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White. White everywhere. i pushed myself farther, made pain ripped at my sides, as the cold stabbing breeze lifted the hair off my bleeding chapped lips. I stepped farther not knowing where i was going. Another sharp breeze burned my face as tears refused to fall from my aching eyes. Been so long since i laid my head to rest. My feet slowly going numb leaving me to face the cold alone. I was at war. A war with the icy breeze,and with myself. Trusting no one.

I tried so hard to impress them. To get them to love me. To gain their friendship. No one knows me. No one will find me. No one is looking.
I don't want them to.

I pushed myself farther. My heart beating fast, my body numb, my breathing slowing. My lungs couldn't take the cold breeze anymore. I collapsed in the snow. My hair spreading across my face. Maybe the cold was a friend. Maybe pain knows me best since i know it most.
I welcomed the pain, giving into the cold since after all it had won. I stared at the sky that wasn't as bright as i thought it was. I took my last breath, more like a sigh and faded into nothing. The last thing i heard was the sound of a lone wolf howling. Alone just like me. Then blackness, Darkness, death. Death came and truly after that i was gone, laying in the snow where no one would find me.
posted by inexplicable
It´s autumn. It´s just a day like everyone else. I´m sitting on a bench. The air around me is cold and the sky´s color is orange now, because there will be sunset soon. There is a fountain in front of me. It has a red- brown color and there are statues on it. I can hear the sound of the ice cold water. There are more benches around the fountain, but today there aren´t so much people sitting there as usual. I´m visiting this place pretty often. I´m sitting still on the bench and thinking. Sometimes I observe the people in the street. I can see their long shadows on the ground. It´s the...
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posted by woofbark
This is based on a true story, which has been featured on a few ghost shows. However, I tweaked this "ghost story" a little, and I hope you enjoy!

Sariff was a kind and beautiful woman who spent most of her life around the calm, cool waters of an unnamed lake.

It was there she swam.
It was there she read.
It was there she surfed.
It was there, on July Fourth, 1990, Sariff was murdered.

No one knew who it was, besides the fact that he was a man. And maybe, that had something to do with the fact that only men drowned at Sariff Lake.

Twenty men a year died, despite a large amount of lifeguards....
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posted by stevie_fan98
I fell faster and faster, tumbling through the air. I knew, from the agony of hitting the ground, of several ribs cracking, that this was real, more real than any experience I had ever had in my entire life, but I also knew, that once I had passed through this pain barrier, once I came back to consciousness, that the whole rest of my life, would seem more real than the previous one. Already it seemed like I had been seeing it through blurry eyes.

Gemma Conrad was walking down Grand Terrace when suddenly it began to start a decline, where there wasn’t meant to be one. She looked down at her...
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posted by MissMuffin38
The three boys turned around to see three girls standing before them. Them three girls were Amelia, Emma, and Grace. These were the girls they were meeting. Daniel's voice was shaking but he managed to get some words out: "Hi. How are you?" He said, almost stumbling on his words. "We're fine thankyou. So where are we going?" Amelia replied, giving them her most angelic smile. "Erm, anywhere you want!" Daniel answered her, still stammering. "How about the sweet shop? We haven't been there for a while." Emma asked, showing a smile too. "Yeah, sure!" Tommy replied to her, looking at the other...
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I'm thinking of you in my sleepless solitude tonight...

Becoming tangled in sheets of satin, I rolled to my side and slowly opened an eye, spotting the black outline of a figure lingering in the doorway. Confused, I propped myself up on an elbow and squinted, trying to make out the figure in the darkness. "Matthew?" I called out softly, pulling the sheets up to cover exposed flesh. The figure moved closer without a word, shutting the bedroom door. For a moment I questioned whether or not the illusions had returned. While I wasn't seeing Lex, I was thinking of him. Fear and anxiety washed over...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Oh crap. She’s here. That’s not good. She could ruin everything. Please don’t mess this up Kelsey please, I prayed. I smiled weakly as Kelsey walked around the lake to meet up with Nicky and I. Nick splashed me so I splashed him back laughing. Kelsey eyed us. Kelsey please go away, I thought. “Karleigh can I join you and Nick?” I looked at Nick. Should I let her join us? He nodded. “Sure Kelsey.” She squealed then jumped in the lake.

I punched Nicky lightly on the shoulder and when he pushed me under the water I couldn’t help but laugh, filling my mouth up with nasty fishy lake...
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They always said that I was a bit mad.

    I guess that’s why I hear bumble bees and geckos talking to me, and not about allergies or how to save money on my car insurance.

You see my dad and my mom is traveling the world for fun. My dad got me some teachers just for me so I won’t have to be in school with the normal kids. But I think it would be fun. I could have real friends instead of no one. Also I could also see some real doctors about some of the things that I think of. They are strange. My fathers doctors say that I am perfectly fine, don’t worry, mentally fine,...
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posted by sweetpea92
The Last Goodbye

I am standing on my tiptoes with my arms around him and he is bending down so that I can reach. There are tears of joy, and cheering. It is too loud to hear even my own thoughts but somehow I still manage to hear the sound of my heart in my ears as I cling to my friend. After a long moment, we both pull back slightly and my hands slide over the strange fabric of his bright blue graduation gown. I look up at him knowing this could be the last times I see my most treasured friends. His hand leaves my shoulder, and he places it lightly on my face. My heart nearly stops as something...
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posted by irena83
~ Chapter 1: Dreams

Love. Unconditional and pure love was there, found in their hearts. Feelings, pure and strong lived from day to day.
But the days were cold. Cold wind froze their dreams.
A child was born.
Dreams, spreading its roots, now slowly fade.
But still live and last in the hearts of the dreamers.
A child wasn't a part of a dream, though.
It wasn't. But love was still there, although destroyed by many issues, it started fading slowly like a smothered flame.
Mother's eyes was full of hope and heart full of love, so pure, so gentle.
She knew. Life won't be milk and honey, though she must be strong.
Looking at her baby girl, happy and sad in the same time, so many thoughts were flying through her head.
So many questions, perhaps a small dose of regret.
She felt sadness inside.
Love was still there, that pure love that kept them alive, though these dreams they both had were somehow far and unreal.
A flame of love was still burning...
posted by Angelcatz11
Texas Rancho Viejo 1942

Bonnie's POV
I walked quickly down the dusty dirt road, I kicked and scrapped pebbels, It was hot and dry today, another great thing when your isolated! *CRASH* I gasped, I slowed to a stop and carfully and slowwly turned around. Behind me stood a man. He had wild brown hair and blue piercing eyes, He held a gun and a charcol covered teddy bear. He smiled and inchined twords me. "Whoa pardner, who are you?" I asked in my thick texian accent. "I am a friend" He said kindly. I suspiciously eyed him up and down. I reached into my back pocket and gripped my fingers around a gun I found. "Dont be afraid i'll make it all better" He moved closer to me, I panicked.Is this the phantom murder? I thought. I pulled out my gun and aimed it at him. "I dont think you will"
I said sweetly, then I triggered it and shot him, he fell to the ground stunned. I smiled. When your isolated in texas you cant trust anyone. and i mean ANYONE.
True love knows no bounderies *sigh* You'll never know what that means, unless you're me. True love doesn't care what one looks like. True love doesn't care who or WHAT you are. I am probably the only one who fully understands this.

You're love could be the cute guy who smiles at you in class, he could be the one who helped you stand up after you fallen. He could be you're best friend...Or someone who has truly been there all along, etc. Thats me. I'm an etc.

For those of you that don't know me my name is Luna. My parents are hippy freaks who named my sister, Star, and I after natural beuties....
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posted by greenstergirl
These people were crazy and I wasn't thinking that JUST because half of the people in the room were old people.

I pulled at the sleeve of my grey jump suit and said nothing. There was nothing for me to say. I was being tested on this hocus pocus. In the end I'll be like any other normal kid and I would go home with no special power or no animal inside me. Right?

Tiachi got up out of his chair on the elemental side. "Okay Janie. We shall test you for your element first. If nothing happens, then we will test you for your animal. If something does happen we will test you for animal just in case...
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posted by kaylap1410
We were all different, all chosen for different reasons. Some of us african american, some as white as can be. But in a way we were all the same. That is the reason they chose us, followed us since birth. Macy was one of the richest children alive, but when her parents died in a car accident she was left with nothing. Being underaged, the bank had the entitlement to take all her parents money, leaving her to fend for herself on the streets. Hunter's house caught on fire and destroyed his mother's locket. The last thing he had of her, the last thing that kept him happy. Lila was only two years...
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Here is the end of the last chapter!

Alexis was wandering in the huge feilds that were behind her new school. The long grass was up to her thighs and every now and then one stray peice would some how tickle her bare skin, making her angry. She wasnt in the mood to laugh. The sun was still glowing but the fields seemed gloomy and cold. It was cold. Alexis rubbed her arms heating them up slightly. Once she felt that she had walked far enough she flattened some of the long grass and sat down, lying back on the grass and watching the clouds go by. Her long golden hair flowed by her sides. She pulled...
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posted by EmzLovesCheryl
Always running
All the time,
Chasing a dream
As I follow the signs.
Out of breath
I miss a turn,
I wander the paths
Ready to learn.

I start to get impatient
I'm working so hard,
So how come I'm not there yet
I've played all my cards.
Life is like a rollercoaster
Mine never stops,
It takes me round in circles
Back to the start.

There are so many highs and lows
Yet they''re all the same,
I need a change of track
Something different to my name.
Each step I take aches my body
And I'm waiting for the day,
That a different train will come along
And take me a different way.
posted by EmzLovesCheryl
Dusty Streets
A blazing sun,
Food and Water
There is none.
Living on hope
Crying out,
Helping others
Around and about.

Children Shouting
They wail and cry,
Willing for a change
A signal, a sign.
They're grateful for everytihng
Whatever comes their way,
They're constantly working
All night, all day.

The air is filthy
They cough and they weep,
They want to survive
They sniffle and sleep.
Begging off strangers
It's all they can do,
Someone to help them
It could be you.

-Emily Eaton (13)
My bike popped up a speed bump and sent me sailing forward a few feet, until i landed and bumbped the last half a mile to my normal little house of the corner of Clock Street. I skidded to a stop and threw my bike in the garage, then went inside.

"Hey...Mom, I'm home!" I called. I called a few times after that, then i got into the kitchen and saw the usual yellow sticky note on the fridge. "Off at work, very important, pizza in the fridge." I sighed and tore the stick night off, then ripped it up and chucked it in the trash.

I was up in my room on my laptop when it all began. There was a ding...
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posted by hannah_vampire
A poem danced in my head “Something maybe Taken but its not Lost” Dylan had attacked and miles stood watching speaking “Loka please you’re as much As synotta, you’re evil and full of darkness”. I was pushed and bite and stabbed until they backed up and I saw what they were seeing wolves! “ aw are the Ishavaka scared of the big bad wolves”.

Tilly chased after them with hunter and josh, Wounded I was and this was about to get
A whole lot worse “ WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINGKING” Oni made me smile and I had to stop myself from bursting out into laughter but then sefo walked...
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You Know You're A Writer When. . .
(feel free to agree or disagree with any of these.)

-You skip meals or don't eat as much because you're too eager to get back to the story you were working on. (Yeah, I did this at lunch today. Deliberatly stopped eating early 'cause I had to get back to my story.)

-You have a notebook and pen or pencil that you carry everywhere. (Mine's right here next to me.)

-You freak out if ANYTHING happens to said notebook. (I start going ballistic if I even set it down in a different place and it takes me a minute to remember where I set it.)

-You listen to songs and think,...
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posted by hikaru13
I have a secret: I'm afraid. I'm terribly afraid that I AM GOING TO DIE. I didn't ask for leukemia. Nor did I expect it. Especially not chronic myelogenous leukemia. Especially when chronic myelogenous leukemia tends to affect the OLDER males, and I'm only what, 14?

But do you know why it has to be a secret? I have a family: my dad and Jae, my youngest sister. [Yeah, I have two more, but, they're out of my life at the moment.] They cried their hearts out once I was diagnosed. They were afraid that they'd lose another family member--after all, my mother passed away after a car accident. I promised to be strong. For Dad. For Jae. For Mom.

But if being strong means that I have to hold back all these tears, that I have to surpress all my fear in order to comfort my family, sometimes I wish I didn't make that promise.