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Hey guys! I know I have kind of established myself as the one with the feminist-y standpoint on things, but for today's article, I'm taking that vantage point completely out. Today, I want to talk about relatability. The truly establishing factor of how far a princess will go as far as popularity is her personality, and the more people can relate to you, the better. This article will attempt to examine each princess for her ability to reach an audience. (Note: These are not ranked in the order of the Princesses I personally relate to; it's more the general public.) This is strictly an opinion; unlike my feminist articles, there haven't been any studies done. This is just my take on things, feel free to comment and agree or disagree as you like. :)

10) Cinderella
I love Cinderella. I really do. A ridiculous amount, even. However, I believe that she is too good, almost ethereally good, to be relatable. I know what you're thinking; Cinderella is the down and out, right? Who can't relate to that? Well, here's my point: Cinderella's CIRCUMSTANCES are relatable; everyone has felt misused or taken for granted or hopeless before, and many people have (unfortunately) been raised in abusive homes, and so would relate to Cindy on those notes. However, I can't imagine that there are that many people in the world who could endure what she's endured for years and still smile into the mirror and sing about dreams as they clean other peoples' filth. Cinderella is ethereal, graceful, elegant, but almost inhuman as far as her ability to bounce back from things with a smile on her face. Her most relatable moment is definitely when she finally gives up, after the stepsisters destroy her pink dress. Of course, Fate truly is kind to those who love, as the old song goes, and Cinderella bounces back into her dreamy angelic-ness within a matter of minutes, but she has it. As much as I love this character, I definitely feel she's too good to be true.

9) Aurora
While many of the most hopeless of romantics in the world may find Aurora's plight of being sheltered, shy, and boy-crazy understandable, I can't imagine that she's that appealing to the general population. For one thing, she doesn't have enough time or development to really give us anything to relate to her on, so she's very pigeonholed into a certain, small subset of the world.. If you've been homeschooled your whole life and want a boyfriend, you might relate to Aurora. However, to be truly relatable, a character needs more depth than Aurora was given. Sorry, Aurora lovers, I'm just not buying this one.

8) Pocahontas
This one is a little tougher for me. Pocahontas is a bit of a blend of Cinderella and Aurora, IMO: too good to be true, and not developed enough to be understandable. Pocahontas is noble, brave, spiritual, and family-oriented, but her personality runs just as shallow as that river she stepped into. Her name means "Little Mischief," but all we see of that is her brief episode of spitting water in her bff's face. The rest of the time, she's kind of serious and aloof. Now, I understand that she was enduring a potential war at the time, (no time for frolicking during battle, I suppose,) but for me, Pocahontas' character is a bit of a letdown. If I were writing one of my feminist articles, I'd praise her. As far as a relatable personality, I have no praises to sing.

7) Snow White
There was a time when I thought Snow White and I were like twins. I understood her, and I felt like she understood me. I thought like her and I loved her clothes and I related to her dreaminess and her naivete. I was four then. Now, as an adult, I find Snow White just as adorably sweet and cutesy as I did then, except now I don't understand it. That level of childlike innocence is impossible to maintain, which is why Snow White is so low. She's not as unearthly good as Cinderella, but she's good enough that her goodness is marked up to innocence, not adult grace. I think she has a very relatable personality, if you're a little girl who likes to pretend to play house with your friends and you're always the one who plays the Mommy.

6) Jasmine
I don't know about you guys, but I didn't grow up rich. I grew up middle class, as I'm sure most of you reading this did. Jasmine has been planted toward the middle for the exact opposite reason Cinderella is stuck at the bottom. Jasmine's personality is relatable; she's too smart and too fiesty for the situation she was born into, and yet, her situation is pretty nice. For most of us, being born in a place with no problems, lots of money, and tons of privileges sounds pretty good. I think Jasmine's predicament is one we all relate to, but she still had it pretty sweet and just lacked the insight to know it. Jasmine is one of my all time faves, and I'm disappointed to put her so low, but here she'll stay for now. I think most people can relate to feeling trapped; I DON'T think most people can relate to feeling trapped in the lap of luxury.

5) Tiana
Tiana definitely has her niche of relatability, and it's me. Tiana should be relatable to people in their 20s who are working harder than they ever thought, making a living on whatever they can, and yet feel like they aren't really getting anywhere. (Back me up on this, PPV and DreamyGal.) Once you reach the age where you're working full time, you have a lot of other stuff going on too. You're supposed to find a spouse, get a career, get a house, and do all kinds of societally (or personally) expected stuff.... but what happens when you're too busy for it, or it's not what you want at all? Tiana is overworked, underpaid, and determined to have her cake and eat it all, but at what cost? This is the plight of young adults today, and if that's not relatable I don't know what is.

4) Mulan
Mulan would be so much higher if I could convince myself she was a better candidate than the others. Mulan is so appealing, so understandable. Who amongst us has never felt that who we are is inherently wrong, that our families will be disappointed in us if we show our true colors? It's an experience everyone endures, whether they admit it or not, and Mulan is the first princess to have a legitimate identity crisis. Mulan is only, ONLY this low because she kind of loses her personality somewhere along the way. As she becomes stronger as Ping, she becomes weaker as Mulan; Mulan, of course, being the quirky, creative, and yet a little left-of-center character we love in the beginning of the film. She comes back briefly during the scene when she dresses the guys up like women, but as a general rule, being Ping suffocates Mulan's relatability, and she never really has the chance to come back. Once again, if this were one of my feminist articles, Mulan would be at the top of the pack. In this particular article, Mulan is a little lower than I would have liked.

3) Belle
Fanpop's perennial favorite didn't get to where she is by being aloof. Belle is a bookworm, an oddball, the weird one, and the one who dreams of a life far beyond the expectations others have for her. She's also really good at calling 'bullshit' on people, which makes her a smarter heroine than many of the ones before her. Belle even makes the insanely stupid decision to ignore the giant monster with sharp teeth that is holding her captive and sneak into his private room (once again, a cataclysmically stupid idea.) She's flawed, she's weird, she's relatable, and just take a deep breath, because I know you're all going to kill me over the number 2 princess...

2) Rapunzel
Now before everyone starts launching rabid cats at me, just hold on a second. Those of you who are not on Team Tangled, stop sipping your Rapunzel-flavored Haterade for just a second. This princess is what Belle was too mature to be. Whereas Belle is worldly and innately sensible, Rapunzel is a true geek. She's socially awkward at times, she's creative, she's curious, and she's even downright dorky at moments. However, she's not a complete dumbass. She's clever enough to take the initiative when necessary. Rapunzel is like that dorky friend that you can't help but smile around, even as you wonder how on earth they've made it this far in life with such minimal life experience. Besides that, she's friendly, artistic, and has some legitimate psychological baggage (being trapped for years and begin called vague, chubby, and generally incapable by your own mother and your only social contact is bound to leave some scars.) If there isn't a SINGLE thing you can find that you relate to with Rapunzel, you might be a robot. I'm just sayin'. :)

1) Ariel
I know that Ariel is a source of contention on this site (as is Rapunzel,) but even those of you who would never, EVER do something like what she did can't admit that you haven't had a reckless impulse once or twice. Ariel is the most flawed princess in the bunch. She's impulsive, she's reckless, and she's entirely too romantic for her own good. However, she's also kind of overlooked and a bit of a "fish out of water," if you'll forgive the pun. If you've ever felt unappreciated, like you don't belong, or like your family doesn't understand you, you can relate to Ariel. And if you've ever made a really stupid decision, ever fallen in love with someone too quickly and had it end (or know it could have potentially ended) disastrously, you can relate to Ariel. If you might be a hoarder, you can relate to Ariel. :) I'm playing now, but seriously, she is relatable on account of the things that make her divisive, and I think that is something we can all agree on. :)

Hope you've enjoyed it. :)
It's been ages since I wrote this article last time, I've only written this article once so this is my 2nd article, hope you'll like this article :)

Snow White - link

If you change some of the lyrics this one totally suits Snow White, she knew that her stepmother was dangerous, but despite that she took a bite of the poisned apple that her stepmother (who at that point was in a disguise) had offered her

Cinderella - link

This song suits most of the princesses, but I think it suits Cinderella best, after she danced with Charming she didn't have time to tell him how much she loved him,...
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Disney
Click link to read my opinion on the classic era princesses and movies

My 2nd article in these series, this is about the Renaissance Era Princesses and their movies, this might be a lengthy article since it covers 5 princesses and 5 movies, anyway unlike the classic era princesses and movies my opinion on the renaissance era princesses and movies changed a lot.

Let's start with the movies:

The Little Mermaid:

This movie was my 7th favorite DP Movie before I rewatched the movie, now it has moved down to 6th, but I still think the movie is amazing, the animation is very bland, the songs are...
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Anna relates to Silvermist
Anna relates to Silvermist
Coolsinger198 and I both had the same idea ironically to write a fairy article to the relations of the fairies to the princesses. But sadly her article had trouble posting, so I want to give her some credit for this since she had the same idea as me.

I watched Tinker Bell: The Pirate Fairy not too long ago and I absolutely loved it, especially Baby Tic Toc. Then I started noticing some similarities between the fairies and the princesses in further notice through the film. Quite frankly some even looked like the princesses. Although I caught the indifference through Disney heroines and sidekicks...
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posted by CRaZy_rawR
I feel like I don't write enough articles on here. *cough* Lemme rephrase that, I don't write enough serious articles on here. XD I just love writing, and just felt like writing about each princess. So, I'm going to do a little series article about my opinion on each DP, in order from my least favorite to favorite. So, aye, here we go. c:

My Original Thoughts
The first time watching the movie was when I was a child, and I only remembered bits and pieces, so let's start from when I first remember watching Cinderella, about five years ago.

I admired Cindy for being wishful, hopeful, etc. When I...
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In this article I'll talk about my favorite song in each Disney Princess movie, because I've seen articles like that before and I think it's a very cool idea. Enjoy :)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: With a Smile and a Song

I think this song showcases Snow White's optimism and philosophy of life (that you're "the one who can fill the wolrd with sunshine") very well, and it has a lovely tune and poetic lyrics.

There's no use in grumbling/When raindrops come tumbling/Remember you're the one/Who can fill the wolrd with sunshine
There's no use in grumbling/When raindrops come tumbling/Remember you're the one/Who can fill the wolrd with sunshine

Cinderella: A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

This song has a wonderful...
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Okay, so we've literally been working on this collab for more than four months, so all of our lists are super outdated, but Macy made such incredible pictures that we couldn't just give up on this! So yeah, I hope you enjoy reading this and all picture creds go to the incredible MacytheStrange. It was super fun doing this with both you and Prussia :)

13. Ariel

dclairmont: There are points in the movie I think she can look beautiful, namely during "Part of Your World", but other times, she can look poorly animated and I bit ditzy. Also, I prefer Merida's hair color. Ariel's hair looks more artificial....
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The strangely creative icon that MacytheStrange made for Team Tiana.
The strangely creative icon that MacytheStrange made for Team Tiana.
At first, there was Disney. At their time, the classics; Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora have been immesnely popular in their times. Then the renaissance princesses came; Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, and Pocahontas. In later years, the unique and intelligent Mulan has also joined. But before Tangled, Brave, and the most popular: Frozen... there was one film which after 20 years, brought back magic, family, and the true vision of the later Walt Disney Animated Studios company. The Princess and the Frog graced the silver screen, and Tiana won gold in our hearts. The bumblebees of Team Tiana present...
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posted by BelleRose829
She stands out, doesn't she?
She stands out, doesn't she?
Belle is my favorite princess! Well, her and cinderella are battling to the death for my #1 spot; Anyway I hope to do this with all of the princesses, Belle is the second princess I've wrote an article on, I just recently did one about Mulan :D *dwarf voice* Yes, recently. With out further introduction here are the reasons I love Belle.

The first couple of scenes of the movie, we could see her talking enthusiastically to the baker about a story she just read. Then, she proceeded to go to the bookstore and got a book that she read all the way to her home. Now, this gave positive remark to all...
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added by Emmalou13
added by Emmalou13
by Silverrose1991
by Silverrose1991
Erm..not sure if we're supposed to be posting these yet, or what, but this is why our team loves our princess, Snow White. I hope you enjoy :)

Members of Team Snow White Include:
-Me (dclairmont)


I love Snow White because she doesn't let the hardships get to her and keep a positive outlook. She believes that you are the one who can "fill the word with sunshine", you're the one with the power to make yourself happy. She is sweet and gentle, but can be energetic and firm when needed to be. She feels the need to be loved. That shows the abuse took...
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Snow White (Previously 13):
Snows still the same on my list even though she's a classic princess I still admire her for being the 1st Disney princess and I love her style!

Pocahontas (Previously 10th)
Its not that I don't love her as I loved her before
I watched other Disney princess movies and realised I love the other disney princesses slightly better!

10.Tiana (Previously 12th)
YAY Tianas Moved Up one space! I loved her movie and I really love her dresses they're so unique and represent Tianas personality

9.Aurora (Previously 9th)
I Don't really like her that much she's gorgeous and I don't...
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This article is a ranking of the 11 Disney princess films not the princesses from worst to best. I must clarify that I don't think that any Disney princess film is bad but some are definitely better than others. It is completely my opinion. Share yours in the comments.

11. The Princess and the Frog
I was excited for this film because it seemed like a return to form for Disney after a fairly lackluster and forgettable post-renaissance period but sadly I was disappointed by it. The animation was great and the story was interesting but it could have been so much better. I admit it was better than...
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posted by CRaZy_rawR
Aye, ears are cool. So here we go :3

Ears that may or may not exist:

Snow White



Ears that be hidden: (for the most part)




Ears that deserve recognition:




Ear that are cooler than cool:





For the record, this article started as a serious favorite ear list. Err.. as you see.. I got a bit carried away with the pictures and it escalated to this. So, aye. XD
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posted by MissAngelPaws
My current icon
My current icon
Hey guys :) I've been active on this spot for a while so I thought I should write an article. I decided to start with this since everyone wrote these kind of articles.

Basic Info:
My name is Dania Murad and I was born on November 23, 1999. I am 14 years old. Currently, I live in Canada with my parents and my 8 year-old sister.

My favorite Disney things:
If you didn't know, I really love Frozen. It's my favorite movie and it has my favorite Disney Princess (Elsa) and it's high on most of my lists, but it's not always first. I also really love Tangled, Brave and PatF. So basically all the modern...
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To start Mary-Sue is thrown around not only on the Disney Princess club, but almost everywhere whenever it comes down to the Disney Princesses. The correct definition to Mary-Sue is a perfect female character who doesn't try to be perfect, but naturally is. Like a Renaissance Man, yet doesn't fail at least while trying.
Some have been saying Classics, or Walt Disney's princesses, Belle and Rapunzel are Mary-Sues, plus more. I very much disagree.

The most common areas to be considered Mary-Sues are:
Snow White
Ariel (on the occasion)

There are so many reasons they...
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It looks like everybody has done a list with the favourites scenes so I decided to make one too. I haven't included Frozen because there are still many people that haven't seen it. Anyway, enjoy!

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Ending Scene

I'm not sure about my choice because the last time I saw the movie I was 6 years old, so... Anyway, the animation is stunning when they walk away and you see the castle. I find that scene very romantic and sweet and I believe that Snow White totally deserves her happy ending.

So this is love

Soo romantic! I love the animation and the atmosphere...
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posted by Annabethandco
As I was creating my icons for Team Merida, I realised exactly why I loved this girl. As a result, I decided to write an article with 5 reasons why everybody should love Merida/Brave

1. Brave was the first Pixar film that had a female protagonist.

Pixar is a hugely successful company, but it took about 8 years since they first started making films for them to make a movie where the main character was a girl. Before Brave was made, I was slightly annoyed at Pixar - most of it's films didn't even pass the Bechdel test. I love Brave because it finally featured an awesome female character.

What do you mean it took 8 years to have a female protagonist? That's so dumb!
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added by volleydoll
Source: Tumblr