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posted by 1999jacko

Walter Duncan sat down on his giant blue beanbag, his newest book 'The Black Wizard' tightly clutched in his hand. As soon as he sat he opened the book and started to read, that is until one small hand appeared through the page and tightened around his neck," MUM HELP MEEEEEE!" he managed to shout out before he was pulled into the page.

He suddenly dropped through the other end of the page into a large, velvet lined room with 1 door and a small man in the center. With a very dull and bored voice he said," welcome to the entrance between worlds." Strangely after he said this his head spun around to a happier and more enthusiastic face and then continued his small speech," I pulled you through the portal so you, yes you can save the parallel wooo-oorld, so on you go through that door there," he said in a voice very similar to a game show host. The man stepped behind Walter and started to try and push him through the door," well come on son, we don't have all day." The man said, and with a final spurt of energy pushed him through the door.As he was forced through the door Walter passed out, his knees buckling beneath him.

When Walter woke, all he could remember was a large thump as he hit the ground and nothing else. As carefully as he could he stood up and looked around, the room he was in had strange sticks with carvings on them, hundreds of books and a mirror... "hang on" he thought as he looked in the mirror and saw his clump of black hair and pale skin, but they weren't the things that felt strange to him it was the black robe and purple stick on a belt sort of thing that he had on which stood out.At that very moment an old men, in clothes much like his own, stepped through the door." So your finally awake are you, y-you young wipper snapper. Anyway now that your up you can explain your sorry wizard butt why your in my house."

Well I hope you like it and if its boring now it will get better later
posted by -SilverFey-
I have not been on here in about three months, and almost nothing has been posted, so I'm posting this, because I really don't want this club to die. :,)

I found my bond early.

Not exceptionally early. In eighth grade. I was thirteen; he was barely fourteen. And a matching mark appeared on our skin, meaning that he was my bond. He is my bond.

Our mark is made up of three dark black stars, charcoal black, pure black. The first one, the biggest star, is on both of our left breastbones, the second largest just under it and slightly to the left, and the smallest just a little lower down, directly...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 1

In Osaka, Japan, Wolfe was resting on a hammock in a fancy hotel.

“Ah, this is the life! No more evil monsters, no more evil demons, no more evil anything!” Wolfe thought to himself as he drank some of his lemon water.

“Excuse me” A young man asked Wolfe, “Can you look at something for me?”

“Sure, what is it?” Wolfe responded politely.

“It’s kind of strange...there’s a hole in the water...” The young man told Wolfe nervously.

“Alright, I’ll go check it out” Wolfe said as he walked to the beach. When Wolfe reached the beach, he saw a large, swirling hole in...
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posted by Max277
Chapter 5

Something wet touches my face. I open my eyes a little. Wow. That was a big wolf. Huh. A wolf. I scream, jump up, and tripped backwards. I fall on my back. It knocks the wind out of me. Then I remember the wolf. I sit up. Whoa. That thing was huge. It just stared at me. I stared back. I didn't even breath. I looked into the eyes of the huge wolf, and I realized they were Nick's eyes. He turned back into a human. My mouth fell open. Not just because he had no clothes on, but because he just turned from that animal into a HUMAN!! I couldn't even say anything. He took a step twords...
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posted by Max277
Chapter 4

I slowly open my eyes. Everything blurry for a second. I blink a few times and my vision becomes clear. I see the gang, All beat up. Not looking so well. I didn't want to know what I looked like. Probably scare someone. I looked around. I was chained to the wall, so was everyone else. Great. I try to yank at the chains as hard as I could but they didn't budge."Well someone made sure these suckers weren't moving" I muttered to myself. My eyes landing on someone who was on the outside of the cell. We stared at each other for a long minute."Who are you?" I asked."who are you" the tall...
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posted by alicia386
Book Cover
Book Cover
This is a modern day remake of the classic Cinderella. I hope you guys like it.

Chapter One - Being Average

I thought today was going to be a cloudy, grey day. It would match my mood, but, as usual, it was sunny and blue. For one day, can it not be so perfect and beautiful. I am positive that the weather truly despises me. Everyone despises me.

Except for my best friend, Carlie. She must be the only one besides my mom who loves me and cares for me. She has been with me since I moved out here in Georgia. She must be the only one who can imagine what I'm going through. We both lost our mothers....
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This an except from the article How to Get Out of Your Own Way When Writing. This is advice from an accomplished author named Elizabeth Knox

"I prefer reading, and writing, in the third person – “he walked along the shore,” rather than the first person, “I walked along the shore.” Many novice writers start writing in the first person. There are some very good reasons for that. For a start, we’re all used to telling stories with ourselves at their centers. Also, using a first-person voice can be a kind of playacting. They narrator is a “not-you” you’re pretending to be.

Why I...
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posted by alicia386

Kyle is the worst boyfriend ever! The party ended with me in a coma. Apparently there was alcohol in my drink. I had an overdose and it almost killed me. Kyle swears he didn't do it. I want to believe him. I really want to. I know Kyle had done it because I know saw him poor something in there. At first I thought it was water or something to make it sweeter. It wasn't water. I couldn't go to school today because they were pumping the alcohol out of my system or something. I'm not entirely sure what happened. All I know is that for a couple if minutes I was pronounced dead. My heartbeat soon started thumping again but I was in a coma. My parents were so worried. I thought for sure they would be dead from shock. Kyle is banned from coming near me. My dad implied that rule. My mom kept crying whenever she talked to me. All she could manage to get out of her mouth besides whimpers were muffled words. I don't think I'll be seeing Kyle for a while now.
posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 1

The next day, a knock came on the door.

"Is it them??" Lucy asked frantically.

Emily went to the door, and answered it.

"Hello!" Nick Wolfe, a half wolf male said to the surprised Emily.

"Who are you???" Emily asked Nick Wolfe in a surprised manner.

"Well...I am Nick Wolfe, I go to every Hotel and free it's captured mutants" Nick answered in a very egotistical way.

"Oh?" Emily asked curiously.

"Is Nick Wolfe the god?" Lucy asked her mother.

"Well..." Emily tried to respond. Emily had felt that it would be right to talk to Nick Wolfe first, and then tell Lucy.

"You can think of me as whatever...
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posted by alicia386
What a change Such a dramatic change

Once I was small and ignored

Now I'm called when their bored

Or looking for a friend

To talk to till the end I use to be invisible

Now I feel invincible

They can't hurt me

Look at what I can be

This is new

Something almost true

That great feeling

Was somewhat appealing

But soon disappeared

Whenever I neared

Now I am small

No longer tall

Completely ignored

Always bored

It happened so fast Invisible in the past

Then became invincible

And immediately back to invisible

It changes everyday I don't know what to say

Maybe it won't stay the same

I'll be forever lame
posted by BlondLionEzel

It is the year 2468, Half-Animal, Half Human beings have been captured and locked up in facilities called "Hotels". They are experimented on and live in small cages. But the mutants believed there would be a god who would bring them salvation. And in a place called Hotel 93, the legend would come true.

"Mommy...I'm really scared..." A young Half Snake Girl told her Half Snake Mother. She had pink hair, a green tail and brown eyes.

"I am too Lucy..." The Half Snake Mother told Lucy. This mother's name was Emily, she had blond hair and a Diamond Rattleback snake pattern tail, and green...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 3

Nick was now adjusted to his life as Melanie's sex slave. Last Monday, Melanie pinched his nipples and got on top of him. Today was different though.

"Nick...I was thinking..." Melanie asked Nick, "Do you want to go hardcore?".

"Hardcore? What do you mean?" Nick asked Melanie.

"Well...I'll show you..." Melanie responded as she took off her shirt, causing Nick to blush.

"Do you like what you see?" Melanie asked Nick, noticing his blush.

"Yes I do..." Nick responded shyly.

"Good!" Melanie said as she quickly took off her bra, revealing a pair of huge, green, D cup breasts.

"Oh my god..." Nick...
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posted by alicia386

L. J can make me so mad sometimes. Today he told me to stay away from Kyle. I asked him why and he said that Kyle was not the guy I thought he was. I told him to elaborate but he just shrugged his shoulders. How dare he tell me to stay away from the cutest guy ever? Besides, we have like 7 days left in school before summer comes. I probably won't ever see Kyle again. I need to make my move soon. Forget what L. J said. With the thought of L. J in my head, I walked up to Kyle and kissed him on the lips! Yes, I know that was wild and crazy and stupid. Trust me, the minute I realized what...
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posted by alicia386

My mom and dad are atheist so I don't have to go through the constant struggle of attending church once a week or those annoying pastor and church anniversaries. Today I decided to go to the mall with my friends Jennifer and L. J. The relationship between my two friends is a very complicated one. For starters, everyone thinks they hate each other. Then there are times when you think they are flirting. I doubt they are ever going to get back together, but it is fun to watch their famous disputes. Today they were talking about Kyle. Jennifer was saying how much she believes that Kyle is...
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posted by alicia386


This is obviously my first blog. I really don't know what to write about. Maybe I can start with some identification. Hello, my name is Laurie Bailey. This is my last year in middle school. I won't go into too much detail about my location because I don't want creepy men looking for me. Well, anyways, I guess that is a good first blog. My sister, Velvet, thought I should express my feelings so I don't go walking around with unsettled feelings. I think she might believe I am going to strangle someone because I'm angry. Velvet bought me a journal and I was like blogging is so much...
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posted by sadiebugz00
Derek’s Perspective

A while later I call Jesse over so we could discuss Carter’s situation.
Jesse is quite attractive; she has ocean-blue eyes and long, flowy, bleached blonde hair, and looks much like a Barbie. However, she can be very fickle, so if I use the correct wording I could be able to keep Carter. But if she’s in one of her “moods” there’s no way on Earth that I’ll be able to keep him.
I hear a pounding hard knocking on my door.
Great… I think. She’s in a “mood”. I hurtle towards the door to keep her from waiting. She grimaces at Carter once she sees...
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posted by sadiebugz00
Derek’s Perspective

I look down at the little rascal, soundly sleeping on the floor. I look around my extremely messy room with dirty clothes all over the floor. Carter happens to be sleeping on a few shirts of mine. My eggshell colored walls, which used to be white, are clearly covered in grime. There is a strong stench of wet dog, pizza, and some kind of rotting food from underneath my bed. What a decision… I think to myself. I can’t believe that Jesse is making me get rid of him… I bend down to get Bailey, Carter’s old stuffed rabbit, so I can keep SOMETHING of his to remind...
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posted by alicia386
"Oh god," groaned Luca Edgewood. He glanced at his watch,. It was already past 8am. He dropped his skateboard, got on it, and rode away down the busy streets of Brunswick.

"Be careful today!" His mother shouted at him through the screen door, but he was to far to hear her warning. Lucas's mom was very suoerstitious woman who believed in witches, ghosts other supernatural creatures. Luca thought all of this happened when his dad left.

Luca pushed back hard as he could with his right foot. He was already late. With all of his focus, he was barely able to dodge pedestrians, seeding cars, and occasionally,...
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The sun is just minutes from rising and the night is growing lighter. An alter made entirely of blue marble, jade, and amethyst is illuminated. Two tiny babies lie on top writhing and screaming in discomfort. They are naked, only a few days old and the chill of the stone slowly seeping into their bones will surely kill them. The larger of the two will not stop screaming while her twin just sobs quietly.
Their frail mother stands a few feet away determined to finish what she came here to do but her eyes are bloodshot and red raw from her constant tears. But she is not alone. Her husband...
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posted by juliet98
In the year 4125 the Earth was still turning on itself. Apparently everything was the same as it was two thausand years ago. But it wasn't so. The democracy we got fighting was distroied by a man. After 15 years of wars, in 4025 Cyrus defeated free people and he established the tyranny. The whole world was controlled and the freedom dind't exist anymore. Everyone lost trust in everything, in love, in courage, in God. Most of people didn't know that there was a prophecy. It said that the humanity had to pass through a century of pain and fear to realize how important freedom was. But then in...
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She never knew she had an uncle until her parents died. It’s strange how- sometimes in life when you lose important people in your life you gain some more.
Her mother and father died in a house fire. No one knew how it started except the one daughter who managed to survive.
But she was in no state to tell. She suffered mild burns but her mind suffered worst of all. She never spoke again.
She was kept in hospital for six months but eventually she was packed off to her uncle Scipio. She was thirteen years old and many said it was a crime sending a child off to such an evil man as Scipio....
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