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This guide was inspired by a question recently posted by link on this spot. The user was looking for ways to put a twist on fairytales. I began to write an answer, but my answer soon developed into an article. So here it is.

Note that these aren't specifically for fairytales; they can be used on any old, well-known stories. After listing some ideas on how you can put a twist on such stories, I'll give a few examples of movies that have done used one or more of these ideas.

1. Swap the genders of the traditional characters.
Do any of the characters behave especially "typical" for their gender? Do they follow any stereotypes that would be made more interesting and surprising if they were the opposite sex? This option allows you to put all those cliché gender roles to a more original use.

2. Set it in a different time period.
A popular way to parody stories that are hundreds of years old is to set the new version in the modern day. This is sometimes done so that the audience can relate to the characters easily, but it also pushes the writer to think carefully about their new setting. What would and wouldn't work in the modern day, compared to the original story's setting? Another option is to set the story merely in another past time period, or, if you're feeling extra imaginative, set your story in the distant future!

3. Set it in a different location.
This one is very similar to the above suggestion; once again, a change of setting might cause you to change certain parts of the story. Note that this is a risky one. You might not want to do this if the story's nationality is especially important to the plot or message, otherwise this could come across as racist. However, on the flip side, if a story's location does not matter, you could change its setting to wherever you live and throw in some accurate cultural representation!

4. Focus on someone other than the original protagonist.
In other words, make a different character the new protagonist! Tell the story from a support character's perspective, or put the villain in the spotlight. This is a very simple yet very popular idea. If you are fond of a minor character in a fairytale, why not try writing in first person from their perspective? It can be very interesting and very fun!

5. Change an event or two from the original story, just because you can.
Some fairytales are actually pretty gruesome, and so a lot of adaptations decide to go with a more child-friendly ending. Other stories, however, hardly stay true to the original tale at all and the writer only uses the original as a basis. Think about how true you want to stay to the traditional version; do you want to just put your own spin on things here and there, or do you want to base just a portion of your own version on the original, and otherwise write something new?

Examples of movies that have used one or more of these techniques:

Nickelodeon's Rags (2012 movie): A parody of Cinderella that combines #1 and #2 (and somewhat #3 in that it is set in America).

Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet (1996): Uses #2 and still manages to stick to the original script (for the most part).

Disney's Maleficent (2014 movie): A re-imagining of Sleeping Beauty that uses #4 and turns the villain into the main character.

Disney's The Lion King 1 & 2 (1994 & 1998): Shakespeare plays with African wild animals; the first being based on Hamlet and the second on Romeo & Juliet. Both movies make use of #3 and #5.

In fact, a lot of Disney classics put a twist on fairytales. Walt Disney had a rule that the company still follows; good must always triumph over evil. Some of the original stories that their movies are based on have surprisingly tragic endings, and so many Disney movies use technique #5 to ensure that they do what Walt Disney told them to a long time ago! A few of their classics also use #3 (e.g. Aladdin being set in Arabia instead of China).

(Of course, there are other movies that have done this, and you're welcome to list more in the comments, but I'd better not get carried away!)

Also, if you're interested in this sort of thing, I recommend Gregory Maguire as an author that you need to check out if you haven't already! He writes novels for adults that make great use of #4. He wrote the Wicked books, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, Mirror Mirror, and his most recent book, After Alice.

Gail Carson Levine's Ella Enchanted and Fairest are a couple of other book examples that reimagine famous fairytales.
posted by kaylap1410
We were all different, all chosen for different reasons. Some of us african american, some as white as can be. But in a way we were all the same. That is the reason they chose us, followed us since birth. Macy was one of the richest children alive, but when her parents died in a car accident she was left with nothing. Being underaged, the bank had the entitlement to take all her parents money, leaving her to fend for herself on the streets. Hunter's house caught on fire and destroyed his mother's locket. The last thing he had of her, the last thing that kept him happy. Lila was only two years...
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Here is the end of the last chapter!

Alexis was wandering in the huge feilds that were behind her new school. The long grass was up to her thighs and every now and then one stray peice would some how tickle her bare skin, making her angry. She wasnt in the mood to laugh. The sun was still glowing but the fields seemed gloomy and cold. It was cold. Alexis rubbed her arms heating them up slightly. Once she felt that she had walked far enough she flattened some of the long grass and sat down, lying back on the grass and watching the clouds go by. Her long golden hair flowed by her sides. She pulled...
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posted by EmzLovesCheryl
Always running
All the time,
Chasing a dream
As I follow the signs.
Out of breath
I miss a turn,
I wander the paths
Ready to learn.

I start to get impatient
I'm working so hard,
So how come I'm not there yet
I've played all my cards.
Life is like a rollercoaster
Mine never stops,
It takes me round in circles
Back to the start.

There are so many highs and lows
Yet they''re all the same,
I need a change of track
Something different to my name.
Each step I take aches my body
And I'm waiting for the day,
That a different train will come along
And take me a different way.
posted by EmzLovesCheryl
Dusty Streets
A blazing sun,
Food and Water
There is none.
Living on hope
Crying out,
Helping others
Around and about.

Children Shouting
They wail and cry,
Willing for a change
A signal, a sign.
They're grateful for everytihng
Whatever comes their way,
They're constantly working
All night, all day.

The air is filthy
They cough and they weep,
They want to survive
They sniffle and sleep.
Begging off strangers
It's all they can do,
Someone to help them
It could be you.

-Emily Eaton (13)
My bike popped up a speed bump and sent me sailing forward a few feet, until i landed and bumbped the last half a mile to my normal little house of the corner of Clock Street. I skidded to a stop and threw my bike in the garage, then went inside.

"Hey...Mom, I'm home!" I called. I called a few times after that, then i got into the kitchen and saw the usual yellow sticky note on the fridge. "Off at work, very important, pizza in the fridge." I sighed and tore the stick night off, then ripped it up and chucked it in the trash.

I was up in my room on my laptop when it all began. There was a ding...
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posted by hannah_vampire
A poem danced in my head “Something maybe Taken but its not Lost” Dylan had attacked and miles stood watching speaking “Loka please you’re as much As synotta, you’re evil and full of darkness”. I was pushed and bite and stabbed until they backed up and I saw what they were seeing wolves! “ aw are the Ishavaka scared of the big bad wolves”.

Tilly chased after them with hunter and josh, Wounded I was and this was about to get
A whole lot worse “ WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINGKING” Oni made me smile and I had to stop myself from bursting out into laughter but then sefo walked...
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You Know You're A Writer When. . .
(feel free to agree or disagree with any of these.)

-You skip meals or don't eat as much because you're too eager to get back to the story you were working on. (Yeah, I did this at lunch today. Deliberatly stopped eating early 'cause I had to get back to my story.)

-You have a notebook and pen or pencil that you carry everywhere. (Mine's right here next to me.)

-You freak out if ANYTHING happens to said notebook. (I start going ballistic if I even set it down in a different place and it takes me a minute to remember where I set it.)

-You listen to songs and think,...
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posted by hikaru13
I have a secret: I'm afraid. I'm terribly afraid that I AM GOING TO DIE. I didn't ask for leukemia. Nor did I expect it. Especially not chronic myelogenous leukemia. Especially when chronic myelogenous leukemia tends to affect the OLDER males, and I'm only what, 14?

But do you know why it has to be a secret? I have a family: my dad and Jae, my youngest sister. [Yeah, I have two more, but, they're out of my life at the moment.] They cried their hearts out once I was diagnosed. They were afraid that they'd lose another family member--after all, my mother passed away after a car accident. I promised to be strong. For Dad. For Jae. For Mom.

But if being strong means that I have to hold back all these tears, that I have to surpress all my fear in order to comfort my family, sometimes I wish I didn't make that promise.
posted by alliXcobber
I dragged my feet through the cold gray slush and shoved my hands deeper in my pockets. i hurried down the street with my head hung. Icy bits of hail pelted my back as they hurtled down from the dark, November sky above. As i entered the doors of the hospital, a strong balst of warm air hit me. i whipped the folded sheet of paper of out my cold pocket and warily walked up to the front desk. My dark brown hair hung like icicles.
"I'm Cassandra Little. I'm here to see Elaine Turner," i muttered.

I coulnt move. i couldnt eat. i coulnt drink. i couldnt think. i coulnt even breathe right....
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I was in the class the other day, and Mrs.Crosswaer was handing out new assignments. And he stared at me! Oh his name is Sam, and he was staring at me dreamly!!!!!!!!!!!
It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cooooooooooooooool!

I am SO SORRY! It had to be lonfer so yeah!
I know it's short, I made it just for fun :)


One lonely sunday afternoon
I sit in my chamber and have nothing to do
My love is far away
I wonder if (s)he's already forgotten me

So I sadly watch the sky
See the raindrops passing by

One looonely sunday afternooon...
One looonely sunday afternoon

One lonely sunday afternoon
I'm even as my flowers still out of bloom
I find some old photos, covered with dust
I cannot forget you although I know that I must

So I sadly let them fly
And this time I have to cry

One looonely sunday afternooon...
One looonely sunday afternoon

posted by I_DONT-KNOW

I woke up groggily, and was startled when i felt someones arms around my waist, i gently rubbed my hands tentively up then. Jaden. He has to move before anyone wakes up, i turned onto my other side so that i was facing him, "Jaden," i Whispered shaking him slightly, he snorted and opened his eyes, he seemed surprised to see me like i had, "You have to go back to where you where, if they see you the...
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posted by HarryPLover
I finished my prayer and hopped into bed. I was just completely exhausted. So I wouldn't think about how much I missed Matt I kept myself busy. Though it was keeping me busy it mad me very tired. Matt had only been gone 3 days though. Meaning, four more to dread. All I could do was sleep.
The next morning wasn't as quite, or as awful. I had gotten up way to early and figured I could watch some television. It was 4 in the morning; and just as I was falling asleep to Spongebob's voice a noise came from my computer went off. I skipped to the computer hoping it was Matthew. But, to my surprise...it...
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posted by Percysclique
Chapter 4- Near Death at Dawn
Princess Amorite woke to the sound of bells ringing throughout the castle. The warning bells. The guards knew Kaolin was missing.
    Amorite’s heart began to beat faster. It was beating to the rhythm of Kaolin running quickly out of the dungeon hours ago. She feared her heart would leap right out of her chest. If the soldiers found Kaolin, he would be killed. Amorite couldn’t let that happen.
Outside the sun was starting to rise. Kaolin was probably almost out of the city.
    Amorite had been Kaolin’s best friend since...
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posted by irena83
Throughout misty forest
you seek for spark of hope.
Your life held by
darkness thoughts,
anchor is
some place else.

Bad luck follows you
like a hook,
won't let you go,
won't leave you alone.

You smile today,
and cry whole eternity,
like that's your fate,
disturbing thoughts
to lie inside of you,
to take away everything
that you hope for.

Devil is calling your name,
leaves you not,
you don't see the angel on
your shoulder,
trying to give you a strength.

You long for life
that you don't know of,
you seek for peace,
trying to get away
from misty forest
that stains your heart
into black.
Hayly's gucci boots
Hayly's gucci boots
this is my first marvel fanfiction.i have a great idea and i hope u like it - charly x

Hayly's P.O.V

I guess your wondering what this story is about well its my story.My name is Hayly McCarthy and i was just a normal kid living in London,England that was until the last week of my 10th year of school when i found out i was different than my friends,family and other students.

"Hayly wake up your going to be late for school." my mom called up the stairs.I moaned and forced myself out of bed,i took and shower and got ready for school.Today i decided to wear my rolling stones top with my cut off skinny...
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posted by AvaMarch
Away, I ran. Not caring about how cold it was or how bad my chest ached. All I knew was to run. To run fast and long. To get as far away as possilbe. My face and arms were getting sliced with passing branches but I didn't care. My legs carrying me further into the dark forest. My mind tried to process what had just happened, but I was still in shock. Both of my parents had just been murdered. And my father's last words were "Run, Lester, run." As any child, (I hope) I obeyed my father's last wishes, I ran. I didn't know if the murderers were after me or not. It didn't matter.
It was the middle...
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posted by grissomsgirl
This isn't a timeline story Gilbert is three and this is my first try at fanfiction, so please be gentle!

All CSI characters owned by CBS except for Grissom Junior, he's mine, I hope!

Hello my name is Gilbert Arthur Grissom Junior and this is my story, I was born three years ago in San Francisco to my mother Sara who was all alone at the time of my arrival, as I grew up Mommy kept making references to my father whom she wanted to either strangle for the lack of help or kiss him senseless, neither of which I understand about as I'm only three. Anyway after turning three that August I started...
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posted by HarryPLover
I can began to see the side view mirrors fog up as I sit alone the car. Matt was still in the front yard, pacing back and forth, and back and forth. A part of me just wanted him to get in the car already but the other part of me just wanted to stay alone. As I began to get lost in my thought I saw the car door open. Matt got in and didn’t bother to turn on the car. he didn’t look at me and I didn’t look at him. He finally turned on the car…slowly..but he turned it on. He sighed low enough for me not start the conversation. As he pulled out and started off on the road I just looked out...
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posted by HarryPLover
The roar of the cafeteria was getting out of hand. Some teens screaming in horror. Others encouraging the fight. Some just speechless. i tried my hardest to push through the crowd to see what was going on. I heard the chanting of kids saying “FightFight!” Along with my best friend’s name somewhere in there in that chant. Matthew never learned. Matthew is my best friend and he can never seem to stop and think before doing something. He speaks his mind too quickly and always thinks that people should either put up or shut up. I’m not surprised that he would think that, I mean boys will...
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