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Chapter Five, The Krazy Taco

We walk back to my house and go to my ship. "Ladies First" I say as I open the door for Jen to get in. Blushing slightly she smiles and jumps in. I jump in behide her, start the ship, and we qucikly fly off. Jen presses her face against the window "Wow, this is amazing! You can see everything from up here!" I chuckle "Yes, it's a much better way to travel. Much better then that horrble bus." We both start laughing, then Gir jumps out of his set and points to the fual meter "Master look, it's flashing red! I LIKE RED!" I look at it and he was right, it was flashing red. "Uh oh, we're about to run out of gas." Jen looks around the ship "Do you have extra fual somewhere?" "" her eyes get big "No? Then what are we going to do" Gir jumps up and down "YAY! we're DOOMED!" I give him a dirty look and grab hold of the wheel "Ok..hold on tight...I'm going to try and land this thing. Thankfully we aren't that far from The Krazy Taco" Jen holds on tight and Gir just starts singing his Doom song. "Gir!! Stop singing and sit still!" He close his eyes, tongue sticking out and nods. I aim the ship for the a parking lot and....CRASH! A land the ship. I pick myself up and look over at Jen "You ok Jen?!" She strightens her glasses "Yeah, I'm fine." Gir jumps up clapping "Woo Hoo, lets do that agian!!" As we jump out, Jen hugs me "That was a wonderful landing Zim, you're amazing" She gives me a kiss on the cheek, then quickly pulls away blushing. "" She clears her thoat and takes my hand. "Will thoughs tacos aren't going to get themselves, lets go" My face turning bright red, I nod, and follow her with Gir trailing behide us.

We go inside and walk up to the counter. "Hello, welcome to The Krazy Taco. May I take your order." "Yes, we would like 20 of your filthy tacos and a large order of nacos" She writes it down "And your name is?" "I Am ZIM!!" She writes it down "Ok, we'll call you when it's ready." We walk to a table and sit down. Gir keeps screaming "Tacos!" and won't sit still. Jen picks him up "No Gir, dogs don't talk. They bark, try it say Bark" Gir nods, takes a deep breath, and yells out "Meow!" Jen's eye starts twitching and I slap my forehead "Gir!! Argh!" Gir jumps out of Jen's arms and gets on the table. "Come on everyone, lets do the taco dance! TACOS!!" Gir starts doing this crazy dance all around the table, everyone in the room starts staring at us. I push Gir back into his seat, everyone is still looking at use. "I...Umm." I jump on the table "We're Normal!!" everyone looks away and goes back to eating. The waiter calls out "Order ready for a mister....Zimp." I jump off the table, walk over to the counter and yell "It's Zim!!" She acts like she didn't hear me and just hands me our food. "Thank you for coming to the Krazy Taco, have a nice day" I take out my money and throw it in her face "Shut your noice tube taco human" I go back to our table and drop our food on it. Jen smiles, picks Gir's tacos up and hands them to him "Here you go Gir, eat up" Gir happily starts shoving taco after taco in his mouth. Me and Jen grab a naco and eat it "Hm, they're not so bad. What do you thin-" Dib walks in "Get down!" I push them under the table "We can't let him see us, we all ready had one seen today. I don't want Dib stink to cause another" Dib yells and pointing outside "Everyone look, a space ship!!" I glare at Dib "Dang it!" Jen looks at Dib, then at me. "What do we do now?" I start pulling at my wig "I don't know, urgh...that stupied human boy ruins everything!....Wait! I have a plan! I grab Gir and Jen's hand "Ok here's the plan, on the count of three we'll run to the ship and fly out of here before someone sees us. Ready... one....two...three..Run!!"

As we were running out the door and to the ship I hear Dib call "You're not getting away from me alien! Everyone's going to see your ship and they'll all going to finally believe me. Then you'll go to a lab and have all kinds of horrible tests!" I hear Jen call out my name and feel her hand being pulled from mine. I turn around, Jen is on the ground with Dib hold on to her feet. Jen tries to kick herself free "Dib let me go! Please stop it!" I growl at Dib "Get your hands off her, you FILTHY STINK HUMAN!!!" I run up and kick Dib in the face. He falls back and puts his hands over his nose "OW, that hurt!! You stupied Space Boy!" I pick Jen up and jump in the ship. "Lets go Zim, hurry start the ship" I slap my forhead "Dang it!" Jen puts her hand on my shoulder looking worried. "What is it Zim, what's wrong?" "We're all out of gas remember? If we try and fly it, it will crash." Jen's face goes pale "What...what do we do now?" I take a shacky breath and look at her "We're not doing anything....But're getting out of here. Jen I want you to leave me and save yourself." She shakes her head "'m not leaving you!" I grab her shoulders "Jen, listen to me! If you get caught with me....I...I don't even want to think about what they'll do to you...Please Jen, just go!" Her eyes start to fell with tears "I don't care what they do to me, I'll never leave you! I can't leave you alone to go though all the experiments." I hate seeing her cry, but see can't stay with me. "Jen...listen to me...I can make it though the experiments knowing you are safe. Please....if you love me and if you're my friend you'll go...I can't lose you....please....JUST GO!!!"

She quickly kisses me and runs off crying. Blushing I touch my lips and with my eyes full of tears I turn to Dib. "This is all your fault, because of you my best friend had to leave!!! I hate you!!! I punch him in the face and he falls to the ground. "Ouch, hey what was that for!.....wait...are you....crying?" I turn away, jump in my ship and start it.....

*To Be Continued!*
added by CountTheDreams
Source: Myself
added by CountTheDreams
Source: Myself
added by Dreamlucario
Source: me
added by Dreamlucario
Source: me
added by JTHMsbabe
added by Whazie
Source: my drawings :P
added by DMhello
Source: inspired by the song "like a star" by britt nicole
added by DMhello
Source: emmymew13 on deviant art
added by erinlabadie
Source: me
added by Whazie
added by Whazie
added by invaderlily
Source: invaderlily
added by Elizabeth1999
Source: zaJR's character, I drew it.
added by Elizabeth1999
Source: invaderlily's character, I drew it.
added by Elizabeth1999
Source: Elizabeth Coleman
added by ZaJR
Source: Me
added by ZaJR
Source: Me
added by invaderlily
Source: InvaderRena
added by invaderlily
Source: invaderlily