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I'm a bit bored, and obviously I'll be home tonight, so I decided I might use some of my already doomed to be useless time to write an article. And what's a better article than the timeless Favorite Disney Princess List... So sit back, relax and enjoy the show :-)

Just a side note first: I am not trying to offend anyone with the jokes in the text, or the captions under the pictures. They are put for the sole purpose of making the article a bit more entertaining. So please do not feel offended by them!

It's not that I hate Aurora. But I am not really fond of her. And it's not because she's in her movie for only 18 minutes. It's because I cannot connect to her at all. She doesn't seem to be strong-willed, she's not sarcastic, she's kind of useless. And she doesn't seem very intelligent. If fact if they asked her to write the dialog for a porno movie, she wouldn't be able to complete the task... Of course she has her beauty, and I consider her really elegant, but her overall presence in the movie was quite frankly unexciting.
Consciousness:  that annoying time between naps. - unknown author
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps. - unknown author

Ok, I have a really long relationship with Ariel. She was the princess I loved the most for many years... I remember watching her movie every day when I was little. What happened then, why is she number 9 now? Well, because I grew up, and I started seeing her in another light. When I was little I admired her because she was a mermaid, and I loved this. I still love it now, but I also consider many other factors now. For example now I see she is incredibly selfish. I know some people consider that as something good, because she followed her dreams and so on, blah blah blah... I still consider it incredibly rude and self-absorbed. Also she, like Aurora is not very intelligent. Making a deal with a sea witch, and accepting her terms?? This is the moment when I start thinking that Ariel's sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others... And I really don't consider her beautiful, she's cute at the most...but I'll talk about that in another article.
It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful. - Anton LaVey
It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful. - Anton LaVey

I had really high expectations just before The Princess and the Frog came out in 2009. I knew what Disney movies were during the 1990s and I was really looking forward to that one. Unfortunately it disappointed me quite a lot. And the princess also disappointed me. I admit that Tiana is hard-working and always keeps her eyes on the prize. And I respect that. However she lacked the dreamy, fun side that all the princesses before her possessed. As Naveen (whom I also dislike) said, she is really "a stick in the mud". Not letting herself to have fun even for once - this is something that really makes me put Tiana so low on my list. Apart from that I don't find Tiana attractive as well.. But she has a great singing voice.
If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept it all to themselves. - Lane Kirkland
If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept it all to themselves. - Lane Kirkland

For years and years Snow White has been my least favorite princess. I thought she lacks personality and she is boring. However, as I started considering princesses and their behaviors a bit more, I found out that I actually like Snow White. She is this perfect, sweet and caring princess, that every little girl wants to be. She is really modest and overall adorable. The thing with Snow White is that the is so fairy tale like, that I can ever accept her love to the Prince to be true. The whole scene has a hint of magic: she wishes for a prince, and he's there. I can't stop myself from thinking that their relationship is more like a game for her and more like a romance for him. He'll ask her to get married, and she'll make a veil out of tree leaves or whatever. If he wishes to be more intimate with her, she'll probably let him kiss her and that would be it. Ok, I won't go there, but she's exactly like a child, with some hints of a teenager behavior here and there. And her voice...well, I'm not exactly fond of it, but I don't consider it awful as well. Overall, she's an amazing fairy tale character, but maybe sometimes a bit too naive.
The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection. - George Orwell
The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection. - George Orwell

Number 6 is saved for one of the most-well known princesses ever. Cinderella is really nice, loving, caring and tender. She looks fragile and is also very optimistic about the future. I admire her for her strong beliefs that someday her dreams will become true and she'll be happy, regardless of that she's under a lot of stress in the current moment. The reason she's so low is that she barely does anything in order to get her happy ending. For years and years she obeyed her stepmother and stepsisters, without a single complain. I know this shows a real character, but it requires far more determination the desire for change in order to change the stars and create a different destiny for herself. She is not really able to stand up for herself. I almost feel like she teaches people that when they have a problem they can either stand here like Cinderella, or they can do something about it. The fact is, if it wasn't for the magic of the Fairy Godmother, Cinderella would have probably stayed a maid for her entire life. On another note, I think her appearance is nice, and her voice is ok.
Housework can't kill you, but why take the chance? - Phyllis Diller
Housework can't kill you, but why take the chance? - Phyllis Diller

I love Jasmine. She's smart, bold, beautiful, witty, and sassy. She takes no shit from anybody and knows exactly what she wants. She's stubborn and she knows how to get things her way. Plus she gets the best out of all the Disney princes. And she is one of the hottest animated females (Esmeralda still being #1 for me). What I don't like about Jasmine is that she is a bit too spoiled. Palace life has certainly made her bossy and demanding. However I love how bitchy she is to prince Ahmed, to the guards (especially Razoul), to Jafar and sometimes to Aladdin. She reminds me a lot of me actually, my personality is very similar to hers, and I am also really thin. She seems like the type of person, who can love with all her heart, but if she has to deal with separation I can also imagine her saying something like this: "We cannot do this like adults and go our separate ways. We need to argue first! Now fight me for three days, cause I'm bored". Still, I think Jasmine is gorgeous, and I also love her singing voice.
What's the difference between a blonde and a bitch?  A blonde will f*** anyone, a bitch will f*** anyone but you. - unknown author
What's the difference between a blonde and a bitch? A blonde will f*** anyone, a bitch will f*** anyone but you. - unknown author

After The Princess and the Frog disappointed me in 2009, my expectations for Tangled were even higher. And it lived up to them! I found Rapunzel adorable. She was sweet, naive, determined, but also romantic and caring for those she loved. I didn't place her higher, because I thought she is a bit too unsure in herself and her abilities. For years and years she had one dream, but she needed someone, like Flynn to come along and to boost up her courage and desire in order for her to go and make that dream come true. I really admire her for being so down to earth - while she was in the tower the only human she had contact with was Gothel, but she was so nice to everybody in the town, and the way she started dancing and made other people dance as well was adorable. I think she really grows up as a character, and in the end she even offers her freedom and happiness in exchange for Flynn's life. She reminds me a lot of Snow White, with her perfect personality and nice attitude. However, her lack of self-confidence and the fact that she's sometimes a bit too naive put her on spot #4 on my list.
None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you . . . you're locked in here with me! - Walter Kovacs/Rorschach
None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you . . . you're locked in here with me! - Walter Kovacs/Rorschach

I've been in love with the Native Americans for a long time. And this is one of the reasons I have Pocahontas as one of my favorite Disney princesses. I love her in the first part of her movie, when she's fun, bold and free-spirited, and I like her in the second part, when she's serious, brave and determined to bring peace. I always adored her for being independent and adventurous. And I also really like how she always fought for what she believed in. She never gave up on what was truly important to her. The thing I don't like that much about her is that she never really puts her thoughts into words until it is absolutely necessary to do so (which sometimes is a bit too late). For example if she knew she doesn't like Kocoum , it would have been a lot more noble and honest, if she just lets him know, something like "The voices in my head don't like you. Oh, and my best friend the tree doesn't like you either". Instead she leaves him without an answer, and instead breaks his heart when he sees her with John Smith. But overall she's an awesome character.
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines - John Benfield
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines - John Benfield

Mulan is one of the best characters Disney has ever created. She's strong willed, fearless, determined to prove herself and to make her family proud. But she is also selfless and modest - she takes up her father's place in the army, even though she knew if she's revealed, she'll be killed. However, the pain to know that her father will die was even greater for her. I love the way her story goes - she starts as clumsy and unpopular, she doesn't do well in the army at first (Here I can imagine Chi Fu saying something like "I think we a depriving a village somewhere of its idiot" to Shang about Mulan). However her determination and her desire to show that she's worth respect help her achieve something that not even the trained male soldiers can do - she manages to defeat Shan Yu and save all of China from the Huns. She's clever and decisive, she can quickly come up with a plan and execute is perfectly well. I also love her relationship with her father. She is truly a great heroine!
People think I'm trying to make a fashion statement because I never wear a bra. It's really that I'm a tomboy at heart. - Cameron Diaz
People think I'm trying to make a fashion statement because I never wear a bra. It's really that I'm a tomboy at heart. - Cameron Diaz

Ok, I guess it won't surprise you who my favorite Disney princess is (points at my username...waits a bit...nods head). Yeah, that's right! Belle has been my favorite princess for a couple of years now and I highly doubt any Disney princess will be able to overthrown her, at least in the near future (here naturally don't include Anastasia, who's Fox, and who's been my favorite animated female for a long time now). What I love about Belle is that she is smart, charming, sassy, sophisticated and a dreamer, all in the same time. She's also really pretty. I admire her for taking her father's place and sacrificing her freedom for him. I also admire her for helping the Beast realize what it means to love and to be loved in return. I would describe Belle as a brilliant character! I'm not really fond of her voice (at least in the English version of the movie though). Sometimes Paige sounds too old for the character. Nevertheless, there are plenty of ways in which I can relate to Belle, and for all these reasons listed in this paragraph Bell is, and will continue to be my favorite Disney character♥.
I would not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum. - Frances Willard
I would not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum. - Frances Willard
posted by Silverrose1991
Overdone? Maybe. Needed? Strongly so.

So, maybe some of you don't know, but I'm strongly annoyed when users criticize the Clasic Princesses for reasons I think are invalid. These reasons are:

1. Weakness
2. Anti-Feminists
3. Passiveness
4. They're Mary-Sues (have no flaws)

These are the lovely ladies I'm going to defend - Cinderella, Snow White and Aurora. Art not by me.
These are the lovely ladies I'm going to defend - Cinderella, Snow White and Aurora. Art not by me.

In this article, I'll explain why these arguments are invalid. Now, I'll warn you, you'll probably disagree (or agree, depending of what is your view in the classics) a lot with this article. If you don't respect opinions that...
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Sorry guys, but I’m just getting frustrated with this. So I’m just going to give my honest, harsh opinions and thoughts. I definitely have a problem with the way all the princesses have been redesigned, but I have to wonder why it is Merida is being singled out for criticism and not any of the others.

First of all, I’ve got to say I don’t see some of the issues people are taking with her redesign. Well, two specifically. The first is this supposedly “sexual pose” in her redesign that is mentioned in this picture:

Here are the two poses she is commonly seen in with her new design:...
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Sorry it's long. I have a lot of beliefs about these three to respond to! May get preachy!

I really hate all the hate the old princesses get, especially Snow White. She has a lot more personality than she is given credit for (more than many of the recent heroines have, too). she’s got a sassy sense of humor, she’s unbelievably emotionally strong despite the horrible abuse and near murder she went through twice (the victim blaming she and Cinderella get is rather disgusting and hypocritical), she never gave up hope about meeting her love again, she didn’t need to run around chasing boys...
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We all know that not even the Disney Princesses can be perfect so here's my article listing up some of the flaws that each princess has in my opinion. Okay I'm going to probably get a lot of hate for this, but like Miley Cyrus sang in Hannah Montana "Nobody's Perfect".

Snow White:

Even though I'm a big fan of her she has flaws, but they aren't big ones at all and the first one that I have listed I can understand that one. Okay the first flaw about her is that she accepted the apple from the old hag when she wasn't supposed to, but I can understand why she did it, the hag tricked her into...
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I am glad to announce my next interview will be with the Characters from Disney’s Cinderella. Now I was warned before hand that this may well be my most boring interview with very undramatic and plain characters, but we shall see. The first to enter the room are the Happy couple, Charming and Cinderella, but we asked her to keep her animals outside today….then in comes The fairy Godmother who seems to be all smiles, oh and has brought lunch and bottled drinks…how nice. Lady Tremaine sweeps in dramatically with her two daughters and takes the seats right in the center (Drizella actually...
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It is my first artical on this spot,please comment.When I first watch this movie I totally with love Cinderella’s story. And now I wanted to tell about my opinions in different ages.

5 years old
Cinderella, poor young girl which dreaming about here happiness, I want sometimes found my Prince Charming, why now we haven’t balls. Cinderella she is very poor she lost her parents and this evil Stepmother. Why she is so evil, she can just be more polite to Cinderella. For example when she grows up she can help all family. When I can rewatch it? When it would be a sequel?
I must watch again It.*with...
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Disney Princesses Couples
Disney Princesses Couples
Hey Fanpop fans!
It is me again, with my fourth article. Now this article is about the couples in the princesses that make us fall in love with them. And again, after the picks I made, I write an article in your opinion about these romantic couples. I hope that you like this article. Sorry again if I have errors in my grammar or spelling. And for last thank you again, for the people who help me with my picks!

10. Mulan and Shang
Mulan and Shang
Mulan and Shang

These couple for the movie "Mulan" is in the last place. These couple is in the last place, because I lot of people say that it was too rush. At the...
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posted by Radvile
I rate eyes based on how well they look, how they fit the face, what color they are, how they fit with the overall looks and so on... Plus this is my first article :D
So lets start:

10. Cinderella
This may come as a shocker for some. They are so blue and they looks weird. All my attention falls on her lips and the shape of her face rather that her eyes. I feel like "hmm, wow those eyes. Got to look away, ugh very blue, i might be blind after"

9. Snow White
Her eyes are the best feature in her face. No wait her lashes are the best :D. Those light brown eyes are so pretty. Looks amazing...
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I have to say, I’m tired of all this talk that the Disney Princesses are not feminist enough. Hearing some of the arguments against them, I come to the conclusion that the only female protagonist the complainers would accept has to be single, career oriented, perfect in every situation and being able to defeat every villain with a hand wave. This idea that the perfect female role model has to be victorious in every situation and being able to handle everything herself terrifies me much more than beauty standards the Disney Princesses represents. Because, when it comes down to it, we all know...
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Ok here are the results of the best Disney Prince hair countdown.

10 Prince Charming

Well it wasn't a shock that his hair came last! Ok from where to begin his hair is ordinary, boring and look so fake! Like it was painted on his head that's why everytime you see him you remember of this link. Yes his hair is an extact copy of Barbie's Ken and maybe playmobiles.

What Fans said:
Mongoose09 - Absolutely disgusting.
CuteDiana - bad just bad -_- !
BelleAnastasia - Terrible
PociandSmith - too plastic.like playmobiles!
madisonsavanna - Looks like a Ken doll.
ppgbelle4 - It looks like it is painted/glued...
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*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*

16. Tiana’s Green Dress
This is the only Formal Princess dress that I hate. It is hideous! It isn’t flattering on Tiana. The color looks washed out, and the style of it is just plain awful. It looks like the animators literally drew this up in a few minutes. Of course she wears her hair up with this dress, but it isn’t in a cute ponytail, or a neat bun; it is pulled up, but looks ratty, like she slept on it, and her tiara looks tacky.

15. Ariel’s Pink Gown
I’m not too crazy about this dress either, but I don’t hate it. The main thing I don’t like is the color. It just...
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In this article, I plan to create a list of the actors and actresses that were chosen by the fanpop users to portray each Disney princes and princesses.

To each Disney couple, I made an edited picture of how these couple would look like if they dressed up similarly as their represented Disney characters.

As of August 19, 2011, these are the results in the following Disney couple:

1. link and link
The fans picked: Avan Jogia and Aishwarya Rai

2. link and link
The fans picked: Emmy Rossum and Michael Fassbender

3. link and link
The fans picked: Chace Crawford and Diana Argon

4. link...
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link" alt="link" width="86" height="116" />
Hey everybody! I saw a lot of articles on here about "pretty disney princesses" and thought I would write one too. Keep in mind, this is just my opinion. If you disagree then do something productive, like write an article yourself! Please no negative comments. Thanks(:

Belle is absolutely beautiful! Personally, Belle is my favorite. I think it's good that Disney made a princess that wasn't typical blonde haired-blue eyed (not that there's anything wrong with that!). Plus she has a beautiful heart shaped face, almond shaped chocolate brown eyes, and bow shaped lips. Also she's very kind,...
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posted by princesslullaby
Okay, to explain. I did a countdown AND a list pick. Much more people participated in the countdown (almost twice as much) but lists are still more accurate. So I wrote for both. I will write about the countdown first, then list, for each respective ranking. Especially since I already started to write the article for the countdown portion, I don't want it to go to waste. I'm sorry to include both results, but at the same time it's a good comparison to see the difference between countdowns and lists. I suggest you read countdown results first, than list. For some of the rankings I'll refer back...
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I’ve been mulling this over for quite a while; what’s the point of writing this article other than to voice my opinion about well… my favorite princesses? Maybe why I’m still typing is due to the fact that almost every active member has his or her own article. Considering I recently upgraded to a dedicated fan, I’ve decided that yes; I absolutely do need a favorite Disney princess list. However, note that this list is subject to change, hence the term "temporary". So, over the course of two months, I was busy watching Disney princess movies for what seemed like a hundred times until...
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posted by disneygirl
Sketches of Belle, Cinderella, Snow White, & Ariel
Sketches of Belle, Cinderella, Snow White, & Ariel
Alright, everyone else seemed to be doing one of these, and for a while I was trying to figure out the order of my favorite princesses. It wasn't easy. It'd be easier to ask me what my first and second favorite Disney movies are (Lion King and Lilo & Stitch) but even after that it would be hard cause cause then it's which Disney movie I like more than another, which ones I didn't see and which ones I don't remember.... Oh right, we were talking about the princesses. How about we just move onto the article then? For the record, I don't curse and I blab - yes even when I'm typing. Hope you...
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For many people, it was hard to chose, because all Disney’s princesses have such a beautiful names, but here they are as voted on fanpop:
Dirty as cinder
Dirty as cinder

9.Cinderella: Name itself sounds good, especially on French: Cendrillon, but the meaning of it isn’t that nice. Her stepmother and stepsisters gave her that nickname as insult because she was always dirty since she slept beside fireplace and got dirty of cinders from it.
With skin white as snow
With skin white as snow

8.Snow White: Snow White represents her skin white as snow, one of the feature her mother wanted for her. Although this name is nice and...
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9.Prince Charming

8.The Prince
Not much better than Prince Charming, except with a debatebly likable stalker quality. If you like random men to climb into your back yard and join you in song, then have we got a match for you!

LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS! Shang is a seriously serious guy. And that's why a lot of people didn't like him. He's loyal, smart, and a good...
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Who's the most beautiful daughter of King Triton and Queen Athena?
Who's the most beautiful daughter of King Triton and Queen Athena?
I made this COUNTDOWN about a week ago and now I'm making this article to show you the results and let me tell ya alot of these princesses are being so difficult they can't except that their not the most beautiful well here we go

She kind of looks like a boy.-madisonsavanna
She kind of looks like a boy.-madisonsavanna

7.Andrina well there's not much to say since she's lovely but not all that special to look at. I have to say when I first saw The Little Mermaid I thought she was a boy but I relized she's just ugly. She's beautiful in the third movie in my opinion but fanpop found her rather plain looking. They weren't much of a fan...
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added by chericherry
Source: Limited Edition Giclee © Disney