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Who is Mary Sue, you ask?

She is a pest, a scourge, a CURSE upon the world of fiction; a dull, cliche character who mostly invades the fan fiction universe (especially in fandoms like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter), but can also be found in original work, TV shows, books, movies, etc. In fan fiction, she's usually the fangirl's way of inserting herself in the story and pairing herself up with the cutest/hottest character. This infamous evil can be identified by the following traits:

1: She is stunningly/unusually beautiful. Oh she may deny it, claiming to be a "plain Jane" and modestly deflecting any compliments on her looks, but everyone else in the story will be sure to drool all over her. Mary Sue is perfection incarnate - perfect hair, perfect eyes (the kind that "sparkle like jewels" or "pierce into your soul"), perfect skin, perfect figure, gorgeous gowns/snazzy leather warrior outfits, cool-looking weapons, etc...though she may bear a striking resemblance to the author of the story. And she sometimes shares the author's name (that includes middle, last, nicknames, acronyms, etc.) Mary Sue could easily be described as an "author's pet" or a self-insert.

2: She has multiple special abilities or skills (like she can somehow "wield a blade" really well without years of training and experience...unless, of course, she's been trained by the best since age four). There's nothing she can't do or excel at, everything gets handed to her on a silver platter, and her Speshulness knows no bounds. She could be a shape-shifter with Super Powerful Shiny Magic and a wow-the-crowd singing voice, or a genius computer hacker who can play the flute and violin, has a black belt in karate AND can recite encyclopedia excerpts on a dime, or a half-angel warrior princess who sends the Bad Guys buggering off just by going all "echo-y voice and holy light"...you get the idea.

3: Going hand in hand with the above, she's always being uber-heroic, rescuing random people and saving the day. The fate of Life, The Universe and Everything depends on her. Without her Speshulness to aid the Good Guys in the epic battle, the Bad Guys are sure to win and the world is utterly DOOMED.

4: She's kind and virtuous (unless she's an EVIL Mary Sue) and has no big character flaws of any kind. (And no. Clumsiness and/or a feisty temper do NOT count; they're far too generic and only serve to make her look "cute".) She's usually either a "sweet angel" type, "mysterious woman" type or the "rebellious princess" type.

5: At least one character falls immediately/insanely in love with her, and vice versa (usually the hottest guy. Go figure.)

6: All the good characters in the story just seem naturally drawn to her (especially children and fuzzy animals). She's popular where it matters. EVERYONE likes her. Except the Bad Guys, of course...as well as any unimportant characters who serve no other purpose in the story than to be annoying and/or jealous of her utter perfection.

7: Sometimes there is a prophecy or legend about her. Usually it says something about her Speshulness, an all-important destiny, Twoo Wuv written in the stars, blah blah blah...

8: She is portrayed as being cooler/more mature or more important/powerful than everyone else in the story. Though on the flip side, she could also be portrayed as the poor, defenseless, yet ever courageous damsel-in-distress. Everything's always either about her or her love-interest. She doesn't know the meaning of "teamwork" and she steals the spotlight from everyone else.

9: She often has a tragic/angsty/mysterious past and her love interest has to "heal her wounded heart" or something. If she doesn't have a tragic/angsty/mysterious past, she always finds SOMETHING to angst about...and of course, her Twoo Wuv always rushes to comfort her. Oy.

10: She is so darn perfect and 2-dimensional that it's annoying and boring. She's either so perfect, so weird or so lacking in personality that the readers can't relate to her or grow to truly care about her as her own character. Strip away the beauty, the magic powers, the all-important destiny and the love interest and what do you have underneath? Virtually nothing.

Now that we've met Mary Sue, let me introduce you to her lesser-known cousins! Yeah, that's right...she has relatives.

Meet Gary Stu, the boy version of Mary Sue! He can be all of the above, as well as being the muscular, uberly-hot guy who's always saving the damsels in distress, bravely fighting the Bad Guys, hacking into computers like an expert and diffusing the bomb that's hidden in the wedding cake with the pair of pliers he just happened to have in his pocket.

Last and definitely least, there's Marty Sam. He's closely related to Gary Stu, only he's a lot more sensitive and angsty. Usually he has a dark, super-tragic past (like his alcoholic dad beat him as a kid or something) and he's always throwing melodramatic pity parties about how miserable and wretched he is. He swoons over the beautiful girl of his dreams and goes on and on about how he's such a HORRIBLE MONSTER who's oh-so-unworthy of her. He can be every bit as hawt as Gary Stu, OR he can pull a Hunchback of Dotredame routine, i. e. so ugly that his beautiful love interest can't help but take pity on him and fall in love with him for his "beautiful, broken heart".

So how can you avoid turning your characters into Mary Sues/Gary Stus/Marty Sams?

Well, one thing I've found that leads to a Mary-Sue is getting too attached to your heroine. You might have a brilliant back story for your girl, but does the audience really need to know every detail? You might have designed every ounce of her clothing and styled her hair just right, but is it integral to the plot? Probably not. A lot of the time what makes a Mary-Sue so awful is that so much of the focus is on this character that no one reading the story really cares all that much about her.

Another thing to keep in mind is to avoid having the character be too flawed. If you have a character that has a terminal illness, a bad back, is blind, can't hear, and is wielding a sword in battle and totally kicking butt and saving the day, you've got a problem. It's fine to have a character with one of those "flaws" or traits, but not all of them, and make them act accordingly. Make sure the flaws have something to do with the story and aren't just things you stick in to make her appear less perfect. Too flawed is just as bad as too perfect.

AFTERTHOUGHT: It should be noted that there IS such a thing as a "good" Mary Sue, and that there are a few exceptions where characters can have a lot of the symptoms above and NOT be a Mary Sue (like the elves in Lord of the Rings, for instance). There are many examples of "good" Mary Sues out there, such as Nancy Drew, Sarah Crew from A Little Princess, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and other characters. What makes them different from other Mary Sues is that they are all believable, vibrant, well-rounded, likable characters that people can root for.

Having said that, DON'T get cocky. These kinds of exceptions are rare. Most likely, if you have written a main character into one of your stories who possesses many or all of these qualities, you have created a Mary Sue (or one of her cousins). So get someone to look over your work, lest this infamous pest overtake you!

If you would like to test your character for Mary Sue symptoms, I highly suggest visiting these sites:

The Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test

The Writer's Mary Sue Test:
posted by HouseMindFreak
Chapter 3 of my story. It does get a bit more dramatic and a wee bit violent/scary but it will make sense as I go further along.

1st chapter: link

2nd chapter: link

Chapter 3

Koda stood just outside his school, only 10 minutes until the first bell rang. He was thinking about what Jax told him with his dream. He knew he shouldn’t let it bother him but it kept picking at his conscience like a crow was picking at his heart.
It was just a drunken dream, he told himself.
His thoughts quickly turned to anger as he began to remember how his family always treated him.

An outcast, a screw up…

The bell rang...
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What is he doing here? I turned on him, and ended face to face with my follower, "What are you doing here?" i asked. He smiled evily and shrugged his shoulders. I am so sick of lies, so i punched him. His smile grew wider, and he pretended to be hurt.
"Ow, Belle that hurt, was there any need for that?" he asked cowering away from me. Boys drive me insane, all their secrets and leis,alll their nonsense.
"Cut the crap, Damon. What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" I stepped a little...
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posted by ilovehouse345
Alexis LaRcca was a average 12 year old girl,she had friends,was pretty good at school,played soccer,sang in chorus.But Alexis had a secret shame,her dad.you see her dad was put in jail when she was a baby,and everytime he got out he would go straight back about a year or so later.when she was young she thought nothing of it,she went to visit him,he wrote him and she talked to him on the phone.the last time he got out he tried to be a better father to her.But once again he went back.

This time she was old enough to understand.She cried and never went to visit him,it was just to painful for her.She...
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This chapter is dedicated to another great friend, PC..x Thanks for being so supportive.

There were people rushing about everywhere but I could distinguish the difference between my vampire family and my werewolf family but the almost invisible flashes of light and the more slow galloping thuds of my werewolf’s footsteps. Kate stood in the middle of Alice’s massive bathroom whilst Rose, Alice, Mum, Tanya and I all applied her makeup, pulled her hair up into an elegant bun and literally made every surface of her body look even more beautiful than usual- which is extremely hard with a vampire....
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"Why would you want to any way?" Hellena asked.
"She's cute." Ash answered his sister.Ellen went to her first class.
"Alright every one we have a new student starting to day who would like to show her around?" The teacher said.A bunch of guys raised there hands.
"Miss.Terra would you like to show her around?" The teacher asked.
"Alright teacher." A girl with long green hair put up in small pig tails said standing up she was wearing a green dress,She walked over to Ellen.
"Hi my name is Hana." She said.
"I'm Ellen."
"I know." She said the went back to her seat.
"Miss.Collins please take a seat."
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It was Mia, the Rokurokubi; she was the head, the head connected to the very long neck. Opal looked with amazement as Mia knocked Grito to the ground. As her body started to walk forward as her neck retracted back to it. “Um... Ok, that was not expected” Said Opal. Alec and Marley were also in a great confusion, looking at each other trying to make something out of the situation. “Surprised?” Mia Asked. “A little” Said Opal, trying to make it as a joke. The three released that this was Mia’s power, she is a Rokurokubi and this is what they do, all four of them started laughing....
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Ouch!” last night I was out to long and by the time I came home I was exhausted so I just slept on my mattress that laid on the floor.
    I woke to the waves crashing onto the shore and the sun light touching my eyes. Not realizing I was on the edge of my bed, I stretched and landed on the cold floor to my two room apartment.
    I got off the floor grabbing my silk bathrobe that was sitting on top of the box next to my mattress. I walked over to my living room windows and opened the shades up to reveal a beautiful ocean. The sky was clear all for...
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15 years ago, mankind found that there was more than the world showed us. There was another world where creatures of all appearances were hiding, the creatures made a deal with the humans that if they let them live in the human world as normal citizens they would help the humans deal with deceases and technology. They agreed but the humans decreed that all monsters must hid in a human form, this was no shock to the creatures and it was agreed that man and monster would live as one, as long as the monsters keep their true form a secret....
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I loved her.

As much as I hated her now I had loved her then.
But I had a problem now. The hate was getting in the way of my whole life. It was like this shadow that was always two steps behind me waiting to lash out. I did what I thought would help. Ignored it. And guess what? It just got worse. It got to the point where I was cold to everyone. My friends tiptoed around me or avoided me altogether. My hatred and anger were controling my life. I should have asked for help but I was way to stubborn for that. Why would I need to talk to a shrink? They were for crazy people. So, after a few weeks...
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Pacing Your Story: What Writers Forget - John Bucher via FilmCourage.com.
How Writers Ruin Their Endings - Jill Chamberlain via FilmCourage.com.
Essential Story Tools Required For Screenwriting Success - Corey Mandell [FULL INTERVIEW] via FilmCourage.com.
The Comic Toolbox: How to be Funny Even if You're Not - John Vorhaus [FULL INTERVIEW] via FilmCourage.com.
posted by ZekiYuro
After an upbringing in New Zealand and a spell acting in her own country,Nyree Dawn Porter made London her home.Interview by Alan O'Kelly.

Nyree Dawn Porter made her first stage appearance at the age of 3.Playing the part of a ladybird in an amateur production of Noah's Ark,she walked onto the stage and into the lights to delighted applause and laughter.

'It stopped me dead and instead of joining the other performers I walked down to the front of the stage to find out what that noise was.'

'That noise' has charmed her ever since and in a long,successful career,both on the theatre stage and on...
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'It was March 1957 and I was taking photographs in Paris.1 afternoon I went up the Bastille and I saw 2 lovers on a balcony.They were standing very near each other.They were talking.I took just 1 photo and they didn't hear me.I called it Lovers at the Bastille.Luckily for me this photo became very popular in France.Soon posters and postcards with my picture of the 2 lovers were everywhere.But I never knew who the 2 young people were.They never contacted me.'

'30 years later I had an exhibition of my photos in Paris.I was talking to some friends when suddenly a man came up to me and said,'I know your 2 lovers.They live near here.I can take you there if you want.'I immediately decided to go and meet them.This was their story.'
A new report on life in 2020 was published yesterday.This report predicts big changes,not just in technology but also changes in the way we live.These are some of the predictions for work and family life.

Family life:
1.One in five fathers will be househusbands,while the mothers go out to work.
2.People will live near other people who have the same interests as them,for example in golf villages.
3.There will often be 3 generations living in the same house,e.g. grandparents,parents,and children.
4.People will live until their mid-eighties,but women will still live slightly longer than men.

Work and...
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Chapter Two: "Give and Take"

Only after Zero finally left through the window did Kaname try to rise from where he was sitting. He wavered slightly, gripping the wall beside him for support. Could never have let Zero see that, couldn't let anyone see that. Of all the things that Kaname Kuran was expected and required to be… weak was not one of them. No one could see him weak.

He was still bleeding. Damn that boy and his stupid gun. Slowly shrugging out of the dark, now bloodstained shirt he was wearing, Kaname threw it into the fireplace, letting it burn, like he'd burnt the white school uniform...
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I was lying in bed choking back another scream of pain from the horrific contraction. I was defiantly grateful that Patch couldn’t feel my touch.
If I had been clenching a humans hand they would have passed out from the sever amount of pain from my grabby hands the very first time.
Patch held still every time I grabbed for his hand. He just waited, being the perfect angel he was.
I heard someone run into the hospital room, in the middle of my contraction. My eyes were clenched shut; I wasn’t able to see who it was.
“This is so exciting, I can’t believe this is happening, I can’t wait...
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posted by ellie_bellie135
Character Profiling

If you are having trouble downloading the files above, just highlight the text below and copy and paste it onto your favorite text editor.
Profile for:

Basic Description:
Current Information
>family background
>birth place
>history, background
>possesions, make-up, jewelry, etc.
Physical Description
>hair style
>physical condition
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I was sitting on the floor along the outside of the gymnasium. It was the night of the winter dance and I just had the most embarassing moment that anybody could ever experience. After being rejected by Mr. Popularity, cheated on by my date, and the nasty, rude encounter with Ms. Popularity, I never wanted to show my face at school again.

The tears were just coming down. They wouldn't stop. Each time I tried to hold them in, more tears came down. I sniffled, hoping that they weren't so loud. They were just as loud as ever.

Suddenly, somebody was out of the door. I crawled into a mini hallway....
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