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My next interview is a very private affair and it is with the characters from Disney’s Aladdin. Jasmine it seems has some very strict requests and everything has to be just so or the interview will be canceled. I am to interview them in one of Jasmines sitting rooms and the only people allowed are me, Aladdin, and Jasmine….but there we will be two Guards stationed at the door and Genie is going to make a brief appearance later and he will be bringing Jafar and Iago (Jasmine said I am only allowed to ask them one question each). Abu, the Sultan, and magic carpet have to go elsewhere, but Rajah is staying. Hopefully all goes well and we will get to finish the interview on a good note!

(once I am ushered in I notice Aladdin and Jasmine lounging on comfy pillows surrounded by snacks and drinks…I have a sit on the floor and take some food offered me and begin my interview…very nervously….)

Me : (I clear my throat and apologize and make sure they know this is a FAN question…not mine) Jasmine, why are you a bitch?

(I am sweating as she glares at me and even Raja and Aladdin looks little worried…but then her angry look turns into a big grin and a wink)

Jasmine : Because I can get away with it.

(She tosses her head and laughs…but when Aladdin starts laughing harder she hushes him and shakes her head no)

Me : Aladdin, Can't you go one episode or movie without telling a lie?!

(I do believe I just heard a snort from the princess and yep the tiger looks to be laughing too)

Al : I never told a lie!

(Aladdin looks a little upset, but well um…yeah)

Me:Jasmine, since you show your belly so much why don't you get a belly ring?

(I think Aladdin just perked up…yeah now he is looking at Jasmine and shaking his head yes at her….)

Jasmine : Because I already have one in my ... well, you know.

(I am not sure how to react…she is laughing, but Aladdin is exchanging confused looks with the Tiger….I think I will just move on)

Me:Aladdin, how did you get Abu?

Al: He used to work for a group of street performers. It was his job to steal the crowd's money. Then they hired me to help because he wasn't doing as well as they hoped. We got along, and after the gypsy people tried to kill us, he stuck around as my pet/ friend.

(That was so sweet and I start to tell him so and give him a hug, but Jasmine shoots me a nasty look and the tiger growls…oh well)

Me:Aladdin, do you wash Carpet or vacuum clean him/her?

Aladdin : "I tried once, but he backfired and dropped me in an ocean."

(I am not sure what to think, but Jasmine is rolling her eyes and shaking her head no…Aladdin looks a little pissed at this, but there is a protective tiger at his feet. so yeah…)

Me:Jasmine, why don't we ever see your servants?

Jasmine : They are afraid of me and stay away from my room because they are scared.

(I start to laugh, thinking she is joking, but I quickly turn it into a cough when I see Aladdin’s headshake and mouthed. she is serious…Dang…)

(Well Genie has just popped in and after a quick conversation with Jasmine about being off schedule I am allowed to ask him, Iago, and Jafar their individual questions…I start with Iago first because Jasmine looks real poised)

Me : Iago, how did you end up with Jafar?

Iago : he found me when i was a little bird and he told me i could have everything i want if i helped him to govern the world he also taught me to talk.

(I start tot ell Jafar that was sweet, but I see him and Jasmine are glaring at each other and decide to ask the next question quick)

Me : Genie, who is your master before Aladdin?

Genie : Some stinky, oily man named Akem or was luca or maybe Dehghtbytyrvagha...I don't know his name...anyway he smelled like a goat barn and looked like a goat barn and kept wishing oddly enough for things dealing with....cabbages...meh....I have had some weird masters (and once or twice a mistress...they are the WORSE), but AL ...ah AL...He is wonderful!

(He looks Like he wants to add more but Jasmine is looking very impatient so I go to Jafar's question quickly)

Me : Jafar, what do you like most from Jasmine?

Jafar : Well I like two things about Jasmine (evil laughter...winking suggestively) but what I want from her is her money and whatever else she would like to give (more evil laughter and nasty leering)

(at this point Genie has to leave quickly with the other two and Aladdin is holding Jasmine back….unsavory words and very descriptive horrible things are being thrown around…man I really do not know how Jasmine comes up with these things…even poor Raja is hiding under a table…once the room is clear and everyone one is settled and I have told Jasmine several times she is pretty, we start again)

Me : Jasmine, how do you stay so skinny?

Jasmine : Oh, you know! Healthy diet, regular exercises, yada yada yada. If ya wanna get curves like meh, I recommend hula-hooping for 5-10 minutes 3 times, every other day for creating a foundation for your curves. Then start doing some ab work like crunches,pikes, and rowboats. If you're near a gym, GO ON THE ELLIPTICAL! It makes your butt look AMAZING and it helps create more of an hour glass shape. But I guess I was just born with it, too :D

Me : So Jasmine have you thought about having kids?

Jasmine : well mmmm... yes i like kids but is something i have to consult Aladdin first ha-ha!

(Aladdin looks confused about the laughter but she just hushes him)

Me : Jasmine, was Aladdin the first boy that you really loved?

Jasmine:Yes! All the others were stuck up, snooty asses that my father chose!

Me : Jasmine, why do you choose Rajah as your pet, how do you get him, and how old were you??

Jasmine : He was a birth- day gift from my father, I was about 7 or 8 and he was the best present father ever gave me!! I really wanted an Elephant that year, but Rajah is so much better! I have had him since he was a cub and we are always together, he is my only friend...or was till I met Abu, Genie, and Aladdin....now I am not so lonely.

(Rajah starts purring and we have to pause while Jasmine talks petting him and talking baby talk…Aladdin sits back and rolls his eyes, but smiles when she looks at him)

Me : Jasmine, do you really think Aladdin will be a good ruler??

Jasmine : If he can learn not to lie unless is absolutely necessary, I'm sure he will be a wonderful ruler!

(Aladdin looks like he wants to leave, but Jasmine puts her hand on his leg…and I think I just saw him wince?)

Me : Jasmine did you ever want a sister or brother?

Jasmine : Maybe a little sister but definitely not a brother- they're too pesky! But probably no, because my father would probably love her more than me.

Me : Rajah, what kind of tiger are you? Arabian tiger or what?

Rajah:Raah Raah Raah Raah Raah Raah Raah!!!

(Jasmine looks confused and seems to be a little miffed that I had the audacity to talk to HER tiger…but then she says…HE said HE is an Arabian Tiger!..)

Me : Jasmine, before Aladdin, did you find one prince that a little bit interested you? (perhaps looks, character...)

Jasmine : "Well, there was one... I forgot his name though. He was very handsome, even more handsome than Al. But he's got a rotten personality so I had to let Rajah chew his ass off."

(she starts laughing hysterically, but Al looks very pissed)

Me : Aladdin, Do you have any girlfriends before Jasmine came in the picture???

Aladdin : Definitely I even got into bed with them a few times.

(he looked smug and laughed for a second before her fist hit him in the gut and then she looks at me with a big grin and says I am allowed one last question and then I need to go …NOW…)

Me : Jasmine, love your big earrings. Where'd you get it?

Jasmine : I bought it in Morocco, while my dad was doing a state visit there.
(She smiles and says the guards will escort me out…but then she turns her back on me and I hear some very angry whispering between her and Al….Well I leave very quickly)
Well I believe the interview did not go too horribly bad and maybe the next few will have less angry inducing questions…we shall see. Thank you to all that made this interview possible:

AnimaIuco ,Pink_Love, Samvoorhees,SweetPea2007, 2kn111, MagicPrincess ,chesire, sophy22,LightningRed, BelleAmie ,ppv, MmLuvXx ,dee389, and BKG201.
added by Arsalanistan
Source: oh its meeee, i found it
Part 1
As you may already of noticed I am a bit of a fan of the Disney Princesses and their films. One aspect about these films that I find really interesting is the kingdoms in which their stories take place, including the buildings and the general surroundings. So I decided to write an article discussing each Princesses kingdom. In this article I am looking at Walt Disney's princesses ie. the original three.


Name: Snow...
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added by Elemental-Aura
Source: RionaFury, alafastanzio and me
So this had been hilariously enjoyable and challenging for me! Doing a silly article can be totally fun, but be sure to respect my opinion, okay? Admit it or not, we all have some guilty pleasures. What if Disney princesses lived in the MODERN day world and had some guilty pleasure? It would be hella awesome to know about it! P.S. = Those memes are JUST FOR FUN

Snow White – Sneaking into food and being a comfort lover

Yup! Ah, taking a tid bit out of refrigerator is something pretty naughty and silly and mischievous! I think Snow would hate being on a diet, just a wild guess lol! She...
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PrincessAyeka12 gave me the fabulous idea of coming up with what books and authors each princess would like to read. We already know that Belle's a bookworm, but what would the other princesses spend hours flipping through, totally lost to the outside world? I had a lot of fun with this article, since I love reading. I've read at least one book from most of these authors, although not all of them. All credit for this idea goes to PrincessAyeka12! All images made by me.

Snow White

I get the distinct feeling that Snow would just adore classic children's books such as Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures...
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1. The outside of the palace is inspired by the Taj Mahal.

2. The word "Agra" is in the name Agrabah. Agra is a city in INDIA.

3. Rajah is a tiger. Tigers are a symbol of INDIA.

4. Lotus fountains (like the one we see when we're first introduced to Jasmine) are an Indian thing.

5. "Abu" is an Indian name.

People complaining about Naomi being cast as Jasmine because she's Indian need to educate themselves.

If you want a version of Aladdin with Jasmine being played by a Middle Eastern woman, then major in film and get a film degree. It's not Disney's job to please you.

As for the people complaining...
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posted by scarletunicorn
Princess Elena of Avalor. Many people are already crying out for her, loving her, loving her for the diversity she brings to the DP line...

And I just don't see the fuss.

Don't get me wrong, I do want proper representation (yes, i do, actually, even though the most cynical of you won't believe it). What I don't want is tokenism, a character that has no personality beyond what is defined for them- their skin color/sexuality/etc. It's like if Disney made a fat princess whom her whole personality revolved around food, or a bisexual princess who went around having crushes on everybody and being described...
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Hello, I'm PrueFever, a 32 years old guy from Denmark and a Major Disney Fan! My all-time favorite Disney Movie is The Little Mermaid, Walt Disney's 28th full-lenght animated classic from 1989. I just love all the characters in the movie, the songs, the score and the animation. I grew up with Mermaid, it was the first Disney Movie I saw, so there's definitely nostalgic reasons as well, I'm not gonna deny that! I can always watch the movie and my mood goes up 100%! It never fails to amaze me. Also, the voice actors in this movie is spetacular! Jodi Benson is great as Ariel and even greater as...
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added by bearnaked15
Source: Bear
Type Three, "The Achiever"
Type Three, "The Achiever"
Introduction: Understanding the Enneagram

So, the Enneagram is a pretty complicated system of classifying personalities. Basically, everyone has a core type, expressed as a number of One through Nine. This is the most straightforward description of someone’s personality.

Here’s a basic rundown of each type:
1: perfectionistic, rational, idealistic
2: generous, warm-hearted, nurturing
3: ambitious, image-conscious, charming
4: sensitive, dreamy, moody
5: cerebral, perceptive, analytical
6: trustworthy, loyal, brave
7: fun-loving, enthusiastic, lively
8: assertive, strong, self-confident
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posted by AudreyFreak
I know she's always typed as an Intuitive, especially an ENFP, and it's understandable why; I had once typed her as an ENFJ myself. She does, after all, just "know" the lights are "meant for me!" But is that really indicative of someone with strong intuitive preference? I think it's because this tendency for people to type nerdy/quirky/silly ESFJs as ENFPs, not only Rapunzel but characters like Steven Universe. It gets frustrating because that just implies only intuitives are inherently imaginative.

Anyway, to the typing:

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): Rapunzel is very warm to everyone she meets....
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My User Icon Made By Myself
My User Icon Made By Myself
This is mostly inspired by the link by PrincessAyeka12. I thought it was really neat the way it gave a chance for people to talk about like interests as well as get to know the user better as a well-rounded person beyond just their DP favorites etc. So I hope you guys don't mind this article and I'd love to hear from you about what we do and/or don't have in common. :)

Behind the Screen Name: I love reading and writing so I wanted to pick a name that was very symbolic for me. I love and strive for balance as I truly believe it is the key to life. My screenname was meant to represent the balance...
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I really think he loses it, here... Raging at a person is not explaining to a person your personal view.
I really think he loses it, here... Raging at a person is not explaining to a person your personal view.
Triton is one of those dads in Disney that absolutely makes me squirm. I don’t love him, and I don’t hate him. But I do find him extremely unnerving, and on the same plane of Mother Gothel upsetting. He clearly alternates between being “nice” only sometimes, and then being really “explosively nasty” at other periods. King Triton’s rule is a patriarchy. I think his abusive tendencies, though, stem from insecurities he has within himself. Triton is afraid of the unknown. He's also afraid of not appearing “manly” enough. ( Bizarrely, this also makes me think of Prince Adam and...
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Ah yes. Merchandise. Money, in other words. I adore the Disney princesses. They are all unique, and have good qualities. Some are even a little complex and the majority are at least decent role models. That's not how Disney markets them. Well, unless their name is Anna or Elsa. For the first 11 princess, they are downgraded into sparkle obsessed girls that look nothing like they did in their original film. Great princesses are forgotten in merchandise as well. The whole system is downright awful. For the Frozen sisters, Disney markets them as "I don't need a man". They tried that with Merida...
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As an adult, I viewed the name Gaston of Beauty and the Beast's villian, Gaston, as Gaston's last name. I only assume its his last name because 1)the triplet girls call him "Monsieur Gaston" which is basically saying "Mr. Gaston" in the opening song called "Belle" in the reprise that Belle sings by herself the line "Madame Gaston, his little wife?" Most of the time saying "Madame (name" would be like saying Mrs. Gaston. And there's the fact Gaston is a first name but it could also be a last name as well. The name of Phantom of the Opera's author.
added by MissCinico
Source: Grégoire Guillemin
added by JaDangerz
Source: prinzessinnen.disney.de
added by dee389
Source: disney screenscap
Recently, I saw a poll on this club about which House Rapunzel would be in at Hogwarts, which got me thinking about that question in relation to all the princesses. I’m an avid Harry Potter fan, so I figured I would lend my unique insights on the matter to all of you lovely people.

But before I begin my analyses, it’s time for some disclaimers!

1. About the Houses. Here’s how I tend to think of the Houses of Hogwarts. (Note: I will be saying the most about Slytherin, since Slytherin is most often distorted.)

Gryffindor: values bravery, daring, bold decision-making, rule-breaking, following...
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