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1) Girls (at the age of 15 or so) think about sex just as much as guys do... The only catch is some of us think about it for the emotional parts, and some of us like it for the physical parts. You'd be surprised who is in which group.

2)If you like us, tell us. Do not be worried about what we'll think, because we are flattered no matter if we like you or not.

3) Most of the time girls are 99% sure when a guy likes us. The only way to be 100% sure is if you tell us.

4) For some strange reason I've always found myself to become attracted to guys that like me. (Unless they're super creepy and stalk me!). But even if when you first tell me and I don't like you, chances are I will soon. I probably just never thought of you that way.

5) DON'T GIVE UP AFTER YOUR FIRST TRY!!!!!!!!! This is one fot he most annoying things guys can do. Maybe there's something going on that day, or I was just caught off guard, or I felt pressured and didn't think about it the first time you asked me, or maybe I just never thought of you like that. If you keep trying, and prove to the girl that you're serious, she will most likely go for you.

4) Going out of your way for us, makes a huge difference. I would never stay with a guy for long if he never tried. I mean, you don't have to cancel plans with your friend, but call us later that night, so we know you care.

5) Telling your guy friends how amazing we are, scores you major points.

6) We get really jealous when you hang around a bunch of other girls all the time.

7) We would rather you break up with us, than cheat on us. But if you decide to get back together with us afterwards, you have to tell us if you were with another girl.

8) Telling us a couple little white lies to make us happy is fine, but lying to us all the time will make us not trust you, and I promise you that's not a position you want to be in.

9) DON'T TELL YOUR GUY FRIENDS EVERYTHING WE SAY AND DO! If I give you a hicky and it's noticeable then you can tell them I gave it to you, but don't tell them everything else we did. One of my friends got slammed up against a wall with her boyfriend (kissing), and the next day she was so embarassed because her boyfriend told all of his friends and they kept making jokes about how he was showing us whose boss...

10) We do like you to show us who's boss (the slamming up against the wall thing is passionate and hot btw).

11) Add on to ^^^: You do have to be sweet though, you can't always expect us to do what you say. Coming up behind us at school and hugging us and whispering I love you in our ear will earn you MAJOR points!

12) Give us your coats if we say its cold. Don't question it, just do it. And if you're really really cold, hold us really close and rub your hands up our arms to warm us up (even if we're not really cold (; )

13) You need to be willing to compromise with us.

14) Don't make fun of us when we're wrong, or baby us, just change the subject.

15) Every girl's movie fantasy: You're sitting next to the guy friend you really like, and all of a sudden during the movie you put your arm around us, then as we catch you looking at us a couple times, you put your fingers on the other side of our chin, turn our face, and kiss us. SO CUTE!

16) Don't get frustrated with a girl if she won't go as far with you as you want and DON'T GIVE US AN ULTIMATUM! Just talk to us about it. Say we've been together for (however long) and I was wondering if you were ready to (whatever it is)? If she says I'm not sure, say okay, lets wait a little bit then, but we still should talk about it a little bit to make sure we're on the same page. Don't pressure her (unless its a simple kiss and you've been dating for more than 2 weeks, if that happens ask her why she won't kiss you, because if she really loved you she would want to kiss you).

17) We like straddling you, just as much as you do.

18) Girls like passionate kisses, and hot steamy kisses, which one we do depends on how you start it and where we are

19) Seriously, stand up for us once in a while. Half the male population understands this, and the other half doesn't keep girlfriends for very long.

20) We want our own little inside jokes, our secret places that we go, our song, all that stuff, but its no fun if you don't want it, too.

21) Not all girls are funny, so please stop making that your number one reason to date a girl (sex-ed taught me that this is what guys care about most... the list of what guys wanted was: funny, sense of humor, laughs at my jokes... that was it)
Sorry this is so long and confusing! I promise the next part will be more exciting! :)

I never realized how much it hurt to be shot. Who would believe that that was the least of my worries? I certainly didn’t, so as I was screaming my head off, all people from around the school came into the band hall to see who was screaming. I suppose they would be a bit disappointed that someone was just shot and no one had gone crazy, which would have been equally entertaining, but there was tension in the room. Kids stood awkwardly around, not knowing what to do. People that had crowded around me earlier...
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added by Nostariel510
Source: google
Writing for the Green Light: How to Make Your Script the One Hollywood Notices by Scott Kirkpatrick via link For more videos, please visit link
posted by WildCherryWolf
To You,

Why? Why are you so gorgeous? Why were you wearing shorts?

I was tossing and turning in bed last night, knowing that as soon as I saw your face, I would like you again. Dammit, I was right. I do. Sort of, anyway.

And I saw you in class. I peeked through the window. Damn, I saw you.

My dreams did you no justice. You're too gorgeous! Your blonde hair, you didn't cut it, that kind of made me happy.

Your eyes, why! Why did I have to want you so bad again?

Chloe and I, we were going to call you vampire. But now, I'm all shy again. Too bad, conscience. I'm going to do it. Vampire! Vampire! You...
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posted by zutaradragon
such a waste, my life whole life is a fake!...but im sure ive been a thorn inside of you...that's torn at you for years. but, sometimes i can taste how bitter i've become...& its more then i can bare. sometimes i pray for someone to blow me away. just make it quick, but let it burn...so i can feel the pain thats torn at me for years. i can't be held responsable, 'cause this is all so new to me. can i...leave my pain behind?

the sercomstances of one's birth are irrelavent. its what you DO with the gift of life, that determends who you are. the pain you feel...its normal. let it go.

you think?

yes. you need to forgive and forget.

i can't...

you can.

but i can't just do nothing...

it's not nothing!

i cant just...forget.

it's hard to forgive, and its hard to forget, but it's easy to do nothing...

you're right...
added by mxk555
added by maxpayne1111
posted by Screamer45
Teen Pregnancy

Introduction: Why are there so many teens pregnant ? And why do they do it in the first place if they know they are going to regret it ? The answer is too much freedom and absolutly no discipline.Teenagers don't understand the fact that one day they'll regret it , but the problem is that they say,"Oh no that will never happen to me, I have self-control "but when that self-control isn't controllable anything can happen .
First Paragraph: But teenage pregnancy is preventable.Some times during pregnancy it's very difficult to keep up with others and activities like ; running , P.E....
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posted by ellie_bellie135
This is a short extract from the story I'm writing (Symbus). If you could please give me some feeeback on my style of writing and possibly some things I could improve it would be a big help. Thank you. :D

‘This is Princess Alyssia Renesme of the Fire Kingdom.’ He paused pointedly. ‘I’ll sell her to you for 300 gold pieces, and I think we both know that’s generous.’
‘You bastard!’ Alyss screeched.
‘Do you think I’m a fool? There’s no way in hell that’s her. But I’ll give you 50 silver pieces for her…We’ll have some fun anyway, wont we, love?’ He winked and chuckled....
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added by Luluthegnomepig
posted by TeamRosalieHale
16: Memories

As fast as master had made up it’s mind to wait until they were mortal again, it decided to send IT out to get her again. IT was not pleased with this decision, though IT did not let IT’s emotions show. Although IT was not fully healed, Dr. Crane said it would be safe for IT to attempt another mission.
At the same time IT was preparing to leave again, Alice had safely reached the Denali clan and the carriage trooped on without Michael though Tristan, Jack, and David didn’t seem to care. Rosalie kept to herself though Jack stayed close.
Shortly before they crossed the border...
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added by terra_rocker
Source: i made one
posted by inexplicable
It was a Wednesday in May.
All of us had assembled today once again to study for the math testpaper on the next day. Our math teacher had funnily enough had nothing against
it to come to school on her free day off toward twelve o'clock. All of us just sat at our places and listened to Mrs Dörte as she explained the substance to the written test. Only I could not. I sat in the last row at my usual seat and looked from the window on the falling raindrops which pounded against the window. I thought back to at that time. It had been a year now. Until now the minute exact. It had been on May 26th...
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posted by mrszaynmalik13
Don't You Directioners Think It's Just So Annoying when you are trying to convince a friend that 1D are the best boy band that ever lived and they just laugh in your face?

Hi, My Name Is Isabella, I'm Fourteen and i am in love with 1D! However, I didn't always love them...i actually hated them at the beginning. When they were in x factor, i couldn't stand them. I thought that they were just a waste of space and that they were just completely useless. I was sooo happy when they came 3rd and not 1st. A few months later, Amy, My Best friend, asked me if i liked one direction. "No, They are the...
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posted by para-scence
I do not own this. I did not write it, and I do not know the author. I just really like this and wanted to share it.

Who will you be
when faced with the end;
the end of a kingdom,
the end of good men.

Will you run?
Will you hide?
Or will you hunt down evil
with a venomous pride?

Rise to the ashes,
rise to the winter sky,
rise to the calling,
make heard the battle cry.

Let it scream from the mountains
From the forest to the chapel.
Because death is a hungry mouth
and you are the apple.

So who will you be
when faced with the end?
When the vultures are circling
and the shadows descend.

Will you cower,
or will you fight?
Is your heart made of glass?
Or a pure snow white?
posted by hikaru13
tell me why i miss you
why did i have feelings for you?
i wish i could answer these questions on my own,
but i cant.
honestly, they only thing that i want right now is you.
i dont know why i still miss you,
i dont understand why i really want another chance
what i really dont get is why you wont let me show you that ive changed
back then i didnt know any better
after going on intercession, ive grown alot
in all honesty, yesterday really made me think about things
it opened my eyes, and changed the way i felt.
i didn't really know you,
i wanted to get away,
now, i realize i was wrong, and im sorry.
i hate that we dont talk anymore
i wish we still do.
i hope you read this,
and forgive me, so we can start over again.

Hi, my name is Hikaru.
What's yours :)
posted by MocingJay
I intend to bring up a term that I am sure that you have all already herd of. Global warming. It is slowly, but surely killing us all! We need to unite as a team to stop global warming and save the world. Global warming is heating up the earth because of some people's bad choices, should we suffer because of that? NO! Global warming is killing inoccent animals and people, we could save them. Global warming is caused by pollution and over usage of electrisity. Start today. Turn off lights when you leave the room, don't leave anything on that doesn't need to be on. Start helping today. Save the world join me. Be happy. Help me create a better place for everyone.
added by miissiiee
added by breebree446
added by axemnas
Source: Beastfire