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posted by Spi_Kat_Penguin
Voliet narrowed her dark green eyes, then turned around and left. Ice picked up the rope and tighly tied Kat's flippers back behind her back. "Can I ask you something, Ice?" "Of course.." Ice stammered nervously. "Why are you being so baby gentle and stuff?" Kat asked quietly and softly. Ice stopped moving and stared into the floor for a second then jumped up and grabbed Kat with him. "Come on!" He yanked her roughly. She flinched at the tight grip Ice had on her shoulder. They fast walked into a part of the lair Kat hadn't ever been in before. She looked around. There were tons of black doors. This must of been were the guards where when they were off duty. Ice stopped at a door, opened and almost ran inside causing Kat to fall. He locked the door behind him. "Ice...?" Kat questioned nervously, fixing her position on the floor. He kneeled beside her and undid the rope. Kat stretched her flippers. Ice pulled her up. Kat walked to his bed, sat down on it, watched Ice grab a penguin sized military bag, and begin start stuffing it with items for their mission. "Now would you mind telling me why you're so gentle and stuff, although I have a idea of why?" Kat ordered.
Ice stopped what he was doing and looked at her with a weird expression plastered acrossed his face. "I'm gentle because I love you."

Kat's POV

I knew it!!! I knew it!!!!! I knew it!!!!!!! That was always the reason as to everything he ever did to me!!!!! It was actually kinda sweet. Ha, but why would I ever be so foolish to love him........?

Kat stared unhappily at Ice. Ice could see the unhappiness in her eyes and he looked away, embrassed. Kat said nothing. She climbed up to the pillow and laid her head on it. Ice's scent was covered on it. It smelled really good, actually. Kat buried her face into the pillow and fell into a deep slumber. Something she hadn't done for a long time.

Ice's POV

Man, I'm a 100% natural idiot. I can't believe I told her that. Not that she didn't notice. But Voliet would strangle her just to upset me, then murder me. I watched Kat bury her beautiful face into the pillow and fall asleep. I sighed and pulled out another knife. My back up knife. Hehe. I crammed it into the side of the back-pack. I had everything except medical suppiles. I would definitly need those. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed what little things I had. It was better than nothing. There, we had absolutly everything we needed. I think. I looked at Kat. Voliet would be angry by now.

Ice woke Kat up. "What!? Can I not even have a decent sleep for once??!!" Ice flinched. "Sorry." He tied Kat's flippers back behind her. Ice picked up the bag and grabbed Kat. "How does Voliet expect us to get to Egypt?" Kat asked. "She'll have a plan." Ice responded. They walked down the dark corridor into the main section of Voliet's lair. "Gosh, you're so slow Ice." Voliet greeted them with mockery in her voice. Kat felt like stabbing her. "How is Bratty Katty right now?" Ice rolled his eyes, waiting for a funny come back from Kat. "Stabby." "Ummm, o....k...?" "I think stabbing more of a activity though." Voliet looked disturbed. Ice chuckled. "Well maybe I feel stabby!!!" Kat shouted. "Alright," Voliet clasped her flippers together, "I've got your transporation arranged." "I stole one of those humans larger motorboats." "A guard will be waiting for you there." "You could probably use that halfway through you're quest." Voliet turned around and locked her eyes on Ice. "However, that is the only thing I am providing you with." Shadow came out of the crowd of guards. "I had these taken from Kat." Kat looked up at Shadow with nothing but hatred gleaming in her purple eyes. "And it is the whole entire thing, Kat" Shadow smiled. "Your uzils, grapple, and your little touch screen phone thing." Shadow said. "However, Ice is in charge of these items. Ice looked at his waist. He had put his favourite knife into the back-pack too. He sighed. "Give it to me." Shadow handed it over and Ice put it on his waist. It was actually lighter and more comfortable than he had expected. It was black leather. Very pretty. "All right, you head down to the beach, where my guard will be awaiting you." Voliet said. Voliet grabbed Shadow and left, with glee in each of her steps. The guards followed behind them and all fell silent.

Ice undid Kat's ropes for the one hundredth time. Ice took off Kat's thingy. He couldn't exactly remember what they were called. "Here." Ice handed it over to her. Ice watched Kat put on her pack. She glanced at him. "Now get out of here while you have the chance." Ice murmured. Kat laughed loudly. "What's so funny?" Ice said, blushing "What in the world makes you think I would give up a mystical quest and a opportunity to get rid of Voliet?" "Fine. Whatever. I was gonna let you go but maybe not." Ice said angrily. "Uh, okay." Kat rolled her eyes. Ice sighed and walked toward the exit. He could hear Kat following behind. "You know how long it's been since I had freedom outside this lair?" Kat ran up beside Ice. "Tell me." "Around 3 months..." "Oh wow, that sun is going to make you go blind." Kat breathed. "Voliet hasn't been out in a while too." Ice smiled, "I bet if she went outside her eyes would burn out of their sockets." Kat giggled a bit. Ice opened the door. There it was. The Jungles of Madagascar. Ice took a step outside. His eyes narrowed into slits while they adjust to the sunlight. Ice sheilded his eyes with his right flipper. He glanced at Kat. She twirled happily in a bed of flowers. "It's so nice to be outside of the stupid lair!!" Kat smiled. Ice's heart sank to the bottom of his stomach. She looked so beautiful with the sunlight gleaming off her feathers and eyes shining a bright purple. Kat wouldn't ever love him. He cleared out all his thoughts and looked around the jungle. "Alright, come on." Ice whispered to himself, "Get a hold of yourself!" Kat ran up to Ice and grabbed his flipper. Before he could react, they were running past huge trees and beautiful flowers as dark purple as Kat's eyes. Wow, how fast could a lady run?! Ice almost tripped over himself four times. He could see the warm, bright sandy beach up ahead. Voliet had never built her lairs deep into a rainforest. She likes to be close to the beachs for some reason. Kat could feel the sand squishing in between her toes. Ice was struggling hard to keep up. It was so hot and warm. It smelled like the delicious salt from the ocean. At that moment, Ice tripped and professionally landed on his face. Since Kat had such a tight grip on his flipper, Ice's weight took her down with him. She landed on her stomach. Kat's grapple jabbed in her stomach. Ice jumped up and pulled Kat to her feet like a flower. "Are you okay?!" He asked, his voice full of concern. "Yeah, the handle of my grapple just knocked the breath out of me." "Okay, sorry I'm so clumsy..." Ice murmured. Kat chuckled, "It's okay!" Ice grip on her shoulders were so tight it ached. "Ice, your grip is a little to tight, wouldn't you agree?" "Oh, sorry." Ice let go. "We need to find that boat before the guard gets impatient..." "I almost forgot about that." Kat chuckled. They began to walk side by side. It was quiet for a few minutes. "Which guard do you think is waiting for us?" Kat asked. "Probably War." "What kind of name is War?" "The name his parents gave him." Ice replied. Kat shut up. The boat- no pontoon boat- was now in sight. It was a nice sized boat. Yep, there was a guard lounging on the deck. They came before the boat. The waves gently kissed it's sides. "What did you two do, stop at a hotel for the day?" War's gruff voice asked impatiently. "Sorry...." Ice jumped up onto the boat. He grabbed Kat and carefully pulled her up, trying not to hurt her. "Whatever...." War muttered before hopping of the boat. "Alright, let's get this thing started." Ice said once War was out of sight. He hopped up behind the wheel and cranked the boat. Kat was peering out over the ocean. "Ooo! It has GPS!" Ice said excitedly. "That'll make it easier to get around unless it has problems." "Well, isn't that reassuring..." Kat said sarcastically. Ice pulled the lever till the boat was moving. "Let's hope we can make it through this without anyone being murder..". Ice thought.
Heather opened the principles door, and was took by surprise, as Cassie hugged her tightly.

"Thank for teaching them kids a lesson." She said gratefully. Heather just smiled in response and stared at the clock above them. It was already half way into third lesson, which made Heather wonder how her sisters had managed to stay outside here without being caught. She pointed to the clock, and the penguins' eyes widened.

"Woah, we better get to....urm, which lesson is next?" Lexi asked.

"Geography." Lily answered cheerfully, bounding towards the classroom. Geography was Lily's favourite subject,...
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It was getting darker so Skipper decided that they would start exploring the next day.

The next day came:
They were already walking an hour in the jungle when they came across a nesting site of a long-necked herbivore
Gallis: Ooh! A Saltasaurus nesting site, I'm glad it's not a carnivore's.
Lucile: Let's check it out!
When they came to the middle they saw that one egg was already hatching.
And then came out a cute baby dinosaur and walked his first steps.
It was so cute to see its darling eyes and hear the noise he makes.
Everyone: Awww!
Then Private fainted.
Gallis: Now the mother should be coming...
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Skipper: Well that wasn't so bad.
Private(waking up): What happened?
Kowalski: We were about to crash but Gallis and Lucile managed to land us safely on the beach of this island. But it is easy, since controling a plane is a piece of fish. Right, Gallis?
Gallis(tired out): Speak for yourself! Keeping a plane from crashing isn't as easy as you think! Right Lucile? Lucile?
He found out thay she was asleep on the ground and then found him falling to the ground and also falling asleep.
Private: Okay, so how about some lunch?
Ashley: Great idea, lad.
They dragged the sleepful pair aboard.
But they didn't...
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Skipper: Okay, team, pack your bags, 'cause… we … are … travelling around the world!
Everyone else: Woohoo!
Private: Skippah, do you mind if me and Gallis go for a walk around the zoo.
Skipper: Yeah, sure.

Private: I cant wait fo the trip! Where do you think we'll stop first?
Gallis: I don't know, but I hope Japan. It's long since I've tasted sushi.

Meanwhile, Julien overheard everything they said as they walked past his habitat.
Julien: Hello, silly penguins!
Gallis: What do you want, King pebble-for-a-brain
Julien: It's King Julien and I demand you take me with you on your trip.
Gallis and Private:...
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Emma rushed back down to the Weapons Level and grabbed as many as possible, stuffing them in her drawstring bag as she did. In a few minutes, she walked into the lab, and looked around. In one corner of the room, was successful inventions, that didn't get used much. She smiled at the Teleportation Machine that they made about 6 years ago, when Emma first arrived at the zoo. She wandered over, and began to search among the inventions. She pulled out a little device that was about half the size of her flipper. The words 'Invisi-no-more' was written across the bottom. Emma grinned, and turned...
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Emma's woke up slowly, thinking about her nightmare last night. She looked around the HQ, her mind in the clouds.

I know they're never are, but I wish my nightmares were wrong sometimes, it's a right pain knowing something bad is coming. She thought, feeling exasperated. She sighed irritably and hopped out of her bunk. Ashley was already up, along with Skipper and Rico. Emma couldn't help but smile. This was probably the least crowded the HQ would be for weeks, and so she had to enjoy it while it lasted.

"Morning sis." Skipper greeted, sipping his trademark fish coffee.

"Morning Skips." Emma...
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A while later, Emma glanced at the clock and her eyes widened.

"Is it seriously 6pm?" She asked, her jaw dropping in surprise. "I've really been here 6 hours?"

"Yeah, I guess time flies when you're having fun." Marlene told her with a smile. Emma smiled back, but a little ball of worry was forming in her stomach.

"I need to go back, so we can try and free Ashley, Maurice and Julien." She realised, waving a goodbye to Marlene and sliding out of the cave. She began to walk to her own habitat, and she shivered. Because it was winter, the nights were much longer, and the sky was already a deep,...
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A design I use for female figures and outfits.
A design I use for female figures and outfits.
So before I actually write a series I'm going to give you guys some sneak peaks of later scenes, the plots and etc. of them, and a bunch of other stuff. Show you the grafic organizers I use and just some stuff you could learn about me.

So first, to get some inspiration for the creation of a character, I draw some random pictures. (I'll have random examples at the very bottom if you'd like to see.) For Raven's character design, I took the body of a lemur and a cyborg penguin and mixed them in to one. The shadow lemur idea was like a tribal thing. Their black fur and mysterious actions gave them...
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Emma's eyes began to open slowly, and she was met by a big blur. She coughed up a lot of water, and tried to look around. All she could see around her was blurs of black and white. Her muscles ached, and she was having trouble breathing. She coughed up more water, and tried to figure out what was going on. She heard a muffle of noise above her, and she looked up. She saw a blur of black, white and brown.

Tha.....that looks familiar. She thought. She felt strange, it didn't feel like she was sitting down or standing up. Almost as if....someone was holding her, maybe carrying her. She started...
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posted by Penguinator
“The night is still early!” Pat proclaimed. “Let’s go find our newest vampire brethren!” Private said as the two vampire penguins left the HQ and split up, looking for their next victims.

Private stayed in the Penguin HQ, searching for his first victim, Kowalski. “Hello Kowalski.” Private said in a deep, demented voice. “Hello Private. It sounds like you have a cold.” Kowalski said. “No, I don’t Kowalski. Look closer!” Private said. He noticed the feathers on Private’s chest were a dull grey, and Privates eye color had shifted from light blue to blood red. “You’re...
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The teacher told them all to stand at the back of the class. Emma got out of her chair, and stood at the back, looking at her panic stricken friends. Her stomach churned uncomfortably, as the teacher told Ryan to sit at the front. Her looked annoyed, as he sat down in his new seat, casting a dark look at the teacher. The other kids began to sit in their new seats, and Emma felt a glimmer of hope. There was only 3 people left, including herself, and there was two available seats on Ryan's table. She took a deep breath as the teacher said her name.

"Ok, so sit on the table on the back, near the...
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The penguins sneaked on the subway heading for Queens Zoo. The time was 7pm. They hid underneath a newspaper, hoping that no one would pick it up. It was very stuffed under the newspaper, and Emma was getting annoyed because Tom's foot was on her head. She was pretty pleased that she was next to Kowalski though. They caught each other's eyes and smiled. Chris and Sam started arguing, their quiet voices slowly getting louder. Skipper rolled his eyes, and slapped them both.

"Pack it in you two, someone might hear us!" Skipper told them sternly. The bickering siblings shut up, and gave eachother...
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(Warning: Contains some violent scenes)

Ashley woke up groggily, his vision blurring. As he woke up fully, and his vision came back, he realised something was wrong. He was strapped to a table, in the middle of the surrounding darkness. His breathing sped up, and he closed his eyes again, hoping that he was in some sort of nightmare. He heard an evil laugh come from his left, and his eyes widened. The laugh echoed through the darkness, filling every corner, which made Ashley guess that he was in a big room or a cave. He shivered in fear, and tried to turn his head.

"Who... who's there?" He called...
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The day went quickly, and before Emma knew it they were all heading to bed again. She sat in her bunk, excited about the next day. She could't wait ti see Chris and Sam again, it had been too long since she had last seen them. She lied down, and stuck he headphones in her earholes. She had a new habit of listening to music when she went bed. She put a song on and relaxed in her bunk. She thought about Kowalski and smiled, falling into a content, calm sleep.

The next day, Emma woke up very early, which earned an astonished look from Skipper.

"Morning everyone." She greeted, looking bright. Everyone...
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"Dammit, Maura! Do i HAVE to do this?" whined Detective Jane Rizzoli, of the Boston Police.
" Yes. You promised your mother you would go to this year's family reunion in Central Park." said Dr. Maura Isles, forensic anthropolgist for the Boston PD.
" Well I'm not going unless you come with me!"
" it would be a pleasure. i'd love to go and meet the rest of your family."
" Maura, you're breaking out in hives again. You're lying!"
" it's just that I'm ... not to keen on ... family."
" Oh, after the thing with your birth mother.... i get it."
" I'm still going, to support you. I mean, what with Lydia...
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When Monique and Lexii woke up, they were more than a bit surprised at what happened. After all, it's not every day that you see the Penguins. ( for me it is, but that's ' cause i live with them) . It was almost funny to see them faint. I mean you could do any number of these when you meet the penguins ; freak out and run (like peacebaby7), or you could faint, or you could call yourself insane, or you could have a fangasm.

"Why have you brought us here?" asked PB.
" Simple." answered Skipper" we need you to spread the word on fanpop about not cancelling P.o.M. that, plus, we figured it'd be...
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posted by Rainbow_Cookie
"What's this?" Raven said, looking directly at the quite blue haired girl with two blades in her hand, standing next to a taller penguin with an American look. She stopped, and disappeared.

"Where did Raven go?" Mango said running out in the direction she had seen her.

She reappeared once more in front of Mya. She slashed the penguins face, spilling blood from her. "That blue hair. Could you be?" Raven asked her, licking the blood from her claws.

"If you mean Dehilia's daughter, yes I am." Mya wiped her bleeding face. "Long time no see Jackass." She yelled, charging for Raven as she drew her blades....
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Emma and Kowalski walked up to the half completed Shrink Ray, and they discussed what they had to do next. They needed to put the actual device which made things shrink into the outer casing, and attach it carefully. Then they needed to install a switch. Emma put her music on, and picked up the shrinking device, and took it over to Kowalski.

"Ok, so we just need to put this into the outer casing." He said, as he unscrewed the bottom of the casing and held part of the shrinking device, helping Emma put it in very carefully. The two of them got some wires and started attaching them to the shrinking...
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posted by SgtSkipper
Change Of Scenery
Bandit watched them go then turned to face the robot, still smirking from his accomplishments.
"I think I win" He gloated, Bandit was far from impressed and drew her daggers.
"What's going on huh?" She asked slyly "What's going on in that little head of yours? Emotion?"
The robot recoiled from the comment. "I... I feel no emotion!" He yelled back, taking his stance once again.
"Well, you certainly seem happy with yourself. I'd say that's an emotion, wouldn't you? Oh, not that you'd know..." She trailed off, blatantly trying to confuse him.
MS' mind was nothing more than wires...
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"Really?" Private asked, looking astonished. Emma nodded, a feeling of devastation sweeping over her.

"How is that possible?" Kowalski wondered, looking at Emma with concern.

"It- it must have been when I brought you two back to life, this massive ball of light came out of me, and part of it went into you two." Emma guessed, then a thought struck her. "You two don't have them do you?"

"Nope." Private answered, and Kowalski shook his head. Emma felt confused and lost. She quickly wiped a tear from her eye.

"Guys, could I be alone for a bit please." She asked quietly. They nodded in understanding...
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