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posted by Seanthehedgehog
In the United Kingdom, a dark green Jaguar F-Type was chasing a Toyota Tundra.

British Agent: *Driving the F-Type* Goal Keeper, this is Chelsea. I'm in pursuit of the bandits.
MI6 Operator: Chelsea, this is Goal Keeper, we're tracking your progress so far. Don't let them escape with those plans.
British Agent: Roger sir. I won't let you down.
MI6 Clerk: *Walks towards the Operator* What plans did they steal from us?
MI6 Operator: Plans for a special motorcycle with a hang glider.
MI6 Clerk: *Looks at the Operator's computer screen* What's that to the right of Chelsea?
MI6 Operator: It looks like a missile. Chelsea, this is Goalkeeper, we've spotted a missile heading towards you. Confirm you see the missile?
British Agent: *Looks behind him* I copy. Taking evasive action! Aborting chase! *Drifts onto a dirt road*
MI6 Clerk: That missile is closing in.
British Agent: Goal Keeper, I won't make it! It was a privilege to serve Her Majest-

That was all Chelsea could say before the missile destroyed him, and his F-Type.

MI6 Operator: *Closes his eyes while lowering his head*

In an unknown part of Florida, people from the US, UK, and Mexican governments met together.

British Spokesperson: This is unacceptable!! Your country has been killing several of our agents, spilling their blood on our land!!
Mexican Spokesperson: That is inaccurate. Our country doesn't have the financial capabilities to fire missiles all the way to England, let alone any missiles in general!
British Spokesperson: What about the time five of our agents were killed when they were in your country? Hm?
Mexican Spokesperson: I assure you we have no hostile intentions towards your countrymen.
British Spokesperson: RUBBISH!! I've been informed to let you know that we are having several more agents on assignment in Africa. If anything bad happens to them, we will hold your country responsible for their murder!
American Spokesperson: With all due respect, I don't think your country will have to declare war on Mexico. Our surveillance teams report that the missiles heading into your country were launched from Germany.
British Spokesperson: Germany? Are you saying they're responsible for attacking us?!
American Spokesperson: We think Germany is unaware of the missiles. We already have an agent flying over there now. He'll get us the answers we need.

Opening Credits Song: link

Johnny: *Sits down looking at a screen. He sees a wanted sign on it for a bad guy. He nods and gets up*


Johnny: *Looks at his watch, and presses a red button activating it*

Starring SeanTheHedgehog as Johnny Lightning

Johnny: *In a parking garage. He starts to run as he selects the 1958 Plymouth Belvedere. Once he selects it, he jumps into mid-air making the car automatically appear with him in it. He drifts left out of the parking garage*


ISIS Members: *Walking together with AK47's*
Johnny: *Runs out from a building behind them, and bashes their heads together*


Johnny: *Jumps out of a helicopter with a parachute. After a few seconds, he deploys it, and slowly goes down towards a rooftop*


Johnny: *Slides down towards a gravestone with an M14, and fires five bullets*


Johnny: *Combing his hair, and then cleans the lenses of his glasses*


Johnny: *Running on a boxcar. He jumps on a gondola, doing a front roll once he lands. He grabs a guy in a black coat, and punches him three times, then throws him off*


Commander Kane: *Sitting behind his desk with his feet on them*

Jack Nicholson as Commander Kane

Johnny: *Drives back into the parking garage. He stops the car, gets out, and hits the red button. His Plymouth Belvedere disappears, going back into the watch*

Song: link

Johnny: *Driving his Volkswagen Karmann Ghia through Stuttgart*

Episode 13: Hot Tarmac

List of guest stars

Matthias Schweighöfer as Ferris Bollander
Michelle Hunziker as Talia Volker
Daniel Craig as Discord

Narrator: I had the right car for this assignment. I was hoping to also have the right connections.
Johnny: *Stops at a intersection, then turns right*
Narrator: I had to prove Mexico's innocence by finding out who really shot those missiles into England.
Johnny: *Stops at a cafe, and gets out of his car. He hits the red button on his watch, making the car disappear. He walks into the cafe*
Cashier: *Watches Johnny walk towards him*
Johnny: Guten morgen.
Cashier: Hallo.
Johnny: Ich suche einen mann namens Ferris Bollander.
Cashier: Rotes hemd, schwarze sportjacke. Er sitzt am fenster.
Johnny: Wunderbar. *Gives the cashier a dollar* Compliments of the CIA. *Walks towards Ferris*
Cashier: *Smiles while looking at the dollar bill*
Johnny: *Sits across the table from Ferris* Guten tag.
Ferris: Welcome Mr. Lightning. I see you're fluent in German. Have you ever been to Germany?
Johnny: No. Never.
Ferris: We have many fun places in Stuttgart, but that will have to wait for another time. I assume you're here to find out about those missiles fired into England.
Johnny: Yes. We know you're innocent, but we need to prove that Mexico is innocent as well. England is threatening to declare war on them if we don't.
Ferris: Then we have no time to waste. Follow me. *Walks outside with Johnny*

Ferris took Johnny to a brand new Z4.

Johnny: *Admiring the silver convertible* Well done.
Ferris: I assure you this is more than a pretty set of wheels.
Johnny: I understand. You should see my Karmann Ghia.
Ferris: Really?
Johnny: The upgrades I made to that thing will make your head spin. Not just for improving performance, but I recently installed some weapons. Fender mounted machine guns, landmines, and UAV.
Ferris: My car has lasers that shoot out of the headlights.
Johnny: Can't wait to see how much damage that causes.
Ferris: Are you ready to go?
Johnny: *Nods*
Ferris: Let's begin. *Gets in his car with Johnny. He starts the car, and drives north*

Ferris & Johnny went for a drive in Ferris' brand new BMW Z4

Ferris: According to our recon teams, those missiles were launched from the northwestern outskirts of Ludwigsburg. Every time we send in a strike team to find those bastards, they conceal their base of operations.
Johnny: Well it won't stay concealed for longer. I know we just met, but something tells me we're gonna make a great team.

As Ferris drove Johnny into Ludwigsburg, a Toyota Tundra appeared behind them.

Johnny: Ferris, I think we got company.
Ferris: *Sees someone on the back of the truck with an RPD* Ver damnt. Hang on. *Floors it*
Bad Guys: *Catching up to Ferris*
Machine Gunner: *Firing 25 bullets at Ferris' car*
Ferris: *Hits a button that releases smoke from the back of the car*
Bad Guys: *Swerving as they slow down*
Johnny: Take a left.
Ferris: *Drifts through an intersection*
Johnny: Left again.
Ferris: *Goes left* Do you think we lost them?
Johnny: *Sees the truck in front of them* I don't think so. Now would be a good time to show off those lasers.
Ferris: *Shoots two lasers at the truck*

The Tundra's front wheels fell off, and the engine caught on fire.

Ferris: Now that he's done for, let's continue our journey.
Machine Gunner: *Carrying his RPD as he gets in front of a Porsche* Halt!
German Citizen: *Stops, and runs out of his car*
Machine Gunner: *Gets in the Porsche, and floors it*
Johnny: *Spots the Porsche* I don't think it's over yet.
Ferris: *Sees the Porsche heading towards them, and floors it*
Machine Gunner: *Breaks the window of his car, and fires 20 bullets at Ferris' car*
Johnny: *Watches the back window break open, and fires seven bullets at the machine gunner* He's ducking. I'm going for his tires.
Ferris: Try to keep him alive. We need to find out who he's working for.
Machine Gunner: *Fires the rest of his 50 bullets at Ferris. Only one bullet hits him in the shoulder*
Ferris: Ah!! *Spins out of control, and stops in a grassy field*
Johnny: *Shoots both front tires on the Porsche*
Machine Gunner: AAHHHH!!! *Crashes into a billboard*
Johnny: *Gets out of the car*
Ferris: *Turns on the radio to talk to his allies* This is FB-12. I've been shot in the shoulder, and need medical assistance.
Johnny: *Opens the door of the Porsche, and pulls out the machine gunner* Did you have fun with your toy?
Machine Gunner: Screw you.
Johnny: Who are you working for?
Machine Gunner: A terrorist organization.
Johnny: That's very cute. Which one?
Machine Gunner: We just started operations.
Johnny: What's the name of your organization?
Machine Gunner: Anti-European Intelligence Service. *Dies*
Johnny: *Walks back to Ferris* Ever heard of the Anti-European Intelligence Service?
Ferris: No.
Johnny: Well that's where that guy said he was from. Let's run a check on that, and see if it really exists. He says it's brand new.
Ferris: Is he still alive?
Johnny: I'm afraid his accident with the billboard was too much on him. He's dead.
Ferris: If the Anti-European Intelligence Service is made up, we can at least lure another one of those imbeciles out here, and interrogate him.
Johnny: If they all have machine guns, I'd like to avoid that.
Ferris: *Chuckles*

Ferris & Johnny were inside a building operated by the Federal Intelligence Service, Germany's Intelligence agency.

Ferris: How much time do we have until England declares war on Mexico?
Johnny: 10 days.
Ferris: That should give us plenty of time to prove that your southern neighbors are innocent.
Johnny: Yes, but we want to be quick, in case the declaration goes ahead of schedule.
Ferris: *Types Anti-European Intelligence Service onto a search computer* Here we are. This organization has only been around for 3 weeks. They have barracks in Greenland, Morocco, several parts of Japan, Russia, and Sweden.
Johnny: It sounds like they've been covering a lot of ground.
Ferris: They have attacked several countries, but England seems to be their primary target. They've hacked England's satellites to make them think the missile that killed their agent in the recent attack was launched from Mexico.
Johnny: What about the British agents that were killed in Mexico?
Ferris: They were killed by Mexicans, but they weren't part of the Mexican government. They're part of the Anti-European Intelligence Service.
Johnny: Are there other nationalities in the members that make up this group?
Ferris: Japanese, Russians, French, there's even a few British members.

A tear appeared in Ferris' eye as he read the list.

Johnny: What's wrong?
Ferris: There's even some Germans that have joined them.
Johnny: *Puts a hand on Ferris' shoulder* You know how I felt when I found that several American's joined Isis?
Ferris: Just like me?
Johnny: *Nods* It's gonna happen here & there.
Talia: *Appears behind them* Hallo Ferris.
Ferris: *Stands up, and faces Talia* Kenne ich dich fraulein?
Talia: *Giggles* Du bist so ein Komiker.
Johnny: *Smirks* Ich auch.
Talia: Wann bist du zu uns gekommen?
Johnny: Ich habe nicht. Ich bin Amerikaner.
Ferris: Johnny, meet Talia.
Johnny: *Shakes her hand* Pleasure.
Talia: Likewise.
Johnny: Are you going to help us with our assignment?
Talia: I was originally going to Korea, but I was transferred to help you two at the last second.
Johnny: As we always say in America, the more the merrier. Once our assignment is done, I'll treat you to dinner.
Talia: Danke.

In Mexico, a small city was bustling with activity. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the beautiful sunny day, but then, a missile was spotted heading towards them.

Mexican 41: ¡Ponerse a cubierto!
Mexicans: *Screaming as they run indoors*

The Mexicans immediately blamed the British for the attack

MI6 Operator: That's absurd!
Mexican Official: Just because you think we killed your agents doesn't mean you have to threaten us!
MI6 Operator: Well if your people weren't poor, or incompetent, you'd be able to get satellites, and figure out where those missiles came from! We're already telling you, we had nothing to do with it!! *Hangs up, and slams his cell phone onto a desk* This is a big pickle we're in.
MI6 Secretary: The American's say they're working with the Germans to try, and determine where those missiles are coming from. I hope they find out soon.
MI6 Operator: Yes, I personally believe that declaring war on Mexico will only make things worse, but the people up top think otherwise.

We return to Johnny, who is still in Stuttgart.

Johnny: Ludwigsburg is where those missiles are being launched. How are we going to find the base when they conceal it?
Ferris: I say we get a diversion. I'll get a strike team to pretend they are moving a convoy of weapons to a different city. When they attempt to attack us, you and Talia can sneak into their base when they open the secret door. *Shows a map to Johnny on a big screen* We believe the missiles are being launched from a field east of the train tracks. A more precise guess is directly south of this large building.
Johnny: How did they set this up under your nose?
Ferris: My guess is they brought in the supplies to create everything on a disguised train. We caught a few members of Isis trying to do the same thing a few years ago.
Johnny: Now obviously, me and Talia can't handle all those guys on our own.
Ferris: I will go with you, along with another strike team.
Johnny: *High fives Ferris*

A Maybach lead a convoy with 3 trucks, and two BMW SUV's. Johnny and his team were waiting in two vans in front of the building near the hidden base.

Johnny: How will the door open to the base?
Ferris: You'll see.
AEIS Soldier 50: *Spots the convoy on a big screen* Enemy convoy leaving town. Go steal their weapons!
Johnny: *Watching a big square emerge from the ground*

5 Toyota Tundra's left the secret base while an alarm buzzed loudly.

Johnny: Go! *Runs with Ferris, Talia, and fifteen German soldiers*
Ferris: Get down the ramp before it closes!
Johnny: *Gets in with everyone*
Talia: *Turns on a flashlight mounted onto her USP 45*
Johnny: nimm es schon und langsam. wir wollen auf nummer sicher gehen.
Ferris: jawohl.

They didn't notice a security camera appeared from the ceiling behind them.

Johnny and his friends from Germany's Federal Intelligence Service snuck into the secret base operated by the Anti-European Intelligence Service. Little did they know that surveillance cameras were tracking them down.

AEIS Soldier 73: We need to apprehend them.
???: All in good time. Let them come closer.
Johnny: *Makes it towards the missiles* Watch every part of the room. I got to take a picture for analysis. *Grabs his cell phone, and gets a picture of a missile*

An MI6 agent was driving a Jaguar F-Type down a road through Africa.

MI6 Agent: Goal Keeper, this is Mid-fielder. I'm approaching the location of the baddies.
Goal Keeper: Copy that Mid-fielder, keep us notified.
MI6 Secretary: Are we positive that he'll be safe from those missiles?
Goal Keeper: If he gets killed, we declare war on Mexico, and demolish their shithole of a country.

Back at the secret base, the Anti-European Intelligence Service began their attack against Johnny's group.

AEIS Soldiers: *Appear with AK47's, and shoot at the German troops*
German Troops: *Taking cover, and return fire with their MP5's*
Johnny: *Pulls his 1911R1, and shoots 3 AEIS soldiers*

Two enemies appeared behind Johnny, and pointed their guns at him.

AEIS Soldiers: Stop!
Johnny: *Looks back while the main fight occurs in the background*
AEIS Soldiers: Come with us.
Johnny: *Gets apprehended, and placed in the control room*
???: That's good. Keep attacking the convoy so we can get more weapons!
Johnny: *Looks at the man in front of him with a black suit*
???: Johnny Lightning. I've heard a great deal about you. *Turns around in his chair to reveal himself* My name is Discord.
Johnny: I can see why with the disorder you cause.
Discord: You're very tough for a man of your youth. Let's see if you have what it takes to stop me from this. *Hits a button to launch 3 missiles*
Announcer: Missile launch sequence has commenced. Target, Africa. Jaguar F-type. License plate, PPK-223.
Johnny: *Hits a guard, and makes him shoot the other guard with his AK47*
Discord: *Runs out of the room*
Johnny: *Hits the cancel button*
Announcer: Launch sequence, cancelled.
Ferris: Halt!! *Shoots two bullets at Discord, but misses*
Johnny: *Runs after Discord*
Talia: *Sees Johnny chasing Discord* Wait for me!
Ferris: *Shoots 3 more guards with his Walther PPK* Let's go help the other team!
Discord: *Gets into a Bugatti Chiron, and starts the engine. A turn table turns the car to face the departure ramp*
Talia: Johnny! *Catches up to Johnny*
Johnny: You're coming with me?
Talia: Ja. *Kisses Johnny on the cheek*
Johnny: *Turns on his watch, and selects the Plymouth Belvidere* Hold my hand. *Runs*
Discord: *Drives away*
Johnny: Jump! *Jumps with Talia, and they appear in the Plymouth*
Discord: *Looks behind him, and sees Johnny following him. He drifts to the left*
Johnny: *Following Discord's Bugatti*
Talia: How do we keep up with him?
Johnny: You'll see.
Discord: *Drifts to the right, onto an empty road*
Johnny: *Hits the rear of Discord's car*
Discord: *Swerves, then regains control*
Johnny: *Gets to the left of Discord's car*
Discord: *Looks at Johnny*
Johnny: *Steers to the right*
Discord: *Brakes*
Johnny: *Hits a guardrail*
Discord: *Laughing*
Talia: Johnny!! *Gets out of the car, and looks at the damage to the front of the car*
Johnny: *Slowly gets out of the car*
Talia: Did you break any bones?
Johnny: *Looks inside his car, seeing how far the guardrail went inside* I'm never driving a car again! Ever! *Takes his watch off*
Talia: Johnny?
Johnny: I don't want anymore of this! *Throws the watch at the front window, and walks away*
Talia: *Nervously staring at Johnny as he walks down the road*

A press conference was held in London, featuring people from Mexico, MI6, and the CIA.

MI6 Spokesperson: Well, at least we now know that your country has no hostile intentions against us.
Mexican: We are glad to know the same. How did you do it?
CIA Spokesperson: One of our agents, with help from the Germans. He failed to capture the man in charge of those attacks, but we won't give up.
MI6 Spokesperson: Is your man alright?
CIA Spokesperson: His nervous system broke after he crashed, trying to chase down the leader of the Anti-European Intelligence Service. He was inches from breaking his leg.
MI6 Spokesperson: Wherever this man is, I want to congratulate him personally.
CIA Spokesperson: We do too, but he's gone MIA. We don't know where he is, but we do hope he's safe.

The end credits begin while we look at the watch on the hood of the Plymouth Belvidere.

The End

This has been a SeanTheHedgehog Production from June 28th, 2020
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see.
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see.
Boys and girls of every age ... wouldn't you like to see something strange? Of course you would! Let's see how much you remember from that strangest and most enchanting of movies, The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Taken from Disney Insider.

1) Which of these is not one of Oogie’s trick-or-treaters?

A) Lock
B) Shock
C) Spock
D) Barrel

2) Who do the trick-or-treaters mistakenly kidnap?

A) The Easter Bunny
B) Uncle Sam
C) Cupid

3) Which of these gifts does Santa Jack NOT deliver?

A) A vicious duck decoy
B) A carnivorous Christmas wreath
C) A monstrous nutcracker

4) When Santa...
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posted by StarWarrior
    “I’ve got it!” Shade squeaked.
    “Hurry!” Emerald barked, trying to keep up with him.
    “Corner it there, quick!” Kitmira barked.
    Shade turned the rabbit toward the thick thorn bushes. It was getting tired. Shade pounced; he landed perfectly on its back.
    “Bite it!” Neko commanded.
    Emerald lunged forward and sunk her teeth into its neck.
    “Good catch!” Mamma called.
    “Did we hunt...
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posted by TheRealSexyKate
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posted by BloodyMascara_
Yes, this is from Tumblr.

Everyone: What emo shit are you listening to?

Linkin park: When life leaves us blind, Love keeps us kind

Of Mice & Men: I've held my tongue for far too long, the silence kills me

My Chemical Romance: You only live forever in the lights you make. When we were young we used to say, that you only hear the music when your heart begins to break.

Green Day: So make the best of this test and don't ask why. It's not a question but a lesson learned in time. It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you have the time of your life.

Black Veil Brides: Never...
continue reading...
It's all the same
Only the names will change
It seems we're wastin' away

Another place
Where the faces are so cold
I drive all night
Just to get back home

I'm a cowboy
On a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted
Dead or alive
Dead or alive

Sometimes I sleep
Sometimes it's not for days
The people I meet
Always go their separate ways

Sometimes you tell the day
By the bottle that you drink
And times when you're alone
When all you do is think

I'm a cowboy
On a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted
Dead or alive
Dead or alive

Ohh alright

Oh I'm a cowboy
On a steel horse I ride
I'm wanted
Dead or...
continue reading...

The weekend comes to this town
Seven days too soon
For the ones who have to make up
What we break up of their rules

Well I saw Captain Kidd on Sunset
Tell his boys they're in command
While Chino danced a tango
With a broomstick in his hand
He said, it's alright (Alright) if you have a good time
It's alright (alright) if you want to cross that line
Break on through to the other side

Let it rock (Let it rock), let it go (Let it go)
You can't stop a fire burning out of control
Let it rock (Let it rock), let it go (Let it go)
With the night we’re on the loose, huh
Got to let it rock

continue reading...
Riding high, then shot down
I load my guns to fire another round
I look deep into her eyes
And can't run there's nowhere left to hide
Don't stop, no it's much too late
When the night comes I can't wait
Oh I live, love to lose control
It makes me crazy I want to let you know

Oh, no, I don't want to fall
Oh, oh, can't you hear me call
All night long in my secret dreams
You tell me I'm the one
When I'm next to you, next to you
All I want in my secret dreams
Is you here with me
I got to get to you, get to you, get to you

There's a thrill, in the chase
We won't lose when we meet face to lace
Love, games a means without...
continue reading...
The clock strikes ten
Out on the streets again
I been looking for something to please me since I don't know when
Out on the dark side of town
Another rumble's gone down
And life on the high side isn't what this boy’s about

She's got something I want man, it's something I need
It takes more than a night to satisfy me

I stand accused
I can always run to you
Any road that you choose
I can always run to you
I stand accused
I can always run to you
I run to you
Baby, I can always run

To a heart of chrome
And a soul of steel
We've done more white lines than you'll know any one we could steal
And when I give her the...
continue reading...
In the heat of the street of the city
A young boy hides the pain
And he walks so tall, trying to hang on
But he knows he's going down again
I know he's going down

Darkness fades he's the prince of his city
In a place where they all know your name
You can see in their eyes life so paralyzed
You’re just a pawn in a losing game
You lose at life it ain't no game

Hear their cries (Hear their cries)
The hardest part is the night
(In the night, hear their cries, in the night)
Stay alive (Stay alive)
The hardest part is the night
(In the night, in the night)

All alone in a place where the lonely
They all have to...
continue reading...
Listen people can't you hear the voices that are crying out
There's a hunger burning in the heart of their souls
Maybe now that I got you let me tell you what I'm talking 'bout
Stand up and shout tonight we'll lose control

(Oh, no)
I been down and mistreated
(Oh no, let’s go)
Now we're standing undefeated

I'm (I’m) the king of the mountain
I'm (I’m) the king of the hill
I'm (I’m) the king of the mountain
I'm (I’m) the king of the hill

You spend your life working 9 to 5 it's like doing time
Boss man says "Hey boy, you'll never be no good"
With the night there's a magic in the air makes us...
continue reading...
Shot through the heart
It's all part of the game that we call love

Would you be content to see me crying
After all those little games you put me through
After all I've done for you you're lying
Wouldn't it be nice to tell the truth

Didn't somebody somewhere say
You're gonna take a fall
I gave you everything
Now here's the curtain call

Am I’m
Shot through the heart as I lay there alone
In the dark through the heart
It's all part of the game that we call love

Now you've come back here to say you're sorry, ha
I don't know who you're talking to
It could be the man I used to be, girl
I've grown up and now I'm...
continue reading...
I was writing this, and I want to know if it is any good before I contnue! Can I have your opinions and suggestions?
Chapter 2 isn't finished, so no comment on the incompletion, please, it is a work in progress!


In the battle against two myths, two High School sweethearts must face the ultimate challenge; either put everything at risk to be together, or put their love at risk to stay alive.

Chapter 1


Well, let’s just say that my life is not normal. In fact, it’s probably at the most least normal level as it could possibly get. I had never even heard of this myth until it had...
continue reading...
(Crank it up, oh)
I like that, ah

Th-th-this beat is hypnotic
I wanna ride like a shofa
Sound of sonic’s
Controlling me just like a robot
I go bionic so D-D-DJ put it on
I’m losing logic and cruising deeper in the zone

(It’s so cinematic
G-got me froze up)
G-got me froze up
(This psychopathic
Beat it something
I need a dose of)
I need a dose of
(I’m systematically
Moving every single bone)
Moving every single bone
(There’s no mechanic
That can understand what I’m on)

Let’s crank it up (Crank it up)
Till the walls cave in
Just crank it up (Crank it up)
Put that record on spin...
continue reading...
I’m a mess when it comes to you
I got no inhibitions whatsoever it’s true
I’m not the kind of girl who runs around like this
Caught up in a kiss
Best friends or benefits, no

But you’re so racy, you’re my favorite guy
So unruly, so uncivilized
Cupid got me right between my eyes
You know you got it real bad
Doing things that you never did

Oh oh whoa oh, oh oh whoa oh
You wake up in your bra and your make up
Oh oh whoa oh, oh oh whoa oh
Your car’s in the driveway parked sideways
Yeah I know this is killing me
I’m leaving every piece of my conscience behind
Oh oh whoa oh, oh oh whoa oh
I’m such...
continue reading...
I’m not alone
Even when we’re apart
I feel you in the air, yeah
I’m not afraid
I know what you’re thinking
I can hear you everywhere
Some people say it’ll never happen
And we’re just wasting time
But good things come when u least expect them
So I don’t really mind
We’ll be together
Come whatever
I’m not just staring at the stars
Just remember
That no one else can tell us who we are
We’ll be together
So don’t ever stop listening to your heart
‘Cause I can’t turn mine off, whoa, whoa… oh
I can’t pretend
This is a rehearsal for the real thing
Because it’s not, and
I know we’re young...
continue reading...
Every day it’s getting worse
Do the same things and it hurts
I don’t know if I should cry
All I know is that I’m trying
I wanna believe in you
I wanna believe in you
But you make it so hard to do
What’s the point of making plans
You break all the ones we have
I don’t know where we went wrong
‘Cause we used to be so strong
I wanna believe in you
I wanna believe in you
So why can’t you be
Be good to me
I don’t ask for much, all I want is love
Someone to see, that’s all I need
Somebody to be, (Somebody to be) somebody to be
Good to me, good to me, can you be good to me
Good to me, please
I used...
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Harry Potter author JK Rowling, admitted that Dumbledore is gay. He was in love with a wizard named Grindelwald whom he later defeated in a duel.

"I had always seen Dumbledore as gay, but in a sense that's not a big deal. The book wasn't about Dumbledore being gay. It was just that from the outset obviously I knew that he had this big, hidden secret and that he flirted with the idea of exactly what Voldemort goes on to do, he flirted with the idea of racial domination, that he was going to subjugate Muggles. So that was Dumbledore's big secret.

He's an innately good man, what would make him...
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posted by E-Scope90
The mind is typically defined as the organized totality or system of all mental processes or psychic activities of an individual.c
Many philosophers hold that the brain is a detector of the mind and that the mind is an inner, subjective state of consciousness.h
Philosophers have used a variety of metaphors to describe the mind, including a blank sheet, a hydraulic device with different forces operating in it, or a television switchboard.h
Attempts to understand the mind go back at least to the ancient Greeks. Plato, for example, believed that the mind acquired knowledge through virtue, independently...
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posted by selenagomezfan7
found this on the net:

50 Fun Things To Do At Wal-Mart

1. Take shopping carts for the express purpose of filling them and stranding them at strategic locations.

2. Ride those little electronic cars at the front of the store.

3. Set all the alarm clocks to go off at ten minute intervals throughout the day.

4. Start playing Calvinball; see how many people you can get to join in.

5. Contaminate the entire auto department by sampling all the spray air fresheners.

6. Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap.

7. Leave cryptic messages on the typewriters.

8. Re-dress the mannequins...
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OK, this article is going to be in the point of view of many different characters. Before it begins in their point of view it will have their names.
Edward wasn't a school today, too sunny, I'm guessing. The Cullens are probably out hunting. Charlie had said that where the Cullens "hike" is filled with bears. I'm pretty sure that they are hunting somewhere else today, so I would like to see how it looks up there. I pulled on some hiking boots and got in my truck.
Eventually I reached the place. I was standing on the side of a small cliff. I found a few bear prints, and started to wander...
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