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posted by Problematic129
*Thanks for all the comments :) Please don't copy and please read and review*
Chapter 12
    A guilty red head’s confession
    “Look, I just wanted to thank you, for everything.” Cali said, not looking me in the eye. “I just… lost control, I guess.”
    I nodded, hugging her. “It’ll be okay.”
    She nodded and then headed off to the buses, I was about to follow until I heard a voice calling my name. I turned around, thinking it was Azerien but surprised to see America running towards me.
    “Summer! There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Where were you? You weren’t at class.”
    “I was just went to help Cali, who was on the library floor bawling her eyes out.” I gave her a pointed look.
    America winced. “I didn’t mean to make her cry, I was just angry with the whole picture thing.”
    “But didn’t she do the right thing? Wasn’t he the man who ran from that shed? Wasn’t that the noble thing to do?”
    America groaned. “I just…okay, fine. That probably was the right thing to do. But, I just… kind of wanted to find the killer ourselves. The police absolutely suck at doing their work in this town. When we first saw him, I went back.”
    “Did you find anything?” I asked, making sure my eyes were wide and innocent.
    “I found some shoes, a machete, and also this map, it’s at home though. I was thinking of deciphering it and catching him. But that’s not important, I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry, and can you tell Cali I’m sorry too?”
    “Why can’t you tell her yourself?”
    “Isn’t she angry at me for being such a vitch?”
    I laughed at her substitute, “no, she’s just hurt. If you tell her yourself she’ll be happy.”
    “It’s just that, when Cali moved here, she was just so oblivious to how bad this town is. Things like this always happen, and when you get proof of the legendary killer, well yeah, it’s important.”
    “That important to treat her like that?” I ask giving her a skeptical look.
    “No, not at all,” America shook her head miserably. “I just wanted to be the hero to catch him, and I overreact over everything! I really hate myself now.”
    “You and Cali were always this close?”
    “Were both names of places, yeah. Cali’s my besty, we clicked when we first met, I wouldn’t trade her for anything.”
    “Then why don’t you tell her that?”
    “You know what?” America declared with a determined look in her eye. “I will.”
    “So everything’s okay?”
    “As long as you two accept my apology, yeah!” America smiled brightly.
    “I’m sure Cali would accept, and I forgive you.” I smiled back at her.
    We stood like that for a few seconds before we split up going to our different buses. I saw America bound off to the bus where Cali went. I could just make out in the window of America grabbing the collar of some poor freshman, yanking them off the seat and taking her rightful place next to a stunned Cali, who America pulled into a warm hug.
    Smiling, I finally got on my bus, where the bus driver was giving me a dirty look. Feeling dangerous, I gave him my infamous killer glare, and was pleased to see the driver shake as I took my seat. Azerien was nowhere to be found, so I didn’t have to endure an another awkward drive home with him.
    It felt like forever when the bus reached home, it still felt so weird to call it that though, there’s just something so foreign about it.
    Like it’ll never be home, just a place that I’m staying at, before tragedy strikes.
posted by sadiebugz00
Derek’s Perspective

I look down at the little rascal, soundly sleeping on the floor. I look around my extremely messy room with dirty clothes all over the floor. Carter happens to be sleeping on a few shirts of mine. My eggshell colored walls, which used to be white, are clearly covered in grime. There is a strong stench of wet dog, pizza, and some kind of rotting food from underneath my bed. What a decision… I think to myself. I can’t believe that Jesse is making me get rid of him… I bend down to get Bailey, Carter’s old stuffed rabbit, so I can keep SOMETHING of his to remind...
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posted by alicia386
"Oh god," groaned Luca Edgewood. He glanced at his watch,. It was already past 8am. He dropped his skateboard, got on it, and rode away down the busy streets of Brunswick.

"Be careful today!" His mother shouted at him through the screen door, but he was to far to hear her warning. Lucas's mom was very suoerstitious woman who believed in witches, ghosts other supernatural creatures. Luca thought all of this happened when his dad left.

Luca pushed back hard as he could with his right foot. He was already late. With all of his focus, he was barely able to dodge pedestrians, seeding cars, and occasionally,...
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The sun is just minutes from rising and the night is growing lighter. An alter made entirely of blue marble, jade, and amethyst is illuminated. Two tiny babies lie on top writhing and screaming in discomfort. They are naked, only a few days old and the chill of the stone slowly seeping into their bones will surely kill them. The larger of the two will not stop screaming while her twin just sobs quietly.
Their frail mother stands a few feet away determined to finish what she came here to do but her eyes are bloodshot and red raw from her constant tears. But she is not alone. Her husband...
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posted by juliet98
In the year 4125 the Earth was still turning on itself. Apparently everything was the same as it was two thausand years ago. But it wasn't so. The democracy we got fighting was distroied by a man. After 15 years of wars, in 4025 Cyrus defeated free people and he established the tyranny. The whole world was controlled and the freedom dind't exist anymore. Everyone lost trust in everything, in love, in courage, in God. Most of people didn't know that there was a prophecy. It said that the humanity had to pass through a century of pain and fear to realize how important freedom was. But then in...
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She never knew she had an uncle until her parents died. It’s strange how- sometimes in life when you lose important people in your life you gain some more.
Her mother and father died in a house fire. No one knew how it started except the one daughter who managed to survive.
But she was in no state to tell. She suffered mild burns but her mind suffered worst of all. She never spoke again.
She was kept in hospital for six months but eventually she was packed off to her uncle Scipio. She was thirteen years old and many said it was a crime sending a child off to such an evil man as Scipio....
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posted by riehlemarie
Once there lived a normal middle school girl, or so she thought.She had long brown hair, green with a hin of blue eyes. Her name is Elizabeth. Elizabeth's mother, Rebecca, has blond hair, and blue eyes. Elizabeth always pondered about it.

When Elizabeth was 5 years old she asked her mom about it. Rebecca had to think fast so she made up a little story for Elizabeth so she wouldn't want to ask about it. So Rebecca told Elizabeth "Lizzie", [ Elizabeth's nickname] " you look just like your daddy, but daddy left us." Rebecca thought Elizabeth would be fine without knowing the truth, that Elizabeth...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 3

Lawrence and The Dragon Princess now were thinking about their relationship, as they heard screaming outside.

"How dare you take Lawrence away from people!" Adele yelled as the Townsfolk started to break down the walls!

The Dragon Princess had been taught Love, Compassion, and other nice things while with Lawrence, but now, she had just seen red. She attacked the Townsfolk.

"I shall destroy you, Bloodthirsty Beast!" Adele roared as she slashed the Dragon Princess!

"No..." The Dragon Princess thought about her doom, and that she would really never have true love.

" finish what i...
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I stormed down the steps, into the closest empty classroom, and over to someone’s seat. Then I sat down, buried my face in my hands, and sobbed.
    “Why are you such a jerk, Ash?” I yelled at the ceiling. There was a faint echo.
    I jumped to my feet. The chair crashed to the ground. I kicked it as hard as I could.
    “You okay?” someone asked.
    I jumped, spun around. Lisa.
    “I’m fine,” I...
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posted by Bluekait
If you pick a type of horror story, I'll do a shout out. If you haven't, here's a link:


For any inspiring horror story fan can gladly vote here:


Avery ran into the woods. Without looking back, she knew she was being chased by an un-natural force. She ran to the hut and locked the door behind her. Avery heard a loud thud. "Phew," she sighed. She climbed into bed and slept. The next morning, she was found dead at a gruesome sight.
Her head was found outside and the rest of Avery Wilson was nowhere to be found.
Her friends followed her steps to see...
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posted by alicia386
I was sitting in a wooden chair surrounded by strangers and my grandmother. The last thing I remember I was in my Alegebra class when I was called to the office. My grandmother was there with two other ladies. My grandmother said to get in the car and to not ask questions. I did what I was told and ended up here.

"Do you think she has the power, Grace?" A short woman with dyed light blue hair looked to my grandmother for answers.

"I am postive," replied my grandmother. "She ahs been showing signs since she was baby."

"Her mother failed to cut her powers off." A man next to my grandmother shook...
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Note: There's some language, so if that sort of thing offends you, then don't read it.

I screamed as someone grabbed me from behind and lifted me into the air. I dropped my fake leather bag and my unzipped denim jacket almost fell off as my black high-tops swung out in front of me. Then whoever had grabbed me plopped me back on the ground, where I fell ungracefully onto my ass.
    I tipped my head back, squinting against the bright lights in the school hall. Someone grinned down at me. I took in their features: dirty blond hair hanging...
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Author's note: Okay, first time posting on this club. This is a one-shot that is also a songfic, and although it originally was a fanfiction, it has nothing to do with the fandom so I'm posting it here! The reason that I don't use names in this is because it's a random couple, not anyone specific..WARNING: some graphic content (blood, death, etc.) and extreme sob-factor. Now I'll shut up.
This world will never be what I expected
And if I don't belong who would have guessed it...

The darkness weighed down on her shoulders, all in itself a tangible thing that pressed its massive self upon her....
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posted by flabaloobalah
(Gryffindork99 and I shall start posting chapters of a sci-fi novel here in hopes to keep this club alive. Gonna try not to give too much away. Hope you like it, so please comment.)

The scientist was hunched over his lab table, his six fingers on each hand grabbing beakers and flyaway papers. He was very focused until another man walked in. This man was noticeably younger, his face free of blemishes, glasses planted squarely on the bridge of his large nose.
"What do you want, Flemming?" The scientist asked quite rudely from his spot.
"Sir, there's a, an um....people are talking. You might not...
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posted by dragonsmemory
Below is a comprehensive list of all the True Writers works (minus my own) that I know of. Please, if you know of any works not on this list or if I somehow left you off of it, please let me know.

    “Heart-Broken” (2012)
    Wolf Girl (2012)
    Forbidden (2012)
    Be Normal…Not (2012)
    Way to Go, Saumensch: A Note from the Saukerl (2012)
    “Unity of the Universe” (2012)
    “Reach Into the Stars” (2012)...
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this is only prolegomena of New world .. New rules ( red revenge ) , well not really it's just the important things that happened in the second book , and yes I can't write it cause it's way too long and I can't just cut some of it , it's like 99 chapter , so here's some of what happened
by the way , if you were reading the inevitable fate , well this is the same story , I just changed the title to New world …. New rules cause I find it fit with the story better
so yea here it is

people change , sometimes for worse and sometimes for the best , but if you want to judge how Kat has changed...
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posted by Problematic129
Part 15, hey lovelies, another one! Yaya! This particular one is dedicated to the beautiful Amanda Todd, may she rest in peace. If you don't know who she is, well she was a victim to bullying, which pushed her to commit suicide, facebook has a page dedicated to her 'R.I.P. Amanda Todd', check it out and support. Words can have a huge impact on people, and when something like this happens, well were not going to ignore it. Say no to bullying! A shout out to reasons to love being alive tumblr, a really nice place :). I don't own anything, nada, zilch. These pictures are not mine, at all. Enjoy!
posted by 1999jacko
Gemini tunneled under the ground spinning in circles causing the ground to rumble. As he reached his brothers old house he felt something in his head snap loose as though a part of his brain and been cut open and dissected. " ARGH" he screamed as he stopped tunneling and scoured through his mind looking for something different or missing, he soon found the thingt hat was missing. His empathy link with Libra which meant only one thing his brother is dead, he quickly jumped through the earth and dived into the air taking huge leaps through the air the earth rising beneath his feet, he soon reached...
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posted by alicia386
This is a story I have been wanting to write for a long time and I hope you enjoy it.


"I'll do it!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "I'll really do it!" They honestly thought I wouldn't do it. They honestly believed I was crazy but I'm not! I'm not crazy! I refuse to believe that I am mentally insane.

"Just put the knife down," said my father in a soothing tone. I'm not a baby. You can't force me to do anything. "Becky, honey, you don't want to kill yourself. It will not bring you joy."

We were circling around the dinner table and I had a knife close to my throat. One move and...
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posted by 1999jacko
" Oh no, no, no and no again im losing it man I can't do it no more. I'm falling got it now leave me alone." I sat on my bed tears streaming down my face, the things in his vision were fighting me making me do things I didn't want, but he was fighting. Yet I was losing and all because I couldn't get anything to go right without a multiple of five or five, nothing went right without five. I couldn't find anyway one to help me in my fight, I can't believe my 4 friends had abandoned me(4 I told you nothing ever went right without 5). The sound of footsteps got louder and the doctor came in and...
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posted by tigerseye43
This is a poem I came up with

The pain is far greater
the pain is almost blinding
you said you'd always love me
a rope of love wrapped around me, a binding

But now I know the truth
You're nothing but a fake
you took my heart and played with it
and now my heart does nothing but ache

I wish to hear your voice again
I wish you had never hurt me
for now I can't even look at you
without having to turn and flee

This pain has gotten worse
I can't stand it much longer
but if I take a blade....
I can take the pain you gave me and make a different pain stronger.