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I know Elsa isn't real - but I still want to wish her a Happy Birthday.
I know Elsa isn't real - but I still want to wish her a Happy Birthday.
Last year, I wrote an article where I listed off 40 of my favorite fan-arts of Elsa. I was very lucky that I could do it, especially since I also made a drawing for her, tried to re-watch Frozen, etc. But I was also delayed because I had an appointment with my psychiatrist in Arad, and then I had to help out my father with renovating my Godmother/cousin's house, and exercise in order to stay in good shape. While I didn't manage to release it on time for the Winter Solstice, I did finished it with only two hours into the next day.
However, one of my problems was that I didn't know how to insert the images into my article, so instead I put a link after each analysis that leads to the fan-arts. I asked for advice in the article for people who comment on it, and one by the name of MaidofOrleans gave me advice. The good news was that I managed to insert all of them. The bad news is that I accidentally clicked "Unpublish and Save", deleting all comments made on that article. I worked so hard to get that article as perfect as possible that I almost had a heart-attack. My hard work paid off in the end, and it became one of my favorite articles.

Today is December 21st, which according to Jennifer Lee is Elsa's Birthday. As such, I've decided to make a "Part 2" of that article from last year, but instead of 40, I'll only list off 25. This list won't be in any particular order, but I will save the one I consider the best as the last. I just want to honor a character that helped me through my tough years, and made me the person I am now. Even if they're not real, Elsa and Anna became like family to me, and I want to celebrate that. I want to list off the contributions that other fans of Elsa have made for her in the past.

Without any further a due, let's begin:

1.Elsa and Evil Elsa.

There are two panels in this fan-art. The first one has Elsa broken down and crying, while her evil counterpart is standing right in Elsa's shadow, and the second panel shows Evil Elsa embracing her, basically letting her Dark Side consume her.

This is really depressing in my eyes. Elsa is so broken and lost that she has nothing left to cling to, but darkness. This gives birth to her evil counterpart, as she's being born from Elsa's shadows, and embraces Elsa, succumbing to her negative emotions.

Either that, or Elsa's so lonely and distraught that even her evil side takes pity on her.

It's also quite relatable, because something like this happens to anyone who suffers from anxiety and depression. Sometimes, we feel so hopeless, so distraught, so broken and empty, that we have nothing else to cling to, but out sadness and fear, as it eats us away in the inside.

2."Korra n Elsa" by owlerart.

Before we begin, I just want to say that I'm not a big fan of Legend of Korra. It has a lot of great things about it, but it also has several noticeable problems. For instance, I wasn't a fan of Korra in the first two seasons because she was kind of a Mary Sue. However, during the last two seasons, Korra actually went through a meaningful character development, and I started to appreciate her character more.

When I first saw this fan-art, I instantly fell in love with it. Both look so unbelievably amazing in eachother's clothes. I'm also impressed with how well the color change works for both of them.

I love how badass Elsa looks in Korra's clothes, and looks a lot of Yue. I know I'm going to get a lot of weird looks for this, but I think Korra looks just as, if not more beautiful then Elsa in that dress. Don't get me wrong, I do think that dress suits Elsa more and that she designed it. But I also cannot deny how good Korra looks in it.

Originally, I had no idea what kind of similarities these two share, but I soon started to see it: A young girl being locked away from the outside world whilst trying to master her powers.

3."Dole Whips" by shibamura-prime

Elsa buys two dole whips, one for her, and one for Olaf, which she gives to him while he's more cheerful than ever.

As I said many times before, I personally like to consider Olaf, Marshmallow and the Snowgies as Elsa's children. After all, she created them, they're born through Elsa's magic, and each of them represent a part of Elsa's personality.

I love it when fan-artists show off Elsa's motherly side to her Snowmen, and this is one of my favorites.

Another detail I love is what's written on the sign behind them. Almost all of it just says different variations of dole whip, with the only exception being Pineapple Spear. The last one even asks that why should you buy anything else when you can buy dole whip.
Now, personally, I never tasted dole whip, so I don't know how good it actually is. But even if I don't know how it states, this fan-art will always be adorable.

4.Frozen Fever Elsa.

One of the things I noticed in my old article is that I forgot to put any fan-arts of Elsa in her emerald green dress from Frozen Fever. My mistake, but I guess I just didn't notice it.

While this one isn't anything spectacular, I do appreciate its simplicity. It's very beautiful to look at, and I especially love the details on the flower in her hair.

5.Elsa and Nancy Tremaine.

This one features two characters that Idina Menzel played: Elsa and Nancy Tremaine from Enchanted; as they're both surprised how similar both of them sound. It's a joke on how both of them are voiced by the same voice actress.

What's even more ironic is that in Enchanted, near the end, when Nancy's getting married to Edvard, a man she just just met.

I also love how adorable both of them look, especially Elsa with her high-heels.

6."Elsa and Charmander" by alanscampos

A lot of you guys know that I'm a massive fan of Pokemon. It's without a single shadow of a doubt, my favorite franchise of all time, and one of the most inspirational things in my life. Not only that, but it's just a lot of fun. This Christmas, I'll be receiving the 6 Pokemon games I've never owned or played.

I've seen many people pair Elsa up with Ice-Types, and while that does make sense, I also welcome some originality. And this one definitely has it. Seeing my favorite Disney character hold up by favorite starter Pokemon gives me so much joy.

I also like how they're balancing out the elements, with a introverted and quiet queen with ice magic having a Fire Starter. I've always seen people give Elsa Ice-Type Pokemon.. this is different, a good different of course! XD

7."Mei and Elsa" by Dormant0611

I'm a casual fan of Overwatch. I don't play the game, but I do know the lore, the characters, and the trivia about it. One of my favorite characters is Mei, a climatologist who is on her own adventure to preserve the environment and ecosystem after waking up from a decade-long cryostasis sleep.
Mei’s weather-altering devices slow opponents and protect locations. Her Endothermic Blaster unleashes damaging icicles and frost streams, and she can Cryo-Freeze herself to guard against counterattacks or obstruct the opposing team's movements with an Ice Wall.

The artist is a big fan of both Elsa and Mei, and he expressed his love by having both of them embrace like good friends.

Fun Fact! Mei makes references to Frozen through her in-game voice lines. Those being: "You have to let it go"; and "Do you want to build a Snowman?". I can definitely see the connection.

One of the things I love about this artwork is how Mei a bit taller than Elsa. This makes sense, because Mei is biologically 31 years old, but chronologically she's 40, while Elsa is in her early 20's.

I love how the artist didn't really take any liberties in terms of the character's design, and it works well, sine it really looks like the actual characters from their respective universes are meeting with one another.

Simply put, this fan-art is a-MEI-zing! XD

8."Pile of Fluff" by Beanie20008.

As a cat-lover, there's no way in Hell I wouldn't include this!
While I think that Anna would be more appropriate for this kind of situation, I do think that even Elsa would enjoy the cute company of cats.

I love how two of cats are beneath her arm, which could be implied Elsa deliberately did that. In fact, with all of the fact sorrounding her, it makes Elsa look like a big cat mother, while all the other cats are like her children. I also love the cats that sleeps on Elsa's waist.

The artwork itself isn't anything spectacular, but Goddam is it the cutest thing ever!

I loved this one so much, that I tried sending it through a Tweet to Idina Menzel herself, but she didn't reply back.

9."We got you" by alassa

One of the things I loved about Elsa is her pacifistic nature. Sure, she almost killed those two guards, but that's because they were trying to kill her, and she was doing it out of self-defense. However, as I explained in the very first article I ever wrote, all the way back in December of 2014, Elsa has unlimited power. She has the entire power of Winter on her side, and she can basically do whatever she wants with it. It's shown that her powers are connected to her emotions, and how she can create eternal Winters, blizzards, living snowmen, palaces and works of art out of ice. There's so much more she could do if she let loose, but seeing how "letting lose" resulted in almost freezing everyone in Arendelle, I understand why she wouldn't want to do that. And I respect her. She's quite possibly the most powerful being on Earth, but like Superman, she uses her powers for good.

One of my ideas for the upcoming sequel in 2019 is a teenage boy who's just like Elsa, but never had an Anna in his life in order to save him from falling into darkness. As a result, he let his negative emotions take control of him, turning him into the monster that Elsa feared she'd become. He has no restraints like Elsa, and would turn anyone into an ice statue if you pissed him off enough. And the fact that he's just a teenage boy could show the death of his childhood innocence at a young age, and how even teenagers can be violent. Maybe he can drive Elsa to homocidal rage, and they'd have an epic battle between ice users, where Elsa would show the true power of snow and ice.

As a fellow pacifist, I don't really want Elsa to be turned into a violent sociopath, but it would be interesting to see.

10.Olaf's Frozen Adventure - Elsa.

Yes, we finally have one with Elsa in her new dress from the recent Holiday Special: "Olaf's Frozen Adventure".
Before we begin the analysis, can I just say how much I ADORE Elsa's new dress? The puffy boa-collar, the diamond's on her dress, the dark blue coloring, the cape, Elsa's missile toe on in her hair...I LOVE IT! This is without a doubt my favorite dress from Elsa! I love the blue and green one, but this one takes the cake!

I have seen Olaf's Frozen Adventure two weeks ago, and I loved it. I did have problems with it, but the good outweight the bad. I loved the last song "When We're Together", and I especially loved this part.

One of my favorite parts of the special is that it showed more of Elsa and Anna's past during their separation. On Christmas, Anna would always snuck in drawings and even a doll of Olaf to Elsa, as a Christmas gift for her. Olaf became Elsa and Anna's tradition, and they wanted to honor him, by making a giant Christmas tree out of ice, and place Olaf's doll as the star. I absolutely adored that part. My only problem is that I wasn't there along side them to witness it.

A detail I love about this artwork is that the snowflake is the exact same one that Disney used her in that wallpaper. I don't know if this was laziness, or a clever homage, either way, I love it. Also the lighting is gorgeous and Elsa's smile is heartwarming!

11."What's the point of that slit in your dress?" by slightlyangryunicorn

Back in October of 2014, I fell in love with Elsa. One of those reasons being is that she's quite possibly the most beautiful looking female character I've ever seen. However, what was once lust turned into actual love and respect. I used to think that Elsa's going to be a fictional crush that I'll get over with in a week, but she was different. She was the first fictional character I ever related to, in almost every level.

I bring this up, because if it hadn't been for her looks, then I wouldn't have ended up here, writing my articles and expressing my opinion.

Speaking of which, I love how the artist acknowledged her looks, and poked fun at the slit in her dress. In this artwork, Elsa says she did it because it looked good. This could imply that during her isolation, she probably looked at a lot of books about fashion and dresses, and became inspired to make a dress of her own. That's what the dress represents, her not caring what other people say and just being happy to finally be herself after all those years of isolation, even if it's a little provocative.

I also love how the artist drew Elsa. It really brings out her sexy appearance. But even if she wasn't wearing makeup, was bald, had scars all over her face, wrinkles, I'd still love her. Appearance is only skin deep.

12."Proper Elsa" by David Gilson.

I have a friend on Google+ who's also a big fan of Elsa and he wanted to honor her by posting 6 different fan-arts of her, back in 2016, and this was one of them.
She's so CLASSY in this one! SHE'S SO PROPER! SO DECORATED! And this sort of trimmed, handsome, fancy crap is one of my least favorite things. Ever. But for some reason, mingling it with the likes of Elsa just leads to THIS! And I can't believe how much I adore this art!

13."Elsa and The Ice Queen" by ASAMESHII

Let's put aside the fact that the Elsa on the right has larger breasts, and let's analyze the context.
In this artwork, the Elsa from the past is greeted by the Elsa The Snow Queen, as she expresses her disgust towards her past self.

Elsa has come to the realization that love is the only thing that can control her powers. Now that she is both giving and receiving it, life for her has become a lot more simplified. She could have been doing this all along if she had only listened to what the troll said; if she had replaced faith with the fear that controlled her. Now that she is doing the actual right thing instead of what she thought was the right thing, she may not even want to remember those 13 years of isolation. Those were dark times. All she could have been thinking of herself during those times is that she was turning into a monster. Now, if she had a dream were she meets her "younger self" I think that she would respond just like this, BECAUSE she doesn't want to go back there. She would never treat an actual person like this, because she isn't cold hearted. Elsa would only treat herself like this, because even though she has changed, she still deals with insecurities. The younger Elsa to her is nothing more than a memory, a bad one, and so even though it's not good for her, she will still be extremely hard on her past self.

Also, the fact that her breasts are bigger as the Snow Queen could represent how her confidence is bigger than when she was her depressed and anxious self.

14."Elsa's flowers." by radissonclaire

Elsa with her eyes closed, is holding up a bouqet of roses.
Even though Elsa is called "The Snow Queen", she looks more like Mother Nature in this artwork, especially since she's wearing her emerald green dress. I remember back in January of 2015 when I wrote my "What I like and dislike about Frozen" article, I said that I was curious as to why Elsa's new dress is suddenly green. It made her look like Mother Nature. In fact, I remember once reading a short Frozen fanfic, where Anna gives birth to a baby boy with nature powers.

I love how the picture is painted, and how bright it is. It really gives off Elsa's sense of warmness, and the roses could represent a sense of generosity.

15."Frozen Fever" by Tokio92.

Elsa is tightly hugging Anna, as she tells her how she's going to make the perfect day for her.

While I had mixed feelings about Frozen Fever, I did love how Elsa did everything in her power in order to make Anna the perfect birthday, as a way to atone for the 13 years of isolation and loneliness that both of them had to suffer. But Elsa believed that Anna suffered more, and must give her the best birthday gift, ever. It's reasons like this why I love Elsa as a character so much.

The red string that Anna had to follow in the short sorrounds both of their legs, representing how close they've become. I also love how "for you" is written in a different style, symbolizing how it's basically coming from Elsa, and how much Anna means to her.

I also like how Elsa and Anna embrace each other. Elsa looks like she's hanging off of Anna, while Anna tries to hold on to her. This could be reference to Elsa being so sick in the short that it made her look drunk, plus she almost fell to her death.

16.The Accolade of Arendelle.

This fan-art is an homage to the Edmund Leighton painting "The Accolade". The painting depicts an accolade, a ceremony to confer knighthood. Such ceremonies took many forms, including the tapping of the flat side of a sword on the shoulders of a candidate or an embrace about the neck. In the first example, the "knight-elect" kneels in front of the monarch on a knighting-stool. The monarch lays the side of the sword's blade onto the accolade's right shoulder. The monarch then raises the sword gently just up over the apprentice's head and places it on his left shoulder. The newly appointed knight arises, and the administrator presents him with the insignia of their knightly order. In the painting, the ceremony is performed by a young queen, the knight bowed before her feet in a position of submission and fealty. An audience is gathered on the Queen's left, serving as witnesses to the ceremony.

This fan-art is a direct reference to that. With Elsa, the Queen knighting Kristoff, with her sister and her servants watching it in the background.
I like how Elsa is knighting Kristoff while wearing the same dress she wore to her own coronation. It shows the parallel of the two ceremonies. Sure, becoming a knight and a monarch are two different things, but they're still about achieving a higher rank, not just in command, but also as a person.

I love this fan-art so much that a few months ago I made it the new background on my phone.

17."Frozen Heart" by lordandgod.

The artwork depicts Elsa and Anna, as they both embrace on the fjord, with tears in their eyes, and regret written all over their faces, as both are consumed by the coldness of the blizzard.

I like the new designs the artist gave to Elsa and Anna, and I think they suit the characters perfectly. I love crown-like collar that Elsa has, and I also love Anna's hood. Art is about being creative, and the artist did a great job with creating new dresses for them.

I also like the height difference between them. Elsa is 3 years older than Anna, so it would make sense why she would be taller.

I honestly would've liked to see a scene like this in the movie. I love the melancholic feeling the fan-art gives off, as well as the sense of closeness in an extremely cold environment. From their faces alone, you know that they're basically saying "I'm sorry" to each other for what they did to each other, and how they just want to be together.

18."Frozen x Mystery Skulls - Ghost Elsa - color" by aeorys.

Like the 16th one, this is another homage. It's a homage to the fantastic fan-animated music video by MysteryBen27. He's a big fan of Mystery Skulls and so he made animated music video for one of the bands' songs. The band saw this, but instead of suing him, they hired him to make another one! That second one ended up as a fan-animated music video for the song "Ghost" and it pays homage to Scooby-Doo. It became even more popular than the actual music video for the song itself, which was just a parody of The Exorcist.
I'll leave you guys a link so you can enjoy it: link

Back in Spring of 2016, my friend Dan gave me a link to this fan-art, and I was incredibly amazed that the artist combined that music video with Frozen. But you know what? It paid off!

Like the previous one, it's very melancholic and serene. I also like how Ghost Elsa is in her coronation dress. As I said, her wearing that dress is meant to represent how she shackled herself in a cold, dark cage that she's too afraid to break out of.
I also love how the artist incorporated skeletal bits into the dress' design. It reminds me a lot of Emily from Corpse Bride, to the honest.

Spoilers for those who haven't watched the video yet, but the ghost in that video has fire powers, representing his destructive rage.
The flames on Elsa do look cool, but I don't consider them as flames, because if Elsa was dead, she wouldn't have anger and vengeance in her heart, but sadness, regret, sorrow, and fear. As such, I like to consider them as the smoke that emanates from ice, especially if it's super cold.

I really like Elsa's expression - it really gives off the pain that Elsa must feel after all of the things she did to Anna and her people.

19."The Triumphant Sun" by Demented.

A new day is about to begin, as the reborn Snow Queen comes out of her palace, so the world could no the true Elsa, who stares into the horizon triumphantly, with pride and courage in her heart.

The lighting in this piece is absolutely stunning. The use of different shades of blue and pink are amazing, and the lighting makes them stand out even more. The blue represents Elsa's melancholic and tragic journey, while the brighter colors like pink and yellow represent the immense joy that she feels.

I also like how the artist didn't focus on her face, even though we know what the expression on Elsa's face is. It could represent how even though Elsa has found joy and freedom, in reality it's false freedom that she dug herself into, because after this moment, the few bits of joy she feels are squandered by the tragedy that awaits her.

20."Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" by cherrybonniu.

This fan-art depicts the different ranges of emotions the both of them experienced during "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?", as their relationship slowly dies.

Back in my 9th grade, I wrote an article where I analyzed "Do You Want to Build Snowman?" but sadly it was taken down.

Let's focus on Elsa.
At first, Anna knocks on Elsa's door with enthusiasm, but Elsa's with her back toward Anna, as she tries to ignore her, but the pain is just too great.
Then, Anna is more enthusiastic than ever to talk to Elsa, but Elsa, having nobody to embrace, hugs herself.
Lastly, Anna just walks by, basically giving up on Elsa for good, as Elsa tries to knock on the door, but she can't, as the pain eats her away in the inside.

I love the contrast in colors between the two, it fits them perfectly; and I also love that it shows how this incident affected them over years.

21."Pi Day or Pie Day?" by EarthHyena.

I know...the artwork is incredibly amaturish and it really shouldn't even be here. But I'll explain my reasons for including later.

To celebrate Pi Day in all its wonderful glory, the artist drew two different aspects of Pi Day (the math symbol itself and pie), starring everybody's favorite pair of royal sisters: Queen Elsa and Princess Anna! Elsa is making a Pi symbol with her ice magic and is explaining to her sister about Pi geometry, while Anna is watching with confusion as she thought the day was about actual pie and not the nerdy math symbol.

The reason why I included it is because someone finally remembered that Elsa is supposed to be intelligent because she studied for 13 years in her room, and that her favorite subject was Geometry! I'd love to see a nerdy side of Elsa in the sequel, to show that it's a great thing being an intelligent person, as it can be very helpful in the future, especially for young children who think that Math sucks.

Ironically, even though Elsa is the character I relate the most to, I always sucked at Geometry because of how complicated it is. Algebra was a different story, because while I wasn't the best at it either, I was better at that than Geometry. Not to mention, I'm currently one of the best students when it comes to Algebra! People say that Math class is mental abuse, and while I agree when it comes to Geometry, I highly disagree when it comes to Algebra.

Not to mention, I'm very good friends with the artist herself, and had dozens of conversations with her.
Here's more information she said in the description:
"Happy special Pi Day! Why special, you ask? Because it's 3/14/15 = 3.1415! This won't happen again for another century! And at 9:26:53 it's going to be the ultimate Pi moment, cause 3/14/15 at 9:26:53 = 3.141592653! Hooray for Pi!

In case you can't read my handwriting, here is what they are saying:

Elsa: (describes geometric parts of a circle: radius, distance, circumference, arc)
*A = πr^2
*C = 2πr
*S = 4πr^2
*V = (4/3)πr^3
*π = 3.141592653589793238462643383...

Anna: I thought today was Pie Day...?!

I was originally going to draw a picture of a cute animal eating pie with a pi symbol on it for Pi Day... but then Frozen Fever happened..."

22."I am the Ice Queen" by Izumi89.

This fan-art depicts Elsa's evil counterpart, named Evil Elsa, in a calm but menacing fashion.

Even though I prefer Elsa's current look, I also love Elsa's original evil look. The cloak, the collar, the dress, the blue crown and black Elsa's hair, int he shape of an onion.
Speaking of which, why is this hairstyle so ubiquitous? Vegeta from DragonBall Z has it; Sasuke from Naruto has it; Ilana from Sym-Bionic Titan has it; Ashi from Samurai Jack has it; and even Elsa was originally going to have it.

Aside from that, Elsa being the villain would be interesting. Not someone like Cruel la Devin, Ursula or Maleficent. But more like Mr Freeze from Batman.
In the original script, Elsa ran away because she was afraid of a prophecy that will come true, and that she'll be responsible for it, since Elsa doesn't want to hurt anyone. However, that's what it states in the prophecy, and she was terrified of fulfilling it and hurting others, in the process.

I am glad this didn't happen, because int he song "Life's Too Short" Elsa's just complaining, just like Ariel, Jasmine, Merida and several other princesses before her. Elsa was a unique character amongst all of the energetic, complaining and young princesses.

I saw the deleted scene of Evil Elsa many times before, and I have to say, Idina Menzel would've given a fantastic villain performance. She had that kind of sass and troll like personality that would've made for a very entertaining but also very threatening antagonist.

23.Elsa New Dress.

Like I said before, I absolutely love Elsa's new dress. It's without a doubt my favorite dress in a Disney Princess movie, period.

I love how the artist made Elsa's collar into a big hood for Elsa, which makes sense for a Snow Queen.

I also like how calm Elsa is. Even though there is no blizzard or storm, Elsa's calm attitude makes it look like she's not being affected by the cold of the blizzard or coldness.

24."Frozen: Elsa's death." by Kikuri-Tan.

This is one of the hardest ones to talk about.
In this fan-art, Elsa's throat is cut, as she lays dead on the frozen fjord, as the almost completely frozen Anna embraces Elsa corpse.

I remember back in November of 2014, when I wanted to look up a fan-art of Elsa being dead, because I was a fan of tragedies. But I was incredibly surprised by this...

I remember whenever I was depressed and cried about Elsa, I always looked at this, because I was a glutton for punishment and wanted to be more depressed because I believed I deserved it.

I saw someone saying that could've easily defeated Hans and survive, but I have to disagree.
Elsa is an intelligent woman who can hold her own, but she's also very emotional and has suffered from emotional trauma.
Think about it: Elsa was informed that she literally killed her sister, the most important human being in the world for Elsa. Elsa did everything in her power to protect her sister and other people from herself, since she almost killed Anna when she was just 8 years old, and was told to avoid human conctact and to conceal her powers and emotions. Elsa, throughout her life, was afraid of becoming a monster. Sure, she almost killed the two guards who wanted to asassanate her - but she was doing out of self-defense, and wasn't thinking straight, until Hans told her to stop.
When she was told that she killed her sister, she was distraught over what she has become: a monster, who hurt people. She let Hans kill her, since what good would come from a monster?

This is actually very relatable to me, because I've been dealing with emotional problems and suicidal thoughts for years. Not only that, but the emotion in this scene is effective, because seeing someone I relate to and love be cut down and covered in her blood makes me more depressed the more I see it. I remember not wanting Elsa to be killed, because I would've cried as if a family member died.

25."It's not your fault"

In the article where I wrote down my entire history with Frozen and how it changed my life, I said that one of the first fan-arts that I found on Pinterest was this one, alongside the fan-art I put in last in the first article.

In this one, Elsa goes to her parents' gravestones. She informs them of how things have changed, that the gates are finally open, that she and Anna are close again, that she can finally control her powers, etc. She even makes a flower out of ice to place on their graves.
She breaks down crying, begging for forgiveness, as she blames herself for everything that has happened: The incident with Anna; the 13 years of isolation; The Eternal Winter; how Anna almost died by her hands, again; and their deaths, all of it is her fault.
Anna comes to comfort Elsa, but Elsa still blames herself for what happened. She says she's even sorry for crying. Anna tell Elsa that it's not her fault, but Elsa still believes that. The last panel shows Elsa being embraced by Anna, and by their parents' ghosts, telling her that it's okay.

One of the reasons why I was crying for a full hour back then is because I felt sad for Elsa not being real, as I was sorrounded by a bunch of mindless bimbos and savages. But another reason was because I felt so guilty crying over a fictional character, that I subjected myself to all kinds of depressing artwork and music, as a way to punish myself, because like Elsa in this fan-art, I believed I deserve it.

I love how the artist refused to color it, because leaving it colorless gives it more importance and meaning.

I gave the fan-art the title "It's not your fault" as a reference to the scene from Goodwill Hunting, because I think it fits perfectly within the context of the artwork.

One of my problems with Frozen is that it has too much focus on cheesy music and scenes, as oppose to heartfelt emotional moments, and the drama of the characters. I know, real life isn't a soap opera, so I can't expect the character to act like they're int he world of Bersek where all hope is lost. But I also think that if they respect their audience, than they should tone the comedy down and focus more on the emotions of the characters.
I'd really like to see a scene like this in the sequel, because if they have the guts to pull it off, they'll have nothing but respect from me.

It's an absolutely brilliant piece, but I'm still kind of sad that I wasn't there to hug Elsa too.

I'm sorry if you guys wanted more, but I was just not in the mood to make more. I love Elsa as a character, so much so that I would dedicate my entire to to writing an entire article about her, and rewatch the movie she premiered in. She's one of my favorite characters because she's the epitome or relatability and empathy. Not only that, but Elsa and Frozen changed my life in so many ways that it's almost impossible to list those off.

At this point, I listed off 65 of my favorite fan-arts of Elsa, but there are still many, many more left on my laptop. I listed off the contributions of Elsa's other fans because they honored Elsa in their own way.

Even if there are people who dislike her character, that won't stop me from loving Elsa, as a whole. I used to be so offended by the negative opinions people gave her that I almost started crying. I was offended because I related to Elsa so much that whenever people said something bad about her or Anna, it felt like they were saying those criticisms about me. But, like Elsa, I grew up and changed. I've become more open to the people around me, especially since many of my current classmates are much better than those animals that I used to deal with.
I'm pretty sure if Elsa saw how much I've matured since then, she would be proud of me.

Happy Birthday Elsa, and Happy Winter Solstice to everyone!

As always, Smell ya' Later!
I have been here for a few months, and I noticed that I did not post my opinion of the weakest to strongest DP Film. Since it would not be fair to put all of these films together (as they were made in different times), I will do it in eras. The Disney/Pixar Merger Era is where Disney bought Pixar after their contract expired, and WDAS was slowly returning to their former glory, while Pixar was slowly losing their impact as the best animated company, as WDAS, DreamWorks, Blue Sky and others became big competition. The movies that are in this era that I will be covering are The Princess and the...
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I've been listening to this album a lot of times and it's possibly my favorite album of all time, pretty much all the songs are just amazing and something I noticed in all the songs (and scores since a couple of the tracks are only music) except 2 is that they could suit each one of the princesses so I decided to write an article about which one of the 11 songs that suits each princess the best. I will of course post links to each song so that you can listen to them, anyway let's get started :)

Snow White: Ghost River

Well first of all her name is mentioned in the song and her life...
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Disney Princesses
Disney Princesses
Hi! Here is my current Disney Princess list so I hope you'll like it! Let's begin with the bottom ranks...

11. Snow White
I do not hate Snow White but I also do not love her that much! I hate her voice and her eyes. Yet, I love her optimism! Even if how bad is happening to her she stays cheerful, and it is her best trait! She is also very caring and kind! I love her but I prefer the other princesses more!

10. Aurora
Aurora is very gorgeous! But the lack of her screentime really affects my impression on her! I know that she has personality, but I do not find her interesting!...
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posted by LupinPrincess
People seem to either hate characters that are full of flaws (ariel merida) or hate characters that are too perfect (Cinderella, belle)

I feel like this has to do with how the princess reflects on ourselves...even if we hate to admit it

we like flawed characters cuz they have similar flaws to ourselves, the are more human...or we like perfection to look up to as a role model...

or we hate flaws and act like critics, wanting the princesses to be better, or we hate perfection because we feel undermined cuz we don't meet the same standard or maybe because it's un realistic

What kind of princess do you like more?
A girl that deals with the bad inside herself and learns by the end of the movie...or
a girl that is almost perfect that deals with the bad around them instead?

Very interesting stuff....

Any thoughts?
So Mulan is my favorite Disney Princess movie but this is not about which movie I like more. It's about which movie is better objectively, I will try my best. I'm not going to nitpick every single little details because let's face it, no movie is really perfect. Besides, I hate going on and on because I'd rather cut to the chase. I'd love to read your agreements or disagreements.

10. Pocahontas
10. Pocahontas

The film had a lot of potential, shame it did not live up to most people's expectations. I absolutely love the animation and score. But aside from those things, a lot of stuff happened out of nowhere....
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posted by BookWorm26
Chapter 1
It was an ideal place to have a picnic, go swimming, or eat an ice cream in North Carolina, but not such a good time for Emily Grimm. Sure she was going to spend the rest of her summer vacation in North Carolina with her crazy grandmother, but she wanted to go on the four week cruise with her family.

"Emily, I know that you don't want to be here, but it might be funnier than a cruise,"Her Dad said.

"Ya right!,"Emily muttered.

The car pulled up to a brick house. The driveway was neat, but there were no cars. Along the driveway there were irises and roses that were in different colors....
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10th Place
10th Place
Formal dress for this countdown are Princess dresses or honourable engagement dresses in Mulan's case that are worn for celebrations, royal visits, formal evening meals and simply as fancy attire to wear in the castle during the day

Ball Gowns, Everday oufits, Work outfits, Costumes, Home-made Gowns and Wedding Dresses haven't been included.

However if you would like to read about my favourite ball gowns please go to this link: link

10) Cinderella's Return to the Palace Dress

This one is dull. Although it seems softly pretty when she's in the carriage. Outside the carriage it looks horrible.

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Hi thanks for checking out my article i hope you enjoy it! Before I get started I just wanted to say that these are not ranked on which ones i liked best.

Snow White
My favorite part in Snow White would be where the prince finds Snow White lying in her glass coffin and goes and leans down and gives her a kiss, and then after she wakes up he scopes her up and they go and live happily ever after, this part leaves me all tingly inside(:

My favorite part in Cinderella would be where she is singing "a dream is a wish your heart makes" and all the animals are all chirping and the mice...
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Author’s Note: Hey Fanpop fans!
Here is another part of my fan fiction “Disney Princess Awards”. I know, it took time to do it! I tried to do it more interesting. I want to tell you that this part is a little long and more romantic. I am sorry, but I love romantic parts. I want to clarify that to me, Cinderella is the leader of the Disney Princesses. I know that some disagree, but I love the idea of Cinderella of been the leader. I hope that you like this part. Have suggestions? Please feel free to add in the comments. Please, write some comments, I want to know your opinions. Enjoy it!...
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For credit check Part 1 of Aurora's story found in Princesses Switching Places: Aurora and Jasmine Part 1
For credit check Part 1 of Aurora's story found in Princesses Switching Places: Aurora and Jasmine Part 1
Aurora's Story Part 2:
Aurora had enjoyed the night, it had been a wonderful ride to a new world she had never seen before. She couldn't hide her feelings not even when her father came into her room to tell her that she was going to marry Jafar because Aladdin had died, but that wasn't true because suddenly Aurora spotted him and was so overwhelmed over his return that she quickly ran to him and gave him a hug.

Her father was so happy over his daughter's choice that he letted the guards take away Jafar

Aurora looked at Aladdin, both of them smiled over the Sultan's decision, now nothing would...
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My little sister, she's nine years old, is really into Disney Princess and she's been bugging to me let her do this all week. So If you want to see a child's perspective of the princesses, here you go. My writing is plain, her's is in bold.

10.Snow White
She's my #10 because her voice is very annoying. And I think she's really dumb but still think she's interesting.

Aurora is this low because half of the movie she is sleeping but she is still very pretty and charming.

Cindrella is my #8 because she stays with her step family even when they treat her like crap.

I really...
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In the Disney Franchise, Cinderella's ballgown is blue, but that was not always true (hey that rhymes).
In the 1950 film, when Cinderella got transformed into her gown, it was white. When she looked at her reflection in the fountain, it was blue. When they needed products for this movie, some people thought the white gown looked too much like a wedding dress, so they watched the whole movie over and over again until they came up with something. They saw Cindy's reflection in the fountain, and thought that was a good color, thus, Cinderella's dress is now considered blue.
In the next months, I'll write a series of 8 articles (well, I'll continue only if you like them, of course). The first 7 articles will be about separate aspects of the DP movies (Score, princess, couple, screenplay, villain, sidekicks and animation/art), and in the final article I'll make the average of the grades I gave the movies in each aspect and make my favorite DP Movies list = )

This is the second article in the series "Animaluco's TOP 10". It covers all DP Movies' screenplays! Enjoy!

10. Cinderella - 6,75

This movie's screenplay has nothing special. Though it doesn't show any...
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Here it is, the first part of this countdown, hope you'll like this article :) I won't put so many comments on here since I based it off the pergectance instead of comments, all the pictures are made by me!

45. Snow White & Jasmine

I can kinda understand why these two got eliminated first, they're each others opposites basically in many aspects, but personally I wouldn't eliminate them first, they have more things in common than some of the other pairs.

Your comments:
Because of their completely different attitudes and personalities. Snow isn't capable of standing up for herself the...
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posted by Harmony97
Soooooo..... I uploaded one of these awhile ago, and I realized I left out Belle. Actually someone commented that I did, but... anways, here you go!

15. Ariel
    Ariel is a sweet charming young mermaid whom I can’t stand. She hates her father for him trying to keep her safe. She goes to ridiculous distances to find a boy she met for a few hours, while he was UNCONCIOUS! No 16 year old should be that swayable by a pretty face.

14. Megara
    She is witty and independent. She isn’t afraid to get dirty. But, her voice berates me. She also literally...
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Like everyone else on this club I love Disney and love the heroines, princesses, and damsels of Disney films. Each girl has their own unique qualities and are beautiful in their own way. But of course beauty in always in the eyes of the beholder. And so I decided that I will create this article giving my opinion on the prettiest leading ladies of Disney films.

Just a reminder that this is opinion based and everyone is welcome to comment on what they agree with or disagree with. However, please do so in a mature fashion and as much as possible no cussing.

Now that that's out of the way. Lets begin!
10: Kida, this girl is beautiful and its sad that most people don't agree. She's an awesome heroine she fights, speaks any language, and is the princess of Atlantis! She is awesome. In addition, she fell in love with the nerd and that's so cute!
10: Kida, this girl is beautiful and its sad that most people don't agree. She's an awesome heroine she fights, speaks any language, and is the princess of Atlantis! She is awesome. In addition, she fell in love with the nerd and that's so cute!
9: Rapunzel she is my third favorite princess. She's adorable, clumsy, and super talented and probably pretty smart since she charted stars in her spare time. And she has magic hair that glows when she sings.
9: Rapunzel she is my third favorite princess. She's adorable, clumsy, and super talented and probably pretty smart since she charted stars in her spare time. And she has magic hair that glows when she sings.
8: Megara, her hair and eyes are just beautiful and so unique. She's also super funny and actually a very deep character. She sold her soul to Hades and died saving Hercules's life.
8: Megara, her hair and eyes are just beautiful and so unique. She's also super funny and actually a very deep character. She sold her soul to Hades and died saving Hercules's life.
7: Pocahontas, I really love her and her movie. She's a great role model and was able to bring peace between her tribe and the colonists. And of course she's very attractive long black hair, tan skin, big lips, and deep dark eyes.
7: Pocahontas, I really love her and her movie. She's a great role model and was able to bring peace between her tribe and the colonists. And of course she's very attractive long black hair, tan skin, big lips, and deep dark eyes.
6: Eilonwy, i think she is just adorable and out of this world pretty. I mean she's only a child and yet her beauty is just outstanding! Also, I totally agree with people saying she's Aurora's little sister although I think Eilonwy is much prettier.
6: Eilonwy, i think she is just adorable and out of this world pretty. I mean she's only a child and yet her beauty is just outstanding! Also, I totally agree with people saying she's Aurora's little sister although I think Eilonwy is much prettier.
5: Giselle, she is so pretty! I remember seeing the trailer for Enchanted and thinking to myself wow look that girl she is gorgeous. I love her hair, eyes, and I think she has the best clothes!
5: Giselle, she is so pretty! I remember seeing the trailer for Enchanted and thinking to myself wow look that girl she is gorgeous. I love her hair, eyes, and I think she has the best clothes!
4: Belle, the intellectual beauty who tamed the heart of a beast. How can you not love her? She has nice hair, lips, and her eyes are quite lovely as well.
4: Belle, the intellectual beauty who tamed the heart of a beast. How can you not love her? She has nice hair, lips, and her eyes are quite lovely as well.
3: Jasmine one of the reasons why she's so high is I love her movies and the television series. Not to mention I think she got the hottest prince ever. And she herself is absolutely stunning her hair, her eyes, and her hourglass body all make her gorgeous
3: Jasmine one of the reasons why she's so high is I love her movies and the television series. Not to mention I think she got the hottest prince ever. And she herself is absolutely stunning her hair, her eyes, and her hourglass body all make her gorgeous
2: Esemerelda, she SO pretty and an angel of the outcasts. Amazing emerald eyes that compliment her skin tone. And she has a great body one of the only Disney  women that gives girls a realistic body image.
2: Esemerelda, she SO pretty and an angel of the outcasts. Amazing emerald eyes that compliment her skin tone. And she has a great body one of the only Disney women that gives girls a realistic body image.
1: Ariel is my favorite princess she is beautiful, independent, fun, sweet, and has an awesome singing voice. She is also the most unique the only Disney princess to not be human.
1: Ariel is my favorite princess she is beautiful, independent, fun, sweet, and has an awesome singing voice. She is also the most unique the only Disney princess to not be human.
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
    It was a beautiful morning in May, and Belle felt like getting out of the castle for a while. She decided to go to town and visit her Papa. She felt a bit guilty; being a newlywed, she hadn’t visited him very often, but that was all about to change. Walking through the quiet village felt very strange to Belle now. People looked at her differently. They respected her now…looked up to her even. Not too long ago she was considered the town freak. As she walked up the path to the house she grew up in, she heard a lot of commotion coming from the attic. “What is my...
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This beautiful morning I have the great honor of interviewing the characters of Disney’s The Little Mermaid. Unfortunately due to extreme resentment Ursula and her sister are not allowed to participate, but King Triton may be coming by later…that is why this interview is being done outside beside the Ocean. Flounder and Sebastian are going to come by for a little bit too. Melody was turned into a mermaid and sent to Atlantis to play with her aunts during the interview. Our honored guests are starting to arrive, so we shall start soon.

(Ariel comes skipping up and gives me a big hug and...
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One winter night,Rapunzel and Eugene had a baby.
They called her "April".
Well,at least she grew up to 6 years old with them.
But................the,EVIL Mother Gothel was still the same! She returned somehow.That night,April got kidnapped!(she was sleeping and did not noticed)
6 years kidnapped! 6+6=12 years old was April.
She always had a DAY DREAM about her parents.
She tried to runaway,but the evil Mother Gothel raised her the same way with Rapunzel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She told April that the world was dangerous with horrible selfish people.One day April said: "I had enough! I'm leaving." Mother Gothel got red in her face.(like a tomato)April said this with full of anger: "Get red as a tomato,because I don't care.I'm gonna live my life,'cause this is my life not yours.I'll return somehow back to my REAL family."
posted by blossomyumyum
I recently discovered that these articles were ALL over the Most Recent pages and as I am still fairly new to Fanpop, I have decided to make my own. Thanks to phantomrose89 on this idea, it's greatly fun!

First Name: Technically Annabel but everyone calls me Emily. My name has a long story, where my Dad had written out Annabel in a birth form, yet it was supposed to be written as Emily. But when my doctor had come in the nursery, a second later she was explained to about having rattles in the face with coos of Emily being talked about every second. Ha ha, long story short, just call me Emily...
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