blacktie snapped his fingers and the two were back in the living room, the party guests all wearing stunned expressions of extreme terror. Alec laid sprawled out on the floor, dead.

"Who are you?' demanded Jamie. "What did you do to him?" Both she and Lola began to cry frightened tears. "I just jogged his memory a little bit.", replied the proud young killer. "Who are you?" Where's our mom?", the girls screamed. Blacktie gently smiled at Jamie. He lifted a single gloved hand to her face and began to lightly caress her cheek. His finger caught a hot tear as it rolled down the side of her face. "Girls. You always did think you were the prettiest things around. So...fake....Where's your little cousin?" Both girls gave a quizzical stare and then began to cry harder. "Anthony's gone. He ran away.", said Lola. "Why do you think he left?" Blacktie inquired in a sinister whisper. There was no response. "I asked you a question!", he screamed. The guests cowered as his eyes and bow tie began to glow a deadly light blue. "Why did he leave, girls?" "Uh, well, I guess he just-" "He what?" "We don't know.", cried Lola. Both girls fell into a sobbing heap on the floor, holding each other tightly. "Well, it seems you've learned nothing from this experience. I left to find peace. And to find power. I LEFT TO MAKE YOU PAY!" Blacktie sent a beam of blue light out from his cane, striking the chandelier above the living room table. The room was now ablaze with the strange blue glow that had become the only source of light.

Anthony cleared his throat and adjusted his bow tie once again. "Attention, everyone! Thank you for coming to tonight's gathering hosted by the lovely family of Mrs. Margaret Baker. Tonight, you all will witness the unthinkable. Tonight, you will relive all the things you wish you would never relive. And then, you will die, just as Mrs. Baker did an hour ago." The room was silent, save for the whimpering cries of Jamie and Lola and a few frightened sighs from the crowd. The young villain's eyed and bow tie reassumed their glow. "For those of you who were unobservant enough not to find out, I am Antony Martin." A few surprised gasps made their way through the mass of frightened party-goers. "I am here tonight to congratulate my beloved cousins, Jamie and Lola, on being the two most spoiled, superficial, and self-centered brats I know." Blacktie snapped his fingers, and Jamie and Lola began to scream once again, much louder than before. They both felt the top of their heads to find that their beautiful hair had disappeared. "Anthony! Why?" Screamed the girls. "Because you deserved it.", he grinned. "Anthony, you don't have to do this. We're sorr-" "ENOUGH!", he yelled. "Tell it to your dear mother!" With a single wave of his cane, Blacktie released a wave of blue light towards the girls and another towards the guests. The victims began to spasm uncontrollably, and filled the room with tortured screams for mercy. Just as Anthony was about to deliver the fatal memories, a mysterious voice reverberated throughout the living room. "Dust!", it said, "That's all you are! From the dust you were made, and to the dust you shall return!" With that, a flash of bright green light engulfed the room and the victims bodies fell limply to the ground. Within seconds, the room was full of nothing more than towering heaps of light green dust. Even Alec's body had turned to dust. "What!?", Blacktie exclaimed. "I didn't do that."

The blue glow dissipated and Blacktie stood in the center of the room, surrounded by the green dust that was once the human flesh of his cousins and the party-goers. He ran his gloved finger down the side of one of the dust plies and studied the residue with a curious humility. "What on Earth?.." Blacktie exited the living room and walked quietly back into the entryway. Apparently Aunt Margaret's corpse had turned to dust as well. The dapper young villain leaned against the wall and removed his gentleman's cap, holding it wearily at his side. He began to think hard to himself about the events of the night. "I'm sure I couldn't have done all that. Not even with this much power.", he murmured. He stared into his hands with a quizzical expression on his face. This was the first time he'd felt so confused since his fateful transformation. Blacktie looked up to find a sight that not even he could have ever predicted.

In front of him stood a slender, black-haired young lady, about his age, dressed in a white trenchcoat with black buttons. Around her neck was a silver necklace, with an emerald pendant embedded in the center. She wore white leather gloves over each graceful hand and shiny black stiletto heels graced her feet, black nylon stockings covering her legs. Her piercing green eyes peered deeply into his own, and her cherry red lips formed an amused grin. Anthony's pulse quickened, and he felt his cheeks grow hot. Never before had the presence of a female captivated him so. Anthony began to panic. Who was this mysterious and beautiful young lady? Had she survived the night's events? If so, how? These questions gave way to a single, more important thought. Had she been the one responsible for the fatal events of this evening? The nervous teenager began to speak. "Uh, hello. Who-" The girl gave an amused chuckle as she interrupted him in mid sentence.. "You know, you really shouldn't be so theatrical about it, Anthony. You had me quite bored for a minute there.", she retorted. "Uh...oh...uh...yeah.", he replied. This was all he could say, for Anthony was stricken by the girl's graceful mannerisms and cutting remarks. "The name's Rebecca...Rebecca Townsend." "Uh, h-hello. I'm A-Anthony Mart-" "Yes, I know.", chuckled Rebecca, "Loosen up, man...great party, huh? Excellent finish, wouldn't you say?" Anthony nervously pulled on his shirt collar. "Uh, yeah....did you-" "Yes.", she grinned evilly. "How did you-" "Let's just say you're not the only one with...a special skill set." "But how did-" "Shhhhh.", urged Rebecca as she placed a white-gloved finger to his lips and moved in closer to her subject. She began to whisper into his ear. "How i got this power doesn't matter, now does it?" "No. Not at all!", he replied. "What matters, Anthony, is how I use it....and I understand that you and I want use it for the very same reasons." "Yes, we do.", he whispered back. All of a sudden, Anthony began to feel far more comfortable than before, but he would never be entirely the same. Anthony had fallen deeply and passionately in love. "Well.", he began sheepishly, "It takes two to tango." " I'm glad you see it that way.", she replied as she lightly caressed his cheek, "Follow my lead, Anthony, and we're gonna be powerful enough to run this city...and run the world!" "Alright, Reb-" "It's Whiteshade to you!" "Alright Whiteshade.", he nodded. "Alright, Anthony."

After a short silence, the young man could not help but feel as if he needed to compliment this striking new acquaintance. "Uh, you have beautiful hair.", he muttered. "Why, thank you.", she replied modestly, "But I find myself to be more of a...proper lady than to have my hair down." Rebecca pulled a black hair tie out of the pocket of her trenchcoat and fashoined her hair into a sleek bun. She then reached into the black leather bag that had been hanging around her left shoulder and pulled out an elegant white beret. The beautiful murderer placed it upon her head and gave a subtle wink to her love-stricken partner. All the while, Anthony had been unable to take his eyes off of her own. "You know, Anthony,", she started confidently, "There's just something about white." "Indeed there is."

The Necklace.
The Necklace.
posted by irena83
Chapter 5: News

Suddenly, she felt weird.
She went quickly at the bathroom
and laved herself.
She looked pale and was feeling sick.
She closed her eyes and tried to
take a deep breath.
Now she felt little better.
She took a phone and called a neighbor,
telling her that she must see a doctor
and someone should take care of Gwenny.
Joanna said that there were no reason
to be worried about and she would
look after baby.
Dana, thankful and scared the same time,
got dressed quickly and immediately
called a cab.
While she was waiting for a cab,
she was so confused and tense.
The cab came soon.
She barely could...
continue reading...
their are six technique(originally theirs eight but i only know six)

technigue one:Start with a short,effective sentence(4-5 words max): Her hair shone gold.

technique two:Start with an interesting metaphor or simile: The wolf was like a tornado,changing the lives of all who crossed his path.

technique three:Start with a literary device(ex.onomatopoeia,alliteration,etc):Gobbling Grandma and her grandchild was his plan all along.

technique four:Start with a prepositional phrase: ALong the spooky road to Grandma's house,Red skipped with an air of confidence.

technique five:Start with a riddle and...
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posted by sweetpea92
    Everyday at lunch for all of high school so far I would stand in line and wait to get up to the front to tell the lunch lady that “I need a to-go tray please.” Then once I had gotten my tray, I would scan my lunch card and dash down the hallway to my favorite teacher’s room to join “the lunch bunch” on everyday except Wednesday, and Friday. On those days the beginning of this routine is relatively the same, but instead of heading off to another meeting of the lunch bunch, I would take a detour at the library to join my friends at our usual table, for either...
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posted by Firewriter
There was once a boy
Who loved a girl
A very distant girl- haunted by her demons that no one else could see
The boy- lonely and afraid of pursuing his passions
The heat of the mid-July sun beating on their backs
On a little dirt road next to a vine-covered wall
That little boy handed the little girl a lime green envelope
Her name printed on that envelope in his fine pen writing

Their cheeks red and hearts pounding
The two continued their days apart
Both afraid their darkness will come over
And destroy what they tried to break
The day to follow, that little broken girl
Smiling a real smile for the first...
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richard walter
how to write a screenplay
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Also very funny, don't you just wish you could do these things yourself?
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bran hambric
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Surviver of The Thing prequel that is till the end that was the beginning of The Thing 1984
Surviver of The Thing prequel that is till the end that was the beginning of The Thing 1984
How to survive a horror movie apocalypse. by L.R.Talbot
This is a list of things to keep in mind in order to survive a horror movie. Note most of these can be used in a daily life as well.
1.If there's someone at the door never say whose there
2.never put your back against a door. You never know if someone has enough strength to put a knife through the door plus there's the mail slot to consider.
3.Try to be as quiet as possible especially if they(your attacker or possible attacker) are near by
4.Find a weapon as soon as possible. In my opinion preferably something that could...
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posted by para-scence
I got home, where Reed was at the kitchen table playing poker with some friends and smoking. I walked up to the table and threw the bag onto the table. His friends all looked at it, gaping. Reed laughed.

"Good job, baby sister!" he said. He took the bag and inspected it. I smiled at his praise. He looked up at me and smiled. "But shouldn't you be at school? If Nikolai finds out he'll bust your head in."

"So don't let him find out," I said like it was an obvious answer. His buddies laughed. Reed shook his head at me, but a smile still played on his lips. He threw the bag back at me.

"Well then,...
continue reading...
posted by ChickRiddler
Preface: We were called freaks. Strangers. Mutants. As my claws ripped through the peculiar woman’s skin I thought, “What am I now?” My teeth sunk into her arm. The screech that pierced the air at that moment brought me back to reality, I was human again. I spat the blood out of my mouth and looked around myself. The handsome man was looking at me with terrified eyes.
    “I’m so sorry,” I whispered. Shrinking into myself, I began to run away. The man wouldn’t catch me. But something held me back. I went back to him and reappeared. “Help me.” I wasn’t even sure he heard me I said it so low. Suddenly, my body couldn’t take the pain. There was a buzzing in my ears, a pounding in my head, and spots in my vision. It was then the darkness swallowed me whole.
posted by Lolo-star20
If I'm a reason to leave
I don't talk about this on a sheet
I want to everybody see
What you do of me

I'm become a princess
with a knight who not fearless
I want to watch a cloudless sky
because my heart and my eyes cry

It is what I want
It is what I need
And never other thing
that the love which I want

The only thing I know
It's I'm better when you are
Near to me, did you know?
And I want that you are


It's like
I have a knife in my back
It's like
I don't can stay in the black
Without what I want
Without what I need

Chorus x3

You're all I want
I'll be what you need
And ever other thing
If it's what you want
Chapter Twenty One

Michael stared at his wife and then, to the stranger standing next to Mac before heading back to Jamie and asked her a question, “Jamie, what was going around here?”

Shocked of seeing her husband here instead of later, Jamie put Izzie down and watching the little girl running off to her father and started tugging Michael’s sleeve to tell him that she want him to pick her in his arms right away, Jamie stared at her husband picking Izzie up and holding her into his arms while asking him, “Michael, why are you here this early?”

Staring at his wife’s face and while holding...
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added by XRoryX
Source: Quote by Steven Pressfield
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posted by ZekiYuro
Probably the most famous film commenting on the twentieth-century technology is Modern Times,made in 1936.Charlie Chaplin was motivated to make the film by a reporter who,while interviewing him,happened to describe the working conditions in industrial Detroit.Chaplin was told that healthy young farm boys were lured to the city to work on automotive assembly lines.Within 4 or 5 years,these young men's health was destroyed by the stress of work in the factories.
The film opens with a shot of a mass of sheep making their way down a crowded ramp.
Abruptly,the film shifts to a scene of factory workers...
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posted by hgfan5602
It's cold in this room
Without your warmth for me
Hard to say the truth
Can I say it now....
I love you

Am I so ashamed
To love you?
Oh no I'm not....
And I feel your warmth upon me

I will still love you everyday of my life
Ever since
I came on your watch
And every minute of my life

I will still love you every second today
Cherishing all the moments that we had

And I will bring every moment I've had
Together, with you
I will still love you everyday of my life
And no one will
Keep me away from you

It's so cold here...
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posted by para-scence
"Thank you, miss. We'll look over your application as soon as we can," the nice receptionist smiled. I nodded thankfully. She eyed me curiously, and glanced at my application. "Um, how old are you?" she asked.

"Twenty two," I said, without breaking a sweat. I'd been prepared for that. I'm actually fifteen, but maybe I could pass for a very short, very young looking adult. She nodded, but since she had no proof I was lying, she let me go. I walked down the streets, the sun beating down on me. I could tell by the brightness in the sky, I was late. I picked up the pace, and started running. Dogs...
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