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posted by alicia386
August 31

Chloe Sanders was in a wheel chair being wheeled by a handsome stranger. She was really confused about everything and couldn't remember much about why she was in the hospital. She couldn't remember much. She knew that her name was Chloe and from what the handsome stranger has told her over the days is that she had a very traumatic accident. He said the doctors would be letting her out today. She was enjoying the time she had with the stranger. She wish she knew his name. She knows she saw him before but she just couldn't remember.
"Okay Chloe," said the stranger as he wheeled her out the hospital door. "This is your first day back to high school. Do you know what high school you go to?"
"Nope," she giggled.
A small smile danced on his lips. He was obviously amused by her. "You go to Brunswick High School. There are some people that you might recognize."
"Like who?"
"You might remember Shea Wainwright or Blair Borgen. You knew those two girls well," said the stranger.
He wheeled her to his shiny car. He helped her into the front seat. She shoved away his hand. Chloe wasn't disabled. She could do tons of things for herself.
"Get ready because you are about to face a whole lot of horrible things," the stranger mumbled.

Shea was the last to see the new 'it' couple come in the door. Was it possible that Chloe had become more extravagant since being in the hospital. Impossible Shea deemed as Eric and Chloe came through the doors of the classroom and to their seats. Shea decided that she should have a little talk with Chloe and Eric.
"What's up guys," she smiled innocently.
"Back off, Shea," Eric said sternly. She hasn't expected that tone from him. He was suppose to be trying to win her back while she ignored his pleas. It was how it was suppose to be and then in a couple of days she would forgive him and everything would go back to how it was.
"Calm down," said Shea. "I just came over to talk to my dear friends."
"Oh I have friends, already!" Chloe was just giggling at the thought. "You must be Shea. This guy said I might remember you and I do, a bit. I knew your name."
"What's wrong with her," mumbled Shea.
"The doctor said she might have amnesia for a while because of post traumatic reflex or something like that." Eric stared at her longingly which made Shea even more upset and determined. She wasn't going to let some new girl come in and destroy the relationship she had built up. She just wasn't going to eat it happen.
"Bye Chloe," she said as sweetly as she could muster. With a twirl of her hair, she sat back down in her seat.
Corey came planted a kiss on Shea's face right in front of everyone. She was caught of guard and was completely aware at everyone staring at her. "Hey babe," he whispered in her ear. I made her insides tickle but she wasn't going to show any emotion besides anger and disgust. She gripped Corey's wrist and dragged him outside before the teacher had the nerve to come through the door.
"What do you think you are doing?" She question appalled at how open Corey was about their secret relationship. She had been going over to his house everyday. "We agreed to keep this between us private. As in no one knows about it."
"Well, I've been thinking about that," Corey said. "Why not put it out in the open for everyone to know. I don't want us to be private anymore, I want our love to be known to everyone."
"Corey, you how that makes us look right? Your nerd friends will reject you for hanging out with me and my popular friends will reject me because I'm dating you." Shea wanted to talk Corey out of it. She wasn't quite over Eric yet.
"I can't do that, sorry," he said as he kissed her on the cheek and went back in the classroom where the teacher was now getting them ready for the day.

Blair had stayed at her grandmother's house since that horrid day she found her dad and her aunt together. They were coming down the stairs with robes on and underneath they were most likely naked. It was the most horrid picture imaginable. I turns out that they were having a little fling while her mother was out of town for the day. It was gross and upsetting.
Her grandmother on her mom's side was nice enough to let her stay with her until her dad could get his act together. She was so furious with him that she didn't even want to see him. She just left without a goodbye.
"Hi lovely," said Derek as he walked right by her. "Spread the word about my upcoming party tomorrow."
"Sure," she said without any feeling.
"I would ask you to come but honestly, I don't want you there, sorry." He walked up to a group of girls and wrapped his arms around them. Blair didn't want anymore mistreatment.

A group of friends near the hallways were eagerly chatting about the latest rumors they heard.
"Did you hear that Derek is having a party tomorrow?" Giggled the brown hairs girl.
"Please, can you believe that Eric and Chloe are together now," said the blonde girl.
"Aww, I thought he was going to get back with Shea but she did cheat on him," said the black haired girl. "They were so good together."
"Shea told Terra who told me that Chloe is actually a gold digger, she is only with Eric for the money," said the blonde haired girl.
"Oh yea! Eric's family won tons if money from the lottery last year," said the black haired girl. "That was who they paid for all of those vacations."
"Do know what I think," said the brown haired girl. "I think that Eric is actually gay."
posted by SweetHoneyBunny
I backed up slowly, not wanting the she wolf to feel threatened and attack. “Nice wolf, I'm not going to hurt you.” I got up off the ground with my hands out, facing the wolf. She had white fur with a small gray star on her chest. Climbing off the small hill she had been standing on, she began walking towards me. I stood still. If I ran, she would pin me down and attack; and if I stood here there was no telling what she might do. “Please don't kill me. I didn't want to be brought here.” She was circling me and sniffing. Suddenly, she stopped. “I can smell his blood.” Her voice was...
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We were anxious to find out what was going on with the Jew. The Saumensch and I walked out and onto the streets, apart at a distance, careful of any danger around us. As we walked over onto Pariser Platz, we saw that there was a public execution today. A couple of Nazis were gathered around a feeble man, short and skinny, who appeared to be a Jew. The Saumensch and I stepped closer, seeing that it wasn't our Jew, but only to be halted by one of the Nazis on command. "HALT! What brings you here?" I answered calmly, "We've just come by to greet you fine men. Heil Hitler." The Nazi nodded briefly,...
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posted by Problematic129
*Thank for all the comments :) Please don't copy and please read and review*
Chapter 20
    Let the games begin
    “What are you doing here?” I ask.
    “I could ask you the same thing,” America answers crossing her arms and giving me a pointed look. “Zyanna.”
    Now right then, my heart did stop. “What?”
    “Oh, don’t act stupid Zy, I know who you are.”
    America looked confused. “You mean you didn’t send me that...
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posted by alicia386
Abigail Dalton
Abigail Dalton
Chapter One

      The sudden death of Abigail Dalton casted a spell on the quiet town of Brunswick, Georgia. Everyone felt utterly dismal as they watched the reporter give the gruesome details. It happened so suddenly and out the blue. Who could have ever killed the sweet 17 year old girl that made even the grumpiest of men smile at her beauty and charm. It was true that she was beloved by her peers, family, and community. Who would kill her? Well, believe it or not but there were some people who thought she was arrogant, stubborn, vain, and unintelligent. All of those comments may be true...
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Okay, I'm positive fanpop messed up my formatting, and I don't feel like fixing 11 pages(nor do I have the time), but here it goes. I really would like Criticism please, All I've been getting is how much people like it on the writing spot, good criticism is hard to find over there, So don't tell me what you like, tell me what you hate, as vehemently as possible.

    “This world is lost…” The dragon’s words echoed in Karaza’s mind. She had been hiding near the gathering place, hoping for a chance to steal some of the dragons’ supplies before the great beasts flew...
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The rain was pouring as her bare feet touched the ground her black hair was stuck to her face ,she paused to realize that she was right in front of the graveyard gates she slowly walked into the graveyard while she was walking she found a bench, she sat on it and started to get tired ,she lay down and fell into deep sleep, waking up three hours later she realized it was it was past midnight with the rain coming to a stop ,she got of the bench and strolled through the graveyard , “where is it?” she kept asking herself while she was walking until she found what she was looking for, it was...
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posted by hgfan5602
I hold tears back...
The thought of such a close friend
Leaving you
Is horrible.

It feels like life is over,
Like...there's no point in living anymore,
If your best friend is gone,
There's no one to keep the warmth
With you anymore.

What's the point of life
If you don't have any friends
To share it with?
It's all over,
All of it.

No one's coming to calm me down,
And I'm not going to let them either.
I want to remember my closest friend...
But it's not easy,
If you have to leave them.

She will always be in my heart
She was an amazing friend to me,
She brought me so much joy
And happiness,
Even in the darkest of nights,...
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Like I said, it was a dark and foggy night. I thought my eyes were deceiving me. I think I saw a Jew. This time around, there are practically no Jews. They are either in concentration camps- awaiting their death, or dead already. The Nazis are not being easy with the Jews. This Jew was covered with a black cloth, and he appeared to be standing over a cowering boy, twelve years old of age at least. I moved in closer, cautiously, with my Saumensch, and we were both suspicious. The Saumensch's eyes met mine. "Is that...a murder, Carls?" Matna, the Saumensch, was definitely suspicious. She never...
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I fought through the process,
And I was determined through it all.
I was brave and strong
And now I survived.

At first I was worried to death,
When the doctor said that I had cancer.
I stayed strong
Cuz I knew that my family and friends
Would care for me,
And spread the word
So I would survive.

My friends and I
Were always supportive of me,
And we could talk for hours,
Playing on our DSes,
Talking about Legos
Like great friends ever should.

Later, I was cancer-free
And I celebrated
We did everything great
It helped me cheer up.

I found out
That many people have cancer
Not only me..
And I'm...
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posted by wantadog
Chapter 3

Juliet muffled her scream as she saw what was standing on the other side of the door. It was Phil, but not any Phil she had ever seen. Phil’s skin was black and bubbling, steam was being emitted from what used to be his skin, his pupils were gone, and he was giving off an awful odor, even worse than the cigarettes. He wasn’t looking her way so she dived behind the bar. “Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!” She clamped her mouth shut as her whispering rose to a shout. There was a grunt from the other side of the door and she heard a rattling noise as he beat on the door, trying...
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posted by hgfan5602
Together, at last,
We sing in unison,
As the eagles zoom past us,
Symbolizing true freedom now.

We are together,
Not just our country,
But all the countries of the universe,
Syria, China, Germany,
Russia, Canada, Brazil,
And, of course, the United States.

I have never experienced
Such an amazing feeling
In my whole life,
As the soldiers of the universe
March past,
We are in utmost glory.

The unity of the universe,
We behold right now.
Never again, we shall quarrel,
Fighting with our steel rifles.

We will be free,
Not just blacks,
But all of us,
Together, at last.

We will be equal,
Women and men,
And we shall work together,...
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posted by hgfan5602
We are going separate ways.
We must leave each other,
Though I regret it,
There is nothing either of us
Can do.

We are going separate ways.
The bright light shines in our futures,
For the separate ways we go
Are the best for each of us.

We must leave for the good of it,
Though I don't want to,
And I know you don't either.
But it is important that we do.

It is never easy
Doing what we do the worst,
Leaving each other,
And the thoughts that we are...
Best friends...leaving each other...

We must go our separate ways.
For our own good.
And we pray that one day...
We will meet each other again.
And we will.
Jake Gartner here. For some reason, something kept those mutant serpents away from us. Chase Johnson, my friend, is over here with me at the Library of Death. Yeah. Bad name for a library, if you ask me. I would never have come here in the first place, had no one ever bothered me with a ransom note about my mother dying if I didn't go on this life-or-death journey. (Sorry, I have to speed the story up now. Chase says I'm getting all the attention.) So, what we found out at the library. Not much. All we found out was that mutant serpents tend to be very huge, have sharp teeth, and stay away...
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Chapter One
A Safe Place to Hide
    Down in the town, humans lived their comfortable lives, untouched by most of the world. Tonight, the weather is particularly bad. A blizzard moved into the area. It isn't fit weather for man or beast. Yet, fighting her way through the swirling snow is something that is neither one nor the other.
    Nemesis, a healthy dragon of five centuries, fought to keep her course in the storm. She may have gotten a bit stout in her later years, but that won't keep her from her travels. The winds changed direction every few seconds....
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posted by Problematic129
    “No, no, no, no,” Terry assures. “Nothing bad is going to happen, Brook, or it already would have, don’t freak out.”
    “I can’t help not freaking out, I mean, I think everything is going to mess up because of the everything is fine. It’s not fine!” I say.
    Terry tilted her head at me. “Hey, it’s going to be okay, and if it’s not, we’ll get through it.”
    I nod, “together.”
    Terry nods as she turns...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter 9: I Play Bad Cop And You Play Good Cop

      Faye Martinez and Jason Rivers sat in Mr. Rivers' office in his house. They had readied everything for the interviews they were having that evening. They planned on interviewing anyone and everyone who saw Simone the day she vanished. This would take possibly all day. Faye had to literally drag Mr. Rivers from his luxury bed and to his office. He was sitting in the dark, staring out the window, while on the floor. It was ridiculous. Simone always complained about how her father never truly loved her. It is obvious now how much he truly...
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posted by Problematic129
    “So we will not speak of or mention the unspeakable event that took place last night,” Darren told us, looking like a stern teacher reprimanding his class.
    “For the hundredth time yes!” Edith shrieked.
    The sad part was that she wasn’t exaggerating.
    We were all on edge, super tension ran from the air, we had left the park with a dispirited mood. Not because of the stupid stone. Iris was supposed to call us when she got home, but the call never came so we called...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Nine: Escape Artist Can Escape But A Group Of Students Can't Even Escape From Their School

      Everyone was ready for the escape plan the next night. If it was up to me we would have had everything ready within an hour but tracking teacher schedules was harder then it looked. We were all set and ready to take off that night. I had learned that the school kept two emergency vans in the back. I nabbed the keys from the office when no one was around. I wonder how long it will take them to notice that a set of keys are missing. It was about midnight when our team assembled. Everyone...
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Welcome to the official/unofficial newsletter for everything Eden. This is where you'll hear about exciting new projects as well as general news of the planet Eden and my musings. Everything Eden is your source for, well, everything Eden.
In this issue, I'll talk aabout the three serries of Eden books that'll be coming soon. The first Eden book is expected to hit shelves in the next five to ten years, with others following soon after. Let's take a look.

The first volume in the Shadow trilogy deals with an evil present in all beings, called...
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posted by alicia386
Chapter Six: Two Goons, One Girl, One Man, and One Secret Room

      The door immediately slammed shut behind me. The one thing I never do is panic. It was the perfect time to panic but I had to keep my composure. I wondered if Darrell was able to escape. He couldn't possibly wait for me. He has the opportunity to escape and save himself. I took one step forward and tumbled down the stairs. It was so dark that I didn't even notice them. I had quick reflexives so I was able to stop myself before I crashed or made a sound to ward off the intruder. A light switch was to my left so I flicked...
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