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posted by Vampiyaa
"So, where are we going?" Aiko grinned. Blaine beamed at her.
"I was thinking someplace special," he said, trying to sound casual. Aiko thought and then replied, "Do you have somewhere in mind?"
"Take a look." Blaine pointed to the entrace of the new amusement park. Aiko gasped.
"No way!" she laughed. "You actually got tickets?" Blaine shrugged and said, "It wasn't hard. When I said I was the agent of Dusk Rivers, they had to let me in."
"How much were they?" Aiko asked curiously. Blaine hesitated.
"Not much," he said hastily.
"Blaine, tell me."
"Yes." Aiko stared hard at Blaine from over her sunglasses, until he finally sighed.
"Fine," he said in exasperation. "They were a hundred apiece."
"Blaine, that's ridiculous!" Aiko cried out, stomping her foot. "Why were they so much anyway? Tickets are usually just fifty per."
"Er... because tonight is the Harvest Moon Festival," he said quietly. "And because I said I didn't care how much they were." Aiko stared at Blaine for a while, and then sighed.
"You are very strange to me, you know that?" she said. Blaine grinned and replied, "Yeah, I know." Aiko flinched when Blaine handed the ticket woman the hundred-dollar tickets. A man standing in line beside them peered at Aiko over his spectacles and said, "Hey, aren't you Dusk Rivers?"
"Ah... no," said Aiko hastily. "Everyone says I look like her, but..." Her voice trailed off.
"Moving on," said Blaine quickly, steering Aiko away from the line. What neither of them noticed was that somebody was following them closely. Somebody with a long, sinister looking coat and a hat that shielded his face in shadow. Someone with glowing red eyes and fangs that were wishing to sink into Aiko's throat.
"Ah... no!" Blaine sighed, when a drop of water landed on his nose. "It's raining!" Aiko froze stiff and immediately looked at the sky. It was too dark for her see if thunder was involved.
"How about we go in...?" Blaine began to suggest, but his voice suddenly went slack as he noticed Aiko's horrified look. Aiko shook her head to try and clear her mind and then smiled nervously at him.
"Y-yeah!" she stammered. "There's a warehouse over there. We''ll... stay in there for a while." Blaine followed her curiously into the warehouse and shut the door.
"This is one huge warehouse," exclaimed Blaine. The warehouse was nearly the size of a football field, with large boxes scattered here and there.
"Hey, there are stairs over there," said Blaine. He approached them and climbed out of sight. At that moment the lights shut off.
"Gah!" Aiko gasped, jumping backwards and tripping over a box. When she finally managed to get up and brush herself off she heard a rustling next to her.
"Blaine?" she whispered. "Is that you?" Blaine didn't answer.
"Blaine?" Aiko said, blinking in the darkness. "Okay, come on, this really isn't funny." Blaine did not reply. Aiko began to feel her way through the darkness, panic starting to build up in her chest.
"Blaine, if this is your idea of a joke, it really isn't funny at all!" she said irritably. She jumped when her hands found something soft.
"Ah... i-is that you, Blaine?" she whispered.
"Maybe," said Blaine's voice quietly. Aiko swelled up with anger.
"Where have you—?" she started to ask, but at that moment a loud clap of thunder sounded from outside. Aiko jumped, squeezed her eyes shut and sank to the floor, praying that whatever building she was in, it had a roof on it. Or at least something rubber inside it.
"Aiko...?" Blaine said uncertainly.
"Ah... it's nothing!" she said hastily, stumbling upward. "I just—" A second clap of thunder was heard, and this time Aiko flinched and yelled, "Uh... I HAVE TO GO!" She tried to run for the exit, but ended up slamming into Blaine and knocking him down. Aiko buried her face in his chest, her hands clenched against his shirt and her whole body flinched.
"Aiko, are you afraid of thunder?" Blaine asked her. Slowly and shakily, he felt Aiko nod. Another loud crack of thunder pierced through the air. Aiko flinched again, and this time she slid her arms around Blaine's waist and hugged him tightly.
"Come here, silly," Blaine laughed, sliding his arms around her shaking figure. He felt her trembling under his arms and for some reason he couldn't help but think somehow this was right.
"Blaine, don't let it hurt me," Aiko whispered, clinging onto him as if for dear life. Another crash of thunder; Aiko screamed and squeezed Blaine even more tightly.
"Shh..." soothed Blaine, smoothing back her hair in a comforting sort of way. After a while the storm blew itself out and the cracks of thunder and lightning stopped.
"Aiko," whispered Blaine. "Come on, wake up."
"Nng," she replied. "Is the lightning gone?"
"The lightning can't hurt you anymore," Blaine insisted. "It's nearly two in the morning; Elaine going to kill us."
"'Kay," Aiko mumbled. They exited the warehouse to find the park dark and closed.
"Oh God, we are so dead..." said Blaine desperately.
"Wait," Aiko said hastily, tugging on Blaine's sleeve. "When was the last time you replenished?"
"Oh, brother..." Blaine said exasperatedly.
"Don't you 'oh, brother' me, Mr. Vampire," she said firmly. Blaine rumpled his hair and said quietly, "Two months ago."
"That's ridiculous!" Aiko exploded. "Let's go behind the building and—"
"No," said Blaine flatly. "We really need to go before Elaine has our throats."
"She's not the one who need mine," Aiko hissed. They stared at each other for a while, and then Blaine allowed Aiko to tug him behind the building and into the shade of the trees.
"Nobody will see us here," she said softly, cheking for any intruders. She slid down the wall and tied her hair back.
"Okay, go," she said firmly. Blaine put on arm on her shoulder and one arm around her neck. He opened his mouth wide, exposing his fangs, and slowly and carefully pressed them into her neck.
"She... she isn't even in pain..." Toyo gasped. "Well, not entirely in pain..." He watched Aiko's face twitch slightly, but still not a single scream emmitted from her rosy lips as it had done on the occasions when Toyo needed to replenish. Toyo doubled over when the scent of her blood was carried by the sudden gust of wind , his eyes flashing a glowing red.
"Got... to... get out... of here..." he choked, running in the opposite direction. Aiko exhaled slowly, the pain fading away slowly as Blaine took his fangs out of her neck, panting. His eyes were glowing red as he stared at her; Blaine's consciousness had been given away to his senses. Slowly they faded from red to chocolate brown again and his dark expression slid into something that was almost devastated.
"Can... can I try something?" he asked quietly. A trickle of blood was running down the side of his mouth.
"Um..." stammered Aiko, noticing how close Blaine's face was to hers. "Sure, I guess." Blaine reached out and cupped the side of her face with his hand.

End of Excerpt. Aren't I just cruel? :D
posted by BellaSwan636

"Why did you leave?"

I wish I could tell him why. But seeing him again din't ease the pain. Not one bit. The agony only multiplied. All of the feelings I had suppressed were clamouring to be acknowledged.

Ashleigh peeked out from her curtain of hair, and made eye contact with him.

My heart skipped a beat. She was his child too, I knew that, but he maybe he wouldn't want anything to do with her or me. He probably hated me.

Ansking the question I had feared the most, he said, "Is this her?"

I looked at the ground.

"I can't do this again," the words hurt me to say them, but I could never force...
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posted by Lorelei-Essence
Chapter Two

A month later…

“Hungry?” Xavier asked.
“Starving.” I replied. Xavier went into the fridge and pulled out a tan plastic bowl and a smaller turquoise bowl. He placed the bowl of fresh fruit in front of me and the small bowl of plain yogurt. He handed me a fork.
“Enjoy.” He said. Xavier kissed me on my forehead.
“Thank you.” I said.
I began to eat when I heard a moan. Xavier looked down at his shoes.
“Um…after breakfast do you want to go for a walk?” Xavier asked.
“Xavier, what’s that sound?” I asked.
“It’s…Madison.” He choked out.
“Doing what?” I asked....
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posted by genyva
Genyva Salters
Cold Toes

June 30, 2004
11:45 Open Door Eating

It’s the worst day in the world for a lunch date. I look like hell my light brown hair was frizzing like a poodle. Damn this humid summer, only in Texas the humidity 90% all the time. And this place is like a hut; all the hot air coming from the windows is blowing out the A/C. How is any one able to enjoy lunch when they are drinking the air?

I looked over to Ethan, who was making his way towards the table. We had been together so long in this little town. I love it to death but I think its time to move out. Greene, Texas...
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posted by BellaSwan636

Nine hours.

I was exhausted after it.

Rion came into the hospital room. He took my hand, and told me softly that I had a little girl.

"Rion, there is no way I will ever be able to tell you just how thankful I am that I have you," I sighed, before I drifted into a deep black mist.


I held my little girl close to me. I was filled with an indescribable love for this small creature, who I had worked so hard to bring here. Who I already loved.


Around a year after that, I became a guardian ad litem....
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posted by twilight0girl
this month is going to be terrible.
i live in barrow alaska.this is thier month of complete,totall darkness.also,this is when the vampires come out to feed on the helpless men,women,and children.but instead of shaking in pure fear,i'll go out and see how they act.but i'm also going out because my two brothers,isaac and marcus,are vampires too.

4 days later

i've never walked around outside during this time of month.i can hear the screaming coming from every direction.i havent seen any va,pires nor my two brothers.when i started to walke away...
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posted by BeSafe
I chanced a glance at you
from across the crowded room
and that was when I noticed
you were looking at me too

we both know this shouldn't happen
its a road we've been down before
and the only way it ever ends
is with you walking out the door

so I wish someone would explain to me
why I'm still rooted in place
staring in the direction
of just another lonely face

my mind is screaming at me to run
while my heart asks me to stay
for a moment I dont know what to do
and if its a price I'm willing to pay

we both know this is wrong
the love that we share
but we also know that wont stop us
because to find this kind of love is rare
posted by Maria_Quinn8
Hey guys I'm new here and I just want to tell u guys how to become a mermaid for those mermaids lovers
I only know 1 spells and I hope it works for u guys
these 're the following items needed
cup of water with salt mixed in it
steps to take
put ur hand in the salty water or fresh water if u want
say the spell 3 times
mermaids in the sea oh so fast and free
I wish to be one of u, I will have a tail colour of ()
and the power to () water
I will get my tail and power in ten minutes but no later
mermaid when wet, human when dry
10 seconds is all it takesto transform
so mote it be×2
U might get ur tail after 10 minutes but it might work for some people
Good luck
No Connections No Screenwriting Career, Right? by Markus Redmond via FilmCourage.com.
doogie howser md
los angeles
Don't Listen To People Who Say 'Save The Cat' Has Ruined The Movie Industry - Steve Douglas-Craig via FilmCourage.com.
Game Changing Benefits Of The Writers Strike - Kaia Alexander via FilmCourage.com.
los angeles
In the distent land of isis, there lived a young princess, who loved to be outside. on one, perticularly nice, day, she went out to talk to the birds, when suddenly she was captuerd by an evil mage, and told the king if he did not reliquish his kingdom to him, he would keep the princess untill her death.
in desperation, the king sent his greatest knights to save his duagter, but alas, it was all in vain.
the king had almost lost all hope, when he heard that a young sorccerer had come to his kingdom. the disstresed king called for the sorccerer to be brought before him.
when he saw the sorccerer...
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Dear Diary,

I hate my life now. I am now going against everything of what I stand for. It's all because of one stupid mistake. I can't write about it now. It's just too shameful to write about it. Today I mostly hung around my room. Or my new room in Jerry's house. Man I hate him so much now. You are probably thinking Who are you? What are you talking about?
I am Lily. I'm a super hero. Actually no I am not. I can die like a normal person but I can't get hurt easily. I have more than one powers so I live a normal life span.
You know I am actually not a super hero anymore but I'm working on that....
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posted by mermaidluver34
PLEASE READ!: Ok so for the spells without instructions put your hand or foot in water just to be safe. These following side effects will occur for the first four spells:Keeping legs crossed
Very itchy legs
Singing a lot
Rash on legs
Making un-normal sounds
Acting a bit out if the ordinary (goes on and off for about 6 hours)
Drinking lots of water. Where it says blue and gold that was just and example. You can choose your own colors and powers. Most girls that did these spells got tails when wet within 45 hrs. The spells don't have to be on a full moon unless the instructions said so. Don't...
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Bumblestripe padded into his den and looked around for Dovewing, then he remembered she was out hunting around for us. All of his instincts told him to go and find her and hunt with her. Be her warmth on the leaf-fall night.
Then he got up and did so, he raced all around the territory looking for Dovewing but there was no sign.
Then he looked up at the moon and remembered she might be at the island. He raced over to the island and stepped onto the branch.
He looked up at the moon and saw the Great Oak. There were two cats at the top of the Great Oak. They were sharing tongues...
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posted by Liz4Avril
One morning on Goth Lane, Janet Leyman woke up, she did her usual routine. She got dressed took a shower, and put on her makeup. But meanwhile... she didn't know what was waiting.
Her next door neighbor, is a vampire. She went over to her neighbors house, Antoniette. Then while she knocked someone opened the door, a tall skinny lady with pale skin and dark hair. "Who are you?" Asked Janet. "I'm Avoca, Antonitte's sister. Why are you here?!!?" Said the stranger in a negative cold voice. "I, I just wanted to see Antoniette." Said Janet. "She's over this way follow me." Said Avoca, motioning Janet...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Two

Olivia Meyers hopped in her used brown truck. Today was the day she was going to prove everyone wrong. She wore her purple halter dress with a thick, black belt around her waist. She also had some fishnet stockings and black boots that almost reached to her ankles. Her mom had left this outfit out on her bed this morning. Olivia felt wrong for not wearing it but it made her feel too exposed so she wore a gray jacket also. Her strawberry-blonde hair was extra curly today then usual. It was also extra thick.

She cranked the car four time for it to finally start running. It was her dad's...
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For the 3rd time already today i was checking the mailbox to see if my scedule had arrived yet. I went through all the mail, the contents was nothing but bills, bills, and a magazine with a school supply sale. i went back inside, dispointed.
Ugh, I said
What's wrong, my mom asked
Oh, nothing it's just that the school schedule still isnt here, I said
oh well it should be here soon, well the mailman is probably late.
Yeah i guess, I said.
I then i went in the kitchen to get a bowl of some cereal, we had, Fruit Loops,Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Flakes, and some boring adult stuff...
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As I awoke the next morning Mother was already hard at work makeing breakfest and cleaning the house even though it was already spotless, "Mother are you alright?" I asked comeing from upstairs still kinda dizzy from last night's ordeal, "Yes dear just doing some cleaning." Mother replied as she started to clean the bookshelf, "Mother it seem's something has spooked you." I said siting down at the table "It's nothing Max!" she replied with fear in her voice I looked at her with great concern, *Barking* "What is it boy?" I said with a worried tone as I reached to pet him but something was wrong,...
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posted by MerlinLemon
~ Beginning ~

Me and my best friend, Leo, both work at the same dumb pizza shop mostly every night of the week, we both get paid the same amount and work the same number of hours. The only difference – I do the deliveries.
I ride this crappy little flat-tyred around the neighbourhood – which, by the way, is so small I memorised it by the age of seven – delivering pizza after pizza. Sometimes I wonder how such a small town can order so many pizzas. I deliver about twenty each Thursday night… to the same houses. Still, they know me so well the tips are considerably higher.
But moving...
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