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I want to make it clear- I LOVE THE MOVIE ALADDIN, I love every character in it- except Aladdin. And finally, i'll tell you why.
I didn't really organize this well because I couldn't figure this out.

Main issues- Aladdin's sexist/classicism assumptions, and Jasmine's hypocrisy

Scenario: Aladdin sees Jasmine in the marketplace, falls for her, brings her back to his poor-boy hut, and together they have a heart to heart about how they feel trapped by their situations. Although Jasmine doesn't explicitly state that she is a princess, she does hint that it's not an enjoyable life. "Oh sure, people who tell you where to go, and how to dress..."
She discusses how she's getting forced to get married and how awful it is. They have a cute moment and nearly kiss, when they're broken up. Princess-in-disguise Jasmine is about to kiss street rat Aladdin.

Cut to Aladdin dressed up as a Prince approaching the town. Jasmine is shown to be totally unimpressed by the big parade, rolling her eyes and scoffing at its grandiosity. Aladdin grins his cocky-boy grin and enters the castle, charming the Sultan immediately. After referring to Jasmine as a prize to be won, Jasmine overhears and angrily scorns them for treating her as such.

Cut to Aladdin talking to the genie. The genie suggests Aladdin BE HIMSELF. Aladdin's response?
"If Jasmine found out I was some crummy street rat, she'd laugh at me."

1. You met Jasmine in the marketplace and SHE ALMOST KISSED YOU WHEN SHE KNEW YOU WERE A STREET RAT, YOU MORON. This means Aladdin is just automatically assuming that because Jasmine is a princess, because of her royalty, she must be shallow and only want the finest of men. This is a shallow assumption for Aladdin to make, and shows he didn't listen to a word Jasmine said while they were talking at his hut. Even though he knew her when he thought she was also poor, finding out she was a princess illogically and immediately changed his view on her.

2. If what he assumes is true, that Jasmine IS shallow and only wants rich, handsome men, why would Aladdin, the boy who wants to prove that there's so much more to him, degrade himself and act as an impostor just to win a girl he assumes has shallow morals? My only assumption is that because as he previously repeats in the movie, he thinks being rich will solve all his problems. I won't fault him for that, growing up poor all his life must really take his toll, but does he need to bring someone else down with him?

Cut to Aladdin on the balcony with Jasmine. Aladdin tries to act as smooth, confident Aladdin who Jasmine doesn't care for- but wait! Does Jasmine recognize him as the street rat from the marketplace?
Aladdin agrees with Jasmine when she says she is rich, the daughter of the sultan (not that he can dispute), and a 'fine prize for any prince to marry'. AGREES. And gives her the ol' up-down with his eyes. She spurns him once again for being SO materialistic and tells him to jump off a balcony, how DARE he be so shallow, like any other stuffed-shirt swaggering peacock she's met!

...Until, of course, Aladdin whips out his magic carpet (no metaphor intended) and Jasmine instantly turns into the materialistic, shallow person that she's been insulting others for being this whole film.
"A liar who agrees that I am only a rich, hot prize to be won? GO JUMP OFF A BALCONY! Oh, you have a magic carpet? Never mind, let me hop on that!"
Jasmine, after discovering this guy not only is lying to her, acting totally cocky and shallow, but also is trying to win her over with material items (as she was so unimpressed with a giant parade with many other, more impressive magical items) rightfully and admirably spurns him, until he literally scrapes the bottom of the barrel and doesn't even try to win her over with words or apology, just pulls out his flying machine and wow, she is charmed. AND at this point she should realize, if she suspects that he is the boy from the marketplace, that he is acting EXACTLY the opposite of what she wants, even as she EXPRESSED to him, which should lead her to the conclusion that not only is she shallow but he was feigning interest/didn't care.

I won't dive too much into the 'A Whole New World' scene but I will say that there, Aladdin is being totally possessive and controlling of Jasmine.

During their scene in China, Jasmine finally tricks Aladdin into revealing that he isn't who he's pretending to be- and he lies again. APPARENTLY HE STILL HASN'T REMEMBERED OR PICKED UP ON THE FACT THAT SHE REALLY LOVED THE BOY FROM THE MARKETPLACE, EVEN THOUGH SHE ACTS TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED WHEN HE LIES AND SAYS THAT IT WASN'T HIM. ("I even send servants to go to the marketplace for my servants! It couldn't have been me you met"...Jasmine: *sighs sadly* "No, I guess not.") Aladdin is clearly so self-absorbed he can't even pick up on what Jasmine wants. He just assumes and takes over.

Finally, let's cut to Prince Ali (Reprise).
Jasmine finally discovers Aladdin has been lying the whole time (revealed by Jafar, although that scene confuses me; Aladdin already lied and said he dressed up as a street rat to escape palace life, so how would showing him in street rat clothes reveal anything? Wouldn't Jasmine just see the clothes as his disguise clothes? but I digress.. ) So now (somehow) she REALLY knows that he really is poor, and that he's been nonstop lying to her this whole time, as well as totally ignoring her views and wants like everyone else, and to top it all off, he already KNEW what she wanted (freedom and someone to understand her and not assume things about her), and should understand perfectly as that's what Aladdin wants to. But he is the worst, as he does understand but acts the opposite, because of totally shallow views.
When Aladdin returns to rescue them all, there's no conflict with Jasmine being upset at him, yelling at him for lying so many times, or most preferably, getting fed up at him being so shallow, a liar, and basically treating her like crap. Instead, she just immediately welcomes him back and it's like nothing happened. There's no inner conflict, no attitude, she's just excited to see him and it's as if this girl who supposedly is supposed to not be pray to horrible men just keeps falling for his lies, or willing herself to believe them, regardless of the implications or non-logic. She's turned into a weaker girl than any of the princesses at that point. What? You lose major, MAJOR points for me there, Jas.

On top of all this, Aladdin treats his friends like crap. He takes total advantage of Abu (who can be a pain but that's no reason to be rude), AND especially Genie, who shows nothing but kindness to Aladdin, and to who Aladdin keeps abusing and taking advantage of. Whenever anyone, especially the Genie, tries to offer him advice, he yells/snaps at them ("Buzz off!") and acts incredibly self-absorbed.

Aladdin is also so down on himself , the whole thing about him not being worthy of anyone
but then sings "There's so much more to me" and says "I'm not worthless!". Its like he's both trying to prove himself, but he's self-pitying when it's convenient for him. He always wants to be the victim.

I wouldn't be so bothered by all of this if Aladdin had changed in the end, but he didn't. He's still the same Aladdin. He never apologizes for his actions, except fleetingly, and to Abu, ("I'm sorry Abu, this is all my fault, I've gotta go back and set things straight.") when he should be apologizing to Genie & Jasmine. His transformation is condensed to one sentence- "I gotta stop trying to be something I'm not." You never see any REAL transformation. And in the sequels & the TV shows he continues to boss Genie around and lie and lie again and again and again, apologizes everytime, and goes back to lying again. The cycle is this:

Aladdin: *lies*
Jasmine: *gets upset*
Aladdin: *depressed and says sorry*
Jasmine: *forgives him*

And the cycle repeats. Over and over. I'm neutral towards/ dislike Aladdin in the first movie, but in the sequels I honestly hate him. I won't get into discussing how he's so much worse in the sequels, but let's just say 'Out of Thin Air' has to be one of the most condescending and disrespectful things Aladdin's ever said/sang, although I like the song.

I can't forgive Aladdin for all the things I named. Assumptions, being shallow, rude to his friends, but most of all- NEVER LEARNING HIS GODDAMN LESSON.
And Jasmine can't be in my top 3. I love her attitude, probably the thing she gets criticized most for and is actually the best part about her, but her actions I find hypocritical and weak.

And that's why I don't like Aladdin.
posted by MTori311
My first article so I wanted to start with something basic. It's my opinion so please respect it and I'll respect yours :) Sorry if it's not much, I'm going to a friend's house for a sleepover in half an hour!!! :D








3.Snow White


Here's the fourth article for the Best Disney Princess sidekick countdown. It covers the places from 11 to 20. Enjoy!

Places 41 to 50 link
Places 31 to 40 link
Places 21 to 30 link

20. Chien Po
People thought that Chien Po deserved to be in the TOP 20. He ranked considerably above Yao and Ling, maybe because he's the only that wasn't mean to Mulan when she arrived in the army. Also, I think he is cuter than these guys and he surprised me while beating Flora in the tiebreaker.
"Boooring! " - demmmy

"Sorry Chien Po... but the others are better." - CodyVenusTrent

19. Gus
Gus is likeable, cute...
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Sorry for taking so long, but I've been quite busy on this spot with posting new forum posts and such, but now I decided to write about the results from the Best DP title picture countdown and I will write a few comments for each of them and where I would place them (you might recognise it from my article about it)! Anyways, enjoy the article and please comment!

10. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1)

If you wonder about the numbers in the little circle that's where they are placed on my list just so that you know it! This was quite surprising for me that it had to go first because I love...
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I have returned after pretty much spending Christmas break w/ family (mostly my sister) and am in such a good mood due to non-Disney related epicness, Nostalgia Critic finishing Disneycember, and my shows returning while my favorite one comes to the finale.

But enough excuses. I also took time off to carefully go over the subject for this article because of very good reason. What's the reason?


Yes, the side characters are what make the movies for me in the Disney pics because I remember mostly their moments because they're awesome. To me, the sidekicks are the funny characters...
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Thank you so much to everybody who voted & commented on each countdown pick. Credit to princesslullaby, for the idea of putting comments in articles. I hope you enjoy reading!

10.Snow White
This sweet, refined, adorable little girl might be a joy to watch on-screen, but might've been lacking a bit in the smart department. First of all, she goes into some little house that she doesn't even know who's it is, and sleeps on their bed! Really? What if they all had malaria or something? Then, even though the dwarves warned her PLENTY of times, she lets in an old, creepy lady into her house....
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posted by Princess_Ella
Hi I am new to Fanpop, and I saw that lots of people had done this type of article so I decided to give it a try. Here is a list of my top 10 favorite Disney Princess eyes. Please enjoy, and comment because this is my first article.

10. Snow White

Her eyes are so small and round, that they just don't look like she could possibly have peripheral vision. And the color is quite dull. They just aren't stunning and they have no depth to them.
I do like Snow White, but she has no depth, especially in her eyes.There is nothing there, just a blank stare.
I do like Snow White, but she has no depth, especially in her eyes.There is nothing there, just a blank stare.

9. Pocahontas

They are too small, but they...
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Random Picture~~!
Random Picture~~!
My 8th Article~! I love writing these~! I LOVE hair~! I have a small obsession with it. So here goes~! p.s. I have decided to put both of Rapunzels Hair styles together.

10. Tiana

Well her hair does not move. && I know they had to make it that way but they could have made it in a more flattering style. I love Tiana && I think she is very pretty but I really dont like her hair.


9. Mulan

Mulans hair looks very thin. && It is also very straight. I like a little wave,curl,or Body in hair. && Mulans has none of that. It is just plain.


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Let me start off by saying that there is no Disney Princess I truly dislike. I think it’s simply impossible for me to dislike anything Disney. In a way that made this list especially hard to do because I felt bad each time I placed a Princess on the list. I love them all, with perhaps the exception of the last lady on my list, and even her I don’t completely dislike. She’s last simply because she’s the only one who managed to get me irritated at some point, something which no other princess has managed. I couldn’t find it in my heart to be irritated at any of them. But more on that...
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Read this
This article is my way to say my opinion. Please don't hunt me down and kill me if you don't like something. F- favorite, P- prettiest (like duh, right). The P icons are by CuteDiana, the biggest credit to you.

F: 10. Aurora
Just a bland piece of nothing. She is pretty, that's it. Well yeah she has some great morals, but she fell asleep and so did I.

P: 10. Rapunzel
She is nice and cute but eyes freak me out. TOO big!!! She looks like she is 12. But one this is that she has got amazing hair. That's all.

F: 9. Cinderella
She is lovely, sweet, charming and cute, but the...
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In light of the actual “fairy tale trend” in TV and movie, I recently realized how much the Disney movies have “taken over” the fairy tales they are based on, and how few people actually know the story they are based on. Because of this, I’ll compare the Disney-Version with the source text, and I’ll recommend a few other adaptations I really like. I’ll only take a look at the fairy tales – meaning I’ll skip Pocahontas and Mulan, since they are not part of my culture. Perhaps someone who grew up with those stories is ready to do a small piece about them?

Considering that...
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Hey Fanpop fans!
This is my third article, and it is about who is favorite Disney Prince in the Disney Princess club. I am sorry if I have errors in grammar. English was my second language, so I don't very good. I hope that you enjoy it and thank you for the people who help me with the picks!

10. Prince Charming
Prince Charming
Prince Charming

Prince Charming, the second prince who married Cinderella is in the last place.Fans say that he is so boring, that we don't know him a lot. People see him as lazy, because he didn't look for Cinderella, so he send servants. In my opinion, I love him, so kind, handsome....
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posted by princesslullaby
This article was written collectively by: Princesslullaby, Cromulanfav, & JonnaSe

Cinderella's actions would make Jasmine very angry. Jasmine wouldn't like how passive she is, and how she's dreamy and wishes for more but doesn't do anything about it. Jasmine also wouldn't understand or like how Cinderella never stands up to her stepfamily in a forceful or aggressive way, or never tells them off. She would find it very insulting to her strength as a woman.

Jasmine would like Aurora's playful, flirty personality, and how she acts hard to get with Phillip. But...
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Here is the first article for the Best Disney song countdown, showing the songs in 79st-68st place.

79. 'Gonna take you there'- The Princess and the Frog.

Unsurprising that a song that is kind of unimportant and not really needed in the movie ,which may be one of the reasons, comes in last place (which imo it didn't really deserve) and also the fact that it may not be as loved as some of the other, better known Disney songs probably helped it to leave.

'I seriously hate this song'-fhghu

'this song was not even needed'-BB2010

'It´s not nearly as good as some of the others...'-alexon31

78. 'One...
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And yes, I’m still on the topic of dubbing. I’m pleased to say that at least “Sleeping Beauty” escaped the policy of redubbing in Germany. “Cinderella” has mostly still the original dub, but for the DVD release some “marketing genius” decided that they had to change the opening scene. Who cares about the back story of Cinderella, let’s explain the audience that “Cinderella” is the American version of “Aschenputtel”. The explanation is not even correct, since the movie is based on the French version of the fairy-tale, which is much different from the German one. And...
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posted by ppgbelle4
Well, this article is VERY overdue by now...I've written my favorite princess article when I first joined, but not this one. So yes, time to fix that once and for all! I actually like all of the princes listed here, and they were very hard to rank. Anyway, enjoy reading! Thank you, CuteDiana, for making the pictures!

10. Charming

Okay, okay. I know this is a typical placement for him, but I just feel neutral about him. I can't use the excuse for lack of screen time, because, well...you'll see why later. I also can't say he lacks a personality, because he does have a personality. When he...
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It gave her a sense of peace that she so often longed for.
It gave her a sense of peace that she so often longed for.

Her hair blew with the wind and danced with the leaves that flew through her hair so gracefully. She loved the feeling of the wind blowing against her face. It gave her a sense of peace that she so often longed for. She stood at the top of the cliff, looking at the water below. The waves crashed upon the shore and she was very tempted to dive into the river below.
    She turned her head when she heard the small pitter patter of footsteps and she knew at once that it was Meeko, her mischievous raccoon friend. Meeko ran up a tree that stood by Pocahontas, so he could...
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Congratulations KataraLover! You definitely deserve to be fan of the Month for May, because you have contributed so much on this spot!

So here is the interview with KataraLover, the fan of the month for May! ☺

1. How long have you been active on this site?

Almost two years starting november.

2. What was one of the nicest compliments or comments you’ve gotten for your contributions to this spot?

I'd have to say when pulgaenana complimented me and commented on my article telling how the Scamp's Adventure is better than Lady and The Tramp. I just love it when people leave comments on my articles...
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posted by Malena22
Me at the Little Mermaid broadway show in 2008!
Me at the Little Mermaid broadway show in 2008!
First Name: My name is Maria-Elena, but my friends call me Malena for short.

Country of Origin: I am born and raised in the USA, but my family is orignally from Greece.

Favorite Disney Movie: My favorite disney princess movie is Sleeping Beauty, but my favorite Disney movie is Ratatouille.

Hobbies: I like reading, dancing(just for fun), singing along to my favorite songs, playing with my dog, Snoopy and I LOVE SWIMMING!

Education: I am a sophmore in high school. Just 2 more years and I'm outta that place for good! lol

Music I like: I like anything besides hard rock and metal. I do like country,...
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posted by mergirl13
my all-time favorite movie :)
my all-time favorite movie :)
I saw that other fans were doing this, so I might as well try it.

First Name: Amber

Country of Origin: Florida, USA

Favorite Disney Movie: Beauty and the Beast- I have costumes, and a huge collection of Beauty and the Beast stuff in my room

Hobbies: acting, drawing, writing stories, listening to music, singing, collecting Disney stuff

Education: college

Music I like: music from Disney movies

Movies (besides Disney movies) that I like: Back to the Future, Shrek, the Prince of Egypt, Kung Fu Panda, the Mummy

Books I read: I don’t really read much, only when I need to

Something quirky about...
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posted by Candy77019
I was over at the hospital getting my head bandaged after falling down the stairs, when I noticed a familiar brunette lying in the cot beside mine.
A journalist is NEVER afraid to ask questions, so I pulled out my notepad and pushed my cot closer.

Me: Hey, are you Princess Belle?

Belle: *nodding* Yes. And who are you?

Me: My name is Alexis, and I'm planning to be a journalist when I grow up, so is it okay if I interview you for a bit?

Belle: Of course you can.

Me: *clearing throat* Do you feel scared sometimes? Living with a beast?

Belle: *frowning* You're not the first to ask that. Perhaps it's...
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