Supernatural Club
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1. You have the lyrics of 'Carry On My Wayward Son' memorized
2. You say "Son of a Bitch" more often when bad things happen
3. You try to find and own every single piece of Supernatural merchandise out there
4. When you see "Pig in a Poke" on the Breakfast menu, you know not to order sausage with it
5. You hum 'Heat of the Moment' every Tuesday
6. Your not afraid to wear anything with plaid
7. You have to tell everyone when you see a '67 Chevy Impala
8. It is required to attend at least one Supernatural Convention in your lifetime
9. You quote when with another Supernatural fan more often than one that isn't
10. You know every single great, fantastic or awesome episodes by heart
11. "Idjit" is the new handshake
12. You watch every other TV Show or Movie any of the cast members are in
13. When someone mentions angels, you instantly think Cas
14. Classic Rock is awesome!
15. Mullets are cooler than most would think
16. Salt isn't just for eating, it's for protection too
17. Half the people you know are either known as a Sam Girl, a Dean Girl or a Cas Girl
18. The name Winchester is no longer just a gun
19. When your science teacher mentions sulfur, you instantly think demons
20. Hex bags are neither good or bad
21. World History class just got fun
22. 'Carry On My Wayward Son' is the one song that makes you cry the most
23. When you see K.I.T.T. in 'Knight Rider', you picture the Sampala instead
24. "Accidents don't just happen accidentally"
25. Cake is not pie
26. If something bleeds glitter - Run!
27. Jared is considered a "Moose"
28. It is required to countdown the days for the new season or it'll drive you mad
29. You get excited when someone tells you they started to watch
30. A guy in a trench coat is now considered sexy
31. Pie is important!
32. You appreciate muscle cars
33. Staying at a cheap motel is more exciting than expected
34. It is hard not to freak out on a cold day, thinking there's a ghost
35. Mythology is important to you
36. "Eye of the Tiger" is no longer just a song
37. You keep iron just as close as friends
38. You have an urge to make devil's traps... everywhere!
39. You become instant best friends when they tell you their a Supernatural fan too
40. You hum Metallica to calm down
41. You can't make plans on Wednesday night
42. You no longer trust random babies in public
43. You wonder if every dog you see is a skinwalker
44. It's good to have a panic room
45. You're extra careful around sewer grates because you know you could loose your shoe
46. Your friends and family know not to disturb you on Supernatural nights
47. You instantly think its a hell hound when you hear a dog barking but don't see it
48. You're afraid to touch a rabbit's foot
49. You hear a song played on an episode and play it through your head
50. Your first thought when a door doesn't open, kick it in!
51. Supernatural isn't just a word
52. Heaven is no longer a happy place
53. You have a Supernatural playlist
54. You have more friends due to Supernatural
55. You know how to exorcise demons
56. Latin is no longer just a language
57. You'll never look at a clown the same way
58. You find it hard to listen to pop music because you feel you're disappointing Dean
59. You mutter "God, I'm a painted whore!" when you take your makeup off
60. You make sure Borax is in your house
61. You make sure to check for hex bags
62. You debate on splashing holy water on friends when they start to act strange
63. You know it's hearing 'Heat of the Moment' on a Tuesday is a bad thing
64. You see dead plants and immediate think a witch
65. Bon Jovi Rocks... on occasion
66. You know the cure of a hangover is a greasy pork sandwich in a dirty ash tray
67. You wish Sam and Dean were your siblings
68. You know what episode a screen-cap is from right away
69. You freak out when someone can roll their eyes into the back of their head
70. Your wedding car has to be a '67 Chevy Impala
71. You feel like making Death a friend
72. There is no such thing as aliens because their actually fairies
73. It's hard not to think about Gabriel while eating a candy bar
74. You still wonder if the pizza man truly loves the babysitter
75. It is required to have salt around you at all times

Hope you liked it! :D
Happy Hunting, fans
Butterfield Park.
Night had replaced the day and the only light came from a Ferris wheel, standing in the middle of the park, next to the swimming pool. At the top of the Ferris wheel some of the chairs were removed, just enough to make room for a human body.
Meg was tied up on the rails, facing the starless sky. Kevin had grabbed her and taken her here, while Balthazar put something on the Ferris wheel. Something slippery. So, even if Cas came to her rescue, he’d hit the bottom of the wheel before he’d reach the top and then Meg would be stuck there, until she starved to death or died from...
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Now that Alexia had cut off his meds, Cas was feeling much better, though he still wasn’t able to get out of bed. He heard the sound of wings and an instant later Balthazar appeared in the room. He wanted to ask what he was doing there, but found himself unable to. So he just cast him a quizzical look.
“You have to meet me at Butterfield Park” Balthazar said. “Crowley wants me to kill you and that’s exactly what I’m going to do”
Cas frowned. Why would Balthazar tell him this? Why not just kill him right now?.
“If I kill you here and now, it wouldn’t be a fair fight” Balthazar...
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Jo caught Meg sitting on the rest room floor, her head on her knees. Jo had never thought it possible, but for a moment she took pity on the former demon.
Meg looked up the moment Jo made a step towards her.
“Who was that?” Jo asked, referring to the other blonde girl.
“Some chick who thinks she has all the answers to all the questions” Meg answered while she got up, using the wall as support. She frowned and lay her hand on her side. Kevin had hit her on the exact same spot he had attacked her with the angel powers.
“You okay? You need a doctor?” Jo asked.
Meg shook her head. “No,...
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Meg was hiding in the guest rest room of the hospital. She should be resting, but first she needed to calm down. Who the hell did Cas think he was to lash out on her like that. He had begged her to get help. What was she supposed to do? Let him suffer? Thinking of it now, she realized she should’ve done exactly that.
“Have you heard anything I said last night?”
Meg looked up in the mirror and saw the reflection of the young girl that had practically saved Cas’ life.
“I told you he’s sick” the girl said.
“In his head, right” Meg snapped, without turning around.
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As she walked outside she bumped into Dean. “Oh, you’re back” she noticed indifferent. “He’s awake” she filled the brothers in. “He’s your problem now. I’m out” She pushed Sam aside and walked away.
“Are we allowed to go in?” Sam wondered, pointing at the door. “I mean, all of us?”
“Why don’t you two go first, then I’ll go find Meg” Jo suggested.
“Why?” Dean asked.
“Because she seems upset” Jo answered obvious.
“So?” Dean shrugged uncaring. Jo rolled her eyes. “Some guys…” she muttered between her teeth, before taking off.
Dean opened the door...
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Heather walked inside the police station. She was going to talk to inspector Roberts. Maybe she could help her find that Kevin guy.
“Can I help you?” a woman asked. Heather turned around and frowned confused. She had spent a lot of days at the station, but this woman she had never seen before.
“I’m looking for inspector Roberts” Heather said.
“Inspector Roberts?” the woman repeated with raised eyebrows. “Who’s asking?”
“I’m her cousin” Heather confessed.
“I see” the woman nodded in understanding. “Why don’t you follow me?” She led Heather to her office.
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Doctor Tyson did some standard examinations, while Heather looked from the doctor to Meg, waiting for him to say something.
“I think you have been very lucky, Miss Masters” he eventually said. “A little more to the left and you might not have made it”
“When can she go home?” Heather asked.
“I’d like to keep her here in observation for at least the rest of the week” Doctor Tyson. Meg frowned and shook her head.
“No” she mumbled weak. “I have to call Cas” She tried to get out of bed, but Heather stopped her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it” she said and she...
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The door to the intensive care opened by itself and an instant later it closed again. Balthazar became visible and stepped slowly to the bed Cas was lying in. There was a bandage around his head, and some kind of masker around his nose and mouth, attached to a ventilation device.
“I am so sorry, Castiel” Balthazar whispered as he lay his hand on the machine. “But I have no choice”
“What are you doing?” Anna asked sharp. Without turning around Balthazar mumbled: “Please, leave, Anna. I have to do this. Crowley will kill me if I don’t”
Anna walked to him with fierce steps. “If...
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“What was it?” Meg asked sharp, forcing Cas to look at her by grabbing his shoulders. “What did Heather give you? If it’s something dangerous…You know medicine can kill you, don’t you? If you take too much of it”
Cas freed himself and turned around. “Yes, I know that. I am not stupid” he snapped, while he rubbed his fingers. “I don’t know what Heather gave me. All I know is that the pain is gone and isn’t that exactly what we wanted?”
“Well, if you don’t know then I guess I’ll have to ask someone who does” Meg replied cold. She turned around and wanted to leave...
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Meg took a bite from the waffle and frowned. “Did you put chocolate in it?” she asked, looking up at Cas.
“Yeah, Anna told me you liked it as a human and since you’re human again…” Cas explained. “I wanted to do something nice for you”
“Hmm” Meg said, taking another bite from her waffle. “Seems to me that you’re trying to make up for something”
Cas bit his lip and sat down. He took Meg’s hand. “Yeah, I’ve been…quite a jerk to you yesterday. But…the pain…it was really bad” he tried to explain.
Meg pulled her hand away. “Yeah, I get it” she answered a...
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Meg had locked the door of her bedroom and sat down, leaning against it. Cas was sitting on the other side of the door.
“Meg, I’m really sorry for what just happened” Cas said remorseful. “I don’t know why I’m saying those things or doing those things. You know I’d never hurt you deliberately”
Meg let her head rest on her knees. She was going to kill Dean Winchester. This was his fault. He should’ve taken Cas with him. Then Cas could’ve taken his anger out on all the evil sons of a bitches out there.
“It’s the pain” Cas tried to explain himself. “You don’t know what...
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Meg was still sitting on the same spot when Céline drove Cas back to her. He had lost the angry face, but he didn’t look happy either.
“And? Did they find out what’s wrong with you?” Meg asked a little annoyed, because Cas walked out of the wheelchair, to the wall and leaned against it.
“Ask the doc” Cas answered short.
“That bad?” Meg raised her eyebrows. And when the doctor joined them she turned to him. “What’s the problem? What did you see on those…scans?”
“That is the problem. We didn’t see anything” Dr. Spencer started.
“What?” Meg said stunned.
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Meg was lying asleep in a bed in one of the many bedrooms in the house. She had found something to sleep in; Anna really had taken care of it.
The door of the room opened slowly and Cas appeared in the doorway. He was wearing a dressing-gown and he walked slowly to the bed. He took of the dressing-gown and removed the sheets. The sudden change of temperature woke Meg up. She blinked and opened her eyes and widened them. Though it wasn’t the first time she’d seen it, it still took her by surprise.
“What are you doing here?” she asked aggressive.
“I think you know that” Cas answered...
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Cas scribbled up and walked to the bed where he sat down. Meg walked to him and also sat down. “Let me see” she said soft and she reached for the buttons on his shirt, but Cas pulled away.
“It’s just a scratch” he objected.
“Don’t be ridiculous” Meg replied and she opened the buttons. She shoved the shirt over his shoulders and then went sitting behind him so she could take a good look at the wound. “It’s not that deep. I think I can stitch it myself” She stood from the bed and looked around. “If I were a needle and a thread, where would I be?” She took a deep breath....
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“Your résumé is extremely…blank” the man in the temp job office noticed as he looked at the paper Meg had given him. She had written it this morning. “You’ve worked as a nurse in a mental clinic for some weeks. Do you have a degree as a nurse?”
“Yeah” Meg nodded. “I should’ve brought it with me”
“Why don’t you go home and come back with your degree. Then, maybe, I can do something for you” the man said.
“All right” Meg answered and she got up. She turned around and left the office. She leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. She didn’t have a degree....
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Dean, Cas and Sam were standing in an open field. There was a low wall at the end of the field and Sam had placed some cans on it.
Dean showed Cas how to prepare a gun and then made a few shots at the cans. He didn’t miss one.
“You’re really good at this” Cas said admiring. Dean handed the weapon to him. “Your turn”, he said, when Sam had put the cans back and stepped away from the wall as far as possible. He didn’t really trust Cas with a gun.
Cas aimed the gun at the walls and fired and missed.
“I think you just killed a tree” Sam joked. “If I were you, I’d hide for...
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Dean and Sam rushed into the hospital, to the reception room. “Hi, my friend was brought in here” “What’s your friend’s condition?” the receptionist asked. “Eh” Dean hesitated, looking at Sam.
“Sam! Dean!”
The Winchesters turned around and saw Anna running their way. “Come with me, I know where he is” she said. She turned around again and Sam and Dean followed her. “I found him lying in the middle of a crossroad, bleeding badly. I’ve been having this bad feeling all day and I’m so furious with myself that I didn’t look for him sooner”
She stopped at a door....
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Sam was back at the motel, when the door opened and Ellen and Jo came in. Sam looked up and his eyes widened. “Jo” he sighed relieved. He walked to her and threw his arms around her. “You’re alive, thank God”
“Yeah” Jo said, tapping Sam’s shoulder.
Sam scratched his neck. “Eh, do you want some coffee? I can make some” he suggested.
“No, don’t bother, we’re good” Ellen said.
“It’s no bother” Sam said. “I was going to make some anyway” And thus he walked to the kitchen.
“Where’s Dean? I’d like to see him. He wasn’t in his room anymore” Jo said.
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Cas took Ellen’s arm and disappeared. He landed in the ICU, next to Jo’s bed.
“Warn me if someone’s coming. I don’t know how long this will take” Cas said dispassionately. Ellen nodded and walked to the door. She opened it and walked outside.
Cas sank down on the bed and lay his hands on both Jo’s temples. He closed his eyes and prayed for Jo to open her eyes.
And she did. At first everything was a blur. She reached out her hand and touched Cas’ face. “Dean?” she mumbled weak. When Cas’ face became clearer she withdrew her hand. “I’m sorry”
Cas didn’t reply, but...
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“Daphne? It’s time to let me go” Martin said soft.
Daphne lifted her head and stared at him with wet and bloodshot eyes. “How? I can’t”
“It’s time for me to move on” Martin said. “I’ve been wandering around for too long. I’m done here. If I stay much longer, I could turn into a vengeful spirit”
Daphne shook her head. “I don’t believe that”
“You didn’t believe I would show up in the first place, either” Martin pointed out.
Daphne pulled her shoulders. “How do I let you go? Aren’t you supposed to walk into the light or something?”
Martin laughed. “Not exactly. You have to salt and burn my bones”
“So I need to go to the cemetery?” Daphne asked.
“No. That grave is empty” Martin said bitter.
“Then where are your bones?” Daphne asked nervous.
“You’re standing on them” Martin answered.