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Hey Jared, get up! It's January 1st, 2015! :D

Jared: OH GOD ALREADY!? @___@ *Gets dressed*

*12 Hours Later.....*

Hope you enjoyed the first day of 2015 Jared, see you tomorrow! :)

Jared: You too! :D *Goes to sleep*

*A little while later...*

Hey Jared, get up! It's December 30th, 2015! :D

Jared: Five... More..... Mi-WAIT WHAT!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!??!?

Yep! Almost 2016! Man, it's been a long year. ^____^

Jared: Are you... Serious........ @____@

So yeah, 2015 is pretty much over and we've gotten a LOT more music since then. And honestly, this year kind of SUCKED.

Seriously, picking even FIVE songs for this list was an absolute nightmare. But after a ton of research, caffeine, and a hell of a lot of duct tape, (#POINTLESSREFERENCESFTW) I managed to do it. But as always, there's a few rules.

1. I could ONLY pick songs off of the Hot 100 Billboard. Link to that is here: link

1 1/2. If I break Rule #1, then I have to make sure that the song has at LEAST 2-Million views.

2. No remixes/new versions of songs. And for some reason, there's a LOT of them on there this time around. Mostly Christmas stuff, but I thought I'd mention it regardless.

3. Obviously, I must give my honest to god opinion on this list. No lying, no easy targets, no looking up the best and worst, all me.

Now without further ado, let's get this party started!

Best #5. Lil Dicky - $ave Dat Money feat. Fetty Wap and Rich Homie Quan

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The premise of this song alone made it on the list, as it's absolutely hilarious. In laymen's terms, there's a white rapper who's going around houses trying to borrow their building and stuff for a music video, hopefully finding a rich person who'll let them film their video.

Come on, THAT is pretty damn funny.

And the song itself is pretty good. Yeah, it sort of suffers from being the stereotypical "Awesome Club Yo" song, and the beat isn't all that original, but it's still a pretty damn solid song.

I also like how in the ending, they do a little bonus and decide to go around random places to put people in his video. That was a pretty nice thing to do, and I gotta give them credit for that.

All in all, it's a wacky song with a great premise. If you're looking for something silly, you can't get much better than $ave Dat Money,

Best #4. Adele - Hello

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Yeah, I KNOW I said no easy targets, but this song is too good to ignore..... For the MOST part anyways.

What do I mean by that? Well, for some reason, this song is currently #1 on the Hot 100 Billboard. REALLY!?

And don't get me wrong, it's a GREAT song, but it's not NUMBER ONE material, for god's sake.

But with all that aside, this song really surprised me. And it's not because the entire music video is filmed in a Sepia Filter, (For some reason....) but because it's.... Genuine.

I'm not kidding at all when I say that pretty much EVERY song nowadays is "GOT THE MONEY AND THE BI-OTCHES IN DA CLUB YOYOYO". And by Jesus on Broadway, that is SO RIDICULOUSLY OVERUSED.

I think the only reason $ave Dat Money got on the list was because of the premise and the ending, and that tells you something.

And trust me when I say that it feels SO nice to get a genuinely good and heartwarming song after all the crap that's plaguing the radio nowadays.

It's nothing I'd call a favorite of mine, but it really is a pleasant melody to listen to every now and then. Check it out if you haven't yet, you shouldn't regret it.

Best #3. Tame Impala - Let It Happen

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HOLY CHRIST, TALK ABOUT UNDERRATED. This song is WAY too good to be ignored, and I haven't the slightest idea why it didn't make it on the Billboard.

The lyrics are great, the visuals are stellar, the song itself sounds amazing, and that's already WAY more than I've said for entries #5 and #4 COMBINED.

I remember when I first found this song as well. It was somewhere around October and I was really damn bored. I started to look for some good new songs, and I found this hidden gem after about two hours of searching.

The video also reminds me of a classic 80's video, and that gave me some nostalgia as well. Plus, there's some GREAT editing in this as well.

All in all, check it out! This is a seriously underrated masterpiece that I REALLY wish hit the charts more than it actually did.

Best #2. WALK THE MOON - Different Colors

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Before any of you kill me and say that this is a 2014 song, hear me out. It was RECORDED in 2014, and OFFICIALLY RELEASED in 2015, so it counts. You got it now? Wonderful.


By Jesus on Broadway, this is the most CRIMINALLY underrated song I've ever heard in my life. Pretty much everything from the lyrics, to the visuals, to the tempo, IT ALL WORKS! HOW IN THE BLOODY HELL DID THIS SONG ONLY GET 2 MILLION VIEWS!?

And if you don't know this by now, 2 Million views is NOTHING in the music world. You need at LEAST 8 Million to be considered popular, so this is just sad.

It's also pretty ironic that this is the BEST songs of this year list and it's still mostly negative. XD

But with ALL that aside, this song is fantastic. It's happy, upbeat, and sounds goddamn AMAZING. And I'm not kidding when I say that this song became an INSTANT favorite of mine ever since I first heard it.

I HIGHLY recommend this song, it's the very dictionary definition of the word marvelous.

Best #1. Coldplay - Adventure Of A Lifetime

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And this is the part where some of you go "WHAT!? @___@". And honestly, I can't blame you. And that's because this song is WEIRD.

But here's the thing guys, I LIKE weird, that's my thing for crying out loud. So it's no wonder that ths song stuck out to me so much.

The use of synthesizer in this song is AMAZING, the lyrics and basic premise are fantastic, and the music video is funny in an inspirational and strange way. Plus, the title is so perfect.

Coldplay is one band that's never seemed to disappoint me. I thought I'd HATE them at first, but after giving a few of their songs a try, I liked a good amount of them.

Sky Full Of Stars was good, and Paradise is a classic, but THIS one is where I lost my mind. I can now officially say that I LIKE Coldplay, achievement unlocked.

And there you go! I hope you guys enjoyed this list as much as I had fun making it! And stay tuned for the Top 5 WORST Songs Of 2015.

This is Jared Potts signing out!
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